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  • I'm at a loss with my husband please help!?

    He was fired from his nice paying job. It seems like everytime he gets a really good job it's to hard for him. He is NOT dumb just lazy. You'd think my husband was the Prince of whales. He cannot comprehend how he is but he's just lazy. I'm so frustrated and feel like it's always something with him. He has had an emotional affair, gambling addiction, been fired before... He had 2 children from a previous marriage. I'm sick of it he says he has anxiety or depression. I can't take anymore. After he was laid off he didn't tell me high blood pressure was super high and he either abused his anxiety med or has an atypical seizure... wrecked into a stop sign and kept driving all the way home dragging the sign. Our son was in the car and I was screaming at him - he doesn't remember it. This is how i feel all the time he is driving crashing into things and he's acting like he can't hear me because he doesn't care. He is weighting me and his son down from so much and I am starting to feel like he's ungrestful he doesnt deserve me. If i express my feelings he says im attacking him. I feel like he's just bringing me and his son down and does not even care. I'm tired of excuses. He wants me to make his resume again and be his little.secretary. I don't even know if he's applied to any jobs yet. I hate him for the emotional.affair a long time ago too. I love him but he disgust me too. The worst part is in his mind I treat him bad... I just react to his behavior. Any advice?

    13 AnswersMarriage & Divorce3 years ago
  • How can I forgive my husband?

    Its been 6.5 months since I caught him on a date with another woman. The details don t matter the fact that he did it at all still haunts me. Nothing physical happened and that doesn t matter either. He was talking to other women too.He made a fake identity and didn t tell her he had kids.He has a gambling problem and now he says hes ready to change that too. But everytime he lied about gambling all my negative feelings came flooding back. I can be fine for a while but nothing can make the pain of all hes done go away.I still don t trust him. I see him as a disloyal lying person now. Our relationship was happy I am in nursing school and he wasn t getting enough attention. Seriously who does that? I feel ugly even though I know I am not.I feel self conscious if I am naked in front of him.I swear hes looking at other women. To me everyone is prettier to him than me. I just can t even describe the pain I feel. I cant even articulate what hes done to me. Its the worst thing you could ever do to someone. We had only been married a year. He says I harbor hate. And I do.Sometimes I want him to just leave me. I wish I didn t love him so I could of left him that night.I was so relieved he said he loved me and not her that night. I was mad sad but relieved. There is no happiness for me. This is the father of my child. The man I gave my all too. It means nothing. I have seen pictures of her maybe something about her was better than me. Whatever his problem was anyone is better than me.

    3 AnswersMarriage & Divorce4 years ago
  • Being a Dad taking parts of himself away?

    My husband has two children from a previous marriage and we have our son together. Everytime we get the other two children he gets extremely stressed out. Hes gotten good at hiding it but its still obvious. He gets annoyed with them and hides it. They are very demanding of his attention because they haven't seen him in two weeks and I can understand that can be over stimulating. My husband doesn't get this way with our son together. I haven't really given it this deep of though. Do you think the fact that their mother was extremely verbally abusive and controlling causes them to be like a flash back for him? He told me it got so bad with her he contemplated leaving every night or killing himself. When we first got together he said "we can make our own babies" and I told him to never say that again. I think it was so bad he was ready to leave his children for good to escape the of course she uses the famoly courts to still be crazy but they sometimes put her in her place. I honestly think he loves our son together more because of our other childrens mother. Its unspoken but clear when I see how his demenor changes. He really tries to hide this. Nobody probably knws but me. I am unsure why to do to help. If their mom wasnt such a witch I am sure everyone would be happier and I know he could actually enjoy his children more. I see why some men run away. Its been very hard on him. Any advise from anyone? Should I actually ask him about this? Is thos too taboo speak of?

    4 AnswersMarriage & Divorce4 years ago
  • He won't change but I can't leave.. I am at a loss on what to do?

    My husband won't stop looking at porn. He looked at it the other day. We faught all day yesterday. Today he goes gambling behind my back. He won't stop gambling. He's not going to stop anything. We are staying at my parents while I finish nursing school and my mom watches our son. I can't tell my family they will hate him and he will have nowhere to live. He has a good full time job but I can't just kick out the father of my child. I don't know what is keeping me from just leaving him. He won't change he has made that more than clear now. I can't talk to anyone because of my situation and I just need to finish school. The porn was never an issue until I caught him on a date with another woman. No other women since just porn and gambling. I can literally talk to no one. I can't pay for conseling. I can't use my sitters for counseling when I have to use them for classes. I don't want to deal with him but the thought of losing him kills me more. I hate this so much. I feel so stressed and lost as to what to do. Literally In can only talk about it on drinking yahoo answers. I have gotten out of toxic relationships before. What is wrong with me? Why don't I want to end it? Why do I love this person? The pain in my heart is almost unbearable.

    13 AnswersMarriage & Divorce4 years ago
  • I don't know what to do? Should I stay?

    My husband promises he will change. Pornography, gambling, lying... I caught him on a date with another woman several months ago. He's gone gambling several times since, looked at porn several times since. I have no hope he will not talk to other women again someday when he can't even stop the other things. He doesn't see anything wrong with gambling or pornography. He said today I am not a bad person and I am tired of you policing me then rubbed my back for a long time and acts like everything is fine. I never policed him until he went on a date with another woman and I caught him. He also said this is my life now having you monitor me. What about my life? I'm not perfect. I feel like there is no hope for me. I just get walked all over. I love him don't ask me why, I don't know. I can't even accidentally call him an idiot without him getting back at me by looking at porn and downloading gambling games on his phone. I'm not an idiot. I know I don't deserve this. Why is he so convinced I am the bad guy? He turned me this way. Why do I not want his problems out of my life when its causing me so much heartbreak? Yet I feel like I can't let him go. I love him more than he loves me, that I am sure. I am better off alone. Every man I have ever been with has an addiction of some kind. They act like I am so perfect because I am tall and pretty. Then they just tear me down. I am so unhappy right now I can't make anyone happy. What is wrong with me? Why do I torture myself.

    29 AnswersMarriage & Divorce4 years ago
  • Trust? Fake it until you make it?

    My husband broke my trust. I was probably a dream wife before. He went out did whatever he wanted. I never went through his things. We hardly ever faught. Intimate all the time. I was just genuinely happy and content. Why he sabotaged that is another thing entirely. I just haven't been myself. I am controlling, nosey, insecure, emotional, angry.I just don't want to be. I don't want the burden of controlling him. I don't want the toxic mentality I have right now. I can't be my best self in this emotional state any longer. I did decide to give him a second chance. It very hard when you dont trust someone. I had nothing but trust from him which is how he was able to easily abuse it. I want to trust but the fear of the heartache is keeping me from being able to. I know if hes gonna do something again he will do it, if their is a will their is a way. I just cant get back to that content place I was in when we were doing amazing.. Until he sabotaged it. I have gotten out of bad relationships before and he knws very well. Im in school, I take care of myself... I have strength within me. Where do i summon the strength to no longer defend my right to be in his life? How do you sit by so patient waiting to what transpires? I feel a fire in me that wants to fight for my worth yet I guess this is toxic. I also want my space and to give him his space. I want peace. Where did you find yours? Did you fake it until you make it? I cant suffocate him anymore its suffocating me even more!

    3 AnswersMarriage & Divorce4 years ago
  • Will he do it again?

    I caught my husband on a date with another woman he met from the internet. Since then hes really made some turn arounds. He told me he feels disgusted, like he woke up from a trance and everytime he thinks about himself doing that its like tasting dog **** and he never wants to taste that again. He told me about hos friend at work cheating on his wife recently which he didnt have to tell me. He said he just feels grossif hes not open with me. Recently an ex from 15 yrs ago wrote him, just to say hey. He told me and didn't write her back even though I would of never known. He also told this friend who cheats on his wife he didn't wanna hangout even though I tould him to go. Do you think we can make it? I am hoping this is for real. I just want to be with him and be happy. Thoughts?

    9 AnswersMarriage & Divorce4 years ago
  • People who have cheated. Would you do it again?

    My husband. We have sex 5-6 times a week (great sex), I am 9 years younger than him, he has always seemed so "amazed" his perception of my beauty. He calls me his raven haired princess. We have had so many romantic moments and laugh together. We have almost everything in common. Some financial struggles and his ex wife being well... An ex wife. Our relationship seemed perfect. Until one night he told me he was with a friend, really he was on a date with a girl he met on the internet. This girl is not even someone my husband would of dated. Nothing physical happened I spoke with this girl. I guess I got lucky I caught on early. He says it was for attention since I started nursing school and wasn't giving him as much constant attention. Will someone who did this in a great relationship cheat again? Is once a cheater always a cheater true? He has cried and begged and we have faught now more than ever. My insecurity and fear and just depression over the pain he caused my heart has made me act crazy. I am STILL confused. Im terrified men who do things like this are bound to cheat again. When you cheated and saw the hurt you caused did you learn a lession? Would you cheat again?

    I don't consider myself a weak person but I have lost faith in love. I LOVE this man. I have cried like never before.

    I have never cheated on anyone and I never will. Its not the kind of person I am. Did you regret it? Do you still do it? Why?

    Why would a good man cheat on a woman he loves?

    4 AnswersMarriage & Divorce4 years ago
  • Secret texting website or app where there is white and red on the app?

    I keep seeing my husband X out of a screen that is white with what appears to be a red T or maybe some kind of red symbol. It's not an app he's downloaded it's something he is doing in his internet browser and then deleting so I can't see it or is doing in a private browser. I think I saw him looking at blue bubble messages (possibly not on iMessage or fb messenger) maybe in this secret communication place? Any advice or tips?

    1 AnswerOther - Internet5 years ago
  • still not over an attempt at an emotional affair, that I caught early... your opinion?

    I've asked about this several times. I have no one to talk to. I feel like I HAVE to neglect my school work to give my husband enough attention. I'm constantly worried he is still secretly talking to women on secret accounts he may or may not have. I have a day where I am okay and still madly in love with him. Then I have days like today where loving him hurts because of what he did. I am a step mom to his two boys from a previous marriage and really love them. We had them this weekend and I thought about it while being a mother to his kids that aren't mine and one that is mine and I feel so disrespected and spit on. I had NO baggage... I took on ALL of his as my own. As if being a step parent is glamorous enough already. He has also looked at porn since this happened and it used to not bother me... now it does. He looked at it the morning after we slept together that night and then again in the morning. Yet he still had to look at other women even though he had sex with me 2 times. It makes me not feel special or significant and really just used. Like he could of done that with anyone. Who wants to be with someone willing to sleep with just anyone? I don't. He made himself seem less worthy to me by doing these things. If any woman can have him because he doesn't value himself or me then I dunno. The woman he emotionally cheated with wasn't even his type, she was in no way his type or someone he's even brag about to a friend yet he was going to give himself to her?

    2 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships5 years ago
  • Do iPhone apps that you purchased/downloaded stay with your Apple ID for as long as that Apple ID exist?

    For example could apps that my husband had downloaded before he met me 3 years ago still be under his previous purchases apps, or do they only stay on there a certain amount of time?

    3 AnswersCell Phones & Plans5 years ago
  • How to truly heal from being deceived by husband "almost" having an affair?

    I ve come to terms with the fact that my husband wasn t feeling manly given our financial situation and my moments of harsh words so he was seeking attention from women to fill that void. I caught him before anything could of happened (thank god) because I could never touch him if I knew he had touched another woman. We would of been over. I m trying so hard not to throw it in his face but I find I have so many questions. I ve concluded it couldn t of been sexual, we have sex ALL the time and wonderful sex at that. I m younger than him, take care of myself, I didn t get stretchmarks when I had our son... he still looks at me as though I m the most beautiful woman he s ever seen. I m also his "dream girl" or so he says, he always had a thing for tall dark haired women... the woman he met was short, overweight, pale, light hair... not remotely his type. It s like he set up something with someone he could of never developed true feelings for... he just used her for those new feelings he even lied about his occupations, his last name, said he didn t have children... but I am so confused and hurt. I have forgiven but I m on high alert. I don t trust him like I did before. I also see him slightly differently now that he s not my knight in shining armor. I ve accepted that I put him on a pedestal and he is only human. I considered leaving but my heart is telling me to hold on to him. Every time I almost just quit God sent me very distinct signs to stay. How can I get past it?

    5 AnswersMarriage & Divorce5 years ago
  • Should you get tested for STD's if you discover partner had emotional affair?

    I spoke with the woman he had a very brief emotional affair with... Nothing apparently happened not even a kiss or a hug. She had no reason to lie and from everything I've gathered this was true... Nothing happened. I have never ever been a promiscuous person so I have never ever had to go and get checked for STDs other than when I was pregnant with my son and it is a routine screening for all STD's when you are pregnant. I think they also check for some STD's when they do an anual Pap smear too maybe. Obviously, I have always had a clean bill of health. To me having sex with just anyone is so disgusting... Because of STD's do people really need any other reason not to share their bodies with just anyone? Ew! Just EW! I understand there are times when people get them who did nothing wrong. Like people who are faithful and their partners cheat and give them to them. I do not think anything happened before this incident with my husband but I feel like I should get checked because I take care of myself and I need to be sure. Do I just call my doctor up and say "Yelp I'll be needing an std screening" or do you go to your Gyno? This is so humiliating and I think I am also going to make my partner get checked too... To make him realize what he COULD have done to me and him.

    1 AnswerSTDs5 years ago
  • husband had emotional affair I think my feelings are fading. What to do?

    My husband went on two dates with another woman. He made a tinder account, found a stranger, met her for coffee, then met her at a bar and that's when I caught him. I said I forgive him and I'm going to work on getting over it. He said he's never going to do anything like that ever again and that it had nothing to do with love and everything to do with him feeling like a loser. I went back and fourth between wanting him so close to me, to wanting to give up and say it's over. I've been working on forgiving, I do forgive him but the over abundant negative feelings that I keep feeling are starting to make me wonder if my feelings for him are fading now. I know I could restore our relationship... But today is his birthday I did all these nice things for him and it didn't feel good to do these things. He made me feel like I wanted to die I was so devistated... Now I dunno I dunno if my feelings are fading. I don't feel good or happy about us, I don't feel good about seeing him happy right now, I don't feel good about anything... I'm trying. All food taste like nothing, I can't enjoy music, I can't enjoy movies, I can't enjoy his affection towards me... I dunno what to do or how to feel anymore. I feel like my feelings are fading.

    6 AnswersMarriage & Divorce5 years ago
  • Almost cheated should I forgive?

    My husband almost cheated on me. I was so happy... He wants me to be over it (it was a week ago) and I almost had a panick attack today surpressing my feelings. I've never loved someone so deeply... The pain is almost unbareable at times. The only thing more unbareable is thinking about my life without him. I go back and fourth between needing him so close I could just fuse as one with him and wanting to leave him forever so cold heartedly and not care anymore. I can't get over the fact that he went so far as to go on a date with another woman. A woman (stranger) came up to me today and told me I was beautiful and she loved my hair and her kind words were so meaningful. She cannot possibly have known how worthless I feel. I don't think my husband really loves me. I almost want to kill myself I am in such turmoil, and Im not a weak minded person. I want to forgive! I want him! But if he felt even a flicker of the fire I feel for him would he of ever done this? I know there are other men who would of never done this to me. I put him on a pedestal. Our love was like fairy tales on caffeine to me. The woman didn't even know his real name or that he had kids. I feel like I may have already lost him the moment his mind wandered. Clearly it was a temporary thing though. I just thought we were so much more. I felt like God told me to stay and forgive! Why is this my life? ;( Not to mention this woman was unattractive, poor... Yet worth losing all we had together over.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating5 years ago
  • Question about step mom life?

    I have been a step mom for two years now. I love my stepsons and have zero issues with them. I know kids are kids the good bad and the ugly. Me and my husband are so in love and happy we also have zero issues. I am having a hard time pretending to be friends with my step sons mom. I don't care for her, she isn't someone I would be friends with outside of this situation. I know me and my husband are doing it for the boys but the longer it continues the more unessary it seems.She was very vindictive to my husband when he first got with me and I guess after a whileshe decided to put her big girl pants on for the boys. She lied and told people my husband signed over his rights to his children and even tried to turn his own family on him because she could no longer control him. This is classic behavior of a bitter ex but to try to keep children from their father and say all of that harmed the kids. Then when I had my son with my husband one day we were dropping off the boys and my infant son started to cry and the car door was open and she slammed the car door of MY car. I held back with every ounce of adulthood I could muster. Now she acts like she wants to be my friend. She told me I could call her whenever I wanted to talk about the boys. She is overly cordial and I think it's just to see my husband. I have zero interest, my husband doesn't want to be around her either... Will the boys still be happy if we cut off this fake friend thing Is there a happy alternative that works?

    3 AnswersParenting5 years ago
  • Does Adderal help your adult ADD?

    I struggled with paying attention my entire adolescence and when I was in elementary school they said it was because I had chronic ear infections. Then they said I had dyslexia because I was left handed but I could read at an above average capability. I always knew how to do my school work and I would do what I had to but I just wasn't interested. Left handedness, artistic talent, and ADD are very prevalent in my dads side of the family. We are just wired differently and it doesn't translate well in a standard test taking school setting. In college I received straight A's because I knew I had to but I never paid attention in class I would go home and teach myself the way I needed to learn the material. I took a psychology class where my professor has very bias opinions about ADD so for a long time I was against them too. I refused to ever take them and thought they were cheating. Then I failed out of nuclear medicine school by 1 point because I couldn't do what I had done before the material was to complex to teach myself. Then I had my son and my ADD got so much worse. Finally I decide to take steps to treat this ADD and have been prescribed Adderall and the affects on me are very minimal. My doctor keeps upping the dosage and I feel like I mustbe taking a placebo. At my current dosage of 20 mg is basically makes me feel like I drank a really small cup of coffee. I still find it harder to focus and I am wondering if medication just doesn't work for some people with ADD?

    2 AnswersPsychology5 years ago
  • Feeling depressed need advise?

    I just turned 27 Mommy to a 10 month old, wife for about 8 months now... I'm just feeling extremely depressed lately. My son is sick right now with c-diff he has been sick a lot his first year of life. I feel like it's my fault because I have to work so much to compensate for my husband's ugly divorce over two years ago and the financial burden that comes along with that. I feel like if I was home more he wouldn't of gotten sick. He was so sick it was scary. i need to finish college I changed majors and am waiting to apply to the nursing program. I missed a lot of work due to my son being so sick and actually I'm not even sure I have a job right now. My husband is a good man, I love him, we are in theory perfect for eachother. However, sometimes I feel like all the burdens fall on me. I feel so stressed about it I can't find the energy to discuss thing with him and fight. I was recently diagnosed with ADD which explains a lot but I don't even have time to take care of myself and keep up with counseling. I finally decided to seek help but it was pointless when they want someone who can't seem to organize their already busy life by going to counseling every week when I feel overwhelmed already. I am just so annoyed and done with this situation. I may still have lingering postpartum depression but it's been coming and going it's not constant. I'm genrally I am a happy fun person but when circumstances hit I bear the weight and it's getting to be to much. What can i do?

    1 AnswerMarriage & Divorce5 years ago
  • Baby throwing up for five days doctors say its just a virus?

    My son has been sick for 5 days throwing up and when he goes #2 it is green/yellow and mostly liquid. His symptoms will improve but then he will get sick again. He has been very sleepy the past few days for obvious reasons. I have gone through 2 things of pedialite. I took him the his peditrician on day 3 and they perscribed zofran to help with the vommiting and an antibiotic since he apparently also has an ear infection. I have not given him the antibiotic because I afraid that if he has some type of infection and the antibiotic kill the good bacteria in his gut I can do more harm than good. I took him to the ER yesterday, after I said to myself if he got sick one more time I was taking him, they did an xray and took a stool sample. The xray did show a slight blockage but they said it could be light constipation and they dont believe that was the cause of his sickness and suspect it is a virus. I am a new mom but I have been around children all my life and the ONLY time I ever saw a child this sick was when my nephew had c-diff and ended up being hospitalized for days because it went undiagnosed until he had a seizure. I am getting so so worried about my son. He just threw up tonight even with zofran which also happened yesterday before I took him to the ER. He is hydrated and he is getting some food as much as he can with a surpressed appetite. Any moms have any advise? He is on a very bland diet, he has been drinking pedialite and formula. What should I do?

    12 AnswersNewborn & Baby5 years ago
  • Extremely stressed after having a baby. advise?

    I've been under a lot of pressure since my son was born feb 16rh. The day after he was born my husband went right back to work he couldn't take anytime to be with me or the baby. I am having horrible post partum depression and had to stop breastfeeding. But since I stopped breastfeeding my hair has been falling out, I've been having what feels like arthritis pain in my wrist and everytime I pick him up its painful. Due to financial strain (not on my part) I'm fancially and physically supporting our son by myself. My son hasn't gone without anything but I have. We were forced to move in with my family temporairly but I am applying to nursing school this january and I'm wondering if it will be easier to just stay here so I can not work and better the future for my son while in school.

    I just feel all alone. My husband is at work all day (I go back to work august 15th I believe the date was for my maternity leave to be over. But he has some legal issues going in and we are on our second lawyer and it seems yet again it was a waste again. So he doesn't help support our son

    I've tried telling my husband, tried telling friends and family how overwhelmed I feel but everyone has their own stuff going on. I feel like I'm falling apart physically and emotionally and I'm only 26.

    I love my baby so much I don't put him down for long peroids of time because I feel like I'm surrounded by people but he's all I have.

    I'm not sure what to do I feel sad a lot.

    1 AnswerNewborn & Baby6 years ago