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Girl named Lucky ♥

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Hello! I am Christie! I live in a suburb near Cleveland. That means I love the Indians, Cavs, Browns, and OSU! I also lovee Grady Sizemore! I love Cedar Point also! I play volleyball and it is very fun! I just love my life!

  • Remember the "bubble gum pop" days?

    I miss those days. I grew up with Britney, The Backstreet Boys, N'sync, Xtina, etc. All these new people and stuff, they just dont compare. So who was your favorite artists/bands growing up in the 90s/early 2000s?

    8 AnswersCelebrities1 decade ago
  • Anastasia movie link?

    Okay, so I want to watch Anastasia. Its one of my favorite childhood movies, but i can not find a movie link anywhere. Well, I did find a link, but the wording and sound was messed up. Does anyone know a link to it? Thanks so much!

    2 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Computer is not recognizing DVD-Roms?!?

    Ok, so I have Dell Windows Vista, and I got it in 2007. For the past 2 years, everything has been fine, mostly. Just small things.

    But for the past like 2 monthishs, I have been trying to install Dvd-roms. And as said in my title, my computer does not recognize them. And they have for the past 2 years.

    I do not know what i did. But its pissing me off. My sister has the same exact computer as me, got it the same year, same time, etc. and they work on hers.

    Is there anything that I could do? I do not want to hire a professional because 1) I do not have the money right now, 2) My parents do not have the money right now to waste on my computer, 3) I want to first know if i can fix it without a pro.

    Can anyone help me?

    *Note: Its just dvd-roms, because cd-roms work fine.

    1 AnswerOther - Hardware1 decade ago
  • Do you share a birthday..?

    With any football players?

    Feb. 17th - Jim Brown

    Funny, my dad loves him! Wonder if it was planned.. :]]

    11 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • Opinions on.......??

    Ok, so I love making graphics, and so I made one of cleveland sports teams. Browns, Indians, and Cavs.

    Any opinions on it?

    6 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • Trying to be creative, a game anyone?

    Ok so i was bored, and I was thinking, why not make a game?

    So here are the rules, you have to write a compliment for a team that you dislike. It could be any team. Then, if people like that team, they will give you a thumbs up and dislike, down. (star for me)

    So Ill go first:

    Congrats for the steelers last year for winning the superbowl. You had an excellent season!

    5 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • What are your favorites news reporters quotes?

    There are so many good ones.

    But one that just came up recently for me is this. He writes for The Plain Dealer and his name is Bill Livingston.

    "There's one saving grace: I've been writing about LeBron James since he was a high-school sophomore, and he's still only 24. I say LeBron wins a championship soon, and it will be with the Cavaliers, and we can all live that glorious moment. Just not forever."

    I loved how he said we can live in that glorious moment, just not forever.

    What are some of your favorites?

    2 AnswersBasketball1 decade ago
  • Bernie Kosar.....???

    Did it surprise you that he has gone into debt? Like $50 million in debt? He was such a good, smart, talented person! In my opinion, he should have stayed in Cleveland.

    I hear that Clevelanders are trying to help him pay off some of his debt. That is really kind of them since Cleveland's economy is so bad at the moment.

    It's crazy what can happen if you have a lot of money!

    3 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • In your opinion, which city..?

    do you think is the all-american football city?

    I mean its like born and raised football. The people live and die football. Its just a great football city (even when the team isnt doing well).

    13 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • In your opinion, Which team...?

    1) Has the truest fans?: most of them are not bandwagon fans, and they stick to their team no matter what.

    2) Deserves a superbowl win the greatest?

    3) Has the best stadium?

    19 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • How much would a Championship...?

    affect your city that your favorite team is in? On a 1-10 scale and please give reasons why.

    4 AnswersBasketball1 decade ago
  • Cleveland Cavs=2007 Indians?

    Now i know the cavs arent over yet. I pray they arent over yet, but doesnt this kinda remind you of the 2007 indians?

    I mean they get so far. They are the dream team! They want it soooo bad! But when they get to the games right before the finals/WS, they choke. They play so hard, but its not so good enough. I remember the last 2007 for the indians like yesterday.

    Maybe the cleveland curse likes to play tricks on us? Thinking the teams can get so far and win but then it just comes back to bite us in the butt?

    Even though in 2006-07, cavs did make it to the finals, it really sucks how this year with the better team all through regular season, is doing way worse in the playoffs.

    6 AnswersBasketball1 decade ago
  • Patience and Faith for the Cavs?

    Sometimes i think the cleveland curse can never be broken. I mean i want to be able in my lifetime to see all 3 teams win a champs.

    So at the moment, i am listening to a song called "Paciencia Y Fe" (patience and faith) from the musical, In the Heights. Anyway, i am sitting at the edge of my seat watching the cavs game.

    What do you think cleveland sports teams need, especially the cavs at the moment?

    I think some patience and faith. If this season doesnt work out right, have patience and faith!

    Go Cavs! Always #1 for Cleveland

    7 AnswersBasketball1 decade ago
  • If you Seek Amy- Lebron Style?

    I decided to be creative and change the lyrics to Britney Spears If you seek Amy. It is about the shot that lebron made last night:

    Love Him hate him say what you want about him.

    But all of the boys and all of the girls are begging to watch that shot again.

    Love him hate him but the cavs cant win without him.

    All of the boys and all of the girls are begging to watch that shot again!

    Star if you thought that shot was CRAZY!

    Enjoy :]]

    2 AnswersBasketball1 decade ago
  • HOLY... HOLY... WOOW!?

    No words can explain my emotion right now.

    Omigod.. did my eyes deceive me or what?!

    Miracles are made in Cleveland!

    2 AnswersBasketball1 decade ago
  • Team questions thing!?

    Ok, a lot of people are fans of a lot of teams (surprised? :]]) Well, you always hear about how awesome their team is and blah blah blah. So here are some questions that i think will be different.. i hope!

    1) Whats your team?

    2) When & How did you become a fan of that team?

    3) What would you say, is the best part of your team (offense, defense, etc)

    4) Do you live, or once live, in the same city as that team?

    5) If any team, even if there not in the playoffs, would win the finals, not your team, what team would you like and why?

    Star if you want to, if you like the questions i think a star would be nice! ;]] Hope you enjoyed these Qs!

    7 AnswersBasketball1 decade ago
  • Kinda not a question... kinda is.. Bout Cavs?

    Now this is just my opinion i guess, but why is everyone hating on the cavs and the fans? I know they do the same to the lakers and all the other teams who do well, but i dont ever try to do it. Here are just somethings i would kinda just like to say:

    1) Why do people call cleveland fans bandwagon fans? Seriously some people have know idea how dedicated cleveland fans are. For all 3 teams. Most Cavs fans have always been fans, ever since the team was formed. And this year we can finally be proud of our team!

    2) I dont get it why some people always say things about how the cavs suck and all. And i know there will always be people in the world like that, but it makes me wonder. Why cant people just be happy for a city that is not in the best condition to have something to raise their heads about? Cleveland is not a very happy city at the moment, but ever since Cavs season started, you see people smiling, people who are poor, people who are rich, people you dont even know! This is good for the city, its good for the fans, its good for the team.When people say things about how bad a city and a team is, it really makes me realize what the world has come to.

    3) I love this video and i thought, if you havent seen it already, i would love to share it with you:

    Ok.. my rantish thing is pretty much over. I just thought i needed to get it out. Thanks for reading if you read, if you dont read, thanks anyway!

    10 AnswersBasketball1 decade ago
  • Browns Predictions for 2009 season?

    So with a new coach, Brady Quinn as QB, and the new drafts, how do you predict the browns will do this year? Do you think they will be a tad better, be a lot better, or just stay the same?

    13 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • Who was the best football player in history?

    Well not the best, best. But like who was probably one of the best, if not the best. My dad said the Jim Brown, from the Cleveland Browns, was probably like the best football player through history. But my dad has always big a big Browns/Jim Brown fan (we have a framed picture of him in my living room). But like in your opinion, who was the best?

    11 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • What teams do you hope do well other than your favorite team?

    Like a team that hasnt been doing well in the past years. Just a team that you have always seemed to like or well, dislike maybe, but you just wanna see them do well?

    16 AnswersBaseball1 decade ago