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  • My 3 year old puts up a fight every night at bed time!!?

    My 3 year old son would go to bed no problems before, if he wasn't tired he would sing to himself, or talk to himself until he fell asleep. Recently (about the last month and a half) he will try to prolong us leaving his room after his usual tuck in routine, by saying he wants more kisses, and more hugs, or he wants to go potty. If we stand our ground and say our good nights without complying with him, he will scream and yell and scream and yell some more. Eventually we go back up to tell him that it's time for sleep, tuck him back in, tell him we love him and good night. He will still scream for more kisses or hugs. We have tried not going up and letting him cry it out. We have tried giving him what he is asking for and he will just still cry for more after we leave. We have tried moving his bedtime from 7pm to 8pm. We've tried everything we can think of.

    He stays on routine all the time. Goes to bed around 8, wakes up at 7am, gets ready for daycare, we take his Dad to work, he goes to daycare, I go to work, I pick his dad up from work, then we both pick him up, we come home, cook dinner, have cuddle time and read books, or do an activity together, and then we get him ready for bed. So I know its not the routine that changed.

    I have read multiple things online, some about kids doing that for more attention but I don't know what more I can do.

    Thank you in advance for your help!!

    2 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Should I keep taking birth control?

    I never missed a period before until I was pregnant. I have been on birth control for over a year now, and last month I forgot to take one pill and I believe the month before that I may have missed 2... I really can't remember. Now this month I have missed my period, and tonight is the night I am suppose to start taking my birth control again. I am trying to find out if I should keep taking it incase i'm not pregnant, or if I should stop for now and wait to take a test. I don't want to harm the baby if I am pregnant. I know people are going to say just take a test, but thats not really the answer I am looking for.

    11 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • How can I make the transition of a new baby easier for my son?

    My son will be just over 2 years old when his brother or sister arrives if I am pregnant, and I would like to know how I can make the transition easier for him when the baby arrives. Right now when I hold another baby he gets crazy jealous and starts freaking out, even it I hold the baby for only 5 minutes. I don't think he is going to adjust well to a new baby.

    1 AnswerNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • When should I move my son to a toddler bed?

    My son is 16 months old right now, and i'm curious as to when i'm supposed to move him to a toddler bed, or what signs to look for to know he is ready for that kind of move. He very rarely goes right to sleep when we put him down to bed, he likes to play with his toys and then go to sleep. It's the same when he wakes up in the morning, he likes to play with his toys before getting up. I am really worried that he might roll off and hurt himself since he is never in the same position when I check on him at night as to in the morning.

    13 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • How do I wean my baby off of formula and on to milk?

    Right now my son is having 3, 6oz bottles a day. One when he wakes up in the morning, one at 3 in the afternoon, and one before bed. He is just about 1 year old and we are starting to wean him off formula and on to milk. Now do I have to give him as much milk as I was formula? can I eliminate one or more of his normal bottles? Please help me :)

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Is spending so much time together a bad thing?

    My boyfriend and I have been together for 2 years and we have a baby together, now our relationship didnt start out the way either one of us would have liked it to, but here we are very much in love. Now I love spending every moment I can with him, we both work fulltime and at night its all about the baby, but on weekends its about all of us. Is it wrong for me to get upset when he wants to go snowmobiling for a whole day on the weekend or go out to the bar with his friends until wee hours of the night?

    10 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Is a temperature of 37.6 degrees to high for a 71/2 month old?

    He has a stuffy nose, and he felt warm so I took his temp and it was 37.6 degrees is this ok?

    7 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Do people actually let a doll influence the way their children think?

    They are dolls. If you teach your child that it only happens with dolls, and you teach them to not dress like little "mini-hoes" then they wont. Its about disipline and parenting. You dont need to stop your children from having a doll just because of how it dresses. It's not that big of a deal. Plus who buys the clothes for them, you or them?

    7 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Why do all these toys keep getting recalled?

    I mean serioulsy, why arent these toys tested BEFORE they are in the hands of our children? Now there are toys with lead in it, which by the way wasnt a problem 30-40 years ago when kids were playing with lead toys, but now these toys that have the date rape drug in them. Come on! These things can KILL our children. Why hasnt things been done, and why is it that they arent completely tested before they go on the shelf?

    7 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • I have an 1996 Oldsmobile LSS....AKA an Eighty Eight.?

    In the car there is a temperature center when it tells you the temp outside and allows to customize the temp you want it inside. While the last 3 days that temp control light keeps staying on after I shut off the car. Sometimes I will restart the car and shut it off to try to get it to turn off and sometimes it will work, but then when I get back to the car the light is back on again. The one night it kept turning the fan on and heating the car, and it ended up killing the battery. Im just wondering what the problem could be or how I could fix it.

    5 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • My son weighed 11lbs 3oz when he was born...?

    He is now 7 months old today and I was wondering how much he should weigh now, also how much formula should he be drinking. Right now he only wants to eat 2 or 3 bottles a day. But he is on a regular solid diet with breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

    7 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • What can I do?

    I am in love the with man I am with, we have a beautiful baby boy together, and we are very happy. He isnt the romantic type. Then there is another man that I have known for 5 years, but only on the phone and the internet. He is sweet, and romantic, says all the right things. Now I dont want to be with this other person but its almost like the other man is competeing with the one I am with. All I really want is the sweet romantic things. How do I get my boyfriend that I am with to do nice sweet things to me. Thats what I need in our relationship, thats all I need to feel better with him, but I dont want him to think I am changing him.

    12 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • My digital camera is telling me my new memory card needs to be formatted.....?

    When I go to continue formatting it does nothing then the screen turns black and the camera shuts off, then I turn the camera back on again and it says the same thing. Why wont it format?!! What can I do?

    2 AnswersCameras1 decade ago
  • What is the formula to get the sum of all rows in a column in Excel.?

    I am trying to find a formula that will add the SUM of the rows. I've tried SUM(A4:A30) but that didnt work. Can someone help me?

    8 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • We have a 1998 Ford explorer...?

    The truck is doing a bunch of things and we cant afford to take it in anywhere right now, since we have a newborn.

    1) The heat...lets see if I can explain this right... When we put the AC on it will blow cold no matter what temperature setting we have it on, if we put it on defrost, it will only blow boiling hot no matter what setting we put it on.

    2) There is a rattle anytime we go over a bump in the road, almost like a gingling sound.

    3) The cruise control just stopped working for no reason, we check the fuse and it was fine, we went to a scrap yard and got a new chip insert part and tried that, and nothing has worked.

    If anyone can help me with ANY of these it would be great.

    1 AnswerMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • I just stubbed my baby toe...?

    I just stubbed my baby toe on the toilet, I heard it crack. Now ive stubbed my toe before, and it has never felt like this. It didnt hurt much at first but now it only hurts if I move it. Before it would hurt the whole time and then be fine. So since im almost positive that it is broke, what can I do for it??? I really need to know, I have a 6 month old baby and I need to walk around carrying him.

    5 AnswersInjuries1 decade ago
  • Homemade baby food?

    My son is 5 months, and he is 20 pounds, he was 11.3 when he was born and no I didnt have diabeties through my pregnancy, but now the doctors want me to put him on solids, so like normal he is on cereal. I am making my own baby food, I already made broccoli, avacado, peas, carrots, pears, apples, and sweet potatoes. I need to know how to cook the chicken and beef for his food. I know you arent to fry it, so do you boil it? do you oven cook it? what do you do.

    9 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Can you go swimming 3 1/2 weeks post partum?

    I had my baby 3 and a half weeks ago and my flow is very slow and for like 10 minutes a day and there is no clotting, but what I want to know is can I wear a tampon for an hour to go swimming with my son? or will something bad happen.

    9 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago