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Truth can be hurtful, some truth that is. Sometimes it is better to be blunt about things so that there is no misunderstanding between people, some say subtelty works but it is not always effective, miscommunication can be a real big thing if it happens. Fave website:

  • Care to explain on the behavior?

    Asked a woman out to the movies, she said as friends she would say YES. I agreed, I was not interested in going beyond the friendship, I made no moves or hints prior to asking her out.

    Watched movie, enjoyed it, talked about it over a snack, then drove her home.

    As she got out, she said she got no time for a BF or relationship and that her book writing is her dream...I said "ok, good luck in the book"

    After that time, I didnt ask her out anymore, but I would see her and mutual friends as a group on a biweekly basis.

    She was feeling antsy, always sitting across the room, wrapping herself in a blanket to cover herself (I dont stare at people).

    If I give her and another a ride, she always takes the back seat and not shotgun.

    Few days ago, she saw me at the market and she said Hi...the market is 2 miles from her house and she walked.

    I offered to give her a ride so she wouldnt be carrying bags of food for a 2 mile walk, she said she forgot to buy a pumpkin for halloween and said its ok.

    She didnt go back into the store, when I was driving home, she was walking with no excuse.

    Up to now, I am not going to cause bad waves to confront her on her behavior, or on how she is the one creeping me out, I am unsure iof I want to hang out the group if she is going to be all weird.

    Again, I made no moves, I dont stare at her, I talk normal stuff with a smile, I say Hi, I dont try to touch her...

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating3 years ago
  • Advice on my wife's son?

    My wife has two children from a previous marriage.

    Both children, a son and a daughter, are in their 20s.

    My step daughter is a good mother of a precious 2 year old and a wife to a great son-in-law.

    My step son is very smart, works at a major supermarket, soon to be promoted to a higher managerial position.

    Both of us helped out my step-son's rent when he first got out of college but he is doing great now.

    My step daughter is currently going through financial issues, both of us have given her some monetary help. She is very appreciative and gives what she can in return during the holidays, b-days and when we visit.

    My step son helped his sister out with a new PC, got a car which he likes to soup-up every so often.

    I am not one to go into the little things like my wife.

    My wife does seem concerned that he gives an excuse each time when it comes to my wife's b-day or Xmas in the last 2 years about getting her gift.

    We both give money and stuff to them.

    All she got was a box of angry bird bandages.

    I got a bag of gummi bears (I like them so I am good).

    It does bother my wife that he does seem to be less appreciative of his own mother.

    It bothers me that she is bothered.

    I asked my wife if she is feeling like she is being taken for granted by him.

    She stated she does a bit.

    What advice would you give her?

    3 AnswersFamily8 years ago
  • What kind of a person...?

    ...who is intelligent and an adult (as in 40+ yrs old) who is employed.

    Invited to a birthday party, eats the food, cake, ice cream, stays till the end and comes empty handed?

    Personally I would feel awkward coming emty handed, moreso if I stayed and sat and ate with the same food that the gift-bringing guests ate.

    People forget the basics on being invited to a birthday party?

    3 AnswersEtiquette9 years ago
  • What kind of a friend...? know for several years, who and his wife knows about me and my wife.

    The wife reminds us of her husband's birthday, asks us to buy a sort of gift he likes because he is a very picky person.

    We buy a gift that he liked, he enjoys it.

    Tables turned a month later, my wife's birthday comes closing around the corner.

    Birthday comes and gift, not even a call/email/text to say happy birthday.

    Week gone by, nothing.


    1 AnswerFriends9 years ago
  • Fiancee has issues on gaming?

    Please read the body text of this before you answer:

    My fiancee and I have known each other's habits for the last 4 years.

    She only moved into my place a few weeks ago, she is slowly trying to fit herself in and I am seeing that she does it in a most comfortable way....meaning I help her in everything.

    She wants to decorate the place to be more cozy, which is great because it could always use a woman's touch...I am all for it, I even drive her wherever she wants to get a certain color drapery or appliance and so on. She asks for my opinion, I give an honest response.

    We have been trying to get a daily routine down lately.

    She is a teacher and she has stuff like grading, lesson planning and so on to do after dinner.

    I work at an insurance company as a claim adjustor, I dont bring my work home.

    When she is doing her grading and lessons, I give her that time.

    I do enjoy chatting with her about our day, eat dinner together, and share quiet time when she has the time.

    I am a gamer.

    Ok, I am not an obsessive one, this is not a bad word.

    She knew I was one 4 years ago.

    I come home before she does, so I play when she is not home.

    I do not miss the game during our quality time...I value quality time over gaming time.

    I also play when she is doing her lessons and needs her time alone.

    When it is time to sleep, we sleep at the same time, computer is off

    Game is stopped...and I have a lot of bedtime affection for her.

    If she wants to watch TV or a movie, I am more than happy to do that with her over my game.

    No issue from me.

    I introduced to her to my latest game, its a social game, unfortunately her laptop is too slow to play it right. It is playable just slow.

    I offer her to use my comp, but she doesnt want to play unless we both play.

    Second, she wants to sit next to me when we play which right now we dont have any space for.

    She has played it a few times, I showed her how to move and interact with people.

    Now the issue was what sort of character could I play?

    Male or female?

    If male: she was not too great about that since females would be flirting with me.

    If female: I chose this gender, however she had an issue about guys flirting with my character.

    Essentially didnt matter what gender I played, there was an issue.

    Everywhere she goes in the game, there is no one to talk to, she walks around, then says HI to those few scarce people, and people just walk away because she doesnt say much or she wanders away.

    She says she isn't having too much luck in the game, so I suggested going to the more popular areas....and she said the only thing people in the populated areas talk about is sex.

    She never even tried to talk to people in those areas, all she did was listened.

    So I asked her is it the game, is it me playing it, or something else, I asked her what does she want. Her response was not an answer, but a question: why am I playing this game?

    I said I play because I enjoy it.

    I asked her why do you like to listen to metal rock or watch Star Trek ALL OF THE TIME, she said because she likes it.

    I am thinking about renting some co-op games on my portable system so that we can sit by side by side on the couch or bed.

    What do you think?

    Please no flaming, I am not looking for sarcasm or hateful responses because their BF/GF/spouse plays and they lost the relationship over it.

    3 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Fiancee has moving issues?

    Little background here:

    My fiancee and I are marrying next month, I am forking the cost to this which includes both tax return checks.

    Since January, we have slowly moved her stuff to my house, the final remainder of goods were moved a couple of weeks ago....essentially easing transition for her over the the months.

    She has a stressful time with being a teacher right now, she teaches high school science.

    For the longest time, she knew the house she moved into was "my house."

    Now that she is here, I have made sure that we both spend time together, changing my solo-living attitude and routine.

    In the first week, we ate together as couples should, talked about our day, relaxed afterwards in front of the TV set or went exercising together. She had grading papers and doing lesson plans downstairs, and spent time playing a computer game or watching a movie upstairs.

    On the weekend, we spent time going out to a get-together.

    All was fine, we even go to bed at the same time since we have to start early each day

    Now last night, I am hearing that she needs to get certain things done each day so she remembers to do them the next day, she would rather have me say hello when she comes home, give her a kiss, then let her do her own thing while I do my own thing until dinner is started.

    If she does not do this, she cannot relax to go to sleep.

    I gave her space to do what she had to do, I left her alone downstairs because she specifically said she didnt want to be disturbed, so I did my own thing upstairs. Then she heads upstairs no more than a minute later, turns on the upstairs TV, tells me that the computer's humming is too loud and she cant relax to go to bed. Then goes off telling me that my game is distracting and too violent (I do not turn on the speakers if I am not alone), and I am obsessed with the game.

    I do not even spend more than 1-2 hours on it and it is played only during our "own time"

    (One of my friends jokingly asked if I also said "yes dear" and "no dear" each time I answered her)

    I explained to her that we can move the computer to another place where the noise may not be so distracting (in truth, we do not have any room to move it anywhere)....she said nothing.

    I know she has issues of moving in to a new place, and she has lived onher own for a while too, so we both have this "my house" attitude. I explained that I have been giving more of myself and not making her feel that "this is my house and always will be" attitiude towards her.

    I asked her to meet me halfway on this.


    3 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Who gives the bride away?

    If her father is the minister who will be officiating the ceremony, who escorts her to the altar and gives her away if the father cannot do it?

    I was told it would be her uncle (father's brother) to represent her father in his place.

    9 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • My best friend has found a new girlfriend?

    My best friend has been suffering the after-effects of a done relationship of 3 years with a girl that has him strung along for several months now.

    He has contacted me, my GF, another friend and his wife and who knows who else on what he should do, what do we think about what she is doing and so on.

    Each time we have given him advice, he tends to do the opposite, often saying thathe needs to actually see his ex with a guy to know it is over.

    Meanwhile he is dating others while he waits to see the final outcome of his failing relationship.

    All of the people he has asked for advise have given up because he keeps asking the same questions over and over again and they have become tired of repeating themselves.

    All except for me and my girlfriend....I cannot abandon my best pal no matter what.

    My last advice was that all of his recent dates have failed because he is unable to let go of his ex.

    He is cheating himself and stringing his dates if he cannot be honest with them or with himself.

    He took that with stride.

    Now he has a new girlfriend, I found this out only a week ago...he has dated her several I assume he has been seeing her for a couple of weeks or more.

    Whenever he introduces his girlfriend or potential girlfriend to me, he often asks what I think of her.

    He has done this for over 20 years.

    Yes, we are both old friends for almost 30 years.

    This time he introduced her to everyone at a weekly get-together.

    At the very start, she was very judgmental, argumentative, and arrogant.

    All of us do not drink, we do not like drunken disorder and stupidity, she did several glasses for the length of the evening.

    I being his best pal and I am sure he has informed her before both of them got to the meeting place.

    From the very start, she had asked everyone wehre they lives, what they do for a living, why are they here.

    I asked my best pal a question and right off I get a response from this girl that my best pal repeated it three times, I should listen and am I not able to understand him. I was like "what is the girl's deal, come into the group tonight and go off on people like you have been one of us for years"

    Just be her tone and how protective she was, I assumed that she was more than just a date to him, so quick to protect her man, yeah they were already close, maybe even intimate.

    My girlfriend did not appreciate that she drank like a fish, tried to question who the leader of the group was, amd who were the followers....almost like she was psycho-analyzing each of us to see what kind of guy her BF was with....and back-sassed me.

    Next day, I called my best pal and informed him that the get-together was fun but his GF was something else. Now, before anyone says that I should let everything go and not say anything, my best pal and I are like brothers, we are free to say anything we want to each other, our bond is too strong to let mere words hurt it. He expects me to freely say anything because I want to be treated in same fashion.

    I explained to him that his date was a bit unnerving and rude, he stated he did not notice it, I said that I did and my GF did, he then said that he thought that she sassed another guy. So I replied that then he did notice it because a miunte ago he siad he did not notice her attitude problem...

    He then made the error that he assumed that my GF was not having fun at these get-togethers and maybe I should come alone because a recent rescheduling on our get-togethers would make it difficult for her to come all of the time. I replied that my GF likes them.

    (My Gf and my best pal has been friends for 3 years, now it seems he is getting defensive here, telling me not to bring my GF all of the sudden since I made a remark on his GF.)

    Another person said that this new girl has some sort of agenda, asking too many questions and acting like she is judging us for something, most probable to see if her BF is worthy of something we do not know.

    My GF does not feel comfy with this new girl.

    I would of thought that my best pal would take some comfort from hearing a male and a female perspective from people he has known and best pal has called my GF on advice with his ex many times.

    I know he is starving for female attention roight now, so he is fighting to keep anyone that wants to be with him. He is vulnerable, I did not say he should dump, that is not me to say it, but I did need to voice that she had an attitude and possible drinking problem that he needed to pull the reins on...

    Next get-together is in 2 weeks.

    My GF and I will go without hesitation and with an open mind.

    Any suggestions?

    5 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • Advice on my best friend?

    My best pal and I are adults, we got into a online computer game (Warcraft), played for a while then stopped due to lack of interest.

    Started up again 2 months ago, my pal wanted to play the game again because of a recent expansion. I stated I had other things to do in my life than play comp games, he stated he would pay for the first month subscription for me if I came back with I did.

    I paid for the first month myself. Told him that.

    I started playing and got good at it again, he started playing a bit later due to comp issues.

    Helped him out in the game a few times, gave him some stuff and virtual gold so he could get a virtual flying mount.

    He asked what did I want in return for the virtual gold (took me 2 months for that high amt), I said we can trade for a dvd box set he had...he said OK.

    He further asked me if I could stop playing my character so he could catch up to be par with my character. (Basically the one character that I have been playing a lot cannot be played until he gets to my level, no matter how long it takes him to get there)

    I said OK.

    He saw me online last night, screaming at me for playing my character saying that I should not make promises that I could not keep.

    I stated it didnt matter if I was higher level or not.

    If I was higher level, it would increase his survivability in the game.

    I seriously think he is too competitive for his own good.

    I cannot believe that he is getting all tense + worked up about a game.

    I have not mentioned that he has not paid for my subscription as promised (its a petty thing).

    What do you think?

    3 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • Spanish help in funny sarcasm?

    Need serious replies on how to say the following sarcastic remarks:

    1. "Donald doesnt like me, so you dont like me. Whatevers."

    2. "So good to be loved with sarcasm."

    3. "I love interrupting conversations with questions to do with work. Makes me happy."

    Thanks in advance.

    Languages1 decade ago
  • Looking for name of a short-lived TV series within the last 7 yrs?

    My first question...make my 5 pts work.

    This TV series came out sometime around or after 2000.

    It had to do with a secret military unit, the special effects were similar to those in The Matrix (hence sometime in 2000 and after) with the walking on walls and freeze motion effects.

    I thought the title was something like Liberty or Patriot or something.

    Anyone know of this?

    2 AnswersTelevision1 decade ago