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  • Question about yeast baking yeast breads?

    Hi! I have started to bake my own bread. I ran across a tip in a magazine that the best way to get yeasty breads to rise is to place the pans in a "just warmed" oven. This may sound odd, but I have no idea what "just warm" is in terms of heat! Im concerned that I might "cook" the dough if the oven is too hot! I have an oven with a WM (warm) setting. So Im thinking that I set the oven to WM and once the oven is warmed, then shut if off and set the pans/ dough into rise.

    I usually just set the bowl of covered dough in the oven with a bowl of warm water underneath the "dough bowl" So far this works well, but Im thinking it might be easier to try the tip from the magazine.

    Thanks for any advice y'all can impart! Cheers!

    3 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago