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I used to be a regular on Rock and Pop, but now I just stop in every once in a while to see what's going on. I absolutely love music, especially metal and world. I also have great love for nature and mythology. Have a nice day :)

  • R&P: Have you ever listened to a song for the first time and...?

    ...a part of it sounded really familiar to you, and you're sure that you have heard that part before, even though you know you have not?

    Let me explain a bit...

    I heard Julia Dream by Pink Floyd for the first time a while ago. The very moment I heard the Mellotron part for the first time, it sounded *very* familiar, like I had known it my whole life. It is so eerie to listen to it now because it is so oddly familiar.

    So, has anything like that ever happened to you?

    BQ: What are you listening to?

    20 AnswersRock and Pop1 decade ago
  • R&P; The ____ Song...?

    I have noticed that there are quite a lot of songs titled 'The [insert word here] Song'. You know, like The Rain Song by Led Zeppelin, The Prophet's Song by Queen, The River Song by Donovan... the list goes on.

    How many songs can you name that have titles like these?

    Sorry if that didn't make sense...

    MQ: Favorite song titled 'The [insert word here] Song'

    MA: The Rain Song by Led Zeppelin

    Hope you all have been having a good day. =)

    13 AnswersRock and Pop1 decade ago
  • How does one 'become' a skin-walker (yenaldlooshi)...?

    I have been taking an interest in skin-walker lore and decided to write a short story on the creatures. I was just wondering if the only way to 'become' a yenaldlooshi was to break a cultural taboo, or if there were other ways it was said that one would become such a creature.

    5 AnswersMythology & Folklore1 decade ago
  • R&P: About how many...?

    ...Seconds/minutes/hours of music do you listen to each week, do you think?

    Well, let's see... I listen to music while I sleep, and from 3:30 PM to 8:00 PM, I listen to music... sometimes more than that. If my reasoning is correct, I spend about 87.5 hours in a week listening to music. About 53% of my time. Not including the music I listen to in my head when I do not have access to my iPod or turntable.

    Just curious...

    MQ: Favorite song that has something to do with nature in the title?

    9 AnswersRock and Pop1 decade ago
  • R&P: Alternate versions...?

    Have you ever heard an alternate version (a different take, I guess) of a song that you liked better than the version of the song that made it (onto the CD or whatever)? If so, what song was it, and what was different about that take that you liked?

    Last night, whilst browsing YouTube, I found a different take of In the Light by Led Zeppelin. I do not necessarily like it better, but I do really love the intro to it in this version:

    8 AnswersRock and Pop1 decade ago
  • R&P: I have no idea how to phrase this, but here goes?


    Let's say that you are talking to someone whose favorite band is your favorite band. For some reason or another, they are convinced that you are a 'poser fan'; that you know nothing about their music and are just saying that __________ is your favorite band because you are trying to look cool.

    What song(s) by them do you quote to show that you are a true fan?

    You know, the lesser-known ones.

    The other day someone seriously doubted that I knew a single thing about Led Zeppelin and was just saying that they are my favorite band just because I love Stairway to Heaven. I quoted a few lesser-known songs by them and by doing so fairly convinced the person that I was a true fan.

    22 AnswersRock and Pop1 decade ago
  • R&P: When in conversation, do you ever...?

    ...use lyrics in your sentences?

    For example:

    One of my teachers asked the class what we wondered about. I responded, "Many times I've wondered how much there is to know..." [from Over the Hills and Far Away by Led Zeppelin]

    My mom said that I should try harder to spend time with my friends. I explained to her my situation. And then at the end of that, I said, "Anyway, you'll never know the many ways I've tried." [from the Long and Winding Road by the Beatles]

    Sometimes I just let the lyrics do the talking for me. I blend lyrics together sometimes, and I can create coherent sentences with them. I can think of a lot of lyrics that are really close to what I would have said otherwise, and no one has ever noticed... I do not do it on Y!A, just when I am actually speaking.

    I am probably psycho and the only person that does this. But I still was curious...

    16 AnswersRock and Pop1 decade ago
  • R&P; what do your parents think of the music you listen to? ?

    And your friends (in real life, not on Y!A)?

    My dad likes the Beatles. He gets a little iffy with Led Zeppelin but he's okay with the rest of the bands I listen to.

    My mom thinks the Beatles are okay and she's terrified of Led Zeppelin (she won't come down to my room if I'm playing a song by them in there). She doesn't care for the rest of the bands I listen to (she much prefers the 80's to the 70's and 60's).

    My friends love the Beatles but that's as far as they'll go into rock. They are also terrified of Led Zeppelin (what's with all the Zeppelin hate in my life?). I could probably get them into the Who pretty easily.

    Just felt like asking this for no apparent reason...

    44 AnswersRock and Pop1 decade ago
  • What is the best drawing you've ever done of?

    I drew Robert Plant of Led Zeppelin last night and it turned out great, in my opinion. It's at least my best drawing of a person. Not that that's saying much.

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • R&P; what is an interesting fact...?

    ...about your favorite song?

    Please mention what song it is. :)

    My favorite is the Rain Song by Led Zeppelin. Apparently the song was made after George Harrison talked to John Bonham about how Zeppelin didn't have any love ballads. The end product: the Rain Song.

    My source:

    You can hear it here:

    18 AnswersRock and Pop1 decade ago
  • If your second favorite band did a cover of one of your first favorite band's songs, what song do you think..?

    ...they should do?

    I personally think Led Zeppelin would do good with Helter Skelter by the Beatles.

    And did Y!A undergo a revamp or something while I was gone? I'm getting lots of bubbles telling me stuff about misspelling and punctuation at the side of my question.

    7 AnswersRock and Pop1 decade ago
  • In what year do you think your favorite band/artist came out with their best music?

    1966--the Beatles released Revolver.

    And if you want, you can say which year your favorite band/artist came out with their worst.

    16 AnswersRock and Pop1 decade ago
  • When you're lying in bed and can't fall asleep, what do you do?

    I get I'm Only Sleeping by the Beatles stuck in my head ("Lying there staring at the ceiling, waiting for a sleepy feeling~"). Then it depends on how tired I am and if I have something the next morning or not. Usually I get my iPod and listen to the album Revolver while trying to go to sleep. If I know I'm not going to be able to for I while I listen to Led Zeppelin IV. But I keep my eyes closed because I am extremely prone to hallucinations; I'll start seeing the faces from One Missed Call everywhere.

    7 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • What song got you into the band(s) you love?

    Good Day Sunshine got me into the Bealtes. It was just so happy and upbeat, and when it goes, "I need to laugh, and when the sun is out, I got something I can laugh about~" I would look outside if it was sunny and smile real big. I was so young... the first two albums I listened to were the White Album and Revolver. To this day, they're still my favorite.

    Stairway to Heaven snagged me into Led Zeppelin, followed by Black Dog. I love the lead guitar part for Black Dog.

    I don't even know what snatched me into the Rolling Stones, but I spontaneously started liking all their music.

    But the Beatles are the best. :)

    6 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • What does it feel like to be in love?

    Just curious, I haven't been in love for... I can't remember since when. Kind of a weird question for me to ask. XD

    8 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Iditarod question about moose attacks?

    How does a moose behave when it attacks a dog team on the Iditarod (or when it incounters a dog team in general)? Does it charge, kick at the dogs, or something else? I'm sorry if this seems like an obvious question, but I am no expert when it comes to moose and I want to get my writing right. Thank you for your time. :)

    2 AnswersZoology1 decade ago
  • Is there a website on which I can type in a date and see which anime character's birthday is on that day?

    You know, like a site where there's a drop-down list and you can select the day and month, or a chronological list of birthdays? That would be really cool and I would appreciate it. :)

    8 AnswersComics & Animation1 decade ago
  • Will S.S.B.B. be delayed again?

    I heard a rumor that Super Smash Bros. Brawl will be delayed again-- and as you can imagine, I got pretty worried. Please, is this true, and what article made you think one way or the other?

    Thank you for your time.

    P.S.--Yes, I have read Sakurai's statement on the Dojo:

    Due to delays in the completion of Super Smash Bros. Brawl, we’ve had to change the release date of the game to Sunday, March 9th.

    I deeply apologize to the people who have looked forward to playing the game for so long and ask that you hold on just a little longer. Thank you for your patience.

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • All Super Smash Bros. Melee trophy pictures?

    Is there a website that shows pictures of all the Super Smash Bros. Melee trophies? I found a list, but I want to see what the ones I don't have look like.

    3 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Virtual Console suggestions?

    I have 1,500 Wii Points and I want to get a Virtual Console game. I like games such as Legend of Zelda and Mario, however with limited points, I need help choosing. What is your favorite that you own (a short summary would be appreciated but not necessary)?

    7 AnswersNintendo Wii1 decade ago