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Facebook Groups, privacy settings ?
I post to an open health group but rather my "friends" couldn't read them. is there a way to hide this?
3 AnswersFacebook10 years agotaking Naproxen, Sotalol & calcium supplement?
Just returned from my gp and 2 of these 3 can't be taken at the same time or at least 2 hrs apart. I think it's the calcium and sotalol, but can't remember!... Any ideas? Thanks
2 AnswersOther - General Health Care1 decade agoProblem printing PDF?
I can view pdf as normal on my pc, but when I print on either of my printers the printed version comes out with symbols instead of text. I've changed the advanced setting to "print as image" but this makes no difference. Any ideas?? I've updated to the latest version.
4 AnswersSoftware1 decade agoCan anyone recommend a nice summer holiday destination without the chavs?
We have two small children and wanted somewhere quiet that doesnt draw the 18-30, drinking, spewing, lairy crowd!! Probably asking too much but somewhere cheapish, 70-80's with a sandy beach (thinking Turkey or Geece/ recommendations welcome!!)
4 AnswersOther - Destinations1 decade agohow long can Lymphoma go undiagnosed?
Lymphoma is one a few in a list of possibilities my doc suspects I may have, my concern is will I be referred immediately, or is it a very slow illness where a few weeks here or there wouldn't make any difference?? thanks
2 AnswersCancer1 decade agoBlood count question?
What does a high red count and very very low white count indicate?
3 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade agoBronchoscopy & Biopsy?
I'm having a bronchoscopy & biopsy to determine Sarcoidosis, does anyone know if when the doctor is performing this, its something he will be able to recognise even before sending of the biopsy?? Sorry, i'm a little anxious about it, and want it all over and done with ASAP.
2 AnswersRespiratory Diseases1 decade agoBronchoscopy & Biopsy?
I'm having a bronchoscopy & biopsy to determine Sarcoidosis, does anyone know if when the doctor is performing this, its something he will be able to recognise even before sending of the biopsy?? Sorry, i'm a little anxious about it, and want it all over and done with ASAP.
1 AnswerRespiratory Diseases1 decade agoiPhone o2 Contract question?
I am about to renew my o2 contract with o2 and was thinking about the iPhone (opinions not required), the upgrade contract £45pm, the phone is more expensive than if I started a new contact with o2, is this right?
2 AnswersMobile Phones & Plans1 decade agoRealtek ac'97 audio driver. This device cannot start. (Code 10)?
This starts and stops all the time. I've uninstalled and re-installed all day. Its driving me mad! I've downloaded the drivers from the site, but it still comes up with "This device cannot start. (Code 10)".
3 AnswersOther - Hardware1 decade agoLymphadenopathy on chest x-Ray, what does this mean?
My Doctor is now referring me to a Chest Physician regarding this. Initially all this began because I have truly awful night sweats, absolutely soaked through. My doc was concerned that it could be TB. I've had all blood tests and according to him, although some are a bit iffy, they dont indicate anything serious... I am concerned, although he said not to be, I dont quite understand it what has been seen and what it will mean.
4 AnswersRespiratory Diseases1 decade agoQuery over Prolactin levels....?
I've been told i have high Prolactin levels (155). My results say I should be between 2.3 -25. I had my last child 3 years ago, am not producing milk that i've noticed, and have regular periods and dont intend on having more children. I am not pregant.
I had a series of blood tests done for very excessive night sweats, and now having a racing heart, tiredness and dizzyness. Is this related, should i be concerned?
3 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade agoLG Renoir accessories?
I want to buy a case for the LG Renoir, but cant seem to get it anywhere other than e-bay.. I'm a bit reluctant to buy as I had my fingers burnt on more than one occasion buying phone accessories from there. Can anyone suggest a high street retailer that stock them, so far I've tried most phone shops to no avail... :-(
1 AnswerMobile Phones & Plans1 decade agoLaptop Battery problem?
If my laptop is running on the battery, when I plug in the mains power cable it doesn't seem to cut in. I have to wait for the battery to completely die before I can put the cable in, then I have to wait for the battery to charge completely before I can use it and run off the mains. Otherwise it happens all over again. Do I have some power set up wrong or it is a hardware issue?
2 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade agoIs this Hypoglycemia?
Racing heart, shakes/jittery, severe night sweats (Soaking is an understatment), general ill feeling, chills.. Have a doctors appointment for Tues)..
4 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade agoSuffering from night sweats?
I'm suffering with severe night sweats. Even when it is freezing cold, duvet off, I wake up literally drenched with sweat. Like getting into bed before drying off after a shower. My hair is soaked, the bed is soaked, its awful. I do normally spend the next day feeling cold, and a bit rough. I am generally in good health, i'm 32, with normal periods.
Any ideas??? My doc wasnt concerned and gave me a prescription, which I dont want to take, as I dont really know why I get the sweats.
5 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago(UK) I need to update my Mobile phone, what one do you suggest thats available on the current market?
I want the following things:
Data/Wifi (maps etc)
Texts/ calls
Camera & Video
MP3 player
2 AnswersMobile Phones & Plans1 decade agoTheme Music to Breaking Bad?
Starts with a guitar (i think) and what sounds like a group "whoooooo whoooo" (sorry!) Cant find it anywhere (UK)
3 AnswersDrama1 decade agoWhat is the theme tune to Breaking Bad? (FX)?
Cant seem to find out anywhere!
4 AnswersDrama1 decade ago(UK) I need a phone with a really good organiser & Calender built in.?
Can Anyone recommend one (UK please).
5 AnswersMobile Phones & Plans1 decade ago