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  • I shift gears alot in my automatic car, what type of maintenance should I get for it?

    I have an automatic car but I like to drive fast, I usually shift to 3rd gear often, on the highway to pass other drivers or shift to 3rd gear going up hills or to just get that extra speed boost. I have been doing it for a year now and haven t noticed anything wrong with my vehicle, besides killing my mpg. I know that the 2nd and 3rd gear are only used in certain situations, basically you will hardly ever use them, but I just love going fast! What type of maintenance should i be doing on my car and how often, if i continue to drive like this? Transmission oil change, maybe a flush? I only shift for a small amount of time, i stay in 3rd gear maybe 2 minutes at the most going up hill.

    5 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs5 years ago
  • Why do people blame illegal immigrants for taking jobs away, instead of blaming american women?

    It's obvious who really "stole" the jobs from male americans in the united states. I mean i doubt an illegal immigrant is coming to the usa and taking corporate jobs and tech jobs, without a degree! Really? You really think that's actually happening? When feminism starting getting traction, they started telling women that they could be independent and be working for themselves. Which later today we see is the result of that. I'm not saying working women is a bad thing, I'm just saying that the answer is right in front of our noses. Why don't people realize that women are taking the male jobs? Why do they blame illegal immigrants? Why hasn't this become common knowledge by now? It's right in front of us, next time you go out look around and notice how many women are working not just blue collar jobs but also technical jobs. Is this another form of hate just to hate for the reason of ignorance?

    6 AnswersSociology5 years ago
  • I m on a body building diet but sometimes I want to eat something unhealthy, how do i make it not affect my body as much?

    So it s been a month of me eating nothing but proteins, almonds (nuts), veggies, shakes, sometimes pastas, rice etc you get the picture. The food i eat is healthy but not as good since i m no proffesional gourmet cook I can t make really good healthy food. I try by making my plain rice with light sodium soy sauce and pineapple the only thing that i can make thats good. Other than that my diet kind of sucks. I crave fast food sometimes, i want to have some olive garden or some mcdonalds fries or a steak from a good restaurant, maybe some mex or chinese. Sometimes i can t control the urges it sucks bad. If i do eat these food what can i do to compensate for it?

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness6 years ago
  • Since USA money isn't backed up by gold anymore, does that mean we steal from foreign countries, when we buy their goods?

    I mean the US government keeps printing money that is basicly not backed up by gold anymore. Since we buy goods in other countries does that mean we are basiclly stealing from other countries since our money technically has no real or little value at all? I mean perhaps the chinese that bought our debt are actually paying for us to buy goods. We buy goods and the Chinese are paying for it since they bought our debt. Wow if that's the case the government is totally ******* china in the azz, what a scheme. Or perhaps we trade goods with them, our money is basically what we have in goods like oil, cars, technology. Is this what our money represents now our goods or chinese money? LOLZ

    3 AnswersEconomics6 years ago
  • Why did my nose start bleeding in the middle of taking a shi.t?

    Yesterday I was pinching this huge azz loaf and all of a sudden during the pushing, if you know what im saying, my nose started bleeding like crazy. I think i rutpured a blood vessel inside my nose, what gives? Anyone else have this happen? Yeah, it was monster, it almost took me!

    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys6 years ago
  • Can I draw my own blood and get it tested?

    I'm a medical assistant and so is my sister, I was wondering if she and i could draw my family's blood and get it tested. any of you know any company that will let me test my own and family's blood. This would cut alot of expenses out and only have to pay the lab work. I know most companies don't allow you to do this, but can i send it out to other medical facilites outside the usa that would let me do this. I did this everyday, i would draw blood from someone mark the test needed to be done and then send it to a company that sent us their own vacutainers and then i would send it to the lab via fedex and then we would get the results and the doctor would read it, in my opinion sometimes it would not be neaded, yeah your cholesterol is high, no ****. The number say so, you dont need a doctor to read it!

    4 AnswersMedicine6 years ago
  • Why other mexican american's hate me when i tell them i don't like mexico?

    They tell me if i ever lived in mexico or have tried the food. They think i was just born here and never travelled to it or experienced. I tell them i lived their and went to school there for 3 years with realitives and they don't believe me and i show them pictures and they gasp. They say and you dont like it. I tell them what has mexico ever given me? They have given me and my family nothing, why should i like it and in fact i hate mexico, full of imbecils and drug lords and ignorant people. I know there are a few good people but the majority come on. I like the usa better, they call me a traitor, I'm like this is my country i was born here not mexico, i served the usa military not mexico, im not mexican i could care less. If usa went to war against mexico i would fight for usa, because it's my country the country that feed me and educated me and keeps me safe. I'm starting to hate most mexican american's ******* ungrateful embecils with their ******* parents ruining america, learn english *******. If you like mexico move back *******, it's that simple. Don't ever call me a traitor you imbecils, i love living here and love the people, your the fc king traitors living here and corrupting the country and not willing to go back to your so called favorite country, who is the fu cki ng traitor know?

    4 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups6 years ago
  • What would be the reason for my car to tell me to check my engine?

    I wanted to listen to the radio on my car so i start the car you know it s not running , just so i can play my radio, so anyway s it lights up my engine and my battery also, but when i turn the key the whole way to actually start the car, my engine light and battery both stop blinking, why is this?

    4 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs6 years ago
  • I'm not anti gay but i saw two guys kiss and it made me feel sick, why?

    One of my best friends was guy but during our whole friendship he would talk to me about guy's he like and date's that he would go on, put i never told him because i never wanted to hurt his feelings but it alway's disgusted me to hear about it,i just don't understand why. I know homosexuality is normal and it's just a way people are born but it made me feel uneasy perhaps it's my body or mentality fighting against what it percieves as wrong i don't know. I wonder if gays or lesbiens feel the same way when they see two heterosexual couple kissing if it disgusts them or makes them feel sick, i know it makes me feel sick watching two gays kiss for whatever reason, i can't even understand it i get this acid feeling in my stomach, i don;t even understand it!

    3 AnswersOther - Society & Culture6 years ago
  • Anyone else put game cd's in other video game cases?

    I'll put my call of duty in fifa and then play my fifa and then put my fifa in my destiny game. The when i want to play any game i open it up i look for my call of duty and my destiny is in their, ill check my destiny and my fifa is in their i'm like fuuuuck, i'll search my call of duty and my grand theft auto is in there ill search my grand theft auto and there it is my call of duty game, fuuuuuuuuuuccckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games6 years ago
  • Why do christian's sect's like methodist's and babpist say they are christian?

    If you were christian you would go to a christian church! Is it just a way for certain groups or people to make money? I mean sure you can read the same book and stuff but why not name your building a christian church. It's confusing to me, i know it looks fishy it's obviously people trying to make their own beliefs in accordance with christian belief, i know there is something wrong with it. Why do people even allow it and say it's okay. Like the catholics, they are not christian's it's crazy, i used to be catholic roman. I used to identify as roman catholic not christian, just people mainly christians say i was a christian, i told them no your roman catholic, what's this confusion about. I mean you don't go to a satanist church and then say you are a christian because you both believe in a god, i mean come on, what's this bullshit going on here!

    3 AnswersMental Health6 years ago
  • Anyone else have girl's fighting over you?

    I go to the university and i have about 6 girl's right know fighting for my attention. I talk to this girl for like a minute at the library and this other girl give's me a glance, i leave and the next day she's like who is that girl you were talking to your friend? I was in class one day and this girl made me cookies and i was just sitting their eating them and the next day this girl in the same class asked me to walk her to her car and said she had something for me she made. the ***** made me a fcking cake. It's annoying sitting their trying to study and pay attention when you got girls competting to sit by you in class, i literarly have no choice now they either get me walking down the hall and ask me to sit by them or i go into class and they say hi xxxxx i saved you a sit, ***** there's 20 open desks, dafuq you saved me a sit? Can i share you text book? No you can't!

    3 AnswersFriends6 years ago
  • When i have kid's i'm going to tell them how the world really is?

    Full of selfish people, including them. Life is a burden and your a slave to your family, job and hobbie's. Emotions make you a slave as well because a rapist and a serial killer all enjoy doing the things they do. Love does not exist but a mere tool for the universe to make sure you reproduce to feel the balance that is life and death. People don't care about you and you have no real friends, it's just an illusion and they only stick around for what you provide for them, time, distraction etc. Happiness is the way you will suffer, it is the maker of suffering. You can't suffer if you never knew happines. Enjoy life you little mother fcker!

    10 AnswersPhilosophy6 years ago
  • The older I get the less i want to love?

    I get attention from girls and very nice girl's but i just don't feel it anymore. I even like this girl but i tell myself that love is fake and i don't really like this girl it's just my brain that does but i don't need that person. I don't even love my family i just do things for them because i have to, it's one of those thing's i have to do. But other than that i could care less about people.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating6 years ago