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    Yahoo! Answers: A Character Study

    A slender young man in despair

    Remarked as he shellacked his hair,

    "I'd hang myself now

    If I only knew how -

    Mom hates when I stand on the chair."

    1 AnswerPoetry1 decade ago
  • (The Stars of the Earth) Can you solve this original riddle?

    I've loved the stars of the earth

    Far more than the stars of the sky;

    I've touched the stars of the earth -

    The stars of the sky are too high.

    The stars of the earth stand in rows

    And columns of glimmering light.

    The stars of the earth in the distance

    Flick out, one by one, through the night.

    I tap on my star, and it's cold,

    But cold like the dew, not the grave.

    My star in the sunset is gold;

    I stare from my star and I wave.

    What are the stars of the earth?

    4 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • Can you solve this original riddle?

    Though some would gladly show this

    To their very worst foe,

    Most would sooner lose their sons

    Than let it go.

    8 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • Can you solve these three related riddles?

    Three riddles - there's a connection between their answers!

    A) Shadows die quietly.

    Few prefer to run.

    Two arms point upward,

    Reaching for the sun.

    B) A tower on his left,

    A cleric on his right,

    He stood behind his sable men,

    And waited for the fight.

    "The pale foe advances!"

    The words each minion dreads!

    So he spurred his horse to action,

    And leapt above their heads!


    Once you've solved the other two, see if you can answer this one in a way that fits the pattern of the answers.

    C) Unlike diseases

    That strike and move on,

    This lingers worst

    When its cause is gone.

    3 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • Can you solve these original riddles?

    ... well, original in the sense that I wrote them. I've posted them elsewhere before, under a few other names (Kandel, JWWells, etc), so I guess it might be possible to Googlecheat.

    1) "The sky has many, many eyes, but in the sea of night

    The arrow fired into the gulf flew straight and true and bright;

    It sends a thousand missives home, but asks for no reply -

    A mind of twisted, shining nerves will lead it to an eye."

    2) "View, Side, Text, Sent,

    Pare, Cede, Tend, Vent."

    3) "Burning moon, Hera's devout,

    Data moving in and out."

    4) "Unnerving mood that's hard to fake:

    Creepy, like a US lake."

    5) "Errors we'll own to, if we're wise;

    What Gollum runs for exercise."

    6) "In the wind and the rain, I lent ______,

    And she limped o'er the plain to our plane,

    The storm was insane, the noise rattled the brain -

    What a beast of a _____!"

    7) "The marksman was expert at pistol and ______.

    I asked him how he did it - he said it was ______."

    8) "The more I know, the longer I live,

    The harder I find this is to give.

    My wife, whom mostly I adore,

    Believes I ought to give it more.

    But it's a source of shared distress

    That our child won't learn to give it less;

    Perhaps a youth is always bolder -

    And I've set one up for when he's older.

    What is it?"

    5 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • Another original riddle.?

    Here's one I wrote a few days ago:

    Hoarded by one, I bring frustration,

    Shared by two, I bring elation,

    Shared by three, I bring confusion,

    When not shared, I am illusion.

    NOTE: This was way too easy to write - I'm wondering if I subconsciously stole it from some popular or well-known riddle. Has anybody heard anything like it before? The theme's pretty common, so somebody must have hit on this formula.

    7 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • Riddles from a poem - can you solve them?

    In his poem "A Martian Sends a Postcard Home", Craig Raine described human life through the eyes of an alien. Can you identify some of the things the Martian saw?

    1) "In homes, a haunted apparatus sleeps,

    that snores when you pick it up.

    If the ghost cries, they carry it

    to their lips and soothe it to sleep

    with sounds. And yet they wake it up

    deliberately, by tickling with a finger."

    2) "[This] is a room with the lock inside -

    a key is turned to free the world

    for movement, so quick there is a film

    to watch for anything missed."

    3) "[...] mechanical birds with many wings

    and some are treasured for their markings -

    they cause the eyes to melt

    or the body to shriek without pain.

    I have never seen one fly, but

    sometimes they perch on the hand."

    4) "[This] is when the sky is tired of flight

    and rests its soft machine on ground:

    then the world is dim and bookish

    like engravings under tissue paper."

    Good luck!

    7 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • Still more original riddles - can you solve them?

    Once again, since I wrote these, you won't find them on Google.


    He speaks another's voice,

    Thinks not, and yet has thought,

    His famous choice is not a choice:

    He is, and he is not.

    He paces through a castle

    That is and isn't his;

    He usually is not a Dane,

    But almost always is.


    I was rich, but not well-raised -

    Rarely noticed, rarely


    Seeking, then, to be admired

    To the stagelight I


    For my own child, scarcely cared -

    Not a single tear

    I spared.

    Ambitious, in a nest of vipers,

    Changing costumes, changing


    Now she's grown and gone somewhere

    Far away. I know



    Before the rain, you'll find that I

    Am scarcely seen.

    Rain falls, and I burst through my shroud -

    But bear no green.

    The root or the decaying soil

    Serve for my needs;

    The wind bears off a billion seeds

    That are not seeds.

    6 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • More original riddles. Can you answer them?

    1. Terror of the veldt, it brings

    Deadly sleep on tiny wings.

    2. What speeds around an oval track,

    And looks the same forward and back?

    3. I'm tall and stiff, I drip and sweat,

    But I'm a stalwart guy.

    Old-fashioned I may be, and yet

    I'll shine until I die.

    4. The three favorite letters

    Of habitual debtors.

    5. The merciful man

    Is kindly, and shies

    From causing undue pain.

    But peel off my skin

    And gouge out my eyes,

    And not even he would complain.

    What am I?

    6 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • Can you solve this original, fairly easy, riddle?

    Luckless Mr. Lawton

    Always ends up in a pinch!

    He tied himself a necktie,

    But the necktie wouldn't cinch.

    He tried to catch a streetcar,

    But the streetcar wouldn't pass,

    He left his engine running,

    And his car ran out of gas.

    He's going for a swim now,

    In a pool of shining blue,

    And if he has his way there,

    What will Mr. Lawton do?

    11 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • Two original riddles.?

    Not original in subject, really, but you won't find them by Googling. Ten points to best answer!

    I. I draw a spiral in the sun

    And eat it up when I am done.

    II. The surgeon was ready

    And made the first cut.

    His partners, unsteady,

    Felt weak in the gut,

    And soon were unable

    To meet doc's demands.

    They were not on the table,

    Yet lost both their hands!

    How can this be?

    7 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • A riddle of my own. 10 points to best answer.?

    My first's a line, in room or hair,

    My second left an oval's chair,

    My third part you most often see,

    My fourth's between "was" and "will be."

    My fifth we take with jam and toast,

    My last is on the minds of most.

    My whole, six fellows in a row

    Where roving fingers often go.

    What am I?

    11 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago