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Can anyone tell me about Tonopah, AZ?
I'm currently in Minnesota, but looking to relocate to Arizona. Can anyone tell me about Tonopah, AZ? We're a family of 5, a large breed dog, and 2 house cats. We're aware of the commute we'd have to any city, the heat, the monsoons, etc. just want to know if it's a good place for a family to live?
2 AnswersPhoenix1 decade agoDenture causing swelling?
I've had a top denture for about 4 months. I haven't been able to get it relined (my dentist says 3 months after putting it in to come back to get relined) because I have a 7 month old baby who doesn't do well when we're apart. Well, now it's caused some drastic sore spots. My gums are also very swollen. Last night for a bit of relief I took the denture out. Now I can't get it back in. What do I do? Is there any way to bring the swelling down quickly to get it in? I think if I can just get it in, I'll be fine. I can handle the sores, I just needed to go without one night (I've been wearing it constantly - until last night). I can't go without teeth! I have to eat, and the roof of my mouth is super sensitive now from being covered for so long.
Any help or ideas? This is frustrating!
Dental1 decade agoWhat happened?
I can't seem to get to the forums at it's the La Leche League forums. It appears the whole llli website is down. What happened to it? Anyone know? I know a few other mommies from there come here, so maybe they know something I missed the last time I was there.
2 AnswersParenting1 decade agoHow long after Sold Sign?
We just bought a house, well, we haven't closed yet on it but everything is in the works. About how long after a "SOLD" sign goes up do you get to close on it and move in?
6 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade agoIs it baby acne or something more?
I'm trying to determine if my 5.5 week old daughter just has a bad case of baby acne or if it's something more then that. She has it all over her face, some on her head, on her ears, and on her neck and throat. My other 2 never had much acne when they were little - they were both formula fed whereas this one is breastfed. I don't know if it makes a difference or not in this case.
Sometimes the rash or acne or whatever it is turns very very red, other times it isn't nearly as noticeable. What do you think it is? And what can I do for it?
8 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade agoDo they really mean 1/2 lb of brown sugar or what?
I found a recipe I plan on trying out tomorrow for my family reunion. It's hot dogs and sauce cooked in the slow cooker (figured ULTRA kid friendly is always good!). Here's the recipe :
5lbs hot dogs
32 oz ketchup
1/4 package brown sugar
1 rounded teaspoon dry mustard
1 1/2 tablespoons vinegar
Put all but hot dogs into slow cooker, mix up. Add hot dogs and heat in slow cooker till hot.
Now.... All I've ever seen is 2 lb packages of brown sugar... so does this mean to use 1/2 a pound? Do you think it's too much?
9 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade agoHelp! Her rash isn't getting better?
My daughter is 3 weeks old now. As I've posted before - I'm fairly certain she has a milk protein allergy. And I breastfeed. Ever since I eliminated dairy in my diet her poop's gotten back to "normal". However her diaper rash isn't going away! I've been using Balmex with every diaper change, changing her every time she poops or pees right away, dry her bottom off... all of it. Is there something better then Balmex that I should get for her sore diaper region? I've only been using the balmex because that's what came with a gift we received from a family member.
I seem to recall that Balmex didn't work with my other kids either, but I don't remember what did! Help! Though is it possible that a cream/ointment won't work because it's most likely caused from the milk proteins? I've read those can take up to a couple months to leave the system completely...
13 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade agoI'm nursing my 2 1/2 week old and...?
I think she's allergic to milk proteins. Both of my other two were as well, but I didn't breastfeed more then a week with either of them. Is there ANY dairy I can eat/drink? Cheeses, yogurts, etc? I am fairly certain it is the cow's milk proteins giving her problems - she has green slimy poop (which usually is because of something mom ate/drank that disagrees with baby - like an allergy) when I've drank milk, she got it after I hadn't had any milk to drink and then not thinking ate some pudding. I've read that it is extremely uncommon for a baby to be lactose intolerant - but being allergic to milk proteins is the most common cause of the yucky poops she's been having.
11 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade agoOh the pain!?
I had 2 lower teeth, and 4 uppers extracted this morning, so over 12 hours ago.
I am getting a lot of work done, including getting dentures on the top. 3 pregnancies really took a HUGE toll on my teeth.
Anyways, my questions are - How long will the pain be here? I was in tears earlier because I wasn't able to take pain meds soon enough so they all wore off completely. I am breastfeeding my new baby - so the sooner the pain goes away the better!
Also, How long before I can suck on a straw? I'm having a hard time drinking and keeping it away from the left side of my mouth - a straw would do me WONDERS!
I ran out of gauze after just a couple hours home - I'm not certain they were fully finished bleeding, Is that okay?
What is the best thing to take for the pain?
Thanks in advance for any and all answers given!
3 AnswersDental1 decade agoWill I have to "Pump and Dump"?
I have a dentist appointment on Monday. They'll be extracting some teeth. Will the Novocaine cause me to have to "pump and dump"? or Do I just need to pump before hand so I know that while I'm at the dentist my baby can eat if she gets hungry? She'll be 17 days old at the time.
I'm a bit nervous with having a bottle introduced to her this early but I know I may not have a choice - I need this dental work done. Over the course of 3 appointments at the dentist office I will be getting teeth extracted, fitted for dentures, and receiving dentures.
So, will I have to "pump and dump" or will I be able to continue nursing again right after getting back home?
7 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade agoHelp! My newborn won't sleep!?
My daughter is 11 days old, and since yesterday she refuses to sleep unless someone is holding her! I do breastfeed her on demand, if she wants it, she gets it. How can I get her to sleep and get something done for myself? I'd love to hop in the shower but every time I lay her down she wakes and starts to cry! Someone please help! It's been far too long since my older ones were this little, I don't remember if they went through this stage too - and if they did I don't know what I did then...
10 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade agoBirth Certificate problem?
My baby is a week old, today I discovered that the hospital royally screwed up and put the wrong middle name down for my daughter! It took us going to her 1 week check up to discover this. I was NEVER asked her middle name while in the hospital but my husband had written it down on the nursery card. Instead they put my first name as her middle name. I know I signed something stating all information was correct - while I was completely sick and drugged up. Why they had me even attempt to do such a thing is beyond me.
The hospital Birth Certificate is wrong (the one with her footprints), the information sent to the county for her state BC is wrong, and the information sent to Social Security is wrong! I know I can go to the court house and get the state issued BC corrected, but what about Social Security, and the fact that the hospital BC is incorrect? What can I do about those? On the hospital BC-can I white-out the wrong name and put the right name Or does that make it invalid?
3 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade agoFor those who breastfeed now or have in the past and remember?
How often does your newborn (mine is 6 days old) nurse? How long? Do you nurse from both sides at every feeding or do you alternate - Like, left side for one feeding, right side for next, and so on?
I never had luck with nursing with my older two, but my newest addition LOVES it, and we're doing great with it. I'm just curious what others go through at this stage. I think the hardest part right now is the fact that during the night she wakes up a lot to nurse - every hour or so... during the day she sleeps more then that! Any pointers on that as well?
9 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade agoBreast feeding and pumping?
If you breastfed and also pumped milk to give in a bottle, at what age was your infant when you started? Also what type of bottle and nipple did you use to avoid nipple confusion?
I want to continue to breastfeed but I know there are times I will not always be able to actually feed my daughter myself.
9 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade agoAfter getting tubes tied?
I had my baby on Friday morning, and then Saturday morning I got my tubes tied.
The surgery has caused me a ton of gas pain. It's not just in my belly - it travels. I was told walking and moving around would help it, well it does, until I try to lay down to sleep at night. Is there any medication that I can take that's safe for my daughter as well since I'm breastfeeding? Saturday night in the hospital I had to sleep practically sitting upright, and then again last night I had to do the same in my recliner. I woke up stiff from it so I'm hoping someone knows of some way that I can get some relief and be able to sleep laying down.
I know it's a fairly common issue with surgery, but it was the first surgery I've ever had. I really need some relief! Tylonel and Motrin can only do so much!
