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Um... the names Sofia! Yo soy Swedish. 0_o

  • Is anyone else disgusted by this?

    I was doing a project on ancient Greece and somehow came upon the artwork of Franz von Bayros.

    I was wondering if anyone else finds his work a bit repulsive, or is it just me being immature?

    *DISCLAIMER* If you do not wish to be grossed out or see nudity, do not proceed.

    17 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Is it just me who is receiving emails about questions that were asked weeks ago?

    When my contacts ask a question I usually get an email that's like "Your contact asked a question.' I'm cool with that, you know, but now it has started sending me like 40 emails a day about questions my contacts asked weeks ago. It never used to do this and idk how to fix it besides making all of my contacts junk email.

    3 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • What does the HI, ME 5 cents mean (on cans/soda)?

    Word on the street is that you can recycle these cans/bottles at different places and receive 5 cents for them. Anyone got a clue?

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Advice please? Short question. Take a minute of your life to change mine :)?

    I'll keep it short, my at-home life is pretty bad (for lack of a better word). I have the opportunity to move to Sweden (I speak the language and have citizenship) and go to school there for this upcoming year. I have family there, but only one friend. My friends here are fabulous and I love them unconditionally. My mom is pulling a guilt trip like, "what am I gonna do without you? blah blah" but I am planning on returning after one year.

    Just answer with a yay (if you would advise me to move) or a nay (if you would advise me to stay)

    9 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • A quick question for YOU! Yes, you! Your opinion is needed.?

    We are supposed to make haikus about some critical conflict that goes on in our daily life, and this is what I came up with:

    What happened to Steve?

    He is much better than Joe.

    Blue's Clue's is ruined.

    Do you think it is good? I was thinking about changing 'he is much better' to 'he was much better' since he is no longer on the show. I'm not sure, give me your two-cents please :)

    6 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • I was bored and got to thinking (which is never a good thing)?

    I was thinking about roaches and what kind of purpose they serve in the circle of life. I mean, they are gross, they don't die, they carry all sorts of diseases, they taste disgusting and utterly repulsive (yes I would know because I have, in fact, tasted one. You REALLY don't want to know), do they even have a natural predator? Scientists say they will survive nuclear wars, but what is their purpose. I don't see them as good for anything.

    1 AnswerPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • How big is a ranch usually?

    I am writing a story and this girl lives on a ranch. I'm pretty bad with conception of space in general and I was wondering how big a ranch usually is. Like is 100 acres ginormous or decent? I really don't know, just say what you think a normal size for a ranch is. THANKS!


    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • What do you think the word defenestrate means?

    I saw it in the dictionary today and it sounded funny. I was just wondering what you guys would guess that it meant. Also, if you know what it means, please don't ruin the fun.

    BQ: What's the first thing you think of when I say tipple?

    5 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • POLL: Do you like pickles?

    Apparently pickles are a fascinating food and there is a lot of controversy surrounding them. I just wanted to know yall's personal opinion of Unsliced Kosher Dill Pickles. Thanks.

    For the record, I like them, not that it matters.

    17 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Oh my fricken gawd! Help my brother stuck a nickel in an electric socket?!?!?

    My brother is very stupid and doesn't get the concept of metal being a conductor. I told him that you can die from putting a coin into a socket and he didn't believe me, so he tried it!!!!!! He is seventeen and he is presently on the floor in like a seizure!!!!! WHAT DO I DO? Please help!

    6 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • What is DAYGLOW? American Music Paint Party? Explain!?

    Okay so my facebook friends are making all of these posts like, "Ooh, can't wait for DAYGLOW it's gonna be bomb. I'm gonna have an awesome outfit blah blah yadda yadda. I'm gonna be so goon! Me me me me me." So I googled it and went to their official website and I still can't figure out what it is! So what exactly is the enigma of DAYGLOW?

    1 AnswerOther - Entertainment1 decade ago
  • Human geography help?

    is there a hinterland and nodal region in electronic space (the internet)? can the central place theory be applied to electronic space? does the size of a market area or range of a service apply here?

    I think it's an opinion question so as long as you back up your opinion it's right. I'm not quite sure what to do here so any help would be appreciated.

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Would you ever consider...?

    If you were angry with someone, and wanted to get back at them, how would you do it? I'm not looking for revenge, but I just ordered a pizza and thought to myself, "If I ever got mad at someone(or was just bored and had nothing better to do), I would order like 20 pizzas to be delivered to their house, and then they would have to pay for it. Har har har." Would you consider doing that? Haha, just a random thought...

    9 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • What's your favorite doughnut?

    I was just staring at the rain through my window and I thought to my self, "Man, I really want some Krispie Kreme's right now." In honor of my desire for doughnuts, what's your favorite kind?

    Extra Credit: Krispy Kreme's or Dunkin Donuts?

    7 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Do you think love is real? Why?

    I am a firm non believer in love. I think that it is just like this mental thing that the possessive part of the brain makes up. My friend is like a hopeless romantic and believes in all sorts of nonsense like love in first sight and 'happy ever after' ****. Both of which I'm convinced are a load of BS. So ultimately, I just want to hear you're guys opinions about love, love at first sight, 'broken hearts', 'I'll always love you forever' and whatnot. Feel free to ramble, and please explain why.

    Thanks :D

    9 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • how do i become less impatient?

    i'm impatient. i would like to change that. how do i attempt to become less impatient? muchas gracias

    9 AnswersSociology1 decade ago
  • Today, I took the Fcat Writes Test I have a question about the prompt?

    Okay, so the prompt was " write to persuade whether you should be able to eat snacks in class". It did not say "or not", does that mean I have to support eating snacks in my essay? After I concluded it I reread the topic and almost flipped a $hit cus I thought I was screwed.

    5 AnswersStandards & Testing1 decade ago