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    What eye shape do I have?

    I want to apply eye makeup that will suit my eye shape :)

    Thanks all!

    7 AnswersMakeup2 years ago
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    What hair style would suit my face shape?

    Wanna get a hair cut that would suit me. Also what colour should I dye my hair? I’ve never dyed it so have no idea what I’m doing lol

    3 AnswersHair2 years ago
  • Can I colour over recently dyed hair?

    I dyed my hair with the schwarschopf live hair dye in metallic silver. I have light blonde hair naturally but it didn't turn out too well. It's patchy and didn't take in places. So I was wandering if I could dye it a light platinum blonde to cover over it? This is my natural hair.

    Will it be okay to dye over even though I dyed it yesterday?

    9 AnswersHair3 years ago
  • My brothers best friend likes me?

    So on Saturday night me, and a few friends were at our house and had a few drinks. Whilst my boyfriend was talking to my brother I was upstairs and my brothers best friend came into the room. He basically told me that he has liked me for about three years now. But he's been friends with my brother for 20 years, I've known him my whole life, he's round our house everyday and he's like one of the family. I see him as a brother. When I was a kid we never really used to get on but I'm 20 now so weve both grown up a lot. However, he knows I have a boyfriend as he also comes over almost everyday.

    I have no romantic feelings towards my brothers friend but he keeps texting me and asking if I want to do stuff. I always reply to people because I don't want to be rude and ignore people so I've just said stuff like "oh sorry, I'm busy today" but to be honest I'm starting to feel guilty because I feel like I'm sneaking around behind my boyfriends back. Again, I have no feelings for this guys what so ever, other than the fact that I see him as a friend/brother.

    What do I do, nobody knows about this and I'm not braver enough to confront him because I've always been so shy about that sort of thing. Any help?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating4 years ago
  • How can I not be so shy in front of my boyfriends family?

    Got a meal with my boyfriends family tonight, there's 11 of us going and I've never been to a meal with his family before, let alone his extended family!

    I'm typically quite a shy and awkward person and I know that I'll just be really quiet all evening. Its not that I don't want to go tonight, I'm just scared I'll make and idiot of myself, I want to make a really good impression. Any advice would be great!


    3 AnswersFamily5 years ago
  • Can you recommend me a movie to watch?

    Hi all!

    SO this week I watched all the Harry Poters (plz dont judge me haha) and I love them so much, you laugh, you cry, the plot is excellent but now I feel like watching another film and I know it will be hard to find one just as good.

    I don't care if its a series of films or just the one, I'm just really bored now.

    I was thinking good will hunting because ive never seen that and it looked quite good?

    Any ideas, thanks!

    7 AnswersMovies6 years ago
  • What is something special to do on your dads birthday?

    Hi all,

    So my dads birthday is a month away, hes turning 51 and I wanted to do something special with him and my brothers.

    it hasn't really been the same since my parents split up about four years ago so I don't see him as much as I did and I know he misses us.

    I was thinking I could make him a cake because I do that for a job anyway so that's no problem.

    I was also thinking me and my brothers could take him out for a meal at a nice pub or get a takeaway or maybe cook him a meal?

    Does anybody have any other suggestions? (Relativity cheap because I'm only 18 with a part time job haha)

    Thanks guys :)

    6 AnswersFamily6 years ago
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    How would you describe this painting?

    How would you describe this painting to me if I were blind? How would you describe the atmosphere? Does the painting tell as story? How does it make you feel?

    5 AnswersPainting6 years ago
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    How should I get my hair cut? I have no idea what would suit me...?

    Hi all, This is me:

    I have long straight hair and its been like this for a while now so I'm getting kind of bored. I used to have it in a shoulder length bob but I don't really think that suited me. I've also had it cut with a fringe before but that took more effort to get right in the mornings :') I do like having my hair long though, but does anybody have any ideas on how I could have it cut to maybe suit me a bit better.

    thanks :)

    2 AnswersHair6 years ago
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    What makeup should I wear with this outfit?

    Hi guys!

    I've got my aunts wedding tomorrow, I'm wearing a blue dress, curling my hair (I'm blonde by the way) and wearing nude pointed heels, any ideas on what I should do for makeup?

    I'm doing my own makeup but I want something special, any pictures/tips/ideas/videos would be greatly appreciated as I just have no idea, preferably something that will make the blue I my eyes stand out though,


    2 AnswersMakeup6 years ago
  • Guys: if you had to pick a "type" of girl what would you go for?

    By this I mean what social group would she belong to. And what social group would you say your from?

    For example: goth, chav, nerd, emo, jock, etc

    Just curious as to what type of people go for :)

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Do you think this is an okay birthday present?

    So it's one of my friends birthdays today, she's turning 17 and we're all going out for a meal. Neither I or my family have a lot of money to spare but I'm an avid baker, and actually quite good at it if I'm being honest. So I thought it might be nice to make her some home made cupcakes with buttercream icing as I can't really afford much else but a card. Do you think this would be okay? As I know all of my other friends have got her some nice jewellery or some stuff from lush etc. I just don't have enough money to pay for the meal, the train there and her present.

    Would you be happy with that as a present?

    4 AnswersFriends6 years ago
  • I m looking for the perfect cookie recipe?

    Hey guys! I m looking for the best recipe for soft chewy chocolate chip cookies that I can take to my bf s house for dinner, I really want to make a good first impression and I love baking, I m quite good at it I think but I just want the ultimate recipe that will guarantee delicious, chewy on the inside cookies.

    Any recipes you care to share would be great, thanks guys!

    6 AnswersCooking & Recipes6 years ago
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    What should I do with my hair?

    Hi all :)

    So I've always had long light blonde hair, I want to mix it up a bit. I don't mind dyeing it as long as its a semi permanent dye. Also I do love my long hair and would prefer to keep it long but getting it cut shorter is still on the table as long as the style would suit me.

    What hair style do you think would suit me? Like what cut and colour?

    thanks all :)

    This is also a picture of me:

    5 AnswersHair6 years ago
  • What can I get my brothers for their birthday?

    Hi all!

    So my brothers have their birthday next month, they're turning 22 and I have no idea what to get them.

    The first one is into health and fitness and gymnastics, but he has everything he needs when it comes to that. He has the books, the weights and the equipment etc I was thinking I could get him some workout clothes? He's also into science but I have no clue when it comes to that sort of stuff as hes doing bio medical science at uni and I'm not good at science :') hes also into survival I guess you could say, he loves to travel, hiking and exploration and reading. Within the past year hes traveled Japan, Italy, Belgium, and the Netherlands. Any Ideas for what I could get him?

    The other brother is also into health and fitness but not as much as the first, he also has the equipment as they just share everything anyways. This one plays guitar, its mostly classical stuff but he sometimes plays on just a regular acoustic. He cycles quite a bit on a racing bike and was quite into that. At one point he was studying economics and had an interest in the business world however I'm not sure how into that he is anymore. Hes laid back but also very outgoing, can talk for ages.

    All three of us enjoy watching some animes like Pokemon, DB, DBZ, Death Note ( we're kids at heart) and we often play on the xbox together, mostly just stuff like cod and fifa.

    Any ideas on what I could get them? They always get me something great and I want to do it in return. Thanks all!

    3 AnswersFamily6 years ago
  • Would you prefer one birthday cake or two?

    Like would you prefer ones precise birthday cake

    Or would you prefer two knowing that it's a little less special but more food

    6 AnswersPolls & Surveys6 years ago
  • What are some things I could do to spend more time with my dad?

    My parents split up three years ago and now me and my older brothers live with my mum. We still see our dad, it's not like he ran off or anything, he still lives near by but I don't see him that much, which is probably also partly my fault as I'm either studying or out with my friends.

    He told me he misses me and of course I miss him too but I didn't realise how selfish I had been with my spare time.

    He now lives with my grandpa but I don't like going over there ever since my grandma died, I was close with her and it upsets me.

    So I was wondering if anybody had any (cheap) ideas on what I could do with him on Friday :)

    I had the idea of cycling over to his house and us going out to our local bakery, picking up some food and just hanging out.

    But does anybody else have some suggestions? :)


    1 AnswerFamily6 years ago
  • What is food like in Iceland?

    Hi guys!

    In 3 weeks I'm going to Iceland and I'm so excited!

    I've done a bit of research into the food and from what I've read, there is a lot of smoked lamb or sheep and fish. I've also read about some of the traditional dishes like cured shark which I think I'll skip haha:)

    I haven't found out too much about everyday grocery food which I'm interested in so if anybody knows about that I would be interested to find out what kind of foods the supermarkets stock. (I'm guessing it's just like any other country with the exception of a few things)

    I'll be going to a few restaurants so I'm interested in the different kind of foods available and if anybody has any restaurant recommendations in Reykjavik.

    I just wanted to get the views from somebody who has been to or lived in Iceland. Thanks for your help!

    2 AnswersOther - Food & Drink6 years ago
  • My step sister is so perfect compared to me and it's effecting my self esteem?

    Hi all:)

    So shes not officially my step sister yet but will be soon. The thing is, she is a lovely person and in a way I feel bad for having these feelings of resentment towards her but she's just so perfect, has a positive attitude towards everything and although I try to have a positive outlook, whenever I'm around her I just feel very insignificant and these feelings of low self esteem emerge.

    A bit of background information about us. I'm a few months older than her but we're both 16. I don't see her that often, maybe a few times a month give or take as we live in different cities about an hour away from each other. She's a brunette and her hair always looks nice even if she's done nothing with it, whereas I'm light blonde and my hair is long so it gets tangled easily. I guess it doesn't help that I've always wanted to be a brunette.

    She's thin. Not that I'm not within my healthy weight range but she just seems to have a perfect body whereas I'm tall so I look like a giant. She looks fine without makeup too, I however have spots and discoloration in my skin.

    She always has friends, going to parties and going out with friends.

    She's outgoing and confident but I'm shy and reserved.

    I know a lot of this probably seems stupid and petty and I realize that the grass is always greener but I can't help but compare ourselves. I really should stop and get on with my own life but seeing as she is part of it, I can't. I'm lacking self confidence so what can I do?

    2 AnswersPsychology6 years ago
  • Are there jobs in a summer camp for 17 year olds?

    Hi :)

    So I'm turning 17 and was wondering if I could get a job working in a summer camp (UK) I've had a search online but on most of them you need to be 18. Does anybody know anywhere which hires 17 year olds?


    1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment6 years ago