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I'm a writer, dancer, music lover, and artist. I like questions about romance and mythology. I am happy to accept e-mails about questions I answer,and really anything.

  • Trying to find the name of a two spirit?

    I don t remember which tribe she belonged to, but her story was very interesting. She was a woman fulfilling many male roles in her tribe, and I believe she was a shaman, or something along those lines. I remember she was in love with a woman in a neighboring group of people -- Oh! And the woman was married! She kept requesting that the woman grind her corn (which, according to what I read, held a deeper meaning). The woman refused, but eventually complied. The woman s husband found out and raped the two spirit.

    The two spirit ended up committing suicide via a bunch of angry men from the neighboring tribe. She sent them into a rage and they beat her and threw her into the river.

    I know I m all over the place, but this is killing me! I ve been trying to remember her name, but I can t seem to find it anywhere.

    1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture6 years ago
  • Trouble with the Windows Anti-Virus 2011 virus...?

    This is atrocious. I was doing my usual thing (checking email, looking at some yahoo articles) when all of a sudden a big window popped up saying "Windows Anti-Virus 2011 has found a virus blah blah blah." If I had thought about this for a second, I would have realized it was fake, considering I'm running Vista and it looked like an XP window. At any rate, I clicked the box like an idiot and that's when all hell broke loose. Every time I tried to get online to find the right software to beat the virus, my Spyware Terminator would tell me that something by YXU.exe was trying to break through. I used alt f4 to close all the virus boxes and rebooted in Safe Mode. Once I did that, I caught the virus in the act and opened task manager. Sure enough, yxu.exe was running, so I looked to see where it was coming from and used the command prompt to follow it's path. However, it wasn't found anywhere. I tried searching for hidden files, searching by the virus' other known names, but nothing worked. Finally I just went in to C:\Users\Domino\App Data\Local, and of course there were LOTS of folders. There was nothing suspicious though. Finally I opened my temp folder. It was the only one with anything close to the virus in appearance, so I decided that I had hit rock bottom anyway (I'd been working on it for 2 hours) and I deleted the whole folder. I deleted a few apparently empty folders as well and hoped for the best. I thought I must've hit it, because once I deleted that, all the pop ups disappeared. I cautiously took it out of safe mode and tried starting it up. Everything worked, except for one thing - Nothing would run. I tried opening Firefox and all it said was "what program would you like to use to open this file?" I tried IE and it said the same thing. I decided to run it as admin, and that worked, but I was still running into trouble. I wanted to run Ad-Aware, just to be on the safe side, and it wouldn't be a part of it at all. I tried HijackThis and it just kept trying to make me open it with another program. What have I done that everything's acting this way? Is this a side effect of the virus? How do I fix this?

    4 AnswersSecurity1 decade ago
  • A few questions about the juvenile justice system...?

    I'm working on a debate case and having a lot of trouble figuring things out. I need some good information and credible evidence. If you are with an established law firm or something of that nature, please state your name and job and, with permission, I will cite you. If you only no one answer, great! I can still use it, so don't worry about not knowing all of them.

    1)When a juvenile is tried as an adult, do they spend the time until they are 18 in a juvenile detention facility or are they immediately put in an adult prison? Because, I thought they were transferred to adult prisons once they reached the age they were legally adults.

    2)If trying them as juveniles, is there a rule that lets them out of detention at 18 if they were originally going to be there longer? Say, I rob a bank at 17. Does that mean I get out at 18?

    3) Are there any examples of juvenile detention facilities being worse than adult? For instance, more violence between inmates, etc.

    4) This is a bit unrelated, but in adult prisons can you have men and women in separate wards? Like having men and women in the same complex, but separated off, like a mental ward being separate from the rest of the hospital?

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Some Latin construction help?

    I'm studying for my Latin II final and I am TERRIBLE at constructions. I was hoping I could get a little assistance on a few phrases, and what construction they'd be.

    1. ab Eurystheo (is it ablative of personal agent?)

    2. illo tempore (at that time?)

    3.arcum quem (is this a construction at all? I know it's stretched the bow or something, but anything else would be helpful)

    4. hoc modo (in this manner. Is that an idiom?)

    5. omnibus viribus (with all his strength. Maybe ablative of means?)

    6.maxima *** laetitia gaudebant (rejoiced with great gladness. Is it ablative of manner? or means?)

    7. profectus est (set out. Another one that I think is an idiom)

    8. brevi tempore (shortly after; shortly. Idiom? or what?)

    9. res erat magni periculi (a thing of great danger)

    10. hoc conatu (this attempt. Is it anything?)

    11. ardente face (with a buning torch. Ablative of means right?)

    12.fuit incredibili celeritate (of incredible speed. No idea what construction...)

    13. omnibus viribus (with all his strength again..)

    14. totum annum (a whole year)

    Any help would be appreciated. It's a story translation test and I know she'll ask for construction. If you can answer just one of the questions I'm happy :)


    2 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago
  • I'm auditioning for Les Miserables. Song suggestions?

    I'm comfortable at tenor, but I can without much difficulty work the bottom half of the soprano range. I can go a little higher, but I don't want to stray too high or too low. I really want a part as Fantine, but I don't gather that she wants me to audition with a song from Les Mis. I need two songs; either quick and slow, or happy and sad. I like good melody, and it needs to be something with emotion, naturally. If anyone has any suggestions I'm open minded and will listen. I don't have professional training at all, but I know my voice is good, I just need something to show that.

    2 AnswersPerforming Arts1 decade ago
  • Do you know of some good websites to buy manga?

    The stores are never carrying the books I need, so I'm giving up and am going to buy them online. I was wondering if anybody knew of any good (preferably cheap) websites to buy manga at. I need a big selection, but that's really my only concern. Thanks.

    4 AnswersComics & Animation1 decade ago
  • Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog.?

    The link above is for Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog. It was an experiment by Joss Wheden that I found kind of entertaining. I'm trying to see how many people have seen it, will see it and if they liked it, or not. If you could just tell me how you liked it, that'd be great. No need to be snarky though. Well, enjoy,or not... You know. ( :

    1 AnswerOther - Music1 decade ago
  • Really Creepy Phone-call, Any Advice? ?

    So, last night I got a phone call at about 11:45 pm. It was on my cell phone and I answered it. Some guy picked up sounding very distressed. He kept saying hello over and over. I'd respond but he couldn't hear me or something. After a while I just sat an listened while he said hello and just hung up. 30 minutes later or so, he called again but this time he didn't say anything. He called over and over but would hang up before I could answer it. I looked the number up and it said it was coming from Westville, OK And let's just say, that I live a ways from there but still in OK. I called the operator women (or the one that has the directory thing ) and I asked her if she would be able to tell me who was registered under this number. She said she could, but only if there was someone registered under it. Apparently, it had been disconnected for a while.

    P.S. The number showed up a couple of different ways :


    1 (778) 397-7


    9 AnswersLand Phones1 decade ago
  • Is being psychic hereditary?

    My great great grandmother could predict death. We even found papers proving that she knew when she was going to die! Also, there was a tornado outside and she was standing by the fence. Her granddaughter told her to come in but she said everything would be fine, and the tornado came right up to the fence and fell apart. I can sense when something bad is going to happen, sometimes a few days in advance. They are almost always right but I never know exactly what's going to happen. Lately though it's been even more prevalent and its been more exact through dreams and such. WHAT'S UP WITH THAT?

    6 AnswersMythology & Folklore1 decade ago
  • Do ghosts help you?

    I have recently acquired what appears to be a wandering ghost (Its been turning phones and baby monitors on and when it turns the monitor on you can hear it laughing). I never believed one way or the other about ghosts but I'm beginning to think otherwise. It seems friendly enough. The only bad thing it did was that one morning I woke up to find my car covered in ash. It seems to be a child (living babies like me a lot, do baby ghosts like me too?) I've been nice to it and welcomed it to stay until it passes on. My life's been a little hard lately and I wondered if a ghost might help me before it left. I am a little worried about my baby half-sister though. She always calls a lady named Theresa when she plays with the phone and since the "ghost" turned up the phones have been turning themselves on and calling her. I'm a little worried that it might attempt to take my sister over, is that reasonable?

    8 AnswersMythology & Folklore1 decade ago
  • What does it mean when a supposed, "ghost" leaves coarse ash on an object?

    My mother, stepfather, half-sister and I came back from a march in D.C. to find some very odd going-ons around our houseboat where we live. It was about 10p.m. and I was sitting in a chair in the living room while my mother went to put the baby to bed. She then left to go smoke a cigarette while my stepdad headed up stairs. Now, the baby monitor was off, but, the microphone is in my mom's bedroom and the speaker is in the living room. I heard the baby monitor click on and heard a baby laughing. It sounded a tad bit different then my sister. I then heard the door upstairs open as my stepdad started looking for his computer. The laughing stopped then. I later found out that the baby was in my room, not my moms room. So where's the laughing coming from.

    We went up to the car the next morning to find it completely covered in a layer of coarse ash. I think I picked up a spirit on the trip. I don't know where though. I don't even believe in ghosts. I just don't know. I NEED CLARIFICATION!!

    7 AnswersMythology & Folklore1 decade ago