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  • What would you think if you found out someone you knew had court house wedding a year before their wedding?

    If you were invited to a wedding, and found out that the bride and groom have been legally married for a year, what would you think/feel? Reasons for the earlier marriage may include; insurance benefits, financial situations, medical issues, children...etc.

    (Couple in question is not religious so reason regarding religion are not a factor)

    15 AnswersWeddings8 years ago
  • Ways to partially weigh down cork round in turtle aquarium...suggestions?

    I bought a small piece of cork round from my local pet store thinking it'd be a nice addition to my turtle tank. My turtles are very interested in it but as it is it floats too high in the water for them to use it as a float.

    I am trying to think of ways to weigh it down a little bit so that they can reach the top. I've had thoughts about possibly using heavy fishing weights to get it to ride a little lower in the water, but I wasn't sure if this was a good idea, mostly just because of the metal used in the weights.

    I want to weigh this cork down, so it's useful, without being harmful for my animals.

    1 AnswerReptiles9 years ago
  • Need help coming up with a name for my photography business...any suggestions?

    I recently decided to get a little more professional with my photography. Mostly doing portraits, and some random landscape stuff. But I'm having a really hard time coming up with a name. I want to avoid using my maiden name since I'm engaged and it wouldn't really be appropriate much longer...also, at the same time don't want to use my fiance's name. I just really need to get some ideas...I'm horrible with coming up with names for things.

    10 AnswersPhotography9 years ago
  • 24 years old, low sex-drive, Mirena IUD, any ideas?

    In the last several months my sex-drive has been pretty non-existent. I've had a Mirena IUD since Sept 2010, I haven't had a period since Feb 2011. I've noticed that probably within the last 4 months or so I've had no sex-drive. My fiance is rather upset about this and it's been the source of many arguments. We're working opposing schedules so we have very little time together as it is, and even when we do have a little time just the two of us, sex is the last thing on my mind. Could the Mirena be partially the cause? Not having a period in over a year, could that have ****** up my hormones and be part of the issue? I just need a little advise.

    1 AnswerWomen's Health9 years ago
  • Adding a new turtle to our tank..current (older) turtle is being mean. What should I do?

    We currently have a 4 year old Western Painted turtle (native to our area), 6 inches in length, in a 55 gallon tank. We've had her for about 3 years now and recently decided since getting a bigger tank that it may be time to get her a companion. So today my son and I went to Petco (only store in town with turtles) and picked up a Red-Eared Slider (4 inches in length). When introducing the two everything seemed okay at first, but when they got into the water our Painted chased the RES around the tank and was trying to bite at his feet, tail and the edges of his shell. I decided to separate them for a while and try again. Put the new guy in a separate container for a while until he started roaming around and seemed more relaxed then tried again. Same thing. So now the Painted is in the other container and the new guy is in the tank exploring around. I'm hoping that after a little while I can try putting our big girl back in and see how it goes.

    Is this something that after a little time knowing each other that will pass? There's a 15-day return policy at Petco but I'd rather not have to take the new turtle back, but I'd rather do that than see him hurt. Our Painted has been alone for the last 3 years, could that have to do with all the agression? The reptile guy at the pet store said that most of the time RES and Painted's do okay together. Just looking for some input.

    4 AnswersReptiles9 years ago
  • Sprint: Cancellation fee or not?

    For some reason my previous question was deleted. Not sure why but I wasn't able to read any of the answers left. we go again.

    We added my grandmother to our cellphone plan to save her money that way she didn't have to get her own plan and wind up paying for way more than she would actually need. Well, she recently had a stroke, was in the hospital for a while and now is recovering at home with help from in-home care providers, and is no longer able to use the phone at all. So at this point we're paying for a phone that isn't being used. I was wondering if in this circumstance we'd be able to cancel her line, and the two year contract that goes with it (which has a little over a year left) without paying that $200 termination fee. It seems rather absurd to have to pay to cancel it when my grandmother almost died and that's why we no longer need the phone. Can anyone offer any insight into this?

    3 AnswersCell Phones & Plans9 years ago
  • Sprint: Cancellation fee or not?

    We added my grandmother to our cellphone plan to save her money that way she didn't have to get her own plan and wind up paying for way more than she would actually need. Well, she recently had a stroke, was in the hospital for a while and now is recovering at home with help from in-home care providers, and is no longer able to use the phone at all. So at this point we're paying for a phone that isn't being used. I was wondering if in this circumstance we'd be able to cancel her line, and the two year contract that goes with it (which has a little over a year left) without paying that $200 termination fee. It seems rather absurd to have to pay to cancel it when my grandmother almost died and that's why we no longer need the phone. Can anyone offer any insight into this?

    Obviously, I know I should call Sprint. But I wanted to see here first.

    3 AnswersCell Phones & Plans9 years ago
  • How to make a quick, easy, and efficient ramp to my aquatic turtles new in-tank basking area?

    I just built a platform for my turtle as a new in-tank basking area. I used 1/2 PVC pipe and make a scaffold to hold up a 12" square natural slate tile. That part is great. But I've ran into a problem! I cannot figure out a good way to make a ramp for my turtle to get onto the new platform. I bought a small floating ramp thinking that may work, but she seems to not be able to use it to get up there. I need to figure a good way that isn't going to take up all the tank space and that will be easy to climb. Also, one that won't require the use to specialized tools...since I have none. HELP!

    3 AnswersReptiles9 years ago
  • Can't remember the name of this song, or the artist, but I remember the music video?

    The music video played last year on Country Music channels. It was kind of a punky pop music video, yet still managed to be country. The girl who was singing was taking pictures of herself, making a huge mess in a kitchen and stuff like that. It was a super fun video but I can't seem to remember enough to actually find it online! HELP!!

    4 AnswersCountry10 years ago
  • My 3 year old is not eating much, but he'll drink nutrition drinks...Should I be concerned?

    He is refusing to eat most meals I make for him. But we have some nutrition drinks (like pediasure, but store brand) and he'll drink those all down...but he won't eat. Is this alright? I know that he still needs regular food, but if he won't eat it are the drinks better than nothing?

    6 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Trying to figure out the name of a band/song/music video?

    Does anyone know the name of the music video/song that featured the singer (who looked like he should be singing in an 80s band with his hair and clothes) inside a pink (I think) space ship? It was really big like 7 or 8 years ago? I keep trying to figure out what it is so I can look it up, because the video was funny!

    2 AnswersOther - Music1 decade ago
  • Fear of mice...non-understanding boyfriend?

    We're currently having a problem with mice now that the weather is starting to change. I am very afraid of them, but my boyfriend doesn't understand. My son and myself have been staying at my mother's for the last few days but my boyfriend feels I'm over reacting. I tried to explain to him that I can't control my response to the small creatures but he says he's tired of my irrational fear effecting his comfort level.(Me being gone means he has no car)

    Does anyone know what I can do to keep myself from freaking out at the mere presence or noises of mice? I can ignore the problem for the most part if they're out of sight and silent but as soon as I hear the scurrying I freak.

    Can anyone relate? How did you handle it?

    We live surrounded by fields and such so completely eliminating the problem is damn near impossible.

    5 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • Picky Toddler...what to do? ?

    My son is 13 months old today and is becoming the worst eater ever. He used to eat pretty much anything I presented to him, now he rarely eats anything I give him at all. It takes a lot of work to just get him to eat a couple bites, let alone the whole meal. How can I change this?

    I thought that maybe he'd like the bigger kid foods, like the Gerber Little Entrees and such, and that worked for a couple days. Now all he seems to want is his bottle (Yes, He's still on a bottle, get over it.) and snack foods like crackers, cookies, and snack puffs. The only time he really seems to want anything is occasionally when the adults are eating he'll get a couple bites from them, but that's about it. I'm really starting to reach my wits end with this. I know he needs to eat and needs more than just formula and snacks, but I can't force him to eat. He covers his mouth and turns away.

    Any advice? Tips/Tricks? Anyone else going through this??

    7 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Men. Ever thought of shaving your pits?

    I was just thinking about any of you men ever consider shaving your pits, or have you ever done it? It'd probably help with smell issues.

    Just curious.

    13 AnswersMen's Health1 decade ago
  • I took my son to the pool for the first time today, took some cute pictures, and now looking for.....?

    a cute, fairly inexpensive, pool themed picture frame for one of the pictures I took. I already googled it, but so far all the ones I'm finding aren't that cute and they're expensive. Anyone care to help?

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Broadcom 802.11b/g WLAN (on board wireless card) says it's not connected to system. Was working earlier today?

    I have been having this problem off and on for a while now, but it's really starting to get annoying.

    My on board WLAN card occasionally stops working, the device manager/troubleshooting program that HP installs says that "The device is not connected to the system"...Which is bull since it was working all day long? Anyone else had this problem before?

    My laptop is an HP Pavilion dv9005us.

    Any help would be appriciated. I've already tried redownloading the drivers and such, and so far no luck.

    Help, please?

    1 AnswerLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • What to do with baby absolutely refusing the bottle?

    My little sister is 6 months old and has been exclusively breastfed since birth. Dispite all our efforts to get her to take a bottle, all she'll do is make a gagging face and push the nipple around with her tongue. Until recently this was fine since my mom was able to take her to work with her and feed her there, but now she has new clients (she's an at home care provider) and she's not able to bring Andi along. I watched her today with the hope that if she got hungry enough she'd take a bottle. No such luck.

    Anyone else encounter this problem? And what did you do to help the baby accept the bottle?

    She refuses no matter what the contents, breast milk, juice, water, formula...doesn't matter, she doesn't want it.

    6 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Stimulus Payment Schedule?

    I tried to answer a question someone posted about how to know when you'll get your check, but it wouldn't let me submit it, so I figured I'd post it here for everyone else who doesn't have this information to see.,,id=180250,00.htm...

    The link above will take you to an IRS webpage. It has the schedule of when you should receive your payments.

    9 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • First Birthday Party?

    My son is 9 months old and I'm starting ahead of time to plan his birthday party to hopefully eliminate stress down the road. And I'm realising that it's becoming very expensive for just decorations and food. Granted, I have a very large family that ups the guests but still.

    So my questions are:

    How much did you spend on your children's first birthdays?

    How many guests did you have?

    What kind of party was it?

    23 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Anyone tried the Mom to Mom diapers? I found them at Safeway.?

    What was your experience with them? Were they okay? We're a little strapped for cash right now so I was hoping that maybe these may be a cheaper alternative to the Huggies we usually by. I just bought them and my son's asleep so I haven't had a chance to try them yet. But I figured that for $10-$11 per pack of 50+ was at least worth a try.

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago