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Fuglyhorseoftheday forum?
What happened to the forum? There used to be link in the blog but now it's gone.
5 AnswersHorses1 decade agoIs a health cert. required at AQHA shows?
I am going to my first AQHA show in July in Oklahoma and need to know if a health certificate is required. With APHA it's not. Just want to be sure.
6 AnswersHorses1 decade agoApple stall cleaner?
Anyone know where I can get the Apple stall slider the was advertised on Extreme Cowboy Race? You set it in your wheelbarrel and prop it against the wall and pick up bedding and it slides down it letting the clean bedding fall to the floor and all the manure slides down into the wheelbarrel. My mare thinks I should have to play seek and find with her manure and spreads it all over her stall. I litterally have to clean her stall scoop by scoop, otherwise I won't get all the poop. It takes me like almost 45 min to clean her stall. I have tried googleing it and can't find anything. I also tried to watch the races but they have taken out the sponsor commercials on
2 AnswersHorses1 decade agoLump under arm-staph?
I had a very tender lump about the size of a golf ball removed from my under arm in Oct. The doctor said it was a type of staph bacteria that I probably got from a razor that travelled down a hair shaft into my underarm. Now I have another one and its about the size of the end of my pinkie. I am taking the anitbiotics he gave me from the last time along with vitamin e 3x a day, echinacia 3x a day, l-lysine 2 pills 3x a day, red clover 3x a day. Is there anything else I can do to keep from having to go through surgery again?
2 AnswersAlternative Medicine1 decade agoWaht do you think?
I am looking for a Thoroughbred mare to breed for western pleasure/hunter prospects. I found this one and wanted to ask you western pleasure hunter riders what you thought. Here is the ad link. Here are some additional pictures of her.
8 AnswersHorses1 decade agoHow do horse show people get their yearlings so tall?
Every show I went to I got last place with my yearling colt because he was the shortest. I know I asked the stewards and they said that is their best guess. There were several that were almost 16 hands! His dam is 15.3 and his sire is 15.2 so he has some height in his blood. He will be 2 in March and right now he is about 14.1. So my question is what do the people that show in halter give their horses to get them that tall so fast? I heard probios will, but I've been giving him that for over six months and haven't seen much change.
13 AnswersHorses1 decade agoHorse name?
I just bought a dark buckskin filly. She is a qh and her registered name is Skips Chocolat Twist. I mean she is really dark. Almost black but you can see her dorsal stripe and she has lightened up on her face and her rump. I can't think of a name for her. I kinda like Mocha but I'm not sure. She is really sweet and loves attention. She also has a stripe that juts over to her left eye. Just a barn name. 2 syllables cause they are easier to say. Just in case you don't understand, examples of three syllables-
Co man che, Da ko ta.
Two syllables-
Mo cha, Can die. You get the picture.
14 AnswersHorses1 decade agoEscape from Paradise last two pieces of the radio?
I can't figure out how to get the last two pieces of the radio. The tall statues have the symbols on their heads, the woodsman has both eyes but the other two I can figure out why none of my characters will work on them. Also the symbol with the feet that light up when you put a certain character on them, I can get all but the last two to light up. I can use almost any character in any order but when I get to the last two feet no matter what I can't get them to. Any suggestions?
1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade agoShow jewelry?
I 'm looking for jewelry to wear to my horse show and can't find anything. Hobby Horse doesn't have anything I like. There is this site called They have some earrings that I like but that is it. Do you guys know of any sites that have any neat stuff?
6 AnswersHorses1 decade agoNew name for red roan filly.?
I just purchased a red roan filly and don't like her registered name. APHA sometimes allows name changes and I need some help. I have come up with a few and would like your thoughts on mine and maybe some ideas of your own. Here they are-
IB Royalty
Ima Sweet Honey Du
Ima Impressive Lady
IBN Impressive Lady
IB A Dandy
You can view her pedigree at and her name is Streeks Stormy Spirit. Thanks!
10 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade agoTrainer or coach near Tulsa,OK?
I am working with a yearling for halter. I was wanting to know if anyone knew of someone that has shown or trained horses for halter near Tulsa,OK. I have never shown and I need someone to help me with training and at the show possibly. Thanks.
3 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade agoHow to shed a horse for show?
I have a yearling stallion that I'm fitting for my first halter show. I leave a light on in his stall from 6 in the morning till 9 at night. He also wears a medium weight blanket all the time and hood when it gets cold. He has started to shed but my show is in March and he is still pretty hairy. I don't have a horse vacuum but I use a mitt and brush him every day after I get home from work. They say that body clipping should be a last resort but I do have a good pair of clippers but not alot of shaving experience. Any other advice?
12 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago