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  • Has FOX News demanded Obama's resignation over the Petraeus scandal?

    I can't imagine that they would miss any opportunity to drag out the old "resignation" demand every time something goes wrong in government.

    Although the election is over......

    10 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Why was an American the last soldier to die in World War I?

    The agreed time to end the war was the 11th hour of the 11the day of the 11th month.

    With only a couple hours to go, General Pershing ordered major attacks all along the German line even though the Germans had agreed to withdraw starting at 11:00 AM. The last American to die was killed at 10:59 AM.

    6 AnswersMilitary9 years ago
  • English longbow v/s musket?

    A company of trained 14th century longbowmen facing a company of Wellington's finest 1812 infantry armed with muskets. Who would win?

    The archers could get off about 5 to 6 arrows a minute and they were not only long range but packed a whallop and could even pierce armor. Edward III used them to destroy the French knights.

    After the infantry fired their muskets in a volley they would have done considerable damage to the archers, but as they were reloading, the remaining archers would pick them off one at a time and probably win the battle.

    Only hitch was anybody could learn to fire a musket in a short time but it took a lifetime to build up the specialized muscles to effectively fire the longbow. They started them at childhood.

    2 AnswersMilitary9 years ago
  • Why did we have an embassy in Benghazi?

    Tripoli is the capital of Lybia and that's where our official embassy is located.

    The American embassy handles diplomatic relations with the Lybian government leadership in Tripoli, issues visas to travelers and aids American tourists who may have lost their passports.

    I cannot see any of these reasons applying to an embassy in the fleabitten town of Benghazi.

    Could there have been a covert reason for it's existence?

    4 AnswersGovernment9 years ago
  • Joe Biden, Vice President for President Romney? Is it possible?

    Yes it is possible.

    If the electoral college vote ends in a tie, the House gets to pick the President and the Senate gets to pick the Vice President.

    How's that for fun?

    9 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • Are the election questions getting dumber and dumber?

    It seems like all the interesting questions have already been asked and now we are down to the bottom of the barrel.

    Romney or Obama? Who will you choose? Duuuuuh!

    2 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • Colin Powell for Vice President?

    Colin Powell has endorsed President Obama and after the election, perhaps Biden would step aside and Obama could appoint Powell as his new VP. This would put Powell in line to run for President in 2016.

    Powell is a respected former general, he became Secutary of State of the Bush administration, but soon saw the error of that decision and resigned after they required him to push the story of Iraq WMD.

    Would mainstream America approve of a black President and Vice President?

    8 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • Who got the better endorsement?

    Colin Powell has given his endorsement to President Obama.

    Meatloaf is backing Romney.

    4 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • Why is military mostly Republican?

    To be effective in combat, a soldier has to believe:

    War is good.

    The powerful crush the weak.

    The point of bayonet is the only diplomat we need.

    These are right-wing basics I learned in boot camp but now that I have been a civilian for many years I realize that they cannot apply to American policy and that's why the military has a civilian commander-in-chief.

    5 AnswersMilitary9 years ago
  • Obama or Romney? Anyone else sick of this question?

    Why not ask a question about a specific issue in the election, you might get more intellegent answers.

    10 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • When did Marine DI's stop carrying swagger sticks?

    I recently visited Parris Island as a guest and didn't see a one.

    58 years ago I was there as a recruit and I saw (and felt) quite a few.

    2 AnswersMilitary9 years ago
  • Inequity in America's wealth?

    Over the past 20 years the wealthiest have reaped 100% of the economic gains while the other 90% worked harder and longer and saw their incomes decline. We don't see American business rewarding employees for hard work, we only see memos telling us how much more we need to do to keep from getting fired. Taxes on the wealthy are as low as they have been in decades, and profits are as high as they have been in years. All the while we are told by management that they can't afford to give us a cost of living raise no matter how hard we work.

    Why is there always bonus money available for the CEO's?.

  • If I should join el-Qaeda?

    Will the suicide vest make me look fat?

    6 AnswersMilitary9 years ago
  • Should a presidential candidate be allowed to control the voting machines?

    Now that the Romney family is major owners of the voting machines you will probably vote on, is there any way they can use this to their benefit?

    5 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • How did the GOP change under Reagan?

    I'm old enough to remember the Eisenhower and Nixon administrations and supported both, but something changed in the Republican philosphy during Reagan's two terms, carried over into the George W Bush years and is now being promoted by Romney.

    If I had to put a name on it, I would say "Greed"

    2 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • Would Romney disappoint Conservatives?

    Right now Romney has to talk the right-wing talk to get the support of the Conservative Republicans, but I suspect that if he wins, he will revert back to the moderate Romney that was governor of Mass.

    5 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • What happens after the election?

    Right now, both sides are so full of aggression and hate, is there any chance they will cool down and support whoever is elected President?

    My guess is no. Whoever wins will have to put up with a partisan crowd that will be reorganizing for the next election.

    5 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • Cuban missile crisis question?

    On this anniversary of the confrontation that almost led the world into a nuclear war, most Americans think the Russians went too far by putting nuclear missiles so close to our border, and when we stood up to them, they caved in.

    The whole story is that we were first to install Jupiter nuclear missiles right on the Russian border with Turkey. This so enraged the Russians, they retaliated by installing missiles in Cuba. The crisis was ended when both side agreed to withdraw their weapons

    This information was not released for many years, were you aware of it?

    4 AnswersMilitary9 years ago
  • Gold wings on Marine Corps uniform?

    I just watched a TV episode of "Homeland"

    Main charactor Sergeant Brody has gold wings over his campaign ribbons. When I was in the Corps a long time ago, that meant he was a pilot. This guy is a lowly buck sergeant so I doubt he is a pilot of anything. Do helicopter crewmen get to wear the wings?

    Another point is that this guy is sporting about eight rows of campaign ribbons and only seems to have one hashmark on his sleeve. How could any enlisted man acquire that many ribbons in only one or two enlistments? I knew WWII heros that only had two rows of ribbons.

    4 AnswersMilitary9 years ago
  • Can employer tell his employees how to vote?

    Florida time share tycoon David Siegel warned his 7,000 employees that if Obama wins the election, he will probably shut down the business and they will lose their jobs.

    Just recently, however, he told Businessweek " the company is doing the best we have done in our history" and Siegel is now building a personal palace with 30 bedrooms, 10 kitchens and a 20 car garage.

    As a typical Republican "job creator" he has no intention of shutting down his business that is bringing him all this wealth, he just wants to intimidate his workers into voting his way and maybe taking a cut in pay.

    14 AnswersGovernment9 years ago