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  • Need help buying present for boyfriends mom?

    So this is the situation. My boyfriends mom lives in Europe but she came to visit her son. She normally comes once a year. I don't have long dating my boyfriend but I met his mom and I think she likes me and I would like to give her a small gift before she leaves.

    Things I know about her:

    1. She is very organized

    2. She likes to read

    3. She likes wine.

    4. She is Costa Rican

    5. She is not a pet lover

    6. She likes wearing jewelry (I don't know her taste in fashion tho)

    7. She loves both of her kids (1 girl and my boyfriend)

    8. She is divorced.

    I just put some random stuff out there. Hopefully y'all can help me think of a small gift I can give her. I was thinking wine bottle but Idk if she can carry on plane....?

    2 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships7 years ago
  • What attracts and drive guys crazy?

    There is a guy I really like. He seems to be into me as well but I cant make him ask me out. We been talking for 2yrs. I dont want to make him jealous by flirting with a friend because then he sees it the wrong way and he is really smart, so I know he digs smart girls. I want to impress him.. besides looks, what kind of things can I do? We are both 21 and live almost 2hrs away from each other.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Why doesnt he make a move?

    There is this guy I really enjoy talking too. We been txtn for 8 months already and I really grew to like him. Seems like he is the same way but I just cannot get him to go out with me. Go out as in on a date. We gone on 2 dates and both of them were really fun. I guess we mainly do not hang out sence we are both really busy with school, work and family. But come on... we live in the same town. What can I do better to get him to like me enough to ask me out already. I been hinting him by telling him I miss him and send him kiss txt messages at night and he seems to respond. He is a very shy guy at frist and I dont know if that is why he like that. Or if he unsure about me. Or if his twin brother maybe doesnt like me for hiim and maybe advices him different. I dont know... What do you guys reccomend?

    One more thing... Past 3 days he has been replying a few hours late to my txt messages and his txt messages seem dry at moments. Do I ask him if something is wrong or what?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • Does media attention help terrorists?

    I have to write a paper about media and terrorism.. I know media wants the story, and terrorism want to have their message spread.. but is there other ideas why they think media does help terrorism. Examples?

    1 AnswerMedia & Journalism1 decade ago
  • confused.. droid or KIN TWOm?

    i love the droid phone.. and i am with verizon. I really do not want to pay the $30 montly fee for the internet.. I mean. Internet on my phone will come in handy but its not like its a necessity for school or job. And the KIN has wifii which i have in my house.. and the camera is 8.0 which is great. I also like that it has a keyboard and a touch screen. I haven't seen it besides on the website though because they dont have it at the verizon's stores I've gone to on display. Apperantly it is not "in" anymore.. but what I do like is that I dont need to pay the $30 per month.. my dad is already paying $130 per month for both of our phones and I am nineteen and have a part time job but I have other things to pay for and can't afford to pay that monthly fee. What should i do? Should i ask my dad that i should just get the droid? I do want a better phone.. tips, suggestions.. anything please!

    2 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • Help revising 3 paragraphs please!!?

    The kind of movies I enjoy watching are comedy, drama, fiction and love movies. I am not necessary a horror or action movie fan. You see, I base whether I want to watch the movie by its cover, rating and what the movie is based on. It is important to take a look at what kind rating the movie is: PG-13, Rated R, X rated and so on. This rating scale pretty much just lets us know what we are going to be watching so we will not be surprised. I would not change the rating scale. I think its fine just the way it is because it is very specific on what the movie shows and how language is being used.

    Some people think it is a waste of time to label all the movies with the ratings but I believe it is very useful. Some people even if they are over age they do not enjoy watching movies with bad words or vulgarly. And there are some very immature young children and teens that want to watch movies they should really not be exposed too. So by labeling these movies I think it is good to know what is in the movie and what we should expect the language to be like.

    I know if I had children I would not like them to watch movies of people killing other people when they are really young, or seeing people having sex and drug dealing. So I believe it is good that in movie theaters kids could not buy their own ticket if they are under age but I believe an 18 year old could buy their own ticket and not be considered underage to buy an X rated movie. Reason why I believe this is because if at age 18 we are considered legal and able to buy cigarettes, have our license and receive punishment by law as an adult yet not be able to watch a movie that is considered for adults? I disagree and I feel its something that its contradicting itself.

    1 AnswerHomework Help1 decade ago
  • what things can you learn in a speech class that you can use on daily day communication?

    I need to write two pages. Easy question but I just feel I cant think outside the box. lol! So far I just have this...

    I never knew how much speech class was going to benefit me and prepare me for the future in many ways. I learned about interpersonal communication foundations such as non verbal and conflict management skills and different types of relationships. Not only am I knowledgeable about how to understand other cultures and diversities but I also learned how to feel comfortable presenting a speech and better know myself.

    Anything else I can add or how do I make it longer?

    1 AnswerHomework Help1 decade ago
  • help on how to make this a good sentence please! really easy. cheap points.?

    Working and going to school can be overwhelming and stressful, you miss out in extra activities, you need to make sacrifices, you fall behind in chores and being socially active with friends. For these reasons I believe teens should not work while in high school.

    3 AnswersHomework Help1 decade ago
  • is it ethical to mask your true emotions in order to get along with others?

    is being honest in a relationship always the best policy?

    4 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade ago
  • Help on deciding a good tittle for an essay.?

    I am writing a summary which recommends things to newlyweds. Whats a good title?

    1 AnswerHomework Help1 decade ago
  • in what way does media stereotype?

    in general do you think we perpetuate based on what we see in the media?

    What kind of groups do you not see stereotyped??

    Any other observations...?

    I am trying to write a paper about stereotyping but it seems i need a little help starting. Hope you can help. thanks!!

    3 AnswersMedia & Journalism1 decade ago
  • need help summarizing my homework..?

    what does this mean... "it can be risky these days to sugget that there are any innate differences between men and women, other than those of anatomy. Out of the window go the old notions about man and aggression, woman and submission, man intellect, woman instinct"


    "despite all our earnest attempts at nonsexist childrearing, he has already suffered environmental contamination. Some of it, no doubt unwittingly, came from my husband and me, reared in the days when nobody winced if you recited that old saw about what little girls and little boys are made of"

    can anyone summarize what those two paragraphs mean.. i am confused.

    Thanks for your time!

    1 AnswerHomework Help1 decade ago
  • you think taking 5 classes as a freshman in college ok to take?

    I am going to a local community college. I am registered for 5 classes. Eng. 101, speech 8, math 123, anthropology 1, and music 5. I hurd music 5 was an easy class and anthropology class is only ganna be for like 6 or 7 saturdays and ill be over with it so ill after just have 4. Also I want to take 5 sence my math and english classes arent so high. But I really dont know what to do. What would you guys recommend?

    oh and in high school my senior and junior year my gpa is a 3.0, no AP classes so will you think it will be overwhelming? and one more thing.. lol

    Last thing.. i didnt sign up my classes to all be on the same days.. so what do you guys think?? total would be 17credits.. ? I think i can do it but its college so I really dont know how the classes will weight on me. Thank you for your time!!

    4 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade ago
  • can people with diabetes drink alcoholic beverages?

    with diabetes type 2.

    14 AnswersDiabetes1 decade ago
  • how does birthcontrol affect me?

    can it make me not have children in the future.. what are the bads about it?

    1 AnswerWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Do I move on and stop being friends with benifits with him?

    i really like this guy.. He about 5yrs older than me. Sometimes I think he dont wanna ask me to be his lady because of the age difference. He had a girlfriend which he dated for like 2 or 3 years but a really long time ago. My point is that my friends told me that when they were going out lots of people knew they were totally sex freaks. As of now he is really sweet and everytime we are together we dont have to have sex but yet everysingle time we wanna watch a movie in his room we always do even if i really aint in the mood. Another thing is that we dont txt every day but we do have a good communication. I always tell him how I feel and things that bother me. But yet things dont really change to make our relationship better. He always goes out of town and i dont even feel comfortable enough to ask him what for because i aint his girlfriend.. eventhough he says we pretty much is. We been talking for about 3yrs and everythin is the same. I like him soo much. I tried so many times to stop talking to him and I cant. I feel I love him and I am to scared to tell him I feel taht deep for him because I dont want him to think i am all wet over him. What I do? If you think this relationship should just end please give me some tips on how. Thank you. I appreciate your advice.

    2 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • so confused about what I am going through with this guy..?

    Hey... i am 18. I think i am fallin in love with a guy that i have talked to for 3years. My closest friends dont know about this because he is about 4 years older than me and he thinks he is a creep, which he is not. I love the way he is! He is trustworthy, romantic and I see him more than a friend. He hasnt officially asked me out but he said we are dating. I always tell him that we arent and try to make him officially ask me but he said we are but that people dont have know. He says all that matters its me and him anyway. Also i dont really see him. He says he is always working and goin to school in the day. I mostly just see him in the night. I hate that and he says that he is sorry but that i should know he really does like me. I wanna stop talkin to him because I dont want to be with someone that doesnt seem like they really wanna have a good relationship but i cant stop thinkin of him and wanting to talk to him. I dont make it obvious that i am obsest with him at all. But once in a while i do tell him my frustrutation but nothing much changes. What do I do??

    10 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • what is not allowed in an airplane?

    i am traveling by airplane for my first time and i was concerned about what are the major things i cant take on a airplane.. is my make up or shoes or anything like that ganna be a problem?

    2 AnswersAir Travel1 decade ago
  • how to stop being friends with benifits..?

    I really like this guy and i know he likes me too bt more than anythin i feel he just wants me for sex..

    i talked to him about it before but he has me hooked to him. I like him so much.. but i can tell he really dosent as much as me because he doesnt care to text me everyday or wutever..

    also i sometimes think he talks to other girls because he is good lucking and he goes to another skool.. help! i need advice.

    6 AnswersFriends1 decade ago