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21 female Calif. Mom to a 22 month old

  • I need help...?

    I think im about to lose a guy i really do love. before him i was in a nasty 4 year relationship that ended with a divorce and me a single mom. My ex secluded me from the world.. treated me like **** and controlled everything i did.

    I have a wonderfull man who really loves me..but i keep screwin up... ive tried to explain to him what ive been through and its very hard for me to trust/believe in someone and that i am trying..but it wont happen immediatly... I keep getting angry over stupid things that arent important..i cant control it..i dont know what to do.. i think differently then i act.. im not sure how i can stop my behavior.

    are there any good websites or books out there for help with love/relationships/trust and overcoming past relationships that went nasty

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • what do men really like?

    My boyfriend is telling me "prove it" everytime i tell him i love him..and that he somewhat doesnt believe i do..but ive tried convincing him otherwise with no luck

    Im not sure what im doing wrong and he wont tell me..

    I tell him i love him constantly..and that i want to be with him for a very long time..I call him to tell him i love him and i miss him..i text him similar stuff too..

    He just says the "little things" will prove it.. what little things is he mentioning? what do guys want to see action wise not just by words..since words dont seem to be enough

    any ideas would be great. im so lost.. hes like the first guy ive ever truely loved more then anything. My past relationships were nothing like my relationship with him.. i dont wanna screw this up..but im so clueless!(i admit this to him constantly)

    16 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Santa barbara/San luis county?

    whos from here??? anyone??

    im in santa maria. feel free to message me!

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • ID theft problems?

    I believe im a victim of identity theft. Ive put fraud alerts and such on my credit..but it isnt stopping. (luckily nothing can be opened on my i have no credit anyways) I get denial of credit letters daily..and ive been denied NUMEROUS jobs...I recently recieved a copy of my backround check which states ive been convicted of a misdimeanor when i know for sure i havent..BUT i know a woman who used to run around my town posing as me (using my name/DOB/looks identical to me..i have no siblings) is it possible SHE is causing my troubles on my backround? ive reported her before to Police..and they couldnt do anything...

    HELP i need a job!

    Can i legally change my SS #? will it help? will it stop this crap? im not worried about losing anything..i dont have any credit anyways.

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • I had my babys stroller in it out today and its got black mold spots all over?

    How do i get rid of these black mold/mildew spots??? it was in a stoage shed for the past 6 months...its my daughters graco Pooh stroller. ive taken it apart..and im laundering it right now(hot water/oxi-clean and laundry soap)

    ..if that doesnt work what else can i do? that was an expensive stroller!

    10 AnswersCleaning & Laundry1 decade ago
  • Implantation bleeding?

    Ive been TTC for about a month since off birth control (also never really took it "right")

    we've had intercourse right up until before my last period and immediatly after and through the past few weeks. (every other day or so)

    today i started to bleed a light and really red/pink blood. its very light..and my last period was only approximatly 2.5 weeks ago. Ive been cramping (mildly) through the past week..on and off.. craving mexican food(i craved it majorly during my first one),having headaches..and just feeling tired.

    i dont remeber any of this with my first pregnancy..

    this will be #2

    HPT was negative

    is it a possiblilty that we are pregnant with number 2?

    2 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • under 17..can creditors/collections be placed on credit file?

    my husband has some collections (medical/cellular) from when he was 16-17..can they legally put it on his credit file?

    9 AnswersCredit1 decade ago
  • how do i dispute a "voluntary reposession"?

    its showing up on my credit as a voluntary reposession..but in fact it is far from was returned to the dealership by there request becuase financing fell through(they couldnt get us financed at what they had promised thru GMAC(low APR of like 3.0 and i had very little credit)..and they wanted to fix/re-do the loan docs but i refused and turned it back to them..becuase i didnt agree to the new terms)

    what can i do to dispute this with GMAC since they say its a repo? ive considered sueing the selling dealership..can i do that?

    6 AnswersCredit1 decade ago
  • How do i get inaccuracys off my credit!?

    ive got medical bills that dont belong to me(i have insurance!!)...and some other BS that i have no clue what its from..ive tried calling the company listed..and they refuse to help..and they cant do anything/they give me an attitude..what can i do?

    its ruining my credit! i need to build my credit to buy a home! thinking credit fraud? or is it just wrong doings on their ends...there medical bills from places ive never been!..could it be someone with the same name as i..?]

    any suggestions on getting these gone? ive tried calling luck..

    i also need something to get me a FICO score..a loan or something..any suggestions?

    4 AnswersCredit1 decade ago
  • TTC 2nd baby...stopped birth control...?

    My husband and i are ready for our 2nd baby...i stopped my birth control (i was on seasonale..the period every 3 months) we had sex constantly..many times a day immediatly after stopping the pills..i got my period..but whats the chance of pregnancy? can you get your period and be pregnant?

    6 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Whats the best place to visit in Florida? w/ Toddler? sightseeing?

    We are going out to florida from CA. we want to see anything we can..but with a toddler..what should we see that she will enjoy?

    12 AnswersOrlando2 decades ago