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I need help with my tumblr page !?
okay so as you notice if you look at my page the picture boxes are cropped and not the full picture, you have to click on it to see the whole thing? thats all i want to do along with keeping the background and the two columns!
1 AnswerProgramming & Design9 years agoclairol blonde hair color, forgot to put in the "lightening powder" other stuff in my hair now,...?
will it still work?
1 AnswerHair10 years agoBladder infection or STD? or nethier....?
i had unprotected intense sex last tuesday, when it happened i was sooo sore the next morning but now it;s been almost a week and it still kinda hurts. my vagina feels really ... dry? still kinda and i feel like i have to pee all the time but i really dont. i looked down there and there arent any bumps or anything its just kinda dry. i think it might just be because ive never had sex that intense before but im just checking, so if someone could tell me the symptoms of a possible STD that could be or what the sympptoms of a bladder infection are that;d be soo helpful :)
5 AnswersSTDs10 years agoWhat hair colors would look good on me?
Im naturally dirty blonde, i dye it blonde tho.
have blue eyes and pale skin looking for a change.
I was thinking of dying it a dark brown color over winter , do you think it would look good ? what other colors do you recommend for me?
5 AnswersHair1 decade agoHow come when ever i shave my vagina i get red itchy bumps? is this normal ? how do i get them to go away?
hahahhaa i know that sounds weird but really..
8 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade agohow often should you use a leave-in conditioner?
well the kind i have its like 3 minute leave in conditioner? like u leave it in for like 3 minutes and rinse ? i usually do it about once a week is that about rightt?
1 AnswerHair1 decade agowhy is the ends of my hair slimy? in the shower?
i take great care of m hair and use a detoxifying shampoo and leave in conditioner once or twiice a week, but it seems like i still have build up in my hair? what is this?
3 AnswersHair1 decade agohow do u hide ur music player on myspace,, but still have a song?
5 AnswersMySpace1 decade agomyspace comment/veiw question?
is there a way u can make photo comment on ur page be blocked from certain users? for example my parents? lol. like idc about blockingh the pics but just the comments other people post to the picture? if u know what i mean? is there a way i can make it so a certain user cant see a certian comment(s) ???
1 AnswerMySpace1 decade agoWhat are some good quotes?
like those phyosopical type things, like im looking for ones maybe like aboiut sometimes u have to hold back all ur pain and smile or something like that im just looking for some orgiinal quotes.
2 AnswersQuotations1 decade agogood tips and advice on how to curb emotional eating?
im not really fat,, just curvy but i feel like if i conetinue to eat like this im going to ...
any advice????????
3 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade agodoes anybody know like a good website for advanced photo editing ?
Or maybe like a program you can buy or like a website u can download a free photo editing program or something??
7 AnswersPhotography1 decade agoHELP with friends relationship problem? plz!!!!?
okay so my friend will like a guy and then once he likes her back and asks her out she gets happy and excited but then after a few days or even less than that she all the sudden doesnt want him anymore and just doesnt like him any more!!!!
why does this happen and how can she fix it?? also is this common?
2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agowhat time on your cycle do you get pregnant?
okay so i have heard thaat the only time you can get pregnant is a certain time on ur period. and then i have also heard the only time u can get pregnant is a week or two before u get ur period... which is true?? at wat time on ur cycle can/do u get pregnant? like when is the safest time on ur cycle to have intercourse??
5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agoi want to be well informed on STD...?
like idk i just dont get it.. is it something ur born with like can u have a doctor or something like check u or ur partner to see if u carry std or like is it something that runs in ur so confused:/ and if someone does get std can u cure it? or if someone carries it and u have sex with them will u automatically get it? i feel these days teenagers arent really well-informed on this topic and i really want to know more about it before i ya know do anything....thank you so much all answers
3 AnswersSTDs1 decade agohow to fix my hyper extension problem???
okay so i have hyper extended knees and its really hard for me to do can i fix this so that knees r un-hyper extended or like not-so-hyper! but no seriously it sucks..
3 AnswersDancing1 decade agoWhat are some fresh teen hairstyles? and how to do them?
not like haircuts but like styles and things you cud do with your hair
1 AnswerHair1 decade agoWHAT IS THIS SONG CALLEd??;_ylt=Aj_LX... CLICK THE LINK TO GET TO IT
1 AnswerLyrics1 decade agoWhat is this song???
okay so it goes
"lately, i've been thinkin bout you goin crazy, cant go on without you tonight, its true, whatcha wanna do? you can be my boyfriend i could be your girlfriend" whats the name of that song and the artist?????????????????
1 AnswerOther - Music1 decade ago