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Favorite Answers26%
  • Do they always do Gall Bladder Surgery & Appendectomy Surgery together?

    I had my gall bladder out by laparoscopy and now have symptoms of Appendicitis, but some say they always remove both at the same time. Is this true, both surgeries are always done at the same time?

    2 AnswersMedicine5 years ago
  • What is the law?

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics7 years ago
  • Did "Me Too" take some stupid pills?

    People use Answers to find solutions and when idiots like "Me Too" don't know the answers and supply ludicrous remarks, not only does it cause ill will but damages the reputation of the site.

    1 AnswerDo It Yourself (DIY)8 years ago
  • Is galvanized metal safe if...?

    It properly primed and painted with heat resistant primer and paint for a chimney on a stove/fireplace?

    Sources please.

    Thank You

    2 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)8 years ago
  • Why am I guilty until proven innocent? What can I do to stop her?

    Here are the facts:

    1. I was married in 1984 and divorced in 1989

    2. My ex received all liquid and monetary assets, as well as full child custody

    3. My ex petitioned the courts to take her maiden name back and change the child's name to her maiden name

    4. My ex remarried not once, but twice after our divorce

    5. I never remarried

    6. I am disabled, I am on a fixed income

    7. My ex uses multiple aliases (last names she once had, including mine) for her identity

    8. My ex has obtained multiple lines of credit, purchased cars, rented apartments, etc. using my last name and God only knows how many others, and she has defaulted on all of them

    9. Creditors have turned me into collections, put attachments on my bank accounts, liens on property and have taken me to court numerous times to make me prove my innocents.

    10. So far to date, counsel and the courts have told me, "True, she is breaking the law, but since at one time she legally used your last name, she has a right to use it when ever she pleases now."

    So far, I have been able to prove my innocents, but legal representation is expensive. And,

    like I said, I am disabled and on a fixed income, and this nonsense is destroying me financially not to mention what it is doing to my health. There has to be a legal way to stop her.

    What am I going to do when I can no longer afford a lawyer to prove my innocents?

    Please someone, anyone, give me some insight on how to stop her legally!

    5 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police8 years ago
  • Is a BB/pellet gun considered a firearm?

    Under Federal and Colorado law, is air rifles/pistols to be considered a firearm? Please include both State and Federal Statutes.

    2 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police8 years ago
  • PLEASE, I don't understand?

    When an older woman pursues a younger man, for dating/love/marriage, she is called a cougar, but when an older man pursues a younger lady, for dating/love/marriage, it's just plain dirty; WHY?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • What insect or creature causes this misery?

    This has now happened twice, in the middle of the night while asleep, something, I presume an insect, thinks I would make a tasty treat. After it bites, IMMEDIATELY, I awake in pain, followed by dizziness and there is a welt at the bite site, about the size of a dime. Taking a Benadryl, the pain and dizziness subsides in about 45 minutes to an hour; the welt dissipates within 2 to 4 hours.

    What ever this thing is, it doesn't seem to attack the dogs, only me.

    Please include sources with your answers, I'd like to know and see pics of what this thing is.


    2 AnswersMedicine9 years ago
  • What is another name for a sauna?

    Please give other names for a sauna bath and sources; preference is medical related names.

    Example: A jacuzzi is also known as a hydro-therapy tank.


    4 AnswersOther - General Health Care10 years ago
  • Can someone explain the modern woman?

    Seriously, I'm not much for dating, but my Lord, some of the ads I've seen women post... Hi, I've been with so many men, if they all stuck back out of me, I would look like a porcupine, BUT you, you better be a virgin or not had more than 2 partners. Or the other good one posted... Hi, I have 10 kids, all have a different daddy, BUT you, you can have kids but they should all have the same mommy. I DON'T get it!!!

    7 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • How does colorado emancipation apply to high school graduates?

    If a student is over the age of 16 graduates from high school, but is still under the age of 18, can they legally move out of their parents/guardians home without the courts being involved?

    Please provide sources of information and statutes

    Thank you!

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics10 years ago
  • What causes wash boards on dirt roads?

    Dirt roads get a rippling affect known as wash boards, I'd like to know the cause of them as well as how to prevent them.

    4 AnswersMotorcycles1 decade ago
  • Why do common house flies find me so tasty, but mosquitos do not?

    That's right, mosquitos will land on me, walk around on me, but will NOT bite. But the common house flies bite me every chance they get; I don't understand. I know, supposedly house flies can not bite humans, but after, as I call a bite, there is a little red spot indicating some kind of bite.

    2 AnswersZoology1 decade ago
  • Can a judge be held personally responsible for their verdict?

    Say an individual files a disability claim and the judge rules against said claim and the individual returns to work and either further injures themself more and/or others because said medically reported disabilities, Can the judge ruling against said claimant be held accountable? If yes, where can I find this information? If no, why?

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • How can one make money, who can't work?

    I have a friend who is paralyzed from the neck down and needs to raise $250,000.00 for improvements to his home; widen doorways, install lifts, etc. and other things his insurance won't pay for. How can he make this kind of money? Again, he can not work and has NO way to repay a loan.

    5 AnswersPersonal Finance1 decade ago
  • Why is it ILLEGAL for an individual to capitalize......?

    on the handicap and disabled and NOT illegal for lawyers?

    If I understand the laws correctly, an individual can not make a financial gain on someone's handicap or disability. IF this is true, why doesn't the law apply to lawyers?

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Why is the law different for Social Security?

    If a murderer or a bank robber appeals the court decision to a higher court and wins, the case is done and over with; it does NOT get passed down to a lower court to be reheard. BUT, with Social Security, my case in particular, after 7+ years of fighting for my disability, the Federal Supreme Courts ruled a "REMAND" order for the lower courts to rehear my case; I do NOT get it! The lower courts denied my case repeatedly, BUT the Federal Supreme Courts ruled in my favor, shouldn't my case be done and over with by the ruling of the Federal Supreme Court?

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • What animals can humans eat?

    I can't find a website listing the many different animals people can eat, can anyone help point me to a website that lists all the animals people can eat?


    7 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago