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  • filing for disability?

    my friend has adhd she was diagnosed when she was in like 2nd grade she takes medication for it but it is still very apparent that she has it, she hasnt had a job in 2 almost 2 years when she got laid off she decided to be a stay at home mom to her 4 month old baby. can she file for disability

    2 AnswersPeople with Disabilities1 decade ago
  • custody order please help?

    when my daughter was born i fought to keep the father away in fear that he would change his mind and walk out on her like my father did, well he wanted to be a father and took me to court and i got physical custody and we shared joint. well after about a year we got back together and i was on welfare so we filed together and when we did that he didnt have to pay child support anymore. and now we are broken up bcuz he got on drugs and he wont quit and i wont allow that around my daughter, i took her over to see him at his parents house and we were all watchin a movie and my daughter walked up to me with one of his foils he used to smoke off of and there was black residue all ovr her hands. i gave hima chance to quit when he first told me and i told him that if he went back that i was taking our daughter and leaving, and then my daughter found it and i have to follow through and leave!! what im asking is now that we filed together does that void that custody order i want to move away and to get my daugter away from all of this but i need to no if i will get in trouble. i do not trust him with her anymore and i wont let her go o vr to his parents house anymore bcuz thats where she found it.

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • custody order please read?

    when my daughter was born i fought to keep the father away in fear that he would change his mind and walk out on her like my father did, well he wanted to be a father and took me to court and i got physical custody and we shared joint. well after about a year we got back together and i was on welfare so we filed together and when we did that he didnt have to pay child support anymore. and now we are broken up bcuz he got on drugs and he wont quit and i wont allow that around my daughter, i took her over to see him at his parents house and we were all watchin a movie and my daughter walked up to me with one of his foils he used to smoke off of and there was black residue all ovr her hands. i gave hima chance to quit when he first told me and i told him that if he went back that i was taking our daughter and leaving, and then my daughter found it and i have to follow through and leave!! what im asking is now that we filed together does that void that custody order i want to move away and to get my daugter away from all of this but i need to no if i will get in trouble. i do not trust him with her anymore and i wont let her go o vr to his parents house anymore bcuz thats where she found it.

    1 AnswerOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • my daughters rash kind of looks like a burn?

    my daughter has had a rash for about 2 weeks now i have been potty training her so the only time she has a diaper on is when we go somewhere or when shes sleeping, any other time she has either nothing on or some underwear. the last 3 days its been getting worse right now it looks like blisters or like a burn, and it hurts her ti sit down or when soemone touches it? she also was positive for mersa but she hasnt had a a boil in like 2 months! i have made her an appointment but i was just wondering if any moms have experienced this and what they did? i dont think nystatin would work for this since it doesnt seem like a regular diaper rash.

    3 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • can you buy a home while on welfare?

    if you can does it take away from how much they give you?

    6 AnswersPersonal Finance1 decade ago
  • i need advice about the father of my child? please read HELP?

    i am a stay at home mom and i do evrything around the house, cook, clean, laundry, also take care of our 2 year old daughter all day long evryday which i dont mind i love my daughter. my bf works from 4 to 10 evryday except monday and tuesday he has off. he comes home and theres clothes in the dryer that i havent folded cuz i had the flu and didnt feel like folding them, he starts throwing a fit saying i dont do anything around the house and i just sit on my *** all day!! he never helps with anything WHEN hes home hes usually sleeping all day till he goes to work and doesnt help with anything. evrytime he gets something to eat he leaves his mess everywhere and never does his dishes, leaves his clothes evrywhere. i cnt stand a dirty house, and ive tried talking to him but all he says is i dnt do as much as i think i do around the house. ive went on strike for like 3 days and didnt clean at all and i went crazy i had to clean needless to say he didnt touch anything. he gets mad when i ask him to change our daughters diaper, when i ask him to put her to sleep he either falls asleep and then she gets up or he comes out of the bedroom and says she wont sleep. how do i get him to help??

    5 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • pain in my left side evr since i had my daughter why?? please help?

    i had my daughter in oct of 08 and ever since i had i have severe pain in my left side sometimes it feels likes its burning and others it just feels like there something stuck in there rubbing against my ribs ive been to the dr and he did xray and there was nothing i convinced him to do a cat scan and they found fluid around my heart and they dnt no y its there. so basically i have fluid around my heart and no one knows why and i have severe pain and no one knows y please help did any of you moms have this

    2 AnswersPain & Pain Management1 decade ago