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Intolerably high sex drive (serious question)?
I'm a 29 year old female and have an intolerably, inhumanely high sex drive that's torturous. It also makes daily life nearly impossible.
I've read about chemical castration, and I also know about the surgical removal of the sex organs. How would I go about obtaining one or both of these, and would they help, just repress it, or even make it worse? I'm literally physically tortured and psychologically tortured as a result. I can't function and don't know what to do.
If anyone has any suggestions at all, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks.
4 AnswersPsychology3 years agoCosmetic dentists vs. or with regular dentists and oral surgeons for implant quality/type/appearance?
If someone has to have many teeth removed, including front teeth, and has a great dentist and great oral surgeon, but is also looking for the most realistic implants (especially for front teeth and other highly visible teeth), would it be better to have my dentist and oral surgeon work with a cosmetic dentist, too? Is there a way I can look at and compare implants? I would rather pay a lot to get them done properly than have obvious-looking fake teeth.
Thanks for reading. Thanks for any advice, information, or anything I haven't thought of.
2 AnswersDental4 years agoQuestion about a person with no credit history building credit with a purchased card through a bank?
If a person who's never had a credit card wants to build credit in case of an emergency, can that be done successfully by buying a very limited credit card from a bank (e.g. a $500 limit) with cash, then paying everything on time to "build a credit history" or create a credit score?
If so, would it have to be maintained, or could you just use one or more of the limited cards for a year and then you've got a credit score for emergencies and can go back to using cash only, or does the score fall into a bad range if not used?
In other words, if I don't plan to use credit cards regularly, would I be better off keeping my current non-score (blank, no history of using credit, neutral), or trying to build it up to a decent level then leaving it alone unless I need it (possibly going below or far below neutral from lack of active or any further use)?
3 AnswersCredit4 years agoIf you just go into a plastic surgeon s office and say, "I m ugly," and ask for advice, would they suggest a plan to improve it?
For a very masculine looking 28 year old female, who s face shape is ugly and masculine, voice is deep, body shape lacks hips/posterior, who has saggy breasts, too broad of an upper back, and various other problems, could you just go in and ask for an evaluation appointment where you could be explained your options, pretty much regarding each body part?
Obviously it would run in the tens of thousands of dollars, and obviously you wouldn t want to overdo it and look plastic or take too many health risks, but what s the extent of what they offer? Can you just go in like that and say, "a couple of main issues bother me, but really it s more like several simultaneously"?
Thanks for reading. Thanks for any advice, opinions, experience, information, etc.
2 AnswersMedicine4 years agoWhat legally happens if you test HIV+?
I m going to get an STD test done soon and am wondering what to expect if it comes back HIV positive.
What legal steps would I then have to take? Would I have to stay in a hospital until I finished a legal process, paperwork, etc., how lob could it take, and what complications could arise? Would I risk going to jail?
What would I do in the event that I can t remember all of the individuals names? Or in an extreme case, hypothetically, any of them?
Thanks for reading, and thanks for any advice or info.
1 AnswerSTDs4 years agoHow to get a psychiatrist to prescribe enough benzodiazepine when they're leery of people recreationally using them and addiction?
I have a severe anxiety disorder that requires daily benzodiazepines. Without it, I walk around physically miserable, with way too much adrenaline/stress hormone/or whatever it is being released. No amount of trying to talk myself out of it, adjusting eating, doing breathing exercises, taking SSRIs (e.g. Paxil, Celexa), cognitive behavioral therapy, exercise, etc., even puts a dent in it; it's *severe*. I have no thyroid, iron, blood sugar, etc., or other health problems. It's just bad physical anxiety all day and all night, anytime I'm awake.
I can't seem to get psychiatrists to supply it anywhere near as often as I need it. Apparently laws have changed and they're leery of giving it out. I can't live independently or function without it, and I've tried explaining it, but they continue to say it's "addictive" and to prescribe worthless, mild stuff that aren't benzodiazepines and that doesn't help, even in huge doses.
What can I do? What can I say to possibly get one to prescribe a benzodiazepine once or twice daily, or however much is needed, and reliably prescribe it on return visits?
2 AnswersMental Health4 years agoQuestion about treatment for severe anxiety?
I know that SSRIs (e.g. Paxil, Prozac, Celexa) can be used for anxiety, especially in combination with therapy (thought patterns, stopping worrying, breathing tips, etc.), but for people with severe (and I mean really severe) anxiety, who have a serious physical anxiety problem (i.e., even avoiding worrying, doing breathing exercises, doing relaxation techniques, etc., in combination with SSRIs, such as Paxil, Prozac, Celexa, etc. doesn't reduce the anxiety to *anywhere near* a comfortable life or normal level of relaxation, what are they supposed to do?
They can start taking a benzodiazepine (e.g. Xanax or Klonopin), but those are highly addictive, and I've heard that after a while they start to have the opposite effect and actually cause anxiety.
So what are people who have done everything else they can and ended up needed benzodiazepines (e.g. Xanax, Klonopin) regularly supposed to do? If they've tried multiple forms of therapy and SSRIs?
3 AnswersMental Health4 years agoQuestion about a court decision?
If someone pleads guilty to a misdemeanor that would be charged with over 11 months and some number of days (sorry it s not specific, but basically almost a full year) in jail, and the Order Of Probation paper says "the defendant is ordered to serve 11 months and some number of days in the such and such county jail, but the defendant doesn t go directly to jail, but stays out of jail for almost a year, and is ordered during that time to be under the supervision of a probation officer, and is required to meet requirements related to the offense (such as alcohol school, Madd (Mothers against drunk driving), and also do 24 hours of community service, and is required to not drink any alcohol, at all, for over 11 months, until the next court date, and to be subject to random drug/alcohol screenings for those 11 months, then to return to court almost a year from the original court date, what is likely to happen at the return court date?
Does the defendant at that second court date get sentenced to start serving the 11 months and some number of days in jail like the Order of Probation paper says the defendant is ordered to serve? Does the defendant get a reduced sentence if the defendant met all of the probation requirements the entire year? Does the defendant not have to go to jail at all?
Thanks for any information or assistance understanding the situation. I m sorry for the ignorance. Thanks for any help.
1 AnswerLaw & Ethics4 years agoQuestion about illegal firearm ownership?
If a person has been committed for a suicide attempt, and years later lives in a bad area (a single female) and wants a basic shotgun for home protection (not a pistol, just a simple shotgun) because the area is extremely dangerous, is there a way that person can get a lawyer and bypass the law that people who have been committed can never own a firearm? In other words, can a lawyer (possibly with paperwork from a psychologist saying the person is now psychologically healthy despite the precious institutionalization) have the mental health records erased? Thanks for any information.
4 AnswersLaw & Ethics5 years agoWhat would it feel like to be hit by a semi-truck on the highway (serious question)?
What would it feel like to be hit by a semi-truck going 60mph?
I know it would be painful if it didn't knock the person unconscious, but how would it hurt specifically, and which parts would be worse?
Thanks for any information or opinions/guesses. Thanks.
1 AnswerInjuries6 years agoHow did she survive this?
A girl from my school jumped in front of a semi-truck on the highway Sunday morning around 2am trying to kill herself, straight into the front grill of the truck (it didn't just graze her or throw her aside), and she survived. She has broken bones and some internal wounds, but they're saying she's going to survive. How did she not die? It was dark and the speed limit on that highway is 70mph, so the semi had to have been going at least 60mph minimum.
4 AnswersMental Health6 years agoHow did she survive this?
A girl from my school jumped in front of a semi-truck on the highway Sunday morning around 2am trying to kill herself, straight into the front grill of the truck (it didn't just graze her or throw her aside), and she survived. She has broken bones and some internal wounds, but they're saying she's going to survive. How did she not die? It was dark and the speed limit on that highway is 70mph, so the semi had to have been going at least 60mph minimum.
2 AnswersPhysics6 years agoWhat's the likelihood that someone would die from this?
What's the percent likelihood someone walking across a highway would die from being hit by a semi-truck going 60mph?
Not under the wheels, just hit straight on by the front of the semi (a pedestrian walking across the highway, not in a car)?
1 AnswerPhysics6 years agoWhat's the likelihood someone would die from this?
What's the percent likelihood someone walking across a highway would die from being hit by a semi-truck going 60mph?
Not under the wheels, just hit straight on by the front of the semi (a pedestrian walking across the highway, not in a car)?
1 AnswerPolls & Surveys6 years agoWhat s the likelihood someone would die from this?
What s the percent likelihood someone walking across a highway would die from being hit by a semi-truck going 60mph?
Not under the wheels, just hit straight on by the front of the semi (a pedestrian walking across the highway, not in a car)?
1 AnswerPhysics6 years agoWhich would be more likely to kill someone (physics/gravity/momentum question)?
If someone got hit by a semi-truck (going 60mph) while trying to walk across a road, which way would be more likely to be fatal, and why? Thanks.
A: Being hit head-on by the front of the truck/grill
B: Going under the truck and being run over by the wheels?
3 AnswersPhysics6 years agoWhy do people jump under 18-wheelers to commit suicide instead of into the front grill of the truck (physics/gravity/momentum question)?
This is a physics/gravity/momentum type of question.
I'm from Ohio and a woman from the neighborhood adjacent to ours tried to commit suicide Tuesday by jumping under a tractor trailer (18 wheeler truck). She survived, is still in the hospital, is permanently disabled, and will never walk again.
I started searching on Google and it looks like the majority of people who try highway suicides jump *under* trucks. I don't understand why. I don't understand why they don't don't jump *up* instead, like into the truck's grill. I don't get what I'm missing. When people jump in front of trains, it's into the train's front grill, so do the people who jump underneath trucks (instead of into them) just do it for show/attention? Don't they have to know that going underneath it has a much higher chance of surviving than straight into it? Or am I getting it wrong? So why would they want to survive as paraplegics?
Thanks for any information/explanation.
1 AnswerPhysics6 years agoWhy do people slit their wrists as a suicide method?
Why do people cut into the radial and ulnar arteries in the wrists instead of the brachial artery in the inner elbow/above the inner elbow?
The arteries people aim for in the wrists are runoff arteries from the brachial artery and are smaller around. They re also surrounded by tendons, meaning that if the person cuts through the tendons, they could lose the use of their hand permanently.
Is there something I m missing (muscle density in the upper arms or something, making it harder to aim), or is it actually more effective but people are just brainwashed into the wrists?
3 AnswersOther - Society & Culture6 years agoWhy do people slit their wrists as a suicidd method?
Why do people cut into the radial and ulnar arteries in the wrists instead of the brachial artery in the inner elbow/above the inner elbow?
The arteries people aim for in the wrists are runoff arteries from the brachial artery and are smaller around. They re also surrounded by tendons, meaning that if the person cuts through the tendons, they could lose the use of their hand permanently.
Is there something I m missing (muscle density in the upper arms or something, making it harder to aim), or is it actually more effective but people are just brainwashed into the wrists?
4 AnswersMental Health6 years ago