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I have had a mass of life experiences...have been working in the Welfare Industry for about 25 years...have come across some very tragic life stories as a counsellor....have seen young people suicide, but have also seen them go on to have a wonderful and fullfilling life. My expertise, I guess would be in abuse.....physical, emotional, sexual....but really I am just a very down to earth, non-judgemental, understanding human being with a lot of life experiences and education under my belt.

  • Partner is still married.?

    My Partner left his wife about 4 years ago. We have been living together for 3 years this August. We have discussed the matter of his divorce, and he is very blaze about it. He says its only a piece of paper and that because he is no longer with her and is with me, he cant see the problem. I have told him that while I understand his point of view, he needs to understand mine. I need him to get a divorce. His wife thinks that he will come back to her. I have told him that if he gets a divorce then everyone will know where they stand. I know he loves me, but what am I to do. I really need him to get a divorce. Im sure he will, but in his own time. Am I being unreasonable wanting him to get a divorce now, not in twelve months or two years or whenever he feels like it. I have been thinking about giving him an ultimatum - he has until June this year to get his divorce, if he hasnt done it, then its over.....what do you think?

    17 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Who wins the card game Canasta?

    One person is on 8,880 points...the other person is on 9,540 points. On the last hand the person who had the 8,880 points goes out and their final score is $10,370. The oponent did not go out, but got 11,240 points....who wins?

    1 AnswerCard Games1 decade ago
  • What is this kind of behaviour called?

    I dont tell my partner what to do, I am secure in our love and believe he would never do anything to hurt me. I believe in equality and I am big on allowing people to be themselves. I would be the least controlling woman you would ever want to meet and that is because I dont want to be controlled. I dont think anyone has the right to try and control another human being. True freedom is when you are with the one you love but allowed to be yourself.

    I couldnt sleep one night so sat at my computer and played some games. My partner comes out and asks whats wrong....I tell him. He blows it up to be something monstrous and starts an argument.

    I had a few drinks and he thought I was pulling away from him. I wasnt, I was just drunk. We ended up having an argument the next morning. He asks am I unhappy with him. I tell him no, he doesnt believe me and the argument continues.

    A guy of my past has called me out of the blue, he gets angry and accuses me of having feelings for this guy. I explained that I had no control over him calling me. When he called me the second time, I told him I was in a relationship....he didnt know and wished me well.

    I am on the computer and this same guy messages me, I talk with him for a bout 10 minutes. He tells me he still wants to chat with me and I stupidly said yes.

    I told my partner that this guy had messaged me. I told him I wasnt thinking when I said we could continue chatting, but I would rectify tht mistake today. My partner hounded me for 2 hours saying that I must have feelings for him and I am having a difficult time breaking it off with him. I hadnt spoken to this guy for over 5 months and it was him who called me, not the other way around. I thought I made my intentions perfectly clear 5 months ago when I stopped contacting him. I wiped him from my computer. I deleted his phone number out of my phone. I told him I was in another relationship, I couldnt do much else.

    I am feeling pressured. I have sent this other guy an email telling him it is not appropriate that he and I still chat because I am in this new relationship and I dont want to jeapardise it. I love my partner, but I feel like I am under the microscope having to explain things that he assumes but is not true. I give him answers, but they dont appear to be good enough. I dont know what else I can say or do.

    It wont last, I know it if he continues to hound me with questions that are in his own head. I know it wont last if he continues to put me under the microscope everytime he thinks something. It seems to be all about him and his feelings. He cant seem to understand that this kind of questioning does put pressure on me and it does put me on the defensive all the time. I dont know what he is trying to do. Is he trying to control me....or is he just insecure. I want us to work, but I really am sick of the arguments over nothing. I dont know what to make of it. Any ideas?

    7 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Who is lonely this Christmas?

    I will be with my kids and grandkids, but I havent got the love of my life with me. Does anyone else feel lonely, even when they have family around?

    10 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • I usually hang around in Marriage & Divorce?

    I think Ive read too many posts from people who are unhappily married because Im starting to think there are no redeeming qualities in getting married. What do you think? Do you think Marriage is an outdated institution?

    8 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Is this normal?

    When starting out in a relationship, we respect and love each other. As the relationship continues we seem to get jealous when other women are involved in your mans life. Why is this. If I believe he loves me, then why do I worry that he will be intimate with another woman. I would really like to understand because I dont like feeling so insecure.

    7 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Who sang these songs in the 60s?

    Big Girls Dont Cry

    Cherry Baby

    Silence is Golden


    7 AnswersOther - Music1 decade ago
  • Im an Aussie?

    Im starting to think Australia is the "lucky country". I have answered questions about child support and divorce and get the thumbs down quite often. Maybe they are from people who live in the U.S and dont have the same kind of services...although I thought child support was world wide....I thought it was the same in every country. The more questions I answer and get the thumbs down, the more I am thankful I live in Australia. We obviously have a better system over here....its much more simple. Do Americans really think they are they really think their government is good? Gee, from what I have seen and read, Aussies are far better off than the Americans.....we have better pay rates, we have better conditions. Child support handles child payments without the need to go to court.. Ok, Amercians do you really think you are the superior race...if so, tell me why?

    8 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • If you had a magic wand?

    What would you do to change the situation you are in now? What would you do to make your life perfect?

    28 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Is he married?

    I have been chatting to a guy for over 12 months. We finally met yesterday. He had quite a big indentation on his left hand where a wedding band should be. He explained this as his wedding ring was too tight and had to have it cut off. I never even suspected he could have been married....he seems genuine...but you just never know. Is there any site in Australia that I could find out if he is married.

    11 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Do I have a life?

    From 7.30 this morning until now (3.12 pm) I have been answering questions on yahoo. Have I got a sad life or what? What do you suggest I do to get a life?

    8 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Serious Dilema, what does she do?

    My son's girlfriend, Kim from the USA (we live in Australia) came over to spend her summer with us. Her 5 year old daughter usually spends the summer with her father anyway. Kim talked with her daughter every day via the X Box. The daughters father disconnected the daughters X Box. Kim rings her mother to find out whats going on and the mother tells her that she thought she wasnt coming home, so went into her house (the mother bought it) threw out all her daughters clothes, pictures, took all her furniture and put the house up for sale. Kim is devestated and it seems the sister is in this too because she knew Kim was coming home in September, but didnt tell lher mother this. The ex also knew she was coming home, but said nothing. She needs to talk to her daughter because the daughter is probably being told all sorts of things. Should she be honest with her daughter and tell her exactly what her grandmother has done?

    13 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Serious Dilema, what does she do?

    My son's girlfriend, Kim from the USA (we live in Australia) came over to spend her summer with us. Her 5 year old daughter usually spends the summer with her father anyway. Kim talked with her daughter every day via the X Box. The daughters father disconnected the daughters X Box. Kim rings her mother to find out whats going on and the mother tells her that she thought she wasnt coming home, so went into her house (the mother bought it) threw out all her daughters clothes, pictures, took all her furniture and put the house up for sale. Kim is devestated and it seems the sister is in this too because she knew Kim was coming home in September, but didnt tell lher mother this. The ex also knew she was coming home, but said nothing. She needs to talk to her daughter because the daughter is probably being told all sorts of things. Should she be honest with her daughter and tell her exactly what her grandmother has done?

    2 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Workers compensation?

    I hurt my back at work 2 yrs ago. My only restriction is no heavy lifting. I've been doing my contracted hrs for the past 18 months, but have been alternating my time doing 4 and 8 hr shifts. The 8 hr shifts are fine, but the 4 hr shifts aggravate my back as I am sitting for long periods of time doing the same amount of work in 4 hrs that I do in 8 hrs. My doctor has specified that I only do 8 hr shifts. Work pulled me off all my shifts saying that the Insurance Company suggested I go off work until I see an insurance doctor. The insurance denied saying that. I now find out from the Insurance company that my employer has taken away suitable duties. I work in disabilities and was rostered in a particular house which requires no heavy lifting. I have been working in that house for 12 months and they are 8 hr shifts. I am still employed by them but am not getting any work. I am losing $100 a week in penalties. There is work for me, but they are not giving it to me. What can I do?

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Wives, what would you do.?

    If your husband is rarely at home...sleeps in a separate either working, out with mates, or staying overnight at his country property by himself? He does not try to make excuses anymore and simply says to you.."you know the score, you know I dont love you". He knows that if he leaves, you will kill yourself, so stays because he couldnt live with the guilt. What makes a wife threaten these things when she knows her husband does not love her, does not want to spend any time with her and is always out somewhere. I really need to understand why a wife would expect her husband to stay where he obviously doesnt want to be.....what would be going through her mind? Could there be something mentally wrong with her?

    15 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • About Wills?

    I live in Australia and when you are 18 you are legally classed as an adult. You can drink you can smoke, you can vote. My mother left my son $50,000 in her Will, but he is not allowed to have access to this money until he is 21. He is 20 now and would like to have access to his money, if not all of it...$10,000 of it. My sister is executor of this Will...he has asked her for this money, but she is ignoring his phone calls. One solicitor advised me that because he is legally an adult, he can get this money. My son just spoke to a solicitor then who said what is said in the Will stands and if it says 21, then he cant get it till he is 21. Can anyone throw any more light on this subject.

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • "Once a Cheater always a cheater"?

    The people who use this as an explantion to why people "cheat"...where do you get your information from? And is there anyone out there who thinks differently or has a positive story about loving a married person?

    13 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Im curious?

    Usually it takes 3 or 4 days if an answerer doesnt choose a best answer to go to the vote. Twice an answer of mine has gone to the vote after only one day. Can the asker choose to send answers to the vote before the 3/4 period is up? If not, how can they go to the vote so soon?

    4 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Men and Women why do you beg?

    I am very interested to hear from people who are married or in a permanent relationship who have needed the relationship to continue even when the spouse tells you he/she is no longer in love with you and/or who cheats on you time after time. What makes you do it? Why do you want someone who doesnt want you? Does marriage/long term relationships make you lose your pride? Have you lost the need to be loved? Or do you think marriage is viewed as ownership, and its not so much the fact that your spouse does not love you anymore...but more the fact that you would be losing your possession? The more questions I see on here, the more I am wondering where has the need to be loved gone?

    10 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Bible bashers?

    Why is it, when a question is asked, and a person wants some logical answers to their dilemma, the Bible bashers come out and start quoting Bible Scriptures......The Wrath of God type stuff.....what is their purpose?.....what are they trying to achieve?

    21 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago