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Lv 31,071 points

Gwenith O

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  • Is it better to "live it up" while you're young or to invest into the future?

    I'm in my mid twenties and I don't want to waste my youth preparing for the future. The money I make I want to create memories with. Am I a fool? Should I listen to everyone and put all of my income in becoming debt free and investments? I don't want to wait until I'm old to travel, etc...but is it smarter to wait? I'm not in that much debt.(student loans is it...) And my income is pretty small so I don't have that much to divide. I want the extra money I make after living expenses to be for fun. I don't live beyond my means or accrue more debt but I do want the money I save for a propose that is closer that...well...retirement.

    What do you all think? Opinions, stories, goals, and ideas. I want to hear them all.

    8 AnswersInvesting1 decade ago
  • What exercises thin thighs down but don't add bulk?

    I'm 5'4'' 115-120 lbs (I'm never the same but always within those numbers). I do NOT want to lose a lot of poundage and I certainly do not want to add dimension to my thighs. I just want to know what exercises I can do to tighten them up. I'm looking for specifics on my inner thighs and right underneath my butt.

    I don't believe lunges will work as I feel that activity focuses on my front thighs (I don't want those larger AT ALL). Same goes for squats. I'm thin enough and do quite a bit of cardio already. I just want those two problem areas handled.

    If anyone can help me that would be great. I try to google "thin thighs" and I always come up with lunges and squats. I do those and my front thighs get toned! arg! so frustrating!

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • What is the Surgery term for making Caucasian eyes look Asian?

    Simple curiosity. Is it even possible? I know Asian eyes get the double fold but I've only heard of the other way around in passing. I'm seriously curious at how this looks. links to some before and afters will be great! I love asian eyes. I think they're beautiful so I'm guessing some other people might have wanted to get plastic surgery to achieve those eyes.

    3 AnswersOther - Skin & Body1 decade ago
  • ways to battle breakouts that are primarily hormonal?

    I only just realized (after spending entirely too much on "miracle" face washes and changing my diet entirely) that I break out around my period. Also, almost immediately after my period ends the acne starts to dry out. I'm left with scars and frustration. I finally start to see a light at the end of the tunnel in between my periods when my face has few remnant scars from my last breakout and then the whole process starts up again. Face washes, that I know of, don't deal with hormonal breakouts. My question is quite simple...

    what does?

    5 AnswersOther - Skin & Body1 decade ago
  • I'm attracted to someone who ISN'T my boyfriend?

    Now, before we get started, I love my boyfriend. I'm still attracted to him too. but last night we both went to a party with some friends and I met another guy who happened to be dating someone else present. This other guy wasn't necessarily what many would consider "hot" because that is purely upon preception but he had something about him that turned me on. Perhaps it was the smile or the light chuckles he gave. Or maybe it was his style or confidence. Whatever it was doesn't really matter because now I can't get him out of my head. I feel like I'm not being true to my boyfriend by thinking about this other guy.

    I guess this is nothing but an opportunity to vent but I'm sure someone will give me advice. As it stands now, I hope I never see this other guy again but I'm not sure I'll be that lucky. He and my boyfriend hit it off. They have similar tastes in music and talked throughout the night. They have plans to hang out sometime. Oh, joy. I just hope I don't let this silly attraction ruin the real thing I have to my boyfriend.

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • I know this means something for me....PLEASE interpret this dream?

    It was a ghost themed dream in a "haunted house" old mansion that was over grown with vegetation. Inside as well. I remember a female spirit in the house who was a BIT hostile and aggressive but the thing that got me was the cat.

    In several refrences throughout this dream I would see a tabby cat (gray and black striped) lying down on the ground and then VINES would grow over it. The same "clip" would happen several times in SEVERAL dreams. I would be in a college dream and then FLASH cat and vines...what does this mean?

    I know that cats can be bad luck in dreams but I have a reverance for them (I like dogs more as pets but I respect the cat) I know it can sometimes matter so I'll also tell you I'm female.

    If someone can tell me something more than a silly dream book that would be great as they aren't specific and don't have a 'cat covered in vines' section.

    2 AnswersDream Interpretation1 decade ago
  • Converting an engine to use cooking oil...or other alternative fuels...?

    I thought of the used cooking oil because of "invention nation" on the science channel....They use a bus to cross the county that uses used cooking oil instead of gas....

    I want to convert a road worthy scooter's engine to use alternative fuel but don't know the first thing about how...

    can anyone point me in the right direction?

    I could even go for a mid sized family car's engine conversion...

    9 AnswersAlternative Fuel Vehicles1 decade ago
  • Japanese Speakers! Please Help ME!?

    I have this flag with handwritten Kanji and Hirigana. I only know tourist type Japanese and most DEFINITLY cannot translate this on my own. Can anyone help me with this?

    2 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago
  • Parakeet intoductions?

    Orgininally We bought a male and what we thought was a female parakeet...the female turned out to be a juvenile male because the skin above the beak flaked away revealing blue after finding a female we want to introduce her to our two males...what is the best way to do this? Is it just ok to put her into their cage without so much as a "how do you do?" or is there a method to make the transition easier for all of them. I know Parakeets are social creatures but I don't want to put more stress on them than what is neccessary. Right now we have our female in a smaller cage right next to the boys'.

    3 AnswersBirds1 decade ago
  • What Things should I focus on to build a well rounded and eye catching portfolio?

    I'm an aspiring artist...well...obviously...and I want to put together a portfolio that includes all of the more important aspects that an employer might look for as well as unique items that will set me apart from other portfolios they might see.

    That should be easy enough but I haven't had any formal training in art (example being...hmmm...SCHOOL) and I want to rely firmly upon my talent so that my lack of experience and training would seem unimportant in contrast. I'm well aware of the need to have life drawing examples and still life drawings/paintings but what exactly are the things people look for?

    I want to be able to have a well rounded (showing examples of all sorts of media, style, theme...etc...) portfolio but I'd like to focus on the more important are they?

    Oh...all while keeping it unique and able to stand out against the other ones employers might see....

    2 AnswersDrawing & Illustration1 decade ago
  • Korean meaning of "unnie" and "nuna"?

    I'm watching X-Man's SahmHaengShi game (A korean show and a game played on that show) on Youtube with subtitles and Brian Joo and Eru were doing a tit for tat but the subtitles didn't translate what Unnie and Nuna means (eru called brian Unnie and Brian's rebuttle was to have eru call him Nuna instead). Evidently it was pretty witty but I haven't a clue what those two words are suppose to me understand please!

    3 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago
  • My side hurts.....?

    My right side hurts from just to the right of my belly button and curves around to my back to the right of my spine. I haven't done anything to irritate the muscle. I just got over having UTI when the pain started. It is a dull ache that turns into a sharp pain at times. If I press my side it hurts more. I thought it was a kidney problem and I've been drinking A LOT of water. When I use the restroom my urine is a bit cloudy and I don't go NEARLY as much as I should considering all the water I have consumed... The pain almost feels like a stitch you get after running a lot and the painful pressure you get if you have gas. I don't like the doctors so I try to avoid it as much as possible...but if someone could speculate what this is and if I really need to see someone for it.....that would be great....

    8 AnswersPain & Pain Management1 decade ago
  • Can someone tell me the title of this book and where I can get it...?

    When I was in middle school I read this book that I found in the school library. It was about a princess that was quite unlike any other princess in that she was not blonde and girly. She had dark hair and a very untimid personality. Tired of being expected to be a typical princess this girl runs aways and demands a dragon take her in as a servant. Now the people decide that she was taken by this dragon because that is exactly what a princess does, she is kidnapped by dragons and needs to be rescued. So this very untimid dark haired princess has to fend off all the knights who come to her "rescue". I know there is MUCH more to the story but that is the part I remember. It was a long time ago that I read this book but I want to find it again because I loved it. I think it has something to do with "the enchanted forest chronicles" or something...There are other books in this series...

    Well? Do you know the author or title from this info?

    5 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • What can LIGHT do?

    Ok, so I'm having a "discussion" (arguement) with my sister's boyfriend. He is telling me that light STOPS when it hits a wall and also STOPS when it hits a window.

    I don't agree. I think that when light hits glass it goes on to the other side...maybe even "fans out" in all directions. I think that when it hits a hard surface it bounces off back into the room.

    I don't think that light just STOPS when it hits something.

    What do you all think?

    If I'm right, can I get a link of something so that I can shove it in his smug face?

    If I'm incorrect let me know so that I can learn something...........and appologize.....

    3 AnswersPhysics1 decade ago
  • Spanish was given boats from england before the armada?

    I was debating with a co-worker about who "technically" came to America first. I told the co-worker that the spanish colonized Florida first (as well as South America and all) and it was bought out at a later date. I told him up until the Spanish Armada and the reign of Queen Elizabeth, the spanish were far richer and greater than that of England and had conquered many more lands. The great loss of the Spanish fleet is what set the stage for Enlgands rise to become a great power. He argued with me by asking me who supplied the Spanish with their fleet? He told me that England did. He told me they pretty much funded ANY and ALL expeditions to the new world and thus all discoveries were England's...I know that's false but where can I find proof so I can educate him? If it IS indeed true...I feel really stupid and where can I find that information? Can you tell me the time line leading up to the discovery of America? (excluding nordic)

    2 AnswersHistory1 decade ago
  • How can you get the "Perfect tan"?

    I don't care if its the tanning bed, spray on, lotion, or the old fashioned sun tan. How do you get a really good tan? Is it a combination of those things? Bronze Goddesses tell me your secrets!

    4 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style1 decade ago
  • How can you produce the "perfect tan"?

    I don't care if it's tanning beds, spray on tans, or the old fashioned sun. Tell me you fool proof way to become gloriously tan! All you bronze goddesses out there....let me know your secret!

    10 AnswersOther - Skin & Body1 decade ago
  • Breasts. What are some techniques to enlarge them?

    Ok. Short of the going under the knife. What are some ways to increase the size of your bust? I'm 22 and don't even fully fill an A cup. (5'4'', 107lb)

    What are your thoughts on things like this:

    And does massaging them really work? Any foods that are known to make you larger? Any feedback will help. Thanks.

    15 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Summer Hair color. Do or don't.?

    I want to dye my hair black but since I live in Florida, summer is fast approaching. I heard that lighter colors work best in the summer but I was wondering, will I look out of place if dyed it anyways?

    6 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • The dating and "sleeping over" dilemma...?

    You are just getting into a new relationship but you have gotten to the level of "sleeping over"...What is the criteria for the early waker who wakes up before your mate and you're at THEIR you just lie in bed and wait for them, wake them up, or make yourself at home?

    11 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago