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  • Moral question - So my boyfriend asked to me to speak with his sister about a relationship he doesnt approve o?

    She is in late 20's and me and my boyfriend are in our 30s. I felt trepidation because I wanted to be honest with her and not just parrot what he wanted me to say.

    At any rate, she confided in me on some things she did not want her bro to know. After the convo, my boyfriend tells me that if I know anything I HAVE to tell him or our relationship is in jeapordy. After holding on to it for a while I told what she said. He is now mad at me that I did not tell him immediately. He hung up on. I feel like I am both a liar and a snitch and I do not know what to do. I would like an opinion on what you think. I personally wish I hadnt told him, but I also hate lying. What do you think I should do now?

    2 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • So my boyfriend asked to me to speak with his sister about a relationship he does not approve of...?

    She is in late 20's and me and my boyfriend are in our 30s. I felt trepidation because I wanted to be honest with her and not just parrot what he wanted me to say.

    At any rate, she confided in me on some things she did not want her bro to know. After the convo, my boyfriend tells me that if I know anything I HAVE to tell him or our relationship is in jeapordy. After holding on to it for a while I told what she said. He is now mad at me that I did not tell him immediately. He hung up on. I feel like I am both a liar and a snitch and I do not know what to do. I would like an opinion on what you think. I personally wish I hadnt told him, but I also hate lying. What do you think I should do now?

    8 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Why do people in the RNC always bring up how MLK and Lincoln were in but leave out that?

    the democrats were a racist party at the time, and after LBJ a democrat signed the voters right act of 1964, the racists left the democractic party and switched to the RNC and it has been that way ever since. This is in fact why most black people became and stayed Democrats - not hand outs - history!

    7 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • True or fasle. The real reason libs and cons are so opposed is less about goals and more about the American?

    people being duped with food that makes us sick and obese, media that does not inform or answer questions but seeks to insight anger with no real analys for citizen action, a healthcare system that keeps people sick and broke, and a system slaves us all to elected officials who are mostly there to hold their own positions together.

    I believe what is left of conservative movement is mostly those fearful of change - multi-ethnic, racial equality, religious freedom, and a flat power structure not automatically granted on the majority rule. I believe they are scared so they turn to Rush to lead them and give voice to their anger but in reality, Rush is not about them. He is just another media mogul exploiting real feelings of the people for his own professional gain.

    How about instead of turning against the other people, turn into your local and national communities and have a conversation with those you disagree with - THAT's Democracy.

    10 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • True or fasle. The real reason libs and cons are so opposed is less about goals and more about the American?

    people being duped with food that makes us sick and obese, media that does not inform or answer questions but seeks to insight anger with no real analys for citizen action, a healthcare system that keeps people sick and broke, and a system slaves us all to elected officials who are mostly there to hold their own positions together.

    I believe what is left of conservative movement is mostly those fearful of change - multi-ethnic, racial equality, religious freedom, and a flat power structure not automatically granted on the majority rule. I believe they are scared so they turn to Rush to lead them and give voice to their anger but in reality, Rush is not about them. He is just another media mogul exploiting real feelings of the people for his own professional gain.

    How about instead of turning against the other people, turn into your local and national communities and have a conversation with those you disagree with - THAT's Democracy.

    6 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • My boyfriend won a free trip to Jamaica, but can't and won't go.?

    My boyfriend won a free trip to Jamaica, but can't and won't go.?

    I asked if he would transfer the tickets to my name and I can go with a girlfriend and he calls me selfish. What do you think? Should I say give the ticket to someone who is not your girlfriend? Or is it a no brainer to give the ticket to your girl who can go and enjoy herself with GIRLFRIENDS?

    13 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • My boyfriend won a free trip to Jamaica, but can't and won't go?

    My boyfriend won a free trip to Jamaica, but can't and won't go.?

    I asked if he would transfer the tickets to my name and I can go with a girlfriend and he calls me selfish. What do you think? Should I say give the ticket to someone who is not your girlfriend? Or is it a no brainer to give the ticket to your girl who can go and enjoy herself with GIRLFRIENDS.

    7 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • My boyfriend won a free trip to Jamaica, but can't and won't go.?

    I asked if he would transfer the tickets to my name and I can go with a girlfriend and he calls me selfish. What do you think? Should I say give the ticket to someone who is not your girlfriend? Or is it a no brainer to give the ticket to your girl who can go and enjoy herself with GIRLFRIENDS.

    4 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Since prolifers give abstinence as the only solution should no sex till marriage be made law?

    Or no sex unless you have a certain income or lifestyle to support a child? How is this less intrusive then developing programs to deal with the children who are alive and unadopted in our massive orphanages?

    9 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Wouldn't the pro-lifers t get more support if it came with some type of national platform to care for orphans?

    Why are solutions everyone can agree on never presented? Why all the demonizing of sex ed, single mothers and no national platform for managing those who are in that situation now?

    15 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Why do social consrvatives say laws against murder are because of the Bible, in support of moral legislation?

    So, in my last question I asked about legislating morals and believing in limited govt and how that does not make sense to me.

    So, as usual someone asks about murder. To me murder and rape are in the Bible ( I am a Christian) ultimately they are Libertarian in nature.

    It's basically saying I am soveriegn individual and you do not have a right to take my life or my physical well being.

    Then people will use that as a reason for abortion which is fine, but then they should be pro gay marriage. And also for abortion its not really the same because the woman is also a soveriegn person who has the right to say I do not want a child to come out of me and I do not want the state to tell me I have no right to have that. So I am still wanting someone to square up the arguments.

    For small govt but for govt intervention on a moral/religious basis makes no sense to me. I get Libretarians. I could be one. I am center Dem. I just like a consistent argument.

    4 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Republicans please explain how you can be small government and for creating laws from a religious perspective?

    I am not judging either way but I really want to understand how you square up small govt with social conservatism. I get Libertarians because they argue consistently for less govt interference and I get that. I don't get arguing against welfare and govt interventions but then arguing against an individuals right to marry someone of the same sex, among other socially conservative views. Please explain.

    10 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • How are some Republicans able to be dillusional in saying that Spector's leaving the party is a good thing?

    It gives the Dems the 60 vote filibuster we need and are excited to have. I just don't get how Reps are able to have such denial. Maybe you don't like Spector's views but his switching is definitely not a good thing for your guys legislatively....

    Reps do denial better than anyone...Maintain party line even when everyone can see the house is shrinking and on fire all at once.

    14 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • I am an African American woman dating a Serbian man. I am wondering what Serbian dating norms are?

    For example, does courtship happen differently in Serbia. We spend so much time together and I adore him. Unlike American men we haven't had the I'm only seeing you talk. We said we aren't dating other ppl but it was kind of assumed by him. Is this normal?

    Also, how do Serbian men like to be treated and what do they expect from the woman. I am a Black American and of course the stereotype is that we are willful (and I must admit I can be.) We have talked about this and he seems to like it but culturally would this be an issue in the relationship?

    Also, I made him sarma which he liked. What are some other Serbian cultural things I could do just to show him I really care and am interested in knowing about his culture. He has lived here 11 years and I want him to know I respect his traditions. Thanks.

    10 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • What do you think about the following quotes from the IL Governor about Obama? ?

    This is what Blago says about Obama on the tapes.....

    He also appears to think little of the president-elect, whom he calls a "motherf***er" at one point.

    "F**k him," Blagjoveich says of Obama during a lengthy call with top aides and his wife recorded on November 10th, "For nothing? F**k him."

    In another section of the complaint, Blagojevich expresses exasperation that Obama and his team aren't willing to offer him an inducement in exchange for appointing an aide, apparently Valerie Jarrett, to the Senate. Blagojevich "said he knows that the President-elect wants Senate Candidate 1 for the Senate seat but 'they're not willing to give me anything except appreciation. F**k them,'" says the complaint.

    11 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Agree or disagree with my theory on Race in USA ...explain why you agree or not. ?

    Racism I think comes from a real lack of understanding what the definition is.

    Race is a social and olitical construct. It has cultural implications but someone who is Black and grows up with White ppl will have less connection to "Black" culture, as someone who is White and grows up around Black people. It's an interaction of how people view you, how you view yourself and this interaction can influence things like politics.

    There is nothing inherent about race or scientific. As most Black Americans are mixed. Race is

    Racism is based on lack of knowledge about the other group. So, people who are not minorities have the luxury of not thinking about it until they percieve it to affect them. This is why you often here comments about reverse racism with Affirmative Action or crime in Black hoods. These are the only ways they think of it bc its the only way they perceive it as affecting them. How often do any of us really try to empathaize with someone else's perception or place of any race? Racism to me is about an ignorance of race as an influence in people's lives. Or it is a lack of empathizing with what it means to not be part of the dominant culture. It's easy to take that for granted because if a fish grows up in water it doesnt realize how important the water is until he is out of it.

    The only way to change this is to have real open and frank discussion about race is and isnt. And what racism is and isnt.

    Racism is different than discrimination as any race can be discriminatory or prejudice. Racism refers specifically to a dominant cultures advantages vs a subcultures. (This is not to say White's aren't ppoor or struggle which most ppl point out in this discussion) Rather a better exemple would be the advantage of seeing a variety of positive examples (or negative examples) of one's race in the overall public discourse or in positions of power.

    What do you think?

    8 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago