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  • Will NCO know if i worked at APAC?!?

    Hello there had my interview at NCO today basically have the job... just waiting for backround and drug screen to come back so yes I have the job. Lol just wqundering if anyone knows...the only thing that would keep me from getting hired is that I did work at APAC in 2009. Right out of high school, I eas termanated for cursing in the building and stamped not eligable for rehire. I said "****" when my comp. Froze. I was not aware that NCO and APAC where now merged! So that would be the deal braker as it was almost 5 yrs ago and they just mergee in 2012 I wouldn't thinl it would be seen. But just cerious if anyone knows. I'm not a liar...but I'm also not 18 anymore I'm a 22 yr old mother of 2 whom really needs a job and whom takes her work seriously now and didn't really just want to through myself under the bus by saying oh yea I worked at apac...

    1 AnswerOther - Local Businesses8 years ago
  • Is historectomy really my only option?

    I had my second son july 26th of 2012. And ive been bleeding badly since drs have tryed tge depo, explanon, sevrial diffrent pills and NOTHING seems to be working. I have to bring extra clothes to work, as ive had several accedents. My blood counts always come back,normal, as well as the 5 pelvic.exams and 4 ulyrasounds. This is ruining my life and my husbands. Now the dr. has me on 3 bc pills once a day for 3 days which has only made my clots larger the bleedings still atrochois. I went to er they where going to keep me and admnistor me drugs the usually givr to patients miscarrying but when they ginally hooked me up it had slowed down so they told me they couldnt do it. It heavy again!! Goinh to bathroom every 20min as always! They told me my only option is a hysorectomy or just live with it.

    I have 2 children but im 22 is this reaaally my only optipn?!

    2 AnswersYahoo Answers8 years ago
  • Should my 2 1/2 year old see a seach tharapist?

    I know most kids say words diffrently at first...but my son seems to be hard to understand still to those who dont know him, or arnt around him daily. He chops words up prettt harshly and i cant seem to correct him on them. Heres some examples.



    car seat=are eat

    Kolby(his baby brother)= bear is what comes out for brother and oby for kolby.

    Grandma=mama he just.calls me mom. Sometimes he can get amama but thats as close so far.

    Juice= juths





    not sure if he will grow out of this or if i should take him to a speach therapist?

    3 AnswersToddler & Preschooler8 years ago
  • switched from pill to implanon help?!?

    Ok, I guess im looking for personal experiance answers...because ive done allll the research i can and nothings really giving me a straight forward answer. So please do not post links to websites for an aswer as ive most likley already read all tere is to read!

    ok, I had my second son July 26th of this year...I rescived the depo shot in the hospital while i was still there, i figured it would be great since i was on it in high school and never had a problem with it, and it stopped my periods. Ive been bleeding ever since!!! no spotting but period like bleeding. at my 6 week checkup my doc put me on seasoniuqe to stop it....didnt work!!! so, i desided to get the implanon 5 days ago...and im STILL bleeding!!! could this be from stopping the pill?? or is it soaly from the implanon now?? I know that is a symptom of the implanon as well but im looking for someone with similar experiance. should i wait it out and see? or should i get it removed. Im running out of options here and me and my husband DO NOT want anymore children! Im too young to fix as the doctors and state law what can i do?! personal stories anyone? and what happend in your situation?

    3 AnswersWomen's Health8 years ago
  • If depo made me bleed will implanon too?

    Ok, back in high school i was on depo worked great! Never had a period....than after 2years i desised to give my body a break from it ..ended up with,horrable bleeding lasting a little over 4months ...then i got,preg. With my boyfriend and my first child . ...after he was born,i,got,on the,pill. ..blead all the time,on,it. i just quit taking it after about 3months...then a year in a half after i had our first....i got preg. With our 2nd who was born july 26th 2012...i got the depo shot in,the hospital...seems they feel im too young to fix, and the depo wrked great for me b4.well.....ive been bleeding ever since!!! At my 6week checkup my dr said 9 out of 10 weman will have tht problem getting depo while they r pp bleeding!! Greaaat, sooo she perscribed me seasonal...(spelling) to stop it...i didnt take them until 2mo. Ago....and as i figured its not stopping...its slowed down but still there....well i have an apt. Tom. To get an implanon question is, if any of u had similar experiances, did u cont. Bleeding or did implanon help?

    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive8 years ago
  • ok i have a LG 900g net 10 phone?

    Is there a way you can disable the reminder that appears after every sent and received message? It is starting to get on my nerves any help would be appreciated. thanks

    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • Could my son be a gerber baby?

    Just cerious what everyone thinks, wanted to enter him in the gerber contest =) he is 6 months old.


    <a href=" target="_blank"><img src=" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


    same picture just didnt know how to upload on here.

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • implantation or ovulation spotting?

    i know no one can tell me for sure, but some shared experiances would be nice.

    i have a 5 month old, and have had 4 reg. periods since his birth, i had a piriod fallowing the bleeding after having my son. in all my life i have never experianced this,

    my period is 30-31 day cycle and my actual period lasts 5-7 days.

    my last period started november 19th and ended the 24th its now dec. 7th and last night i experianced some brownish discharge with a little tinge of pink...which only lased until this morning, followed by mild cramping...nothing since. its a mistary what it is until my period is due, but i was just cerious if anyone has experianced this and knew what it was...

    i know it could be hard to tell, but i am not on birth control, my husband and i have had unprotercted sex, using the pull out method, not trying to concive but if it happens it happens..

    andy experiances?

    1 AnswerPregnancy1 decade ago
  • did dr. sweep my membraines or is it just from being checked?


    i was checked at 38 weeks to see if any dialation or effacment has accured. because i am going to get induced at 39 wks and 3 days...this comming wendsday due to high blood pressure =/

    since she checked me i have been having braxtion hicks contractions for the past 5 to 6 days straight, the longest brake between them is about 20 min. and i have been loosing pices of my mucous plug as well.

    im not sure if its just from being checked, i was 1 cm dialated and 50 percent effaced.

    Or did she sweep my membraines?? i dont think she would have as baby is still floating verry high, and if she where to sweep my membraines there is a risk of my water braking...wich can cause cord prelaplse, because babys head isnt engaged...

    perhaps its just a cauensadence....idk.

    any suggestions/ experiance?


    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • is there any hope for a vaginal birth? please help?


    i have been getting very nervous. I am getting induced wensday of this comming week due to high blood pressure. i will be 39 wks and 2days. This is my first baby, and He is still floating, completly. not engaged what so ever =( when I was checked at 38 weeks dr. said i was 1 cm dialted and 50% effaced. so there is some progress somewhere...which i think comes to my benifit when being induced. But because he is still so high she said there is a pretty good chance i may need to have a c section =( but we are going to try a v birth. Im just lookng for any experiance or hopful answers!!!

    Any of you been induced when baby was still floating and have a successful vaginal birth?

    Or anyone know someone who has, or perhaps some advice or encouraging words??

    i really need it right now ladies =/ thanks!


    i forgot to add i have tryed walking squating getting on all fours and rocking, sex, nothing... =(

    dr. told me to take it easy and not walk so excessavly due to blood pressure...

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • anyone dialate without babys head engaged?

    hello, i am 38 weeks and 1 day pregnant. this is my first. babys head is still not engaged =/ but i was just cerious if anyone else out there has dialated without or before babys head was engaged?

    i was checked last week, because i had fallen down a hill, in our backyard, and went to the hospital, docotor said i was closed but cervix was very soft. so i know the soft part is a good sign,

    just cerious if i could possibly dialate without babyshead engaged.


    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • anyone been induced with baby not engaged?


    im just cerious to how many of you mommys still had a successful vaginal birth when the baby was not engaged prior to labor. and if you where induced did baby engage during labor? or did it end in a c section. I am just cerious as this is my first and i am 38 weeks 1 day and baby still isnt engaged. i am not wurring about it as of right now, but since it is my first im expecting to go a bit overdue, or be induced on around my due date. and if he is still not engaged before being induced, what are my chances he will engage during labor?

    any experiances will be helpful, and help me way my options =) thanks

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • quick question about getting induced?

    hello im due july 12th. im sure this little bub isnt going to want to come out any sooner.

    i was going to ask my dr. at my apointment on tues. if she could induce me on my due date. my family all live in another state and they all took time off work to come down on the 16th of july, and i would like them to beable to see the baby, as the next time i will see them will be christmas, and my grandmother is not doing to well, and probubly wont be around much longer =/ and it would mean the world to her to meet her great grandson before she passes.

    do you think my doctor will agree to induce me on my due date?

    any experiance advice?

    thanks =)

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Any ideas to get baby to engage?


    I will be 38 weeks on monday, baby has dropped, but his head is still not ingaged, i have been walking a ton, and it dosnt seem to be helping much...

    does anyone have any other ideas or suggestions on how i can help little guy get on the ball?

    Because he isnt ingaged there is no dialation what so ever, this is also my first, so i would have thought hed be ingaged by now...

    please give me some advice =/ thanks.

    p.s i know he isnt ingaged because doc. is the one that told me she couldnt tell what position he was in because he wasnt ingaged, therefor had to get an ultrasound to make sure he was head down, so no im not self diagnosing lol.

    1 AnswerNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • help! 7ibs 90z at 36 weeks!?

    hello, i know that wieght guesses can be a bit off, but i had an ultra sound and 36 weeks and 4 days, due to suspisions if high fluid levels, i dont have gb. but i do have alot of fluids!! they said my babys around 7ins 9 oz and will continue to gain a cupple ounces a day! im now 37 weeks and 1 day, cannot move, i need help getting out of bed. i am 5 ft tall and pre pregnancy weight 110ibs, now 174ibs! I have fallen twice, over myself because im so unbalanced! I had to go to the hospital both times to make sure babys ok. hes fine. I have horrable vericose veins in my legs, which where there before i was pregnant, so you can emagine how they have gotten worse threw pregnancy. i have an apointment on thurs. to get the rest of the results, I am just cerious if doctor may suggest induction, because of babys size and fluid levels, and of how i cannot even get out of bed without assistance! the picture of me on my profile is me at 30 weeks so you can imagine how big i am now at 37 weeks! please help, any advice? or experiances?

    p.s there is so much fluid im mesuring 43 weeks, and my uturus is now to my breast bone!! i have a very short torso, babys head down but he is not ingaged and still floats under my ribs sometimes, which is actually becoming verry painful =/

    i will put up with this if i have to, because i just want my baby to be healthy. but just cerious of what you think the docotor may due, i wouldnt mind being induced, as long as babys healthy. im not dialated yet but dr. said my cervix was realy soft.

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • sharp stabbin pains in lower abdomen? 37wks is this contractions?


    I am very confused...I have experianced braxtion hicks contractions for the past 2 weeks or so, which feel like mild cramps...

    I also have experianced round ligament pains earlier in my pregnancy, but this dosnt feel like ither of these things.

    Today I have felt like I had to pooh badly (srry tmi) about 3 or 4 times, and when I go, only a little bit comes out and i feel better??

    Now I am experiancing stabbing pains in my lower abdomen and not sure what it comes and goes nothing regular yet.

    im 37 weeks and 1 day pregnant.

    I am also feeling a bit nasious suddenly...

    could these be signs of early labor?? very confused as this is my first baby...and not sure what to look for.

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Induced due to high fluid levels?

    hello i am 37 weeks and 1 days pregnant. The other day I was outside, and tumbled over myself and rolled down the hill in our back yard, forgeting how unbalanced I was...Anywho went to the hospital to get checked to make sure everything was ok, thank goodness all is fine, my doctor is on vacation, so another doctor from the same office was in to see me. She said I wasnt dialated at all but my cervix is really soft, and she couldnt even tell what position the baby was in, and then she asked if I measured big, I told her not that I know of, because the dr. hasnt mentioned anything, she then told me she thinks I have high fluid levels, and am mesuring around 42 weeks. I had an ultra sound done, and babys estamated wieght as of right now is 7ibs 9oz. which i know can be off a bit, I have an apointment thurs. to get the rest of the results. I am just a bit nervous of what to expect, Has anyone been induced or had a scedulated c section becaouse of high fluid levels??

    I was reading some of the risks and they are kinda scary, the risks assosiated with high fluid levels that is. Also, is it a bad thing my cervix is soft, or is that how its supposed to be right now??

    Any advice. experiance would be great! thanks =)

    and another thing is, why did this go unoticed for this long?


    Srry reposted due to not getting any answers

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • anyone been induced due to high fluid levels?

    hello i am 37 weeks and 1 days pregnant. The other day I was outside, and tumbled over myself and rolled down the hill in our back yard, forgeting how unbalanced I was...Anywho went to the hospital to get checked to make sure everything was ok, thank goodness all is fine, my doctor is on vacation, so another doctor from the same office was in to see me. She said I wasnt dialated at all but my cervix is really soft, and she couldnt even tell what position the baby was in, and then she asked if I measured big, I told her not that I know of, because the dr. hasnt mentioned anything, she then told me she thinks I have high fluid levels, and am mesuring around 42 weeks. I had an ultra sound done, and babys estamated wieght as of right now is 7ibs 9oz. which i know can be off a bit, I have an apointment thurs. to get the rest of the results. I am just a bit nervous of what to expect, Has anyone been induced or had a scedulated c section becaouse of high fluid levels??

    I was reading some of the risks and they are kinda scary, the risks assosiated with high fluid levels that is. Also, is it a bad thing my cervix is soft, or is that how its supposed to be right now??

    Any advice. experiance would be great! thanks =)

    and another thing is, why did this go unoticed for this long?


    1 AnswerPregnancy1 decade ago
  • saving sex until point of view, opinions?

    Hello =)

    Just cerious if anyone else thinks the same way here,

    I am not saying people should be going around having sex with anyone and everyone, and be reckless and what not. But do any of you think that if you save sex until you are married, and you finally have sex with the person whom you married and arnt sexually compatable what so ever, wouldnt this change ALOT about what you felt tords this person?

    I mean if you where let down by a huge disapointment because the sex wasnt what you expected for many diffrent reasons?

    Now, I am not saying this is everyone, but i think most people who save sex for marrige would run into this issue, and perhaps it would lead to devorce later on. I just think it would really suck if you waited tell marrige to have sex, and you had sex with your husband/wife and it totally sucked!! And your views on sex ended up being wayyy diffrent, thats almost as big of a deal as having diffrent religons, now i am not saying people cant get along with diffrent religons, it would just make a marrige very difficult. as well as having diffrent sexual points of view, perhaps one likes bondage, and the other just wants it old wouldnt last!!

    idk. maybe its just me, I was just looking to see others opinions and if anyone thought the same way as i do about this.

    thanks =)

    10 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Did anyone have there membraines sweeped, and did it work?


    I am 37 weeks pregnant, and was just cerious of if any of you ladies had your membraines sweeped, and did it work? Experiances would be nice, at my 38 week apointment I was going to check into it, how long does it take to work? Experiances would be great!

    Thanks =)

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago