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Lv 32,067 points

james w

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  • how can anyone be serious about voting for any candidate on the board at present?

    with all of the bad things we have heard about our politicians wh are running for office this term, how the hell can anyone vote for one of these crooks? we must be in a damned bad shape to have only this kind of garbage to select from, not one of them should be allowed to even run for office,

    8 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • why are so many Americans so adamant and scare of being labeled prejudice?

    I see so many people in our country who would rather have their daughter marry a black drug dealer than be called prejudice, or called any other slime name or what ever and they will say "sticks and stones may break my bones " has our society became so delicate and P.C, they have lost all of their senses?

    19 AnswersCivic Participation1 decade ago
  • doe's our gov, think we are so stupid?

    I just read where they are not going to assist any farmer who makes over $2,1/2 million dollars ? do you think these big producers don't know how to get around that, such as cargill and other Zionist multi million dolar corp, have they not heard of subsideraries,or putting different parts in other names? why waste tax payers money on passing a law such as this when any fool should know it is worthless,

    10 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • is this Jew's, or a scam by the Zionist?

    I have been reading where I am not sure who it is Jews or the Russian Zionist, who are claiming the U,S, England and other country's still owe them over $175 Billion dollars for the so called Holo Caust fund??? just when did America kill any Jew's?? I don' understand why America ha been paying them $11billion dollars per year, since the mid 50's or $7.500 per person in Israel. then England and west Germany have been paying them in addition. now they are trying to make E, Germany pay them ? this Holo Caust business has been very profitabl;e for them,now, why are the Ukranians not sueing the Russian Communist, who was operated and run by Jews and Stalin was Jewish and he killled it is estimated 55 million Ukarianians by burning their crops and stores, then Blockading them and starving them to death, don't you think they have a damned good law suite against the Jews,? this figure don't include the polish , and other people Stalin killed , why is it that no mention of these people anywher

    9 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • should prisons be abolished?

    I am amazed at some people who will yell any one who breaks the law should be imprisoned, are they like our congressman foley who put up a smoke screen, to try and cover their own misdoings? the law is guidelines for a civilized society to follow, but, there is no way anyone can keep from breaking the law sometimes,we have over one million laws on the books most people don't even know in some cases they are breaking the law, also there are times the law must be or should be broken,but, on the issue on prisons, there are many good people in prison and they simple screwed up one way or the other, for example I know a Doctor who was going thru a nasty divorce, his D,E,A, license to dispense drugs expired , no doubt he over looked this during all of the turmoil, he was given 3 years in federal prison and stripped of his medical license, the judge said it is a shame, but I have got to sentence you to the min, 3 years, another man stopped on the interstate pulled his car off to the side

    9 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • when will America wake up on this stupid sexual harassment demon?

    America is the only nation in the world who makes it a crime to approach a woman even if she is sending signals to the man, it is a basic part of life for a man to want a woman or vice versa, yet our laws make is so complicated and men especially are afraid to approach a woman in the slightest manner, for fear of volating the law, Is this one reason we have

    so many of our men turning to homosexuality? if something is not changed soon our men will all be so scared they won't mess with a woman period, I have been with men most of my life and very seldom have I seen a man who actually forced his attention on a woman, unless he was drunk then someone would stop him, women are hurting them selves as well, there is a lot of competition out there now nationaly about 6 women for every man and many men are looking for Asian wives or some other culture who is more conducive to a happy marriage and home, if our men keep becoming homo's there are going to be a lot of lonely women,

    12 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • doe's anyone know who to contact to get a teacher into THE U,S, from the Phil's?

    my wife is a teacher in manila , she has a masters degree and over 20 years as a teacher ,she wants to come to America as a teacher , I need to find some one who knows the procedure , as our espousel visa can take up to 3 years we want to be together now,

    3 AnswersImmigration1 decade ago
  • have youread about the Chinese engineer who is beng charged with spying on the U,S,?

    acccording to the new's papers he could get 50 years or more if convicted? hell I didn't think it was a serious charge to spy on America any more as the only thing they do to Israeli spys is to send them back to Israel, even the ones who gave our secrets for the silent propeller for our Los Angles subs or for giving our radar secrets for our guided missiles to Russia, or the unregistered Mossad agents who were celebrating the bombing of the W.T.C. they held them for about 3 months in jail and then sent them home, why??? the F,B,I, SAYS THEY FAILED THE LIE DETECTOR TESTS GAVE BY A F.B.I. SPEALIST, some how this picture don't make sense, as the F,B,I, also stated this M,O,S, fit the Mossad much better than it doe's O,B,L, in fact the F,B,I, don't even believe O,B,L, was involved , and said how could a rag head sitting in a cave some where in the mountains ever get enough information to pull some thing this big off,also why were there no Jew's in the W,T,C,

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • with over 60,000 laws put on the law books after the 50s when is enough , enough?

    we had some freedom in the 50s and until the late 60s now we have become a police state, do you think these laws are for our protection or maybe another reason for them? can you tell me one crime we didn't have a law to cover it in the 50s I have studied law for 20 years and I don't know of one thing that was not covered before, so why do we need all of these laws? is it to keep the prisons full for our prison Industries? or maybe a big business for a select few people who have a lot to gain by locking up so many?? a lot of people do make a lot of profit from the prison system , the judges, prosecutors, certain guards , F,B,I, agents etc, how ever UNICORE is a private corp, and they get free rent electricity etc , but none of their profits go back into the prison system , it goes into the pockeets of the select few who own stock in UNICORE and it is a closed corp, so only a select few can buy the stock, is this just another rip off by our so called comrad leaders???

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • why is the U.S. not at war with Israel today instead of Iraq?

    In 1968 Israel attacked our ship the U,S,S, liberty, they killed about 50 of our men and wounded over 100 more, they admitted it was on purpose, A Israeli Mossad Agent planned and financed the blowing up of the Lockebee plane in scotland,killing a American who they thought was anti semetic, and 180 others, there is evidence they were involved in the bombing of the Marine barracks in Lebanon, killing around 300 of our men,

    there is more and more evidence emerging that says they were involved in the W,T,C, bombing, 2 Israeli Zionist gave our Atom bomb secrets to Russia or sold them ? Russia could not have built the bomb with out this info, but, they were executed, "the Rosenburgs", Israel gave our secrets to our silent propeller for our Los Angles class subs, to Russia, then they gave them our secerts on our guided mssiles ( the radar) Russia in turn designed a system to turn back on us any missile we fired,

    16 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • why do people think being racists or prejudice is the ultimate or cardinal sin?

    since having pride in ones self of who s/he is and who the are is a form of prejudice or racist, and without pride in ones self what do you really owe for your existence? if you are a productive working stiff who takes pride in what s/he does, what you have accompolished ,their back ground, and you don't think you are any better than a common drug dealer, theif, rapist, murder, welfare recipent for generations then how do you go to work every day and pay your bills take care of your family etc, I remember the time when we played ball against the oppisite side of town our cheer leaders would be yelling we are the best and we are going to beat the slop out of you, it made our competive spirit higher and we tried harder, now our cheer leaders are not allowed to say such??? It seems our news media and gov, has been trying for the last 40 years to take away our pride in even being American, to me that is plain stupidity,

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • should the 7000 from Iraq be sent to Minnesota?

    since minnesota is so fond of Muslims you know they would fit right in and I am sure they would not mind,and do you think they would also be nice enough to offer their sons and daughters to them ?, if not they wouldn't be P,C, and that is really bad

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • has Bush sold out to the Zionist , and forgotten America?

    I realize a president must cater to the Zionist while in his first term,or he will not be reelected, but, since Bush could not run a third term don't you think he should have told Israel to shove it and get off their high horse and do as the U,N, and the world has asked, instead of protecting them unconditionally, how can we expect the world to like us or respect us when we condone them killing women, children , the one incident where the 12 year old boy was killed and his dad wounded should be enought to make anyones heart break, they were no where near the kids throwing rocks, yet they were killed by four 50 cal, machine gun fire froma the Isreali tank and how can any one justify killing these kids because they threw rocks at a Israeli tank , they couldn't possible did any harm to the tank or the people inside, but, Israel has committed so many instances of murder I guess they think one more won't even count, but, this time it was filmed, when will the American people say enough?

    20 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • what is wrong with the christian faith, or is bad?

    I don't understand how anyone can be against the Christian faith? when their teachings say to obey the law , treat one another as you would have them treat you, just read the 10 basic commandments, I know there are other religions who teach the same basic principles and I have no problem with them , but, when religion says to kill or so many other bad things how can anyone uphold such teachings, and if you don't believe in god or any other decent life style, how can you be against the christian way?? unless of course you want to use the excuse Christians did this or that 100s of years ago, when not any of us really know the real history, these wars could have been fought over a number of things but, religion got blamed,even if history is right I am referring to here and now, not some thing that happened so far in the past no one knows the real reasons, or maybe your life is so full of B,S, or you are hiding some thing and want it to be justified then maybe you have cause to condemn.

    14 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • what is you take on a one world government?

    do you have any pros or cons about the idea of becoming a one world gov, would you accept it or fight? are you willing to forfiet your American citizen ship and our constitutional rights etc, for a one world gov, or are you a true American and will do every thing in your power to stop it?

    16 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • who takes the position of America first?

    America gives millions of dollars in forign aid to country's all over the globe, yet we have only one friend England, and they don't need our money or food, who we can depend on, the others we are simple trying to buy, our gov, is so ignorant they don't know you can not buy a friend, you have got to earn them,

    but, they will give our hard earned money to our enemy's and let our own people starve or be homeless etc, tax the American people to the point they can't buy the things we give to other country's, hoow can this be fair, especially when we the people don't have anysay about who gets our money,plus the fact that when we send food or ? it is usually hoarded by the crooks in power , so actually who are we helping? it sure is not Americans,

    6 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • why do so many people complain about christanity?

    since app, 80%of the people in America say they believe in the christian faith, and I thought in a democracy the majority ruled, that dosn't mean the majority can abuse or intimidate the minority , but it also means the minority can't can;t abuse the majority, contrary to what they try to preach this country was founded and built by christains who had a rifle on one shoulder and a bible under the other and a hostile behind every bush, yet they developed the strongest , freest, and best nation the world has ever had, with the best constitution, or else you idiots would not be able to do and say the things you do, any other country would have shot you before you could B,S, any other people into believing our forefathers were atheist , diest,etc, by taking words or sentences out of context, also , most of you claim to be tolerant, P,C, ???

    so tell me what is so evil or wrong with christain teachings and god?? have they been bombing or killing other people ?

    25 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • ? about senate bill sec,1 220 that would restrict the people from petitioning our Representatives for redress

    I have been hearing about a senate bill 1 sec 220 in the senate now that would restrict the people from petitioning our represenatives for redress??? does any one know how to find this bill, I have not had any luck , surely this is not happening in America, a web site would be nice thanks

    4 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • what did generals Patton and MacArthur mean when they commented?

    that America would curse the day , we fought Germany? did they know something no one else knew or ?? were they just highly intelligent people who could see the direction America was going since they also made another remark that holds true til now,

    Gen, MacArthur said America would never win another war Gen, Patton agreed? and we haven't does any one have any Ideas of how they may have knew this????

    7 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • do you find it strange that we abandoned our search for O,B,L???

    i FIND IT VERY STRANGE AND UNUSUALL that we have forgotten about O,B ,L since we got rid of saddam and destroyed Iraq which was Israels worst enemy, do you think the Arab world will read the writing on the wall and stop being painful to Israel now, the same way our politicians gave in to them after they destroyed , some of our politicians,

    8 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago