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Kim L
How do I get my picture quality like this with my rebel XS?
I'm working with polymer clay and in order to get a good natural look for my etsy shop I need it to look like this
like with the natural look or whatever you'd describe it. I don't want to sit outside and do pictures because of the Houston heat LOL
1 AnswerPhotography10 years agoError code 16 on sims 3?
I just downloaded all my sims 3 on my new computer using downloader. When it first started up it was all good and saved fine. Now when I do Save or Save As it says code error 16. I cannot save ANY game files. I have all patches up to date and I've never had this problem...
2 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade agoWireless desktop card keeps connecting and reconnecting?
we just bought the dlink card for my desktop and this is the second one thats doing it. our first was a TRENDnet and we thought it was broken. is it have to do with my dlink router itself on my main computer? my laptop does not have this problem.
1 AnswerOther - Hardware1 decade ago46 gallon saltwater tank?
My boyfriend and I, in months to come, are considering switching his 46 gallon that is housing his two very large cichlids into my new saltwater tank. I have had experience with a 55 gallon salt before, that had live rock and that went easy. But he wants to do some small reef and stuff. I'm not too familiar with reef yet, and was looking for some input for chemicals/nutrients for reef, lighting, beginner leveled reef types, etc.
This will be my first reef tank so I am willing to wait the limits and everything.
And please do not tell me I cannot do a 46 gallon, I've seen pictures and set ups. I'm not wanting an all out full thing, just a few simple ones.
5 AnswersFish1 decade agoi think I'm in love with my best friend?
Don't worry, I'm a girl and hes a guy lol. But i have a boyfriend of two years and we're kind of rocky right now because of college and stress etc. But my best friend is always there and tells me all the time how much he wants a girlfriend like me and how hard it is to find a girl to understand and accept him like i do. And every time i talk to him his laugh gives me butterflies and I can't stop smiling with him. I wanna give a one second kiss so bad, but I can't cheat I refuse to. And don't think I'm 12, I'm 20 and so is he. I just don't know what to do?
5 AnswersFriends1 decade agoThere's a new song out and no idea who sings or what its titled, but the singer sounds JUST like snow patrol?
**I heard the last 5 seconds and thats when it sounded like the voice from the song run.
1 AnswerOther - Music1 decade agoIs my cockatiel masturbating or trying to pop out an egg?
I'm not sure if she is a boy or a girl, but the external signs her cheeks look like a male b/c they have strong orange, but she has the lines under her wings. So I don't know!
But I have a perch near her cozy hut and she will sit with her back to the hut and ram into it with her butt and make a singing noise??
Never seen this til now! The girl I got her from said she's laid eggs before, but she doesn't look female..
And they also said she was molting her tail, which I heard tiels don't. And her tail feathers look cut so i think they cut them.
4 AnswersBirds1 decade agoI think my newly ear piercing is infected?
I got my second holes done about a month or so ago, and one is starting to act up. There is a bump like thing above and to the left of my right ear piercing, and I've never had this before! It's also tender and slight amount of blood if I move it a lot. I wash with alcohol 3 times a day on this ear and it causes some drainage.
I don't want to take out the rings because they aren't healed fully, and on my first holes I took one out too soon and I had to repierce a hole.
Please help me!!
And it is my right ear only, my left one gave me a little trouble, little blood etc. but no bump thing.
Coworker thinks it might be a blood clot or clogged poor? Or is it puss?
4 AnswersFirst Aid1 decade agoPimple lookin thing on the outer area of nipple?
Yesterday I noticed a pimple lookin thing and this morning i popped it and puss came out. Could it be like an ingrown hair or something? Its really sore and has a scab lookin thing over it. I tried to take scab off and it wont come off bc it hurts lol. The more i fiddle with it the more it looks like a crater. what could it be??
3 AnswersSkin Conditions1 decade agoI had an ipod mini on my itunes, dont use it anymore and want to connect my new iphone?
But i have to sync it and when i do all my stuff on my iphone goes bye bye. How do i take off my ipod and connect my iphone as my main mp3?
1 AnswerMusic & Music Players1 decade agoMy dog scratched my inner legs while jumping, looks like ridiculous stretch marks!?
He didn't break the skin, but they feel deep like stretchmarks ( I have some on my boobs for my reference lol) and its also on my hips bc he jumps on me and hes huge. Theyre dark red and make me very self conscious. Plz help!!
2 AnswersSkin Conditions1 decade agoShould i look into getting the vaio cs?
I got a vaio right now, I've had it for four years and it's finally showing its wearing down on me. The fan is making loud noises like its hitting wires, and over heating. And the USB ports are disconnecting and screwing up my connections.
I'm in a good outlook on the cs, but I want some opinions.
And no, I'm not paying for the Sony label :P.
2 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade agoWhat is Scott Disick famous for?
Besides being Kourtney's boyfriend... Or whatever he is!
What does he do to earn his money?
1 AnswerCelebrities1 decade agoWhat would you do to stop the N Korea 'bombing'?
How would you stop them?
1 AnswerCurrent Events1 decade agoIs there a maximum number of downloads for sims 2 u can have?
Could that be a reason why my body mods arent working, when my build and buy ones are?
1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade agoI'm needing a dramatic weight loss idea, pronto!?
So, I used to be at 110lbs at 5'4" when I was 16... I'm 19 now, same height, but 160!! I gained alot of weight from my boyfriend, because we always eat together and play games. My ex I never ate around, being a typical teen girl. Now, I'm so into playing World of Warcraft and Taco Bell, I've lost my urge to lavish water and keep my flat tummy.
My boyfriend even brought up that I need to work on loosing weight, not in a rude way!! I got really down on myself for letting it go for 50 pounds, and I need to resolve this!
Please help me! I need every idea, suggestion, and steps! I want to loose 20 lbs asap water, veggies, it all!
I'm a college student so the time to find to work out is hard for me, so upping the strictness of eating I can do!
17 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade agoWhich starfish can I put in my 10 gallon, only have my baby snowflake moray in there now.?
I had 2 other damsels, but they died. I need a clean up crew for my tank that my moray won't try to eat. I heard certain types of starfish will eat algae and won't attack other fish. I will not mind my starfish to eat meat, since I feed my moray squid, beef heart, etc. But I'd enjoy a starfish!
Lead me the way!
5 AnswersFish1 decade agoIphone reviews? need to know.?
I want to get the refurb 3G.
Hows the battery life, camera,texting, etc. Is it slow loading? Fast?
Plz answer.
5 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade agoIPhone refurb phone plan help?
I am a current user of AT&T, owning a shine -sigh, and have thought of getting a refurbished iPhone. I currently have the unlimited text for $20 a month. I understand the $30 extra a month, but what else is there for their texting plans? Does my plan stay as is and have the un. texting with the iphone, or does the iphone have their own?
I'm so lost!
4 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade agoWarlock on WoW????????
I'm a lvl 50, but I'm having a hard time figuring out how to be the way locks are discribed. I use affliction, shadow bolt, etc. But in bgs I get owned to no extreme. Sadly, its by 1-5 lvls below.
Any advice??
I usually have my vw as my tank...but felhunter has caught my eye.
7 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago