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  • Really odd ovulation question?

    This is for you avid TTCers... I'm wondering about any sort of correlation between strength of the LH surge and quality of the egg released.

    I am currently TTC #2. I am very familiar with OPK and how to use them, digital and dip kind. We used them with #1 and are using them now.

    My norm is to ovulate around cd18-20 with a 13 day LP. I usually get a positive OPK same day as ovulation (temping with #1 indicated that). Therefore, surge would probably start in middle of night, during day get positive OPK, O in middle of that night, then see temp rise and neg OPK next day. However, the month I conceived my daughter, I was on a break from temping and only used OPK. What was odd was that I had a positive OPK for nearly 4 straight days. Back then I was only using strips and watched the gradual rise with day1 same color, day 2 darker test line, day 3 darker test line, day 4 same color. The evening of day 4 was back to neg.

    Fast forward. I now like to use strips and confirm with CBE digital OPK. I am on month #3 ttc with that. No temping, as that gets really difficult with a toddler in the house. First month was very weird all around, but just had Mirena removed, so I attributed it to residual hormones from that. Last month, I had run out of strips before I saw my surge, so I continued with just digitals. Just like always, I had a one-day positive and back to neg. What I noticed was that while I got a smiley, I saw a very light "test" line when I popped it out of the holder. Didn't think anything of it since I got a smiley. I conceived and BFP at 10DPO. Yay, right? It turned out to be a chemical pregnancy that I lost at 5 weeks. By the onset of bleeding my blood hcg level was down to 7 and less than a week later was down to 0.

    Eager to try again, I have been using OPKs again this month. Saw the rise on the strips to same color, confirmed positive with digital late last night, and continued testing all today. My strips are just getting darker, and I have had 3 smileys today which has never happened before. Always only one. Like I always had a really short surge, and this month a long one. Also, the "test" lines on the digital are super dark, way darker than before. But I KNOW I ovulated before because I conceived. I'm really confused.

    My question is, can the strength of your LH surge (poor surge) affect the quality of the egg, which may have led to my miscarriage? Everything I'm finding online mentions long LH surges correlating with PCOS, which I have NO symptoms of. But nothing about short LH surges.

    Any thoughts?

    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive9 years ago
  • REPOST ::: Strange period question...?

    I posted this late last night and have not yet gotten any answers so I am reposting.

    I had my daughter a year ago. I had a Mirena inserted shortly after my 6 week checkup, but before my period returned. Before I got pregnant, my period was heavy and average 5-6 days. While I had the Mirena, obviously it was different due to the hormones.

    I recently had the Mirena taken out and my husband and I are TTC again. It was taken out on Aug 26. My doc advised waiting a month before TTC because I had a c-sect and wanted to try for VBAC this time (she felt it best to wait an entire year before conceiving). After it was taken out, I was eager to make sure I was ovulating and used OPKs to determine my LH surge even though we weren't technically "trying." I had a clear positive, everything seemed fine. I even took a couple pregnancy tests early this week to make sure I wasn't pregnant yet.

    Period came Wednesday morning. Seemed normal for the first day, then really lessened, to the point that I completely stopped bleeding for an entire day. Now I just have a little brownish discharge when I wipe. COMPLETELY abnormal for me. I don't think it's implantation bleeding. Timing would be right for period. Started temping Thursday. Temps seem to be completely within pre-ovulatory range compared to my charts from last time TTC.

    What is going on? Could I possibly be pregnant and having implantation bleeding this late after a positive OPK? I don't want to waste more money on tests if I'm just having a light period (which has never happened before). And IF it is implantation bleeding, when could I test and get a correct result?

    4 AnswersTrying to Conceive10 years ago
  • How long after Mirena to get pregnant?

    I'm going in a couple of weeks to get my Mirena IUD taken out. How long did it take you to get pregnant after removal? I would like to start trying right away, but I understand that I should wait a full cycle. If it matters, we conceived our daughter on the third month trying...

    3 AnswersTrying to Conceive10 years ago
  • Fertility after Mirena?

    I currently have a Mirena IUD, and have had it for about 9 months. It has provided great birth control, but I hated the side effects from it (messed up periods, weight gain, etc.) My husband and I are considering when to have another baby, therefore when to have the Mirena removed. My doc told me my fertility resumes after removal the same as before insertion. When I got pregnant with my daughter, it only took about 3 months. My question is, when we are ready, should we have it removed and start trying immediately or should we have it removed and wait a few months to start trying? Anybody out there with any Mirena experience?

    Thanks :)

    2 AnswersTrying to Conceive10 years ago
  • Any tips for increasing my milk supply?

    I gave birth a week ago. While I am over the moon about my beautiful little girl, I am having a lot of difficulty with breastfeeding. My milk is not increasing the way it is supposed to. The baby lost some weight in the hospital and has developed jaundice, and her doctor suggested I begin supplementing with formula temporarily until my milk comes in fully. I trust his opinion because he and his wife went through the same thing 2 months ago when they had their little girl. While I am happy to do whatever I need to do for my baby, I want to stop the formula and go exclusively breast. He suggested that I offer the breast every 2-3 hours and if I don't feel she is getting enough from that then supplement. I am also pumping to increase, however I don't seem to get very much even though my little girl doesn't stay latched for very long. I have increased my fluid intake and I am continuing my prenatal vitamins.

    Last night, the lactation consultant called me to "check on our progress" and I nearly flew off the handle at her. When I told her that I was supplementing with formula, she all but called me a bad mother and wanted to know "where I got the idea that I should be doing that?" Then she was offended when I said I was simply following the orders of my doctor. I began crying and my husband felt so bad he called my mother who came over and reassured me that I am not a bad mother. After all, what was I supposed to do? Let her continue to lose weight, let the jaundice take over, and let her wind up in the Pediatrics wing of the hospital or, God forbid, worse? While I feel better about the whole situation, I still want to stimulate things and be able to move to exclusive breast feeding.

    BTW, I am unsure if it matters or not, but I had to have a C-section. Does that affect the length of time it takes to engorge? Thank you in advance for all your suggestions and advice!

    9 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Anyone else antsy for delivery?

    I'm 37 weeks on Monday. My doc considers 36 weeks to be term, so if I go into labor he wont try to stop it. I lost my plug on Thursday, had some spotting with it that has stopped but random spotting here and there since then. I have also had very strong contractions since last night but nothing regular. I want to go into labor so bad! I know I am not technically due yet (due the 27th) but I just can't wait to get the ball rolling. My husband feels the same way. Anyone else out there in the same boat?

    7 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Could labor be near? Not sure?

    I am 36+5. 37 weeks on Monday. I'm pretty sure I lost my mucus plug on Thursday, and today I have been having pain. Not contractions, just constant pain through my lower abdomen and all through my back. I'm expecting to have back labor because the placenta is in the front. Was having brown spotting after I lost plug but stopped yesterday. I noticed a little spotting today too, but lighter in color and it seems to have stopped. I also am experiencing some severe heartburn that I haven't had in weeks. Could this be it? I hate to call and go to the hospital and just get sent home AGAIN. Thoughts? Thanks in advance!

    1 AnswerPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Spotting 36w2d (sorry TMI)?

    So tonight I was scheduled to come to the hospital for my "preadmission interview." While my husband was getting ready to go, I went to the bathroom. I stood up and wiped, and before I could pull up my pants I felt a small gush and heard dripping on the toilet seat. Looking down, I realized there was a lot of clear fluid on the toilet seat. I know it sounds gross, but I wiped it off with toilet paper and smelled it to see if it was urine. Definitely wasn't! First instinct was that my water broke, especially since once I changed my pants (got some on them) I realized I was still leaky. I put on a pad and we went to the hospital.

    After spending an hour being hooked up to monitors, they determined that my little girl is fine and I was not having contractions although I was feeling something very much like menstrual cramps. The nurse checked my cervix (closed) and swabbed me to check for amnio fluid (negative) so I was sent home.

    A couple of hours later, I noticed that I was spotting. It was thick brown blood, but very sparse. I called L&D to ask about it, and was told that it was normal to spot after being checked. The weird thing is, at my doc appt yesterday he checked my cervix and I didn't spot after that! My husband was present for the whole fiasco at the hospital and seemed to think I was scratched during the swab. I explained that while it is weird to have something like that done, it was identical to a pap smear and not usually a cause for bleeding for me. Plus it was brown blood, which indicates old blood.

    So my question is, is it likely to be due to the swab or check? OR could I be losing a bit (or all) of my mucus plug? The bleeding stopped within a few hours but was enough to wear a panty liner for that time. Any thoughts?

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Unusual baby shower etiquette question?

    My 2 best friends went in together on a baby shower gift for me that consisted of a lot of "little things". They don't live together (both are married and live in their own homes) so I am wondering how to send the thank-you. Do I send an identical one to each of them? Or address the envelope to both of them but send to only one address? Thank you in advance!

    7 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Has anyone had an external cephalic version (ECV)?

    I have an ultrasound scheduled for tomorrow morning to see if my little girl has moved into the head-down position. I am 35 weeks, and up until now she has been in the transverse lie, with her back down. I don't think she has moved, and the doc said if she hasn't moved by tomorrow's U/S he wants to try ECV. Has anyone done it? I read that there are risks involved as well as it can be painful. I am apprehensive, yet the other option is to schedule a C-section (which I desperately want to avoid if possible). Any thoughts out there?

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Anyone else ever been transverse?

    I am currently 33 weeks, and my doc had scheduled a growth ultrasound yesterday. It showed that the baby is STILL in the transverse lie position instead of head down. He is willing to give it 2 more weeks, and then we can "explore our options.' Basically he said we can try an external version (he manually pushes her into position from the outside) which CAN lead to fetal distress, or we can just schedule a c-section. I DO NOT WANT a c-section. The more I learn about it the less I want it. So I am trying some home remedies to make her turn. Anybody had anything that worked for them? Thanks in advance!

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Could this be colostrum?

    I know this might be a silly question, but I'm gonna ask anyway. I am just 33w today, and last night I happened to brush my nipple with my hand and noticed something I thought was dry skin. So I took a closer look and whatever it was flaked off, and it reminded me off something wet that had dried and flaked off. So I squeezed my nipple and a TINY TINY TINY drop of something clear came out, but there was nothing with the other nipple. Can I be starting to leak from only one nipple? If so, could this be a cause for concern later when I am breastfeeding, and should I limit my husband with nipple play so as to not cause any issues with heavier leaking?

    Thank you in advance!

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Could the baby have dropped?

    Do you feel it happen when the baby drops? I am almost 33 weeks, and this morning I went to sit on the toilet (I know, TMI) and when I sat, all of a sudden I felt a tremendous pressure on my pelvis. Now the baby's movements seem a little different, less sharp. I also think the top of my belly feels softer. Could the baby have dropped? I'm also concerned because the doctor has already brought up the subject of c-section because the baby was breech. I didn't feel her turn, just maybe drop. Can her butt drop? I know this may sound like a silly question, but I don't know if I should call the doc. Thank you!

    1 AnswerPregnancy1 decade ago
  • REPOST: Anyone else get sore?

    I posted this a couple days ago but got no answer. I am 30 weeks and sometimes I have bad round ligament pain. The first time at about 25 weeks, I went to the hospital after calling the doc because he was afraid of preterm labor but it turned out to only be ligament pain. I have gotten what I call "attacks" of the pain every couple of weeks since then. I usually happens late in the evening and it keeps me up late for hours. The next day I feel extremely sore, like if you do a lot of exercise or a lot of sit-ups (soreness in the abdomen.) Anyone else feel sore after or is this something I should call the doc about? I hate the thought of winding back up in L&D for no reason. Thank you!

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Scared about becoming a mommy!?

    I am almost 25 weeks pregnant. This baby was planned. I have always known I wanted children and had no reservations about getting pregnant when my husband and I discussed it. The beginning of my pregnancy was spent being concerned about whether or not the baby was developing properly, as I had a silent miscarriage a few years ago. After I started feeling my little girl moving I relaxed and started actually enjoying my pregnancy.

    Now all of a sudden I find myself scared to death of actually becoming a mother. I am constantly reading about child-raising and actually broke down crying about whether I can actually do it or not. I am not by nature a selfish person, and I am good with money (the prodigal firstborn) but I just can't seem to get over this fear. I have voiced my concerns to my husband but I don't think he takes me seriously, just thinking its hormones. Plus he seems to not have any reservations at all! Anybody have any advice?

    7 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • REPOST: Anybody have round ligament pain so bad they went to the hospital?

    I am reposting beacuse I posted this kinda late last night and didn't get any answers. I am 24 weeks. Last night I started having a constant pain on the lower part of my uterus that was so bad and lasted so long I called my doctor. He said to go the hospital to get checked. I was hooked up to monitors make sure the baby was OK and I wasn't having contractions. After being there several hours I was diagnosed with a really bad case of round ligament pain that could last for a week or more. Has this happened to anyone else? On the plus side, I was able to hear the baby get the hiccups! :)

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Anybody ever use Intelligender?

    I am 17 weeks pregnant, and just couldn't hold out 2 more weeks until my next ultrasound. I bought the Intelligender (it was on sale!) and did it. It said a girl! Were the results accurate for you? Both my husband and I are happy either way, I just wanted to start buying baby clothes...

    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Possible twins & one got missed?

    I am currently 10 weeks pregnant. At about 7 weeks (baby measured a little smaller) I had an ultrasound that showed my ONE little bean with a strong, beautiful heartbeat. The last week or so, I keep having vivid dreams that there are actually twins and one was missed through the entire pregnancy. I know that vivid dreams are normal in pregnancy, but a recurring dream? Could this be my subconcious telling me to get ready for twins and one was missed during the ultrasound? It is a VERY unpleasant dream that the hospital staff takes one of my babies when I deliver and sells it but tells me that it is dead. I wake up screaming in a cold sweat. Help! Thanks!

    8 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Bleeding early in pregnancy? maybe TMI, but....?

    I am 7 weeks according to my LMP. Tonight, after going to the bathroom, I saw a small amount of brown stringy clumpy stuff on the tissue. I freaked out and called my doctor. He said that it was probably nothing, just old blood mixed with some vaginal discharge because it was brown (instead of bright red) and no cramping. He told me to put my feet up and take it easy over the weekend and if it gets any worse to go to the hospital. I KNOW I shouldn't worry, but I can't help so. Has anything like this happened to any of you? Thanks.

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • I wanna shout from the rooftops!!!!!!! BFP!!!?

    I am 12DPO, and this morning I woke at 6am and took a Dollar Store New Choice test. I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me when I saw a VERY faint second line. Showed it to my hubby, who thought I was crazy and told me there was no second line. I threw it in the trash and began a very long, pissy day. About 6pm, I don't know why but I just had this wierd feeling so I fished it out of the trash and sure enough, there was my second line, plain as day. Thinking about the possiblity of an evap line (cuz we all know we aren't supposed to do that but we all do it anyway) I decided to retest. That second line showed up after about 3 minutes! I ran up the stairs, kicked my grumbly hubby off the phone, and showed him both tests. We both freaked! So tonight, I went to Walmart and got a 2-pack of Clearblue Easy digital tests and decided to do one about 1am. Before I was able to change into my pajamas the test said Positive! My husband was the one to check it and he went nuts jumping up and down and screaming. We are both soooo happy!!! I just want to say, TRUST YOUR JUDGEMENT. If you even think it might not be an evap, test again! Good luck to you all and lots of baby dust!!!

    8 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago