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JLiz Morgan
GH: What do you think about this?
According to General Hospital Happenings Rumorville. this was Bob Guza's reaction to being let go.
"Word is that it was General Hospital's Executive Producer, Jill Farren Phelps, rather that ABC Daytime head Brian Frons, who was the bearer of the bad news to Guza. Supposedly, Guza stormed out of the ABC offices right then and there. This may be where the, "effective immediately", came from in the ABC press release regarding the change in head writers, as well as the lack of public thank you's for Guza's contributions to the show."
Excuse me? Public thank you's? What a narcissistic jackhole!!! What the hell are should he be thanked for other than driving away fans and destroying the characters, histories and legacies of the show? GMAB!!
Anyway, what you do you guys think about Brian Frons sending JFP to do his dirty work? He's such a piece!!!! Gutless moran!!! Can't wait til we are free of him too.
7 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade agoGH Fans: Did he really do this?
Here are a couple of things I saw online earlier. Can you believe this ***?
May 18th, 2011 Did Brian Frons chuckle as he passed by protesting soap fans at ABC Upfronts?
Soap Opera Network is reporting that they have an image captured yesterday of ABC Daytime President, Brian Frons, of what appears to be him chuckling or laughing as he passes by heartbroken and upset soap opera fans, who were outside Lincoln Center at the ABC Upfronts, protesting the decision to cancel All My Children and One Life to Live!
With dedicated ABC Daytime viewers already pushing back on the decision to replace AMC and OLTL with The Chew and The Revolution, this comes across as a untimely reaction from Frons, if this was indeed the case.
Whether he was truly laughing or smiling about the protesters one might never know. But what ever the case, this image is getting fans riled up on the web, once again.
Second article
Did Brian Frons LAUGH at Heartbroken Soap Fans Protesting Outside of ABC Upfronts?!
Talk about heartless! Soap Opera Network is reporting ABC Daytime Chief Brian Frons was spotted chuckling at fans who protested the ABC Upfronts at Lincoln Center on Tuesday.
The man who sunk SOAPnet like a stone—following failed attempts to rebrand the cabler—spent millions to move All My Children to Los Angeles, only to dump it a little over a year later and who had his PR team lie about the safety of his soaps for years—all while developing their replacements— reportedly walked right by the fans who've helped pay his overbloated salary, laughing.
Humph! We'll see how much Fronsie laughs when The Chew and The Revolution are pulling 0.4's among women 18-49 next season. Un-be-lievable. To look at the pic and see for yourself, visit Soap Opera Network.
8 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade agoGH FANS!!! Did you hear that Guza is out!?
Garin Wolf has just been named as Head Writer effective immediately! Could GH finally stand a chance at surviving? I'm not sure as Brian Frons is still in charge. However, I am thrilled that there maybe a chance that all the character and history destruction may have some inkling of a chance to be somewhat repaired.
13 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade agoWhat are some other sites like
What are some other sites like A while back was on the news and people were advised about an opt out feature to remove yourself from the site so to protect your personal information. What are some other sites like that so that I can remove as much information as possible to protect my right to privacy?
Thank you!
1 AnswerSecurity1 decade agoGH Why would Maxie have an opinion about JaSam having kids....? soon after Jake's death if she doesn't know Jason was Jake's biological father? Maybe I missed something but I don't recall Maxie ever knowing.
5 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade agoOLTL: How will John react when he finds out the truth about the baby?
For some reason, I don't think he'll be writing Natalie off as he probably should.
8 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade agoGH Cast Question: Who would you get rid of?
GH has some characters that have no substantial purpose on the show as their storylines are lame and I am wondering why they are keeping such people around? If you had the power, how would you clean up the cast?
For me personally, I would get rid of Brooklynn, Maya, Terrell, Lisa, Abby, Maxie and the Balkan. I honestly don't see the point of them contributing anything to the show.
14 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade agoGH: Who do you think took the baby?
Besides, Helena (I'm not ruling her out because she hasn't lifted a finger to try and search for him), I am started to lean towards Lisa. She's crazy and she has no emotional ties to anyone in town so taking Aiden wouldn't bother her at all. Just a thought.
Also, do you want the baby to be Lucky's or Nik's? I'm hoping that it's Nik's baby. Lucky, deserves a kid but this would be the worst way to have had a child with Liz. They are so over now and I am glad!
11 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade agoGH: Patrick and Lisa Question?
How do you guys think Patrick will get Lisa to keep quiet while she plays her little games? I hope she's Franco's next fatality.
13 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade agoGH: What is Claire's deal with a baby?
I don't get it. Does she really want one? If so, there are other men than Sonny to make one with. Also, if she has a plan, where does the baby thing fit into it?
11 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade agoGH: Should they all pay for helping to cover up the truth about Claudia's death?
When this all finally wraps up, do you think everyone involved in covering up the truth should have to pay?
13 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade agoGH Carly & Lulu...Whose side are you on?
Should Lulu have put family first and lived by that rule plain and simple when silly Carly never acts like there are rules or respects for anything or anyone other than herself and her wants?
25 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade agoOLTL: Is anyone else tired of Jessica's storyline?
I usually love Jessica's stories and all her previous DID ones but this one I really really hate! I just can't watch everyday like before. Anyone else?
13 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade agoGH: What would be a great way to set up Kiefer to get caught?
I think Ethan should volunteer to be he held in lockup and Kiefer strikes again to clear his name. Some clever surveillance and well trained hidden guards might do the trick as well. I so can not wait for this story to be over and Kiefer is caught. I hate how the writers are spinning this story and it's getting really difficult to watch it go on.
6 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade agoGH: Michael Corinthos...Love him or hate him?
By now we've all heard that the actor who currently portrays Michael is going to be replaced. Some of us love Michael and others don't care for the dude at all. So my question is, do you think the portrayal is negatively received by the audience due to the actor who plays him or to the character himself.
For me, it's the character all together. Everything that has become Michael has been a huge turn off for me. I thought it might have been because of the rapid aging thing or the actor but it's really not. It's just the character sucks all around. I must admit, I didn't care much for the younger Michael either and only now I am starting to really think it was more about the character than the actual actor. What your thoughts?
10 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade agoGH: Jason telling Sonny not to sacrifice Michael for Dante...? he serious? God Jason is getting on my nerves! Does Jason hate Dante primarily because he's a cop or is he just really siding with Michael down to the end? It really bugs me that he can't or won't even try to understand Sonny's position with Dante now that he knows Dante is his son.
I know this question or something similar has come up before but seriously...wth is Jason thinking? I'm trying to understand his side of things but it's driving me nuts.
8 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade agoGH: The timing of Kristina's beating...?
When Sam told Alexis and Kristina that she went and had a confrontation with Ethan, do you guys think that is going to come up or pop into anyone's mind that Sam could end up being Ethan's unintended saving grace? She was with Ethan possibly during the exact time of the incident because he didn't get to Kristina until after she had already been attacked by Kiefer. When people ask about Ethan's whereabouts that night, Sam would have to confirm that she was with Ethan at the said time at the Haunted Star. She can't lie either because there was a full house, Luke included. Just some thoughts. Also, seeing that people like Alexis and her bff Diane are smart attorneys who should pay attention to details, will start to pick up on the weight of Kristina's story.
14 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade agoGH: Since Kristina lied and pointed the finger at Ethan...?
...are people going to believe her when she actually does tell the truth? What I hate about this turn in the story is how it makes Kristina look. She's the victim and she lied. Eventually the truth will come out and how is she going to explain what she did and why she did it? How serious is she going to be taken as she tries to keep up the lie along with other lies she's going to tell to cover up the big one? As each minute goes on, more and more people are going to be affected by her lies and someone could die (unjustly). Furthermore, as every minute goes by, Kiefer is living free and clear and will have the opportunity to strike her again.
12 AnswersSoap Operas1 decade agoMaxi Glide Hair Straightener Question?
Does this really work and if so, does your hair really become resistant to the weather, steam and humidity? My hair is really healthy and soft but the minute I go out side or near the stove or oven, it's like my hair is hay until I wash it again.
Just curious if anyone has bought the Maxi Glide and if it really works? It's like $80 at Bed Bath and Beyond. I don't mind the price as long as it really works.
2 AnswersHair1 decade agoGetting your hair relaxed...?
Is it better to get your hair relaxed before cutting it? Or should you cut your hair first?
I have semi-thick hair and rarely ever blow dry it. It's straight and some times just a little wavy at the ends. My problem is that my hair always frizzes up a little or fluffs up. I've tried straightening lotions, flat irons and it's not helping at all. No matter what I do, my hair does this. What drives me nuts is that my hair is pretty soft and healthy as I have no split ends and it's not dry. But as soo as I get outside, whether hot or cool, and when I'm simply pulling something out of the oven or boiling water for tea, my hair goes nuts. It fluffs, frizzes and feels dry and brittle until I wash it. What's happening with this and what can I do?
My friend relaxed her hair and it's much calmer and silkier now so I thought I'd try it. My hair is kinda long but I was thinking that maybe it might seem too long after I have it relaxed. So should I cut it first or can I decide later? Any tips would be great.
1 AnswerHair1 decade ago