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Any uses for old wood siding?
Later this year I plan on replacing the siding on my 1944 small house. The wood is 60+ years old and I hate to just send it to landfill, but I don't know if anyone could use it. I thought of using it for paneling a room inside the house, stripped and varnished, but I am concerned about the lead paint I am sure it has worn at some point. Any suggestions?
2 AnswersOther - Home & Garden1 decade agoDo you think we should start a new category?
I was noticing that the two topics that one does not discuss out in public, religion and politics, are the two categories on YA that require body armor, disinfectant, and a very strong sense of self value before you should even consider answering a question, let alone asking a question. In the interest of everyone getting along, should we start a YA category about the weather?
26 AnswersSenior Citizens1 decade agoWhat will our grandchildren have for antiques to cherish?
Will they display a first edition iPod or Wii in the lighted case in the den? Great-grandma's spiked dog collar with matched set body piercing bits? Do LED displays get called cute and develop a patina after a few decades? Will the craft of wood, glass and clay, music of string and skins, the toys made by hand to hand down be gone with us and what will take the place?
13 AnswersSenior Citizens1 decade agoWhich child is it best to spend your time and money on?
If you have the time and money to mentor and create a freindship with one child that is not in your family, which child would benefit everyone the most? Would it be a child who is a genius that is growing faster the the system provides for and needs support, a child who has all of their needs met and is in need of a freindship, or a child who is without all but basic needs and needs someone to being to explain and help with catching up with the basics of society and catching up with fundemental education?
By mentor, I means years of committed relationship and frequent time spent, not just drop off a "I feel good about myself now" donation.
How do you choose for the greater good of a child and the rest of us?
10 AnswersSenior Citizens1 decade agoHave you noticed the changes in peoples behavior now that we use cell phones?
Now people call you to ask where you are, before they knew where you were because you answered the phone connected to the wall.
Only the people in need of more medication looked like they were wandering around arguing with the voices.
The display of full body searches on your own person looking for the phone was reserved for events of sudden insect infestation.
"I lost the connection" has been changed to " I went into a dead zone".
There is a whole social communication system of whose calls you pick up, text back, go to mail, give the number to that I honestly don't understand. We use to just answer the phone and be suprised.
24 AnswersSenior Citizens1 decade agoWould you be willing to support universal health coverage if it meant limiting options for the very ill?
I am getting closer to that time in my life where a lot of things that could go wrong with my health could not be easily or completely fixed. At this time, I am sure that my doctors would be more then willing to throw everything and the kitchen sink at me to keep something beating and breathing if they felt I needed it. I have spent a great deal of time discuusing with my sister that if she lets that happen, I will haunt her until she joins me. But she and I still have that choice.
Would you be willing to give up some of those options for extensive invasive care at the last part of life to allow more people access to basic healthcare at the begining of their lives?
22 AnswersSenior Citizens1 decade agonurses/nursing Pt. in beds in hallways?
With the shortage of hospital beds they have started doing overflow patients into the hallways of the floors until a room becomes open, sometimes for over 24 hours. How is this working out for anybody?
2 AnswersOther - General Health Care1 decade agoWhy answers is no longer locating any questions with 'worth'?
I have tried to loacate questions on Fort Worth in advanced, but it can't find any. This makes no sense, as there have been hundreds. The system seems to have taken offense by the word worth, as it can only locate that word by the short version of 'wth'. Does this system do this often and why has it suddenly lost it's worth.
2 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade agoWhich type of good deed is of more value?
Is it of more value to do a good deed toward a large but distant problem (global warming, war, poverty) where the harm is great but your chance of making a notable impact is small, or to apply against a smaller need closer to yourself (mentor to a child, plate of food to an elder neighbor) that would have a larger impact on a smaller scale problem. If you choose to do both, how do you decide where to use your limited resources of money and time?
18 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade ago