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( Kelly )

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. I put a lot of thought into my answers. They're all sincere... a few, sincerely funny. ; } I don't answer for points. I answer to help. You can probably guess how much I like to help. Oh... and people, GOOGLE is your BEST FRIEND. If God brings you to it, He'll bring you through it. & God does not take something away from you without giving you something better.

  • How do you record audio from the Korg SP-170 digital piano?

    How would I be able to record audio directly to the computer? Apparently, there are 2 headphone jacks and a MIDI out (no in).

    This kind of stuff is completely foreign to me, but I've been trying to do some research. I don't want it to be muted while I'm recording, too.

    Someone online suggested using this:

    Would I be able to use one headphone jack to plug into the computer and one headphone jack for actual headphones so it's not muted when I want to record to the computer? If not, is it possible to use a headphone splitter somehow?

    Thanks so much for your help. I heard this is the best digital piano at this price range. I just really want to be able to record as well.

    1 AnswerMusic & Music Players6 years ago
  • Can a blocked person see this?

    If I block someone on Facebook (let's say his name is Bob), can my pictures that our mutual friends are tagged in be seen by Bob?

    2 AnswersFacebook7 years ago
  • Price for creating a logo *************?

    I've done photography for years now. Someone asked me to create a logo for their business they're starting. I've never created a logo for someone before. It took me 2-3 hours. He is VERY impressed with it. He asked me how much it will be.

    How much do you think I should charge?? I was thinking $25. What do you think?

    3 AnswersDrawing & Illustration10 years ago
  • Swimming against the glass.....................?

    My 2 baby red-eared sliders always swim up and down right up against the glass tank. I can't figure out why. Maybe they're fascinated by their reflections, maybe they're trying to get to the other side, maybe they're bored, I have no idea. Maybe they just haven't figured it out yet... Sometimes they get startled completely outta nowhere and swim as fast as they can against the glass... and they have plenty of room!

    Why do you think turtles like to swim against the glass in the tank?

    3 AnswersReptiles1 decade ago
  • Too much light for my turtles...............???

    Is it possible for red-eared sliders to get too much light? By that I mean, they seem to be VERY energetic... CONSTANTLY swimming around the tank at a fast pace. I hardly see them rest.

    Would it be good to turn their light off at night? There's a dark spot in the tank, and that's where their little cave is. So it's not like the ENTIRE tank is lit up. I guess I just feel bad that they won't be able to see a thing at night with the light off. And I see them basking at night.

    Oh, they're only babies by the way... if that changes anything.

    4 AnswersReptiles1 decade ago
  • REPTOMIN expiration date ....................?

    I got Reptomin food pellets for my 2 baby red-eared sliders 7 months ago. Maybe about a month ago, they suddenly stopped eating them. One of my turtles would eat it, and spit it all out in disgust. They don't like it anymore. I'm now giving them a variety of other food.

    Does Reptomin have an expiration date?

    If so, when does it expire?

    3 AnswersReptiles1 decade ago
  • turtles not eating because it's winter ...... ???????

    My baby red-eared sliders aren't eating. Everything else is fine. They look healthy, etc. So it's nothing about their health, habitat, etc.

    Are they not eating because it's winter?

    4 AnswersReptiles1 decade ago
  • What will your NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTION be? ==========?

    I know it may be a little early. But what is your New Year's Resolution going to be?

    Mine is to not forget my New Year's Resolution. LOL. Just kidding.

    Mine is going to be this:

    Don't put up with ANYTHING that I know I don't deserve.

    This year, I lost a long-term boyfriend and the only 2 friends I really hung out with this year because they all made me put up with too much crap. I gave them a lot of chances. I was too nice. But I finally took a stand and REFUSED to be a doormat. So I dropped them. I've never felt so incredibly happy and strong before. And for that, I'm proud. Let's make 2008 a better year!!!! =)

    2 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • Your NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTION ===========?

    I know it may be a little early. But what is your New Year's Resolution going to be?

    Mine is to not forget my New Year's Resolution. LOL. Just kidding.

    Mine is going to be this:

    Don't put up with ANYTHING that I know I don't deserve.

    This year, I lost a long-term boyfriend and the only 2 friends I really hung out with this year because they all made me put up with too much crap. I gave them a lot of chances. I was too nice. But I finally took a stand and REFUSED to be a doormat. So I dropped them. I've never felt so incredibly happy and strong before. And for that, I'm proud. Let's make 2008 a better year!!!! =)

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • WATER FILTER for my turtles ============?

    Do I need to have an UNDERGRAVEL water filter for my 2 baby red-eared sliders?

    The water filter I have doesn't go under the gravel. I don't know if this means that the turtles' poop would most likely end up plugging the water filter if it's not under the gravel. I don't know if that would even happen. I'm totally new to this.

    6 AnswersReptiles1 decade ago
  • Side-swept bangs craze ............... Who's WITH me?!?

    Side-swept bangs = COMB-OVER!

    Am I right or am I right?!

    18 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Worried about my baby turtles ================?

    I have had 2 baby red-eared sliders for 6 months. I took them with me on my way back home for Thanksgiving, and then back just yesterday (a few hours in the car at a time). They aren't eating as much anymore...

    I used to just feed them those pellets. Now all of a sudden it seems like both of them (at the same time) don't like it anymore. One of them (Larry) will bite it, and then spit it all out in disgust.

    I tried to feed them other food, but they don't like any of it. Well, I fed my other one (Sam) hotdog, and he liked it... but barely ate any.

    Their habitat is just fine. So it's not that. How do I get them to eat?

    Are they still traumatized from being in the car for so long after coming back from Thanksgiving? It wasn't like this before. Are they sensing it's Winter, so they're just shutting down? Or are they getting old enough to where they don't have to eat as much anymore...? Help please. =( I love my turtles...

    3 AnswersReptiles1 decade ago
  • What are my baby turtles doing ===========?

    I have 2 baby red-eared sliders... they're not even a year old yet.

    Today, I saw them looking at each other and one of 'em (who I think is a male) had his hands out in front of him and was shaking them. Here's a video that I found to show you what I mean:

    Is it a mating "dance"? I mean, they're just babies. Or is it a sign of aggression or what? What do you even call this "dance"?

    4 AnswersReptiles1 decade ago
  • Baby turtles and a tank ==============?

    I have 2 baby red-eared sliders. They're a little over 5 cm big.

    I'm going to get a bigger tank soon. I'm thinkin' 20 gallons.

    Do you think I will eventually need to get a bigger tank someday...? Or is keeping them in a 20-gallon tank forever good enough?

    I just don't want to get a huge 60-gallon one... especially if I spend all that money just to find out they die the next day or something. I would feel ridiculous. And I don't even know where I would fit such a gigantic tank.

    And is it true that the turtles will grow faster if I keep them in a bigger tank?

    11 AnswersReptiles1 decade ago
  • What do you think?????

    My ex-boyfriend posted a picture of me holding my camera to my face where it looks like I'm a cyclops. He posted this some place online where you get to post "secrets"... Anyways, on the picture he wrote: THIS CYCLOPS IS JUST SIMPLY AMAZING.

    Do you think he's just being goofy and having fun with the whole "Look, I'm a Cyclops HAHA" theme? Or do you think he means the person BEHIND the cyclops "mask" (ME) is simply amazing...? What do you think he meant by that statement?

    10 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Don't ignore your feeling... don't ignore the signs....?

    I had a boyfriend of 14 months. He was VERY serious with me, talked about marriage, etc.

    He did so many sweet things, and at the same time, did things that didn't make any sense. I just threw the "little things" he did in the back of my mind and only concentrated on the good things. Mistake..

    Well, he started ignoring me. In the meantime, I saw pics of him holding hands and other things with another girl. That was it. I told him how I felt before about him neglecting me. He said sorry, but his actions didn't show it. I ended it. Only way I could reach him was on his website. I never got a response from him after the break-up message. I was never treated worse before. The person who promised to not be like the rest of them, ended up being the worst of them.

    Learn from my experience. Don't let ANYONE step all over you. Don't make up excuses for him when you have that feeling something is wrong.

    God does not take something away from you without giving you something better.

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • The STRENGTH to end it................?

    I have been friends with my boyfriend for a long time before we got together. We have been together for a long time as well... we've always talked about getting married.

    His actions recently have been way out of line... ignoring me, being all over some girl (I saw pictures), acting like he's going to change, sounding so reasonable making me feel like I'm just making stuff up in my head, etc.

    I told him how I felt. He didn't listen to a word I said. He's still neglecting me. Well, I broke up with him. I don't deserve this.

    I just wanted to give you guys the STRENGTH to break up with someone who treats you like crap. I have cried so much for this guy... I have put up with WAY TOO MUCH. No one deserves to be ignored... neglected... non-existent. It's not right.

    There IS hope for you. Do what your gut is telling you.

    Don't let anyone step all over you. You are worth more than that.

    If God brings you to it, He'll bring you through it.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • CAST AWAY movie question....... ANYBODY KNOW?????

    My friends and I had this huge talk about the movie CAST AWAY.

    They said that he was stranded for a few months or so, and came back and found out his girlfriend was married to someone else.

    I said that that was ridiculous. It couldn't have been a few months. She wouldn't move on THAT QUICKLY.

    So I think he was stranded for YEARS.

    Anybody know how long he was stranded for??

    23 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • My 360 DELETED??????????????

    My 360 Yahoo Page was deleted...........


    Has this happened to anyone else?!

    5 AnswersYahoo Profiles1 decade ago
  • I talk about my boyfriend A LOT!! I feel like I'm wearing his name out!!! +++++++++++++++++++++++?

    I find myself talking about my boyfriend a lot...

    I am spending the holidays with my parents. And I realize that I talk about him way too much... that he comes up a lot in conversations... like "Jacob does this... Jacob does that... Jacob and I went here before... etc etc." It's bugging me. I feel like I'm wearing his name out!!

    I don't want my parents to get tired of hearing about him either. LOL. I love him!!! We've been together for almost 11 months... almost a year. I just feel like he's the only one I talk about... the only one I think about... I feel clingy in a way. But in fact, I'm not clingy at all. I even try to catch myself before I bring him up again.

    Do you guys feel like you talk about your significant other too much?

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago