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Faith is that bird that sings when the dawn is still dark...

  • Would you please cc this poem on Gun Control?

    You're sitting in a library,

    immersed in sublime prose;

    A scream, a gasp, then suddenly,

    There's blood splashed on your clothes.

    You're strolling in your schoolyard park,

    when gun shots rent the air,

    You're hit, the world grows dim and dark,

    A parent's worst nightmare.

    You're shopping in a CostCo store,

    You're wondering what to buy,

    Shots are fired, you're on the floor,

    You're hit, you're going to die.

    They claim that this is self-defence,

    They claim their right to shoot,

    But this is but a mere pretence,

    They shoot to execute.

    America... wake up and see,

    Your children are afraid, not free.

    7 AnswersPoetry2 years ago
  • Why is it taking so long to find little Julen Rosello? : (?

    Heart breaking to know what that little baby boy has had to undergo...

    3 AnswersCurrent Events2 years ago
  • How do you stamp out an ideology?

    How do you stamp out an ideology?

    Do you think the minds of the ISIS are so flooded with hate and anger that they have no time for music or art?

    What if...they were bombarded with another better ideology that was so mind blowingly beautiful that it erased the insanity of terrorism?

    What if...talented people from their places of origin took the stage to show and prove to them that their present ideology is nothing but a waste of their lives?

    What if...sports and art and music and literature and drama were drenched onto their places of origin so that their children minds might dwell on something other than the hogwash fed to them?

    or am i being too idealistic...?

    7 AnswersCurrent Events4 years ago
  • Will Trumpet ever admit that he mistakenly/deliberately took Mayor Khan's statement out of context?

    “At least 7 dead and 48 wounded in terror attack,” the president wrote on his Twitter account soon after the attack, “and Mayor of London says there is ‘no reason to be alarmed!’”

    What Mr Khan actually said was that there is no reason to be alarmed about the increased police presence on the streets after the attack.

    “My message to Londoners and visitors to our great city is to be calm and vigilant today," Mr Khan said. "You will see an increased police presence today, including armed officers and uniformed officers.

    "There is no reason to be alarmed by this. We are the safest global city in the world. You saw last night as a consequence of our planning, our preparation, the rehearsals that take place, the swift response from the emergency services tackling the terrorists and also helping the injured.”

    Mr Khan has shrugged off the intense and repeated criticism from Mr Trump. A spokesperson said the mayor has "more important things to do than respond to Donald Trump’s ill-informed tweet that deliberately takes out of context his remarks".

    9 AnswersCurrent Events4 years ago
  • Do you think that the average British teen has a fervent love and respect for his own UK culture?

    Do you think that the average British teen has a love and respect for UK culture?

    i think that if every British family inculcated the same love and respect for UK culture, that your guests express for their own,

    it would be hard for an alien religion to impose itself on your country.

    Happy bonding family traditions like a Sunday lunch together, Mass with the family (for Christians), British history excusions etc, if instilled in every British family (NOT pub hopping), could just save the day...

    12 AnswersCurrent Events4 years ago
  • How do you think terrorist supporters should be exposed and held accountable?

    A host of non-violent believers insist that terrorism is not what their religion advocates.

    They insist that their religion is peaceful.

    Well, why can't they announce at every, single time they call for prayer :

    1. that terrorist attacks are NOT part of their religion.

    2. that every suicide bomber is guilty of the sin of murder punishable by their heaven.

    3. that their religion advocates peace and brotherhood and tolerance.

    4. that they are against all that ISIS stands for.

    5. A fatwa against every terrorist for ruining the name of their religion and inciting unholy violence would send the message home...

    Those places of worship who refused to make such an annoucement would be exposed for what they really are...and such structures could be deemed criminal.

    4 AnswersOther - Politics & Government4 years ago
  • Further to my question yesterday on why suicide bombers do what they do, do think this will work?

    Further to my question yesterday on why suicide bombers do what they do, do think this will work?

    Most of the answers i received mentioned that these twisted people have been brainwashed.

    They do not represent their "true" religion but radical nutcases like ISIS seems to able to 'turn' them and use/misuse them.

    They place no value on life (their own nor others) as they have been brainwashed into believing that murder of "unbelievers" is right and true and will be rewarded in the afterlife.

    There...(it felt icky just typing that...)

    My point is this...a host of non-violent believers of this religion insist that this is not what their religion advocates.

    They insist that their religion is peaceful.

    Well, why can't they announce at every, single time they call for prayer

    1. that terrorist attacks are NOT part of their religion.

    2. that every suicide bomber is guilty of the sin of murder.

    3. that their religion advocates peace and brotherhood and tolerance.

    4. that they are against ISIS.

    5. A fatwa against every terrorist for ruining the name of their religion and inciting unholy violence would send the message home...

    i do believe that if this was announced every single day at the time for prayer, it would make a difference.

    Of course, those who refused to make such an annoucement would be exposed for what they really are...and such structures could be deemed illegal.

    6 AnswersCurrent Events4 years ago
  • What makes a suicidebomber do what he does?

    What has happened is heartbreaking. Children having fun cannot be murdered. But they were. By one nutcase who believed in what he did. How could he? That is my question.

    Here's what i think. There are people who are brainwashed since their infancy about certain "ideals".

    They live these beliefs and doctrines till it warps their minds and twists their souls. There is nothing we can do to change them. But i do believe there is something we can do to change the situation. Why is it that these people lap up the rubbish they are fed? Why is it that they believe they have "no other choice".

    I believe that it is because they just don't know better. They have been groomed to believe that it is right and pure to don a suicidebombers vest and commit murder.

    What if the rest of the world proved that there IS another way? A better way?

    What if we promoted peace to every extent possible?

    What if peace was the message that was instilled in every little child, regardless of their religion?

    Do you think that it would help them make the right choice...?

    15 AnswersPolls & Surveys4 years ago
  • Would you mistake Boris Johnson for Donald Trump?

    Boris Johnson has described how he was mistaken for Donald Trump during a trip to New York, describing it as "one of the worst moments".

    The London Mayor said he is "genuinely worried" about the Republican candidate becoming President in the election later this year.

    Mr Johnson said: "I am genuinely worried that he could become president... I was in New York and some photographers were trying to take a picture of me and a girl walked down the pavement towards me and she stopped and she said "Gee is that Trump?".

    "It was one of the worst moments."

    6 AnswersCurrent Events4 years ago
  • Do you think Donald will go grey?

    Bill Clinton did it. So did George W. Bush. Ronald Reagan kind of did it and it looks like President Barack Obama is doing it, too.

    What do all these men have in common besides holding the highest office in the United States? Their hair turned gray during their presidencies.

    Why? One word: Stress.

    When Bill Clinton entered office at age 46, he already had salt-and-pepper hair, but he came out of his term with a head of nearly white hair.

    After George W. Bush's eight years in office, he noted his looks had changed.

    "When I go home," Bush said in 2009, "I'm going to look in the mirror and like what I see, except maybe for the gray hair."

    We saw it happen to Obama you think Donald will go grey too...?

    11 AnswersCurrent Events4 years ago
  • Is it love, if it's violent? is an excuse for love.?

    Johnny Depp and Amber Heard's statement left me reeling...

    I think the word "volatile" was a strange, politically correct euphimism for "violent"

    “Our relationship was intensely passionate and at times volatile, but always bound by love,”

    A wise man once told me that love, true love, could never harm.

    Love, in its essence, is life-giving.

    Anything else is an excuse for love.

    1 AnswerPoetry5 years ago
  • Is it love, if it's violent?

    Is it love, if it's violent?

    Johnny Depp and Amber Heard's staement left me reeling...

    I think the word "volatile" was a strange, politically correct euphimism for "violent"

    “Our relationship was intensely passionate and at times volatile, but always bound by love,”

    A wise man once told me that love, true love, could never harm.

    Love, in its essence, is life-giving.

    Anything else is an excuse for love.

    123 AnswersPoetry5 years ago
  • Would you ever give up trying to find your missing child?

    For all those who ridicule the search and constant posting for Madeleine's McCann, just imagine if this Mum had given in to such attitudes...and given up.

    A Chinese man has finally been reunited with his mother, 25 years after he was abducted as a toddler by human traffickers.

    Song Yangzhi, now 28 and known to his biological family as ‘Zhi Zhi’, met his mother after he only found out she was still looking for him last month after she posted a picture online.

    Subsequent DNA tests proved Zhi Zhi was Zhang Xuexia’s son and the pair have now held a tearful reunion.

    14 AnswersCurrent Events5 years ago
  • What are UK prisons like?

    After his arrest, Rehman claimed he was only pretending to be a 'Jihadi warrior'. He said he was about to be kicked out of the family home and thought terrorism was the “easiest way to get into prison” to get a roof over his head.

    16 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police5 years ago
  • Is Christmas part of your culture?

    Jesus was from the East. But many people of the West have grown-up with a set of values based upon Christianity.

    Would you give up your Christian values for a more pluralistic Britain?

    Are Christian values being sacrificed on the altar of so-called "pluralism"?

    Apart from God help us, two thoughts occur to me. Firstly, if Corab gets its way, British children will never become familiar with the Judaeo-Christian religion which underpins 2,000 years of Western civilisation; if you banish it from schools, they will certainly not get it at home. And the stories and attendant values which those of us over the age of 40 take for granted will be lost.

    Hands off our faith schools! Hands off our Christmas! At this most unsettling of times, we want public life to have a character that is deeply familiar and comforting; we need our traditions more than ever.

    “Yet in thy dark streets shineth, the everlasting light. The hopes and fears of all the years are met in Thee tonight.”

    16 AnswersCurrent Events5 years ago
  • Can you destroy terrorism from the air?

    “You cannot kill terrorists or destroy terrorism from the air, you cannot,” he added. “The Americans have been trying this in Afghanistan for how long? Did they achieve anything? Nothing.”

    The Syrian leader also said he feels “very sad” to see Syrian citizens fleeing to Europe, but defected blame.

    “I didn’t fail them,” Assad said. “I did not destroy their infrastructure. I did not give the arms to terrorists to kill and to destroy. The question is, ‘Who did that?’ The Europeans and the Saudis and the Qataris.”

    9 AnswersCurrent Events5 years ago
  • What do you think Bear is doing on the moon?!?

    UFO fans are to alert the U.N. about yet another sighting on Mars - this time, a Martian polar bear. Tireless alien-hunter Scott C Waring says he is unsure whether the bear is an actual, flesh-and-blood creature, or a statue.

    13 AnswersCurrent Events6 years ago