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A birds complaint! Imam Sufyaan (rahimahullah) wrote in a letter:"Improve your secret and private life, and Allah will improve your public and social life. Make matters well between you and Allah, and Allah will make matters well between you and people. Work for the Hereafter, and Allah will be enough for you in your worldly concerns." Source: Biography of I mam Sufyaan ath-Thawri by Salaahud-Deen ibn Ali ibn Abdul-Maujood “I never debated with a knowledgeable person except that I won the debate, and I have never debated with an ignorant person except that I lost.” ~ Imam Shafi’i

  • Ramadan: Is Islam based on our 'thoughts', our 'intellect' , or our 'prior knowledge'?

    Assalam o Alaikum to Muslims and may God Almighty guide the non muslims to Islam.


    Is Islam our play thing?

    Can we chose which parts of Islam to follow and which to Ignore n throw out of our lifestyle?

    Does Islam encompass all aspects of life, or does it only relate to the practises of worship /ibadah?

    Why do most muslims follow what they 'think' is Islam, but never follow what is mentioned in Authentic scriptures of Islamic faith?

    Or do you question the authenticity of the Quran or sahih ahadith?

    O muslims, what religion have you chosen for yourself?

    8 AnswersRamadan9 years ago
  • Ramadan: how does a muslim cope with the present situation in syria?

    Assalam o Alaikum.

    what am I supposed to do as a part of this ummah? since i am living far away from the trials of my brothers, mothers, daughters, sisters, fathers, uncles, in deen

    5 AnswersRamadan9 years ago
  • Ramadan: Do you have a Ramadan brain or a Ramadan heart?

    or both, and please share why...?

    Assalam o Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

    5 AnswersRamadan9 years ago
  • Ramadan: DO you learn from mistakes or make them again?

    Now lets all be honest... its a bit of both isnt it?

    Wassalam o Alaikum warahmatullahi waarakatuh.

    6 AnswersRamadan9 years ago
  • Ramadan: What was the best Jummah khutba you have ever experienced and why?

    Assalam o Alaikum warahmatullahi waarakatuh,

    Hope you are fine and in good healths.

    3 AnswersRamadan9 years ago
  • Ramadan: Would you dare look into a mirror, which would reveal?

    Would you dare look into a mirror,

    which would reveal your 'true' personality?

    I quote:

    “People praise you for what they suppose is in you,

    but you must blame your soul for what you know is in you.”

    ~ Ibn Atallah

    Wassalam o Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

    and Jazakallahu khairan for all beneficial answers.

    7 AnswersRamadan9 years ago
  • Ramadan: Is it strange/ wrong for men to by shy in regards to showing their love and affection towards their ?

    Is it strange/ wrong for men to by shy in regards to showing their love and affection towards their ? Their own mother?

    Assalam o Alaikum warahmatulahi wabarakatuh (<< and I expect all readers to answer in FULL insh'Allah).

    I have a hard time expressing my love to my mother!

    (STILL have a REALLY hard time proving her something OBVIOUS! lol)

    I feel , quiet shy,


    when some people advise me to kiss her forehead, hands and feet,

    By NOT doing it, am I missing out on ajar?

    I do hug her a lot (so much so, she gets annoyed at times!)

    But, I can't have enough of her time!

    Yet, I am unable to show her the love and affection, as shown by other individuals towards their mothers.

    Jazakallahu khairan for all beneficial answers.

    4 AnswersRamadan9 years ago
  • Ramadan: What are some basic books, a Qari must know, in order to teach 'beginner's the art of recitation?

    Assalam o Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

    Are there any books, which help Qaris to revise and teach the rules of tajweed?

    Do recommend any you find most helpful.

    BQ: Should and untrained Teacher of Qira'at NOT take part in becoming a volunteer teacher of Tajweed?

    Any advice would be quite helpful.

    2 AnswersRamadan9 years ago
  • Ramadan: Who are 'rabbaaniyyooon'? what is their status in islam?

    Assalam o Alaikum,

    Imam Ibn ul Qayyim rahimahullah writes:

    "Jihaad (striving) against the soul has four stages:

    • Firstly: To strive in learning guidance and the religion of truth, without which there will be no success. Indeed, there can be no true happiness, nor any delight in this world and in the Herefater, except through it.

    • Secondly: Striving to act upon what has been learnt, since knowledge without action will not benefit, rather it will cause harm.

    • Thirdly: Striving to invite others towards it and to teach those who do not know, otherwise

    he may be considered from those who hide what Allaah has revealed of guidance and clear explanation. Such knowledge will neither benefit, nor save a person from the punishment of Allaah.

    • Fourthly: Striving to be patient and persevering against those who oppose this da'wah (call) to Allaah and those who seek to cause harm - patiently bearing all these hardships for the sake of Allaah.

    When these four stages are completed then such a person is considered to be amongst the Rabbaaniyyoon. The Salaf were agreed that a Scholar does not deserve the title of Rabbaanee until he recognises and knows the truth, acts upon it, and teaches it to others. So whosoever has knowledge, acts upon it, and teaches this knowledge to others, is considered from the Rabbaaniyyoon." [Zaadul-Ma'aad fi Hadee Khayril-'Ibaad (pp.9-11)]

    So, who are these people termed 'rabbaniyyoon'?

    Jazakallahu khairan for all beneficial answers.

    3 AnswersRamadan9 years ago
  • Ramadan: Understanding the effect of small sins, through a laboratory experiment!?

    The boiling frog 'test' is a widespread anecdote describing a frog slowly being boiled alive. The premise is that if a frog is placed in boiling water, it will jump out, but if it is placed in cold water that is slowly heated, it will not perceive the danger and will be cooked to death.

    The story is often used as a metaphor for the inability of people to react to significant changes that occur gradually.

    >> what happens when we consider a 'sin' to be 'small' (miniscule!)?

    Can the above analogy be used to describe the state of those who persist in committing 'small sins'?

    wassalam and jazakallahu khairan for all beneficial answers.

    5 AnswersRamadan9 years ago
  • Ramadan: Should an Imam restrain his tears when leading prayers with jama'ah?

    Assalam o Alaikum.

    Those who have lead prayers, or those who lead prayers, and have a habit of crying with tears in salah,

    should they lead prayers?

    or is it preferable to ask someone else to take the duty of leading salah?

    p.s. crying is out of khushoo

    6 AnswersRamadan9 years ago
  • Ramadan: How to seek sincerity, in our search for knowledge?

    Assalam o Alaikum warahmatullah

    Sufyaan ath-Thawree used to spend the nights and the days crying and the people used to ask him: ”Why do you cry, is it due to the fear of Allaah?“

    He said, “No.”

    They said, “Is it due to the fear of the Hellfire?“

    He said, “No. It is not the fear of Hellfire that makes me cry, what makes me cry is that I have been worshipping Allaah all these years and doing scholarly teaching, and I am not certain that my intentions are purely for Allaah.“

    What are some ways to ensure that we are doing good deeds sincerely for the sake of Allah swt alone?

    1 AnswerRamadan9 years ago
  • Ramadan: what are the characteristics of those who acquire 'true knowledge'?

    Assalam o Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

    Ibn Mas`ood, raDiallaahu `anhu, said: "True knowledge is not measured in relationship to how much you memorize and then narrate, but rather, true knowledge is an expression of piety [protecting oneself from what Allaah prohibited and acting upon what He mandated]."Also, "Study and act upon what you learn." [Related by Abu Na`eem]

    Jazakallahu khairan for your helpful answers.

    4 AnswersRamadan9 years ago
  • Ramadan: How does Islam define Justice between fellow muslims?

    Is Justice : Giving to others, EVERY RIGHT you claim for yourself?

    Wassalam o alaikum warahmatullah, and jazakallah for your beneficial answers.

    4 AnswersRamadan9 years ago
  • Ramadan: What is the Islamic remedy for low self esteem?

    Assalam o Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

    Hope you are well and in good health.


    7 AnswersRamadan9 years ago
  • Ramadan: What precautions must be taken when seeking knowledge of the deen?

    Assalam o Alaikum.

    If a muslim does not find a scholar/guide/ teacher to help them with Islamic studies,

    what should be the most effective manner of seeking knowledge of the deen?

    (provided that the self taught individual is non arab speaker).

    Jazakallah for all helpful answers.

    3 AnswersRamadan9 years ago