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Lv 44,199 points

Big E

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  • What are the KTAR D&W 8:55am & OT words of the day?

    I was away from my computer this morning and missed the 8:55 and Overtime codes.

    Thank you in Advance...

    4 AnswersRadio1 decade ago
  • KTAR 620 D&W 8:55AM and OT "Word of the Day" for 6/3?

    D&W 5:55am: SNAKE

    Thank you!!!

    13 AnswersRadio1 decade ago
  • KTAR 92.3 & 620 "Word of the Day" 5/25/09?

    5/25/09 (Phoenix, AZ)

    Sleuth ……… Driving

    This word is for both Friday May 22 and Monday May 25th

    Champions ………………… (B) Don Larsen

    Hello, Mr. President ……….. (A) 1789

    This Day in History ………... (B) Star Wars

    Where in the World? ………. (B) Japan

    620 AM KTAR All-Stars "Word of the Day"

    5:55: ………… “---“ 3 dashes

    8:55: ………… “---“ 3 dashes

    OT: …………. “---“ 3 dashes

    G&A: …......... “---“ 3 dashes

    Jon Bloom's Word of the Day 5/16 ... NBA PLAYOFFS

    Jon Bloom's Word of the Day 5/23… “---“ 3 dashes

    92.3 FM KTAR Reward "Word of the Day"

    8:15am: …….. MEMORIAL

    11:20am: ….... TEST

    2:03pm: …….. HOLIDAY

    3:20pm: …….. GRILL

    8:20pm: …….. SUMMER


    620 AM KTAR All-Stars "Bonus Codes"

    Ca$h4 bonus 5/19 ............. CA$H4

    Ca$h4 bonus 5/20 ............. CIRCLEK

    Ca$h4 bonus 5/21 ............. SANDERSON

    Ca$h4 bonus 5/22 ............. TOMCAR

    Ca$h4 bonus 5/26 ............. FRYS

    Ca$h4 bonus 5/27 ………..

    Ca$h4 bonus 5/28 ………..

    Ca$h4 bonus 5/29 ……….. WIN

    Mark Asher Fresh & Easy 5/23: …………... BARBEQUE

    Southwestern Eye Center Trivia …………... TWO

    Text CARDS to 74574 …………………….. 09NFCCHAMPS

    All Star Insider Newsletter 5/12 …………... VOTENOW


    92.3 FM KTAR Reward "Bonus Codes"

    Mac and Gaydos twitter 5/18: …………….. ASU

    KTAR Insider Newsletter 5/14: …………… GRADUATIONS

    Click Chick Twitter 5/12: ............................. CLICK CHICK


    6 AnswersRadio1 decade ago
  • Anyone know the KTAR G&A word of the day for 2/5/09?

    I was listening, but for the life of me, I can't remember what it was. Please help...

    3 AnswersRadio1 decade ago