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Lv 2900 points


Favorite Answers22%
  • Classic Arcade Game name?

    There is a classic two player arcade game where you played as cops. One person drove while the other shot at the bad guys. WHAT WAS IT CALLED????

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Can you file Chapter 11 bankruptcy after having filed Chapter 7?

    I filed personal chapter 7 bankruptcy in 2007.

    I now own a business, a daycare, that is failing due to so many parents being out of work.

    Is Chapter 11 the proper bankruptcy to file for this type of debt, and if so, am I eligible?

    6 AnswersPersonal Finance1 decade ago
  • Making White Chicken Chili...?

    I'm looking for a good recipe, but didn't see any I really liked. Ive decided to kinda combine them and make my own, but was wondering....If I use a bottle of beer as a base, and then finish the chili with cream at the end, will the beer cause the cream to curdle?

    PLEASE DONT JUST COPY AND PASTE RECIPES....I just need to know about the curdling issue.

    3 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Im looking to identify a food and possibly get a recipe...?

    My baby-sitter used to make them when I was young. They were like big, round, hard yeast rolls. They were filled with pieces of fruit, or with meat and onions...I remember peach ones, and also ham and onion ones. I cant find anything like them on the cooking sites that I have searched but I would love to make them for my kids. Please help!

    2 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • References for cabins in the Smoky Mountains.?

    My fiance and I are considering going to Gatlinburg TN for our honeymoon. There are TONS of rental companies online.....does anyone have a recommendation for one they know is good? We want to get one of the little one bedroom cabins that has the hot-tub, kitchen, etc....Thank you!

    2 AnswersOther - United States1 decade ago
  • What lvls make the best twinks?

    I'm thinking of twinking a blood elf hunter.

    I really like the Armor of the Fang set, for a 19....but I hate WSG, and don't want to be stuck Bg'ing there.

    Any Horde twinks wanna give input?

    My Alli's bore me anymore, so Ima lvl them, if I play them at all...

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Add-on Problems after the last WoW patch?

    So when I downloaded the last patch, I lost my questhelper display and my instance maps. Not so bad on my Alli, cause I have it memorized....but SCREWED on Horde now.

    I tried re-installing Questhelper and Cartographer and it's not fixing, and re-ran all my WoWMatrix. Suggestions?

    3 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Picnic recipes for wedding reception????

    I am having a small and informal outdoor wedding at a plantation bed and breakfast next May. I want to do the cooking myself, and I am planning on making individual picnic baskets for each guest. I want the food to be a little more special than just lunchmeat or whatever, kinda old-fashioned, southern....

    Preliminary menu--

    Shaved prime rib w/horseradish mayo on mini yeast rolls.

    Southern fried chicken

    Garden Pasta Salad

    Sliced Cucumbers and Onions

    Kettle Style Chips

    Chocolate Sandies Cookies

    Cupcake Wedding Cake

    Any comments or alternate ideas would be appreciated. Keep in mind that they must be able to be individually wrapped and packed in boxes. Must not need to be cold, and must be easy to eat outside.

    8 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • Picnic recipes for wedding reception????

    I am having a small and informal outdoor wedding at a plantation bed and breakfast next May. I want to do the cooking myself, and I am planning on making individual picnic baskets for each guest. I want the food to be a little more special than just lunchmeat or whatever, kinda old-fashioned, southern....

    Preliminary menu--

    Shaved prime rib w/horseradish mayo on mini yeast rolls.

    Southern fried chicken

    Garden Pasta Salad

    Sliced Cucumbers and Onions

    Kettle Style Chips

    Chocolate Sandies Cookies

    Cupcake Wedding Cake

    Any comments or alternate ideas would be appreciated. Keep in mind that they must be able to be individually wrapped and packed in boxes. Must not need to be cold, and must be easy to eat outside.

    5 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Strep throat??

    I do not have tonsils. BUt for the past few days, i have had a feeling in my mouth and throat like when you drink something really hot and scald yourself-not really painful, but unpleasant. I also have a slightly metallic taste in my mouth, and small bumps in my throat. My throat is not really red, just regular pink, and the bumps are not white or yellow. I DO NOT have health insurnace, and don't want to go to the dr unless absolutley neccesary. Does anyone have any idea if this is strep, and if not, what might it be?

    5 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • What to have for dinner tonight....?

    I have-4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts, 1.5 lbs thinly sliced ribeye steak, frozen okra, potatoes, various pastas, Ramen noodles of the creamy-chicken variety, canned green beans, canned carrotts, one onion, and a half loaf of bread. I also have various spices, oils, flour, sugar, etc...I really want something a little different, and my bf likes beef more than he does chicken...

    5 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Promotional ideas.?

    Promotional ideas.?

    I work for a Sprint/Nextel dealership. We just opened a new store in May, and business has been very slow. I am looking for ideas on attracting customers/boosting sales. I have offered free chargers to all new activations, as well as a drawing for free cases. Looking for new ideas, and wonder what attracts attention...any advice?

    4 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • Promotional ideas.?

    I work for a Sprint/Nextel dealership. We just opened a new store in May, and business has been very slow. I am looking for ideas on attracting customers/boosting sales. I have offered free chargers to all new activations, as well as a drawing for free cases. Looking for new ideas, and wonder what attracts attention...any advice?

    3 AnswersSmall Business1 decade ago
  • Points question...?

    Why do I get 10 points for some best answers, and only 1 for others? It says "Thank you for your best answer...1 point" in the box at the right of my My Q&A page, then for others says "Your answer has been selected best answer...10 points." What gives?

    8 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Easy 10 points! More Answers! Your perfect meal...?

    If cost, nutrition and availibility were not factors, what would be your absolute perfect meal?

    This is a question we used to play around with in Culinary arts school (it's a foodie-thing I guess.) The foods can be from any combination of restaurants, countries, ethnicities, bought or homemade, etc...What would you choose if you could have ANYTHING?

    Details will go a long way to earning you 10 points!!!

    Just curious. You don't have to send recipes, just tell me what you would like. Have fun and think outside the box!

    10 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • I need this chicken recipe, please!!!?

    Do you know what the recipe is?

    One of my dad's friends made a type of chicken when he visited, and I lost the recipe. He started by mixing the sauce on the stove top, then grilled the chicken while basting w/sauce. It had eggs, lemon juice, lots of different spices and it was HOT. I do not recall if it contained beer, but it is a good possibility...The sauce was kinda creamy and beige-ish in color. It was not a chunky sauce, and it was not pureed. There were no vegetables in it, just herbs, spices and liquids...Maybe some type of jerk? It was served with a mild yellow rice.10 points for whoever can help me find the right ingredients. I will test, and then choose. And please don't send me links to recipe sites. I am not an idiot. I can find those myself. I have already searched a lot of them, and can't find what I am looking for. Thanks!!!

    4 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • If cost and availibility were not factors, what would be your absolute perfect meal?

    This is a question we used to play around with in Culinary arts school (it's foodie-thing I guess.) The foods can be from any combination of restaurants, countries, ethnicities, bought or homemade, etc...What would you choose if you could have ANYTHING?

    And, recipes for what you pick will go a long way to earning you 10 points!!!

    Have fun and think outside the box!

    8 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • Do you know what the recipe is?

    One of my dad's friends made a type of chicken when he visited, and I lost the recipe. He started by mixing the sauce on the stove top, then grilled the chicken while basting w/sauce. It had eggs, lemon juice, lots of different spices and it was HOT. The sauce was kinda creamy and beige-ish in color. It was not a chunky sauce, and it was not pureed. Maybe some type of jerk? 10 points for whoever can help me find the right ingredients. I will test, and then choose. And please don't send me links to recipe sites. I am not an idiot. I can find those myself. I have already searched a lot of them, and can't find what I am looking for. Thanks!!!

    3 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Was anyone besides me upset with the ending of the last Dark Tower book by Stephen King? CAUTION-SPOILERS!!!?

    I mean, yeah it was probably a hard series to end, but wtf? Sending Roland all the way back to the beginning? Killing off the entire ka-tet? And did Oy really have to die? Stephen King is no longer on my list of favorite people...

    9 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • My bf and I have been together 4 years, 2 kids together. Need help!!!?

    Last summer, he left one day and said he was going to work. He never came home, and several days later, I found out he was living with another girl. When I finally talked to him, he said we were 'broken up.' News to me. After a couple of months, he came back, said he missed me and our daughter, etc. Our son was born in March, and in June, he left again. Now he has come back again. I know things aren't going to get better, and I feel less stressed when he is gone, because he doesn't work or help with with the kids, while I have a full-time job and do all the parenting. But I miss him a lot when he is gone, and I really think that I love him. Plus, our kids worship their father, and they never get to see him when we are split up. Is it worth trying to hold on to him, or should i get out while I still can? Any advice on how to make the seperation less painful for the kids and for me? I just want us to be happy, but I don't want my kids to see this and grow up to think it's okay.

    12 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago