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Lv 611,978 points

Miracle Paws™ *Pit Bull On Board*

Favorite Answers26%

So long story short, I am an animal lover. I don't believe in breeding or buying pets while millions in shelters are awaiting good homes. I own 4 beautiful dogs, 3 beautiful cats & 2 beautiful birds myself :) I breath, eat & drink everything animals. I am a vegetarian, a tree hugger & proud. I don't believe in hunting, I think those who hurt an animal either physically or mentally are sick *** people that need to be locked up. Everyday 70,000 puppies & kittens are born in this country while only 10,000 people are born. It's simple math - there just aren’t enough homes for all of these animals. SPAY & NEUTER your pets please! Click & feed homeless animals for free. Dogs: Cats: "The greatness of a nation & it's moral progress can be judged by the way it's animals are treated"