2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agoHow to relieve this pain/discomfort?
I gave birth to a baby girl on Friday, Saturday morning I had my "tubes tied". I know the pain I'm in is from the gas they used during the surgery, what I need to know is how do I get relief? I was told to "pass gas" but well, that's not exactly easy. I was also told to keep as mobile as I'm comfortable enough to be. I have been up and walking around today, and as soon as I tried to lay down and go to sleep, the pain was back full force. Is there anything I can take to try to relieve some of this gas? I have a 2 day old infant to care for, I need to rest when she allows and if I'm in this much pain there is no way for me to get any sleep! Last night in the hospital I had to sleep sitting up in bed, at home that's not as likely of an option. Please help me!
3 AnswersPain & Pain Management1 decade agoSent home.... AGAIN!?
40 weeks, 4 days into this pregnancy and once again I've been sent home because my contractions aren't "working". I was told to do what I can to get baby to "drop" further down because that's most likely what my problem is with these contractions not causing me to dilate. Baby's up too far to be putting pressure on my cervix.
I've been walking and it has done NOTHING - well, except for cause me extreme discomfort from hip dysplasia and hurt my hubby's knee from walking with me, he has arthritis in his knee.
So... Aside from walking, I need to know more ways of getting baby to drop down further. I've been having contractions that have been steady for over 14 hours, but unless baby drops down they aren't really going to do any good - these contractions are like most the others, and not helping me dilate any further then the 3cm I'm at now.
They didn't want to admit me now and risk that it would actually stall labor, figured I'd be more comfortable at home.
Give me more ideas!
17 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agoFrustrated! Need to vent?
Ok, I'm now 40weeks, 4 days pregnant with #3. I've been having some real decent contractions for the last 12 hours. But still not quite strong enough to go up to the hospital again (I've been there 2 times in under 2 weeks).
Last night was the last day/night of my hubby's vacation time - he had to take it or lose it. We were hoping baby would come during it so he wouldn't have to take even more time off. I was having contractions earlier then the 12 hours ago, but that's when they started to get a little stronger.
My hubby is on medication-it keeps him mentally balanced. It's also a sleeping pill. Last night I told him to go ahead and take it, since the contractions weren't getting to be super strong yet. I laid down finally and the contractions picked up for awhile, and didn't get any sleep. Finally I got up and have been moving around just to try to see what's going to happen.
My OB is on vacation so chances of an induction are slim until he returns next week.
10 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agoLeaking fluids? Maybe?
Okay, I'm 40weeks 3days pregnant - I'm not sure if I'm leaking amniotic fluid or not. Everyone says to smell it to see if it's "sweet" smelling - however my nose is plugged and I can't smell anything at all.
After using the bathroom and I wiped there was yellow tinged stuff on the paper. It definatly wasn't urine, the consistency was completely wrong for that. It wasn't quite as thick as the mucus plug, and not quite as liquid as urine. Not even the right consistency for "normal" pregnancy discharge.
I've been having contractions for the last 2 weeks or so - never enough to keep me at the hospital, as they weren't progressing me fast enough.
Any clue what this was? I have never actually seen the fluids in either of my other pregnancies - I was laying in the hospital bed both times and was cleaned up immediately after.
4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agoDue date woes...?
Here it is, my due date (yes I know it's just an estimate). I've been to L&D 2 times in the last week just SURE it was "time". Being my 3rd baby you'd think I'd know by now.
Anyways, Wednesday my doctor did a membrane sweep, last night was my 2nd time up to L&D and the 2nd time in a week they've had to send me home for lack of progress. Yesterday I called my doctor as requested to "check in" to see how things were going with me. Then he told me to call back this morning unless of course I was already in the hospital. I've called back this morning and waiting on his return call - he's in surgery for most of the morning.
I'm seriously beginning to doubt my ability to "know" when I really should go to the hospital. And I'm seriously getting depressed. I have medical issues that cause pregnancy to be quite difficult - and it's just getting worse. I want this baby OUT! Yeah, sure I could have 2 more weeks to go - but I don't think I can take another 2 weeks of this!
5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago