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Lv 31,326 points


Favorite Answers26%
  • iTunes Account Problems?

    Ooookayyyy.... I received my first iPod back in... idk when, it was so long ago. So I had my iTunes account on my then laptop.... that laptop bit the dust about 2 years ago when my moms dog decided to pee on it (-_-) and I can't get it to function at all. I bought an iPod touch before my laptop crashed, and normally I would just purchase music on my iPod rather than on the computer, and I rarely synced anything to my account. Now I have a new laptop and I've installed iTunes but it says that my account is linked to another device....

    I now have an iPhone and just recently learned how to put music from my account onto my phone but I want my music in my iTunes on my computer so I can use ringtones because the guitar music is getting kind of old.... How can I get all of my music (even the music I didn't purchase from iTunes in the past) onto my new laptop? Do i need to do anything with the iCloud thing?

    2 AnswersMusic & Music Players8 years ago
  • Only saw one episode on ABC. Narrator was a woman with a southern accent that had been murdered?

    I believe it was in 2010, but I'm not 100% positive about the year. It was on in the late evening, probably 9 or 10. I'm pretty sure it was an hour long. I can't remember the name, but it was an episode about a woman who was murdered. The murdered woman was the narrator and she had a southern accent. It was from her point of view while they were trying to figure out who killed her I think?

    Did anyone else see this or do you know what it is? I've been trying to find it but can't find any information on this show. It's like there was only one episode that aired and then it vanished. I really liked it and would like to be able to watch it again.

    Any information you can give me would be great!

    Thank you

    3 AnswersDrama9 years ago
  • Anyone have experience with a Keloid?

    I have a keloid on my chest about half an inch in length and a 1/4 of an inch in width, and a few centimeters high. It appeared after I spent a week at the beach with little sun screen when I was 15. I'm 23 now and over the years it has grown from a tiny dot to a hideous dark pink... thing. It itches, gets sore, and one of my cats accidentally got his claw stuck in it one day, so my keloid has started growing its own keloid. I've looked at pictures of other keloids, and I feel grateful that mine isn't in some of the places that other people have them. I really don't want to have injections. There's no way I could handle the pain from them, and I've heard that with surgery there is a 50%-70% chance of recurrence. I dont like those odds at all lol

    Has anyone out there had a keloid scar or currently have one?

    If you used to have one, but don't anymore... what did you do to get rid of it? Any topical treatments, or vitamins that worked? etc etc etc. I used to not care that much about it... but if I wear a tank top, or any kind of shirt that doesnt cover my chest up to my collar bone.... people stare at it. I can see them getting distracted by it, and it makes everyone there uncomfortable. I'm so used to it that I don't notice it unless it hurts or itches, and my boyfriend doesn't make a big deal of it.... but I hate the looks I get from other people. I don't know anyone else that has one and I'd like some advice from someone that knows what it's like to live with some creepy thing near your face lol

    10 points and 5 stars!!!

    Thanks in advance!

    2 AnswersSkin Conditions1 decade ago
  • Guys, I need your opinions about sex with your girlfriend?

    Thanks for reading! Here's a little bit of the back story... (bare with me, this might get a little long)

    My boyfriend and I have been together for almost 6 months. We've had our ups and downs but the sex has always been great. We don't live together, actually... both of us currently live with our parents, so having sex isn't something we can do whenever we want. I understand how frustrating this can be for him, but it's just as frustrating for me. I've gone out of my way to make sure he gets satisfied as much as possible. I can go without sex for weeks, but I know it's not that easy for him, so even if we can't have sex, I try to atleast give him something. Even if it means I don't get to "get off".

    I've spent about $300 in the past 2 or 3 months buying hotel rooms so we can spend a night or 2 together. If we go out to dinner, he expects to get a BJ in my car, before we part ways for the night. This is fine, but if I don't feel like it, or if we can't find a place dark and quiet enough to park, he gets mad. I get nervous doing sexual things in my car if we're parked somewhere. The last thing I need is to be arrested for getting caught giving him a BJ in a parking lot.

    Today he took me out to breakfast before he had to be at class, when he brought me back to my house my mom wasn't home, so immediately he wanted to go up to my room and have sex. I knew she was going to be home at any minute, and I really didn't feel comfortable taking him up to my room, knowing that my mom could get home, and us not hear her come in. He kept saying "I promise it'll only take me a minute, 5 minutes at the most." I enjoy sex... for me it's not just "getting off", I enjoy the whole experience and I like being able to take my time with it, whether it lasts for 15 or 45 minutes. I told him I was sorry, but I didn't want to take the risk of getting caught by my mom. Of course he got all pissy and refused to kiss me before he left, he thinks that pouting is going to make me change my mind. A few minutes after he left he sent me a text telling me that "it's gonna be a long time before we have sex again, and I can't wait to tell you no the next time you want to have sex." WTF? He said he hopes it brings me "as much pain and embarassment" as it brings him. Apparently it's embarassing when I tell him no, even though I always want to have sex with him, sometimes the situation isn't right for us to have sex. I told him I was sorry, but I didn't feel comfortable with the situation and he keeps saying "I know you're not sorry, so it doesn't matter."

    Is he being immature and somewhat selfish about this or should I have given in to him? I hate it when he guilt trips me about this kind of bull s**t but I'm starting to get a little sick of it. I want him to respect me and my body. I know he's a guy, and sex is pretty important to the male gender, but when he hasn't gotten any in a while, he tends to think with his penis more than his brain.

    Any advice would be helpful. I've tried telling him where I'm coming from, but according to him I just don't care about him. Again I'm really sorry about the long "question" 10 points!


    11 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Women changing their last name after marriage? What's your opinion on the matter?

    Here's the back story as to why I'm asking this....

    My boyfriend and I have been together for a while, so of course the conversation about marriage has come up. I'm in no hurry to get married, but I guess he would like it to happen sooner rather than later. During this discussion about marriage, I made a comment about how I would never change my last name to that of the man I married.

    He said "Well then... we won't get married." I was kind of shocked by this, especially since I told him months and months ago that I would never change my name. He even said "I think it's sexy that you don't want to change your last name." I guess he expected me to change my mind because I'm the WOMAN in the relationship? But I'm going to stick to my guns. He just recently said "Thats a slap in the face for a man." and now he wants to break up over this. I love my last name, I love my heritage, and I don't have any brothers, and neither does my dad. If I don't keep my last name and my sister doesnt keep our last name it will stop as soon as we get married. I know I could hyphenate it... but it's long by itself. We don't plan on having children, it's not something that either of us desire to do. But I'd like to keep my last name until the day I die, even if I don't reproduce.

    I'm a strong, independent woman, and I don't need a man or anyone else to take care of me. Shouldn't men be proud to have a strong woman that has pride in where she and her family came from? There are a lot of things I'm willing to bend on when it comes to marriage and relationships, but changing my last name is out of the question.

    How does everyone else feel about this? It's the 21st Century for crying out loud! Why should women be made to feel that they have to change their identities because they are women?!

    19 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • I can't get my horse to lunge?

    For the past few days I've been trying to lunge and free lunge my 9 yr. old Appaloosa mare. She won't move away from me. The weather where I live has been almost unbearable for the past 2 months and I haven't been able to work with her very much, which is probably the cause of her unwillingness to work with me.

    I have a lunge line and a lunge whip, which in the past was enough to get her to move away from me and walk in a circle... NOW however... she wont move away from me AT ALL. I do everything I've always done, but instead of walking away from me... she just stands there and stares at me. I've tried free lunging her and she still won't move away from me. She either follows me, or stands in front of me. Any suggestions would be a GREAT help! I'm running out of ideas, and she needs a work out!

    10 points for best answer!!


    4 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • Where can I download the piano part for Almost Lover by A Fine Frenzy(not the sheet music)?

    I have the sheet music, but I would like to find a website I can download only the music. Just the piano part. I've searched through google but I can't find anything other than sheet music. I'm willing to pay for the music, as long as its only the piano part without the guitar or lyrics. If you can find it you'll get 10 points guaranteed!!!! Thanks in advance!!

    1 AnswerRock and Pop1 decade ago
  • Electronic Musical Keyboards?

    I'm trying to find a nice electronic, musical keyboard. I used to play piano, but don't have one, and since I can't tote a full size piano around in my car, I'm looking for a keyboard. I want the keys to light up, because my piano skills are a tad rusty and I'd like to learn again.

    I want one that is really good quality, has a great speaker system, and sounds good. I can't sing, but I would love to be able to mix music on it, or hook it up to my computer etc etc etc. What brands/styles would you recommend? I'm on a somewhat limited budget. Nothing over $450- 500.

    10 points for best answer! Thanks in advance!!

    2 AnswersMusic & Music Players1 decade ago
  • Puppy is very mouthy and is having issues with potty training?

    This is really 2 questions in 1.

    My husband and I got an 8 week old Australian Shepherd puppy last week. She's a sweetheart, but she's changed quite a bit since we first got her. She was very mellow, laidback and quiet. Loved giving kisses and didn't have a "mean" bone in her body. Now that she has gotten comfortable with us and realizes this is her home, she bites us constantly. Everytime I pet her, try to play with her... anything she just starts biting. I know she is probably teething, which is why I have a huge assortment of toys for her. She'll play with them sometimes, but not as often as my other dog did when he was a puppy. Most of the time when she bites us it's pretty gentle, but sometimes she'll latch on and I literally have to pry her jaws open. I'm trying to teach her that biting is unacceptable, especially on our faces. She's getting better about not biting us on the face, but she is still just as bad with biting our hands and feet. Those little puppy teeth hurt! lol Do you have any experience with biting puppies and is there anything I can do to make her stop?

    I've also been working on potty training. My other dog was a dream to potty train. I think he went in the house 3 times and that was it. Our new puppy... is having a harder time realizing that it's not good to do it in the house. I'll take her outside alll the time. Literally atleast once an hour, just incase she has to go. She'll run around and play in our backyard and lay in the grass, and not do anything. I'll leave her out there[with our other dog] and watch through our kitchen window to see if she goes. Sometimes she'll do it immediately and other times she won't go at all. We live in a really hot area[its been 99 degrees every day this week], so I don't want to leave her out there for too long, even though I fill up a water dish everytime I take them out. I'll bring her back in from being out there for 20 minutes and 5 mintutes later, she'll potty in our house. Any suggestions would be great! I've tried puppy potty pads and news paper, sometimes she'll use them but most of the time she'll go where she wants to.

    Thanks in advance, 10 points for best!

    4 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • My dog has very weird behavior with his food?

    My 3.5 year old Miniature Schnauzer/Chow Chow mix does the weridest thing with his food. I feed him at the same time everyday, he'll walk up to it, smell it and walk away. Maybe an hour or two later he'll go back up to it, and start pushing it around with his nose. He'll go in circles around his food bowl doing this, but never eating a piece. He'll start pushing his food bowl into corners and will look for things laying on the floor to cover it with, eventually... near the end of the night he'll eat a few bites, but there is always food sitting in his bowl. He's not losing weight and has consistently weighed between 30-35 lbs. He doesn't eat very much, and has done this ever since he was a puppy. It wouldn't be an issue, but everytime he does it, he gets food everywhere! Literally, EVERYWHERE. I'll come into the kitchen from the bedroom and there will be dog food all over the place, under the fridge, in the water dish. I've tried several different brands, different sizes, putting wet food in with the dry to entice him to eat it... but he won't do anything other than take a few bites and then push it around. I've also tried getting bigger food bowls, putting his food on plates... pretty much anything I could think of, but to no avail. He started eating it when i put it on a plate but eventually started doing the same thing he did with his food bowl. Normally it's not that big of a deal, but my husband and I just got a new puppy and I reallllyyyyy don't want her learning this behavior. He has no problem eating her food, which is wet mixed with dry, but he won't eat his own. I have to put their food bowls up when I leave the house because[just like what happened today] I'll come home to food everywhere and the food bowls pushed into corners. I've tried feeding them in separate rooms but I want food to be accessible for both of them 24/7, and he is making this very difficult and frustrating. Other than it being a frustrating mess that I have to clean up multiple times a day, I'm wasting money on his food. He goes through a large bag of dog food every couple weeks because he wastes so much of it by dumping it on the floor. I just bought the new beneful incredibites for him, hoping that since it has smaller pieces, he'll be more likely to eat it. If you have any suggestions or any experience with something as weird as this I would looooove to hear it!

    Thanks in advance!

    3 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Websites with cheap, easy and fairly healthy dinners for 2?

    I'm only cooking for my husband and I and we are trying to improve our diet as best we can. Anyone know of any websites that have ingredients and directions for cheap, easy and healthy dinners for 2? We don't have a grill[unless you count a George Foreman]. Veggies, chicken, beef, pork... we'll eat it all except for fish.

    Thanks in advance!

    1 AnswerCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • QH bars vs Semi-QH bars vs FQH bars?

    I'm trying to get a new saddle, but my horse is kind of a difficult fit. She has sort of high narrow withers but wide shoulders. I included some pictures thinking it might help. She's the Appaloosa. I've looked at some websites but havent really been able to find anything that helped. I'm guessing I'll probably need QH bars... but.... I'd like some more opinions. The saddle that I'm interested in is the Dixie Roper by Simco which has QH bars... so I'm hoping it works out.

    Thanks in advance for any help!!!

    4 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • Good Hotels in Atlanta, GA?

    My friend and I are going to Atlanta in October for the Highland Games and are looking for hotels. I grew up in Atlanta but I just turned 21 and am interested in things other than a pool now lol. We are looking for a decently priced hotel room, I would love it if it was under $100 a night, a hotel that has a nice bar/lounge room, preferably with pool tables, and is close enough to take a taxi downtown without being charged $75 one way. Any suggestions would be great! If you could give me a website or something that would be great as well!!

    Thanks in advance and 10 points to whoever suggests the hotel we book with!!

    3 AnswersAtlanta1 decade ago
  • Good Western Saddle Recommendations?

    I am looking for a comfortable, affordable black western saddle. Preferably synthetic. I ride both English and Western and have a Wintec english saddle with the gullet change system. I love it because my Appaloosa is hard to fit. She has wide shoulders, and tall withers. Until now I have been borrowing western saddles for joy rides, but really want to get one of my own. We go on trail rides fairly often, but my Appy and I love to goof off and explore and I would feel more comfortable in a western saddle as opposed to english.

    There are some saddle shops around but they maily sell used saddles, and I can be very particular about wear and tear. I am looking for a light-weight, black synthetic saddle. My sister bought one but its very stiff and uncomfortable for me. My Appy is about 16H and I am about 5'10 so a comfortable saddle is essential for us. I've looked around online but it's hard to tell the quality, fit etc through a picture. If you have any suggestions or have purchased a specific saddle and have had success with it pleaaaaaaaaase let me know!

    10 points for best answer!!! Thanks in advance everyone!!

    3 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • Which bit should I use for more control?

    My 8 year old Appy mare has been chewing on her bit alot lately. Ive just been using a Copper loose ring on her but she has made chew marks into the bit. The people I got her from said she needed to be kept busy while she was being ridden or she got bored easily and that a flavored bit might help keep her focus. She was trained by a very harsh western trainer and tends to drop her head very very low when we trot or canter. I don't want such a harsh bit that it hurts her or causes her any pain but I need something to help keep her head up.

    Any suggestions?

    What about a Slow Twist D Ring or a Sweet Iron Dee ring? I definately need more control than I currently have in Western and English. Also if you have any suggestions about how I can get her to keep her head up would be awesome!! Its beginning to be very very frustrating!

    Also... What is the difference as far as control and pressure goes between a slow twist and a dee or loose ring?

    10 points for best answer! Thanks in advance!!

    10 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • Appaloosa is popping and cracking?!?

    I traded my 15 yo QH gelding for an 8 yo Appaloosa mare. She's an awesome horse and we get along great but I have one problem with her.... Her hind end pops and cracks... ALOT. She's only 8!! We haven't finalized the trade yet but it's getting really close to the time when we're supposed to. I rode her bareback today for the first time since I've had her and she wouldn't go into a trot. She was cracking and popping the worst she has since I got her and it seems to be painful but she's stepping really lightly. She's about 15.3h but I was told by her current owner that she was "broken in" when she was 2 ish. So she was definately too young and apparently the western trainer that broke her in was very rough and traumatized her. Ofcourse I have no idea what really went on but I'm worried that I might be trading my perfectly sound 15 yo gelding for an 8 yo mare with bone and joint issues. Our farrier has come out and looked at her and trimmed her hooves but of course on the day that he came out her rear end wasn't popping or cracking.

    I called him today to see if I could get him to come out within the next few days and have a listen while I ride her. She's a big horse so I don't think its a rider weight issue. And her joints aren't sore to the touch either. I've rubbed my hands up and down all four of her legs and she didn't flinch. I've also run my hand all the way down her back and put some pressure when I did it and she didn't flinch either.

    I have no idea what could be wrong with her but I don't want to be stuck with an 8 year old horse that can only be ridden lightly.

    Has anyone had any experience with this sort of thing?

    Do you have any ideas as to what could be wrong with her?

    Any ideas and advice would make a huge difference!

    Thanks in advance!

    6 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • Birth Control problems? only females or anyone with knowledge of this read/answer please?

    I only go to my OBGYN once a year... and I don't have another appointment until December I think. I'm 20 if it makes any difference in this at all. My fiance and I have been dating for three years and I don't see us breaking up anytime soon so I'm definately monogamous. I'm currently on Birth Control[the pill] I take it once every day for three weeks and then dont for a week[that's when i have my period] and then i start again on the next sunday. Things have been so hectic lately[ive moved, gotten a new job, had a familiy member die, got a new horse etc etc, and things don't seem to be slowing down at all] i keep forgetting to take my bc. Only once a week but it seems like i forget twice a month atleast. And when I go to pick up my birth control I get three months worth at a time. Well I can't find my next two months supply. Which sucks because I don't know what to do since I can't get it filled for two more months. How will two months off effect me? Can I go to my OBGYM and tell her that I lost two of my months supplies and have her right me another prescription?

    Of course I know this is bad and I should be more responsible but things have been so hectic I just forget all about it. My fiance and I don't have unprotected sex, so I'm not worried about getting pregnant, but I know that forgetting to take my pill and then taking it and then not taking is messing with my hormones[i feel like i've been crazy lately]. And I know my body isn't happy with me either.

    I want to consider switching to the patch or something. I've considered the nuva ring but ehhhh i dont think that would work. I'm a little nervous about sticking some plastic ring up my ya hoo. I'm mainly worried that I won't do it right. I'm not good with shots so the depo shots wouldn't work[plus I've heard that they can make you sterile if you take them long enough:-/] I've considered the patch but I don't know anyone that has used it so I don't know how well it works or if it would be a good thing for me. To be honest I'm kind of sick of using the pill, but I don't want to stop using some form of birth control other than condoms. I like the comfort of being on bc and I like that I don't have acne and my boobs are bigger.

    Have any of you used the patch or are currently using the patch? I would like to hear about it from someone that has experience with it or knows it's effectiveness etc.

    Please no rude or bitchy comments. I just want some answers from people with experience and something nice to say. 10 points!!

    thanks in advance!!

    3 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Where can I watch the Horse Whisperer online for free?

    Well my question is pretty self explanatory but I have looked on youtube... couldn't find it. I just found a bunch of crap that people had put together. Google'd it and still couldn't find anything promising. Is there anywhere online that I can watch this movie for freeeeee?!?!?!

    thanks! oh yea... 10 points to whoever answers this with a site that works and doesn't cost money or give my computer a virus!!

    6 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • I just want to know your opinion on the matter?

    I have been pretty undecisive so far as to who I'm going to vote for. I think that we could have chosen better candidates, but we could have also chosen worse. I don't agree with alot of things that either of them say but when I heard this I most definately didn't agree with it. I read today that McCain feels that birth control should not be covered by insurance, but that Viagra should. Ok????? WTF?!

    He is also Pro-Life. Which is fine, I myself am Pro-Choice but... whatever... I won't get on to that issue.

    Who thinks that its a little messed up that he wants to take birth control off of insurance coverage and NOT viagra?! I think that's a load of bullshit personally. I am on birth control, not because it is covered by my insurance, but because I am being safe, responsible and enjoy what it does for me. Women are on birth control for many many different reasons, but if insurance doesn't cover it... many women will not be on it anymore. My insurance covers it and I pay about $12 a month for it. Which is not alot but if you are only getting one low income, $12 dollars a month for birth control may very well likely be the first thing women cut out of their spending. Which could potentially lead to many unplanned pregnancies and many children up for adoption that shouldn't be in the first place. [of course i would hope that the women that choose to stop taking it would use other methods of birth control, but we all know how that goes] Why should insurance cover Viagra but not birth control?! I understand that there are many men that need things like Viagra... BUT why can't BOTH of them be covered. I think birth control is just as, if not more important than Viagra.

    I don't know this for a fact but I'm sure that one of the reasons people would like to see birth control off of insurance is because it gives people an excuse to have unprotected sex. Any responsible adult that is having sex KNOWS that birth control is 99.9% effective and that it does not prevent STD's. So why would it make a difference, if people are having unprotected sex while the woman is on birth control, they're going to do it if she isn't on birth control.

    What are your thoughts on this? And please no rude or obscene comments. I did not post this to argue with people, of course people are not going to feel the same way I do about the subject but I want to know your opinions on it.


    23 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Escape! for VZW? I need help!! 10 points!!?

    I just downloaded Escape! on my cell phone from VZW and I'm stuck.


    I used everything that I had and now all I have is the black light and i put the battery in it. Where do I go from here? and is there anything i need to know? I heard that there's a door that doesn't have a correct code and if i put in one it will kill me. Is this true? lol

    The person that gives me the most help or gives me a walkthrough will get ten points :D

    Thanks in advance!!

    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago