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  • Just found out my “boyfriend “ is getting married💔. I said some really harsh things to him when I found out. Should I apologize?


    I am going to make this short as possible. I have been seeing a guy for a little over a year. A couple of days ago. I found out through Facebook that he was getting married. And i am crushed. I texted him and said some mean things. He only has called me once since then early in the morning when I was sleep and hasn’t said anything. Should I apologize for saying what I said or let it be?

    Please answer

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating2 years ago
  • Is it my fault that he doesn't want anything to so with me? PLEASE ANSWER?

    To make a long story short. I said to him in an argument we had that "it feels like a friendship so maybe we should be friend's" along with why i was feeling that way..he said this isn't the first time you said something about being friends okay fine.. And I wasn't expecting it to go that way I wanted him to talk to me now when I text him he is barely saying anything I feel like he wanted me to say that so he can have a easier say out. What to do..I'm tired of feeling crazy cause I can't let it go he want give me a solid answer anymore so I'm sad and hurt idk what to it my fault?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating3 years ago
  • Anyone have any tips on getting pregnant?

    Well yea i know the basics lol bt ive been ttc for luck at all. Im a 25 yr old female who's never been pregnant. My boyfriend has 2 kids already so i know its not him. I have a obgyn not a fertility specialist so the only thing they are telling me is my weight and the fact that i smoke i know it could play a big role and my cervix is high bt im really starting to get scared even if that was it shouldnt it have happened already..i feel hopeless...i hope someone responds

    Anyone took anything? A certain position lol anything?

    2 AnswersTrying to Conceive4 years ago
  • Is is bad that i cant get over a man who was married?

    I met this guy last year who was amazing.. We hit it off fast..very different for both of us because im black hes white lol not that it was a problem just different for us both bt he was married with kids and i knew i was gonna get hurt in the long run bt stupid ol me went for it..we had fun i too was with someone bt we gained feelings then all of a sudden one day he came to me and said he didnt want to hurt her anymore and we should just stick to being friends thats it..its been six months and i cant get over him am i dumb

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating4 years ago
  • Tips on conceiving?

    Two years of ttc no luck....any help I've tried vitex and have been breaking out with hives every since I just received a fertility lubricant gonna try that any other things...

    I'm trying to eat healthy

    I stopped drinking 9 months ago

    I'm still smoking and overweight

    I'm active I stand 8 hours a day moving around mostly.

    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive5 years ago
  • How can i find ways to cope with being infertile? Please answer?

    Hi , I'm 24 yrs old..I've been trying to conceive for two years now , no luck😏!.. and it's not my partner he has a child already so it's not him...yes I have a obgyn who says it's nothing wrong with me I'm just overweight basically and smoke cigarettes...which is dumb I mean it may be hindering me bt Im not trying to sound shallow bt I've seen women twice my size get pregnant and many women smoke....yes I'm trying to quit it's all a mind thing I guess.

    It's hard for me both of my sisters are pregnant my brother girlfriend is and everyone else around seems to be getting pregnant and it hurts I'm not jealous of anyone I'm really happy for them just sad for myself if anyone can relate

    How do I cope please answer

    3 AnswersTrying to Conceive5 years ago
  • Should I be mad at the fact that my boyfriend is angry that his baby mother got beat up by her now boyfriend?

    Okay my bf of almost two years is very mad that his baby mother got beat up by her boyfriend okay I get it its wrong for a man to hit a woman under any circumstances bt I feel like that's there business also...I know I can sound very selfish and inconsiderate bt honestly I feel his only concern is his son with her that's it and he is so upset shaking upset and Now I feel like he's still very much in love with her although they havent been together in over 3 years ....he's saying things like there's two things he doesn't play about his son and his baby mother so now my feelings are hurt....should I be mad? Am I being a selfish b***h? Am I being inconsiderate ?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating5 years ago
  • am i being selfish or is this wrong of him?

    So today is my boyfriend birthday and he made me go back home after i brung his cake. I guess im just old fashioned because holidays / birthdays i feel like should be spent with family and loved ones. I am pretty upset bt i didnt want to ruin his day so i just left withba smile on my face bt honestly my feelings are hurt incredibly. Am i being selfish

    Honest opinions??

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • is what my boyfriend said acceptable or appropriate to me.?

    My boyfriend b-day is today. And i couldn't get him anything because i just started working and my pay check is being mailed to me so only thing i got was a cake and he said i suck and cant do anything right well i feel horrible now i understand he needs things bt i can only do so much right now

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • should i leave this relationship?

    Hi everyone well i have been with my boyfriend for almost a year next month will make a year. I am not happy with him its a lot and i rather be to myself. Im not happy because maybe guilt is catching up with me i left my other boyfriend of 3 yrs for this guy that relationship was filled with cheating and lies. Him not wanting to do anything with himself. So i left well now the guy im with now he is a bit better he talks to me bt for some reason i feel like he wouldn't talk to me if i didn't spoil him i spoiled the last one and he took that for granted i know i shouldn't spoil any guy bt i feel like that's my.only way guys will be with me bt my now guy at first he didn't ask for anything and was trying to find a job he had just csme up here and now hes not doing anything and expect money every time i get it....its irritating me to the fullest being that im financially stressed and its like he dnt care. So should i just leave him

    No rude answers please and thank u

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • should i go see a fertility specialist or wait some more months?

    Im 23 yrs old and i have been trying to get pregnant for 10 months no luck😞..well i am overweight and i feel like my only see my weight as a problem when in reality there are women twice my size conceiving without a problem i know everyone body is different i just find it odd that it hasnt.happened. he already have a 3 yr old so i doubt if its him. My doctor just wont take me.serious bt i know something is off

    Should i go to a specialist or give it a few more months any advice will be great😊

    2 AnswersTrying to Conceive6 years ago
  • can anyone give me some tips on how to ace an.interview?

    Hey everyone, i have a interview tomorrow at lowes . Okay this will be my 3rd interview with them & the.last two i had which was over a yr ago and 6 months ago. I did horrible for some reason i always get stuck on questions like name a time when its like my mind go blank no matter how relaxed i am. I.truly need this job can someone give me some tips please

    2 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment6 years ago
  • what did he mean by this someone please answer?

    Hey everyone my boyfriend of 10 months said he had love for me. Okay that was his first time ever saying anything about love although i tell him i love him every now and then . He's a prety closed off & certain things make him feel uncomfortable so i really didn't get into what he meant by that

    Do you guys think he meant like he cares for me in a friend way bt hes not loving me or in love

    Or do you think he loves me

    I know someone will probably say ask him bt i dont want to make him feel.uncomfortable or come off pushy like im forcing him to say something he really doesn't mean

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • can someone help me figure out what he meant by this please?

    Hi everyone. Okay my boyfriend of only 10 months said that he had love for me. Im trying to understand what was he really getting at ?what do guys think got love for you mean or does it depends on the person.. honestly i feel like you say you have love for people like if your talking about someone you dated in the past like i still got love for you.

    & before someone rude get on here and say why dont u ask him he is a closed person and hates to talk about things like that it makes him feel uncomfortable bt i truly want to know☺

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • how should i confront him on cheating on me? PLEASE READ LONG BT WORTH IT!!!?

    Hey everyone well i know the question sounds silly and your wondering why the heck am i asking you guys...well for startes i am a hot head!! When im mad its really a bad site for anyone yes i lash out at people i know bad bt im learning..okay i was in a almost 3 year long relationship it was filled with cheating everytime i would find out that the guy cheated on me i would fight him and cut his clothes up (i know childish) bt still be with him (pointless) well the tables turned i met a guy who seemed so nice and respectful (the guy im dating now) well i cheated on my ex boyfriend and eventually broke up with him for my now i feel like karma caught up with me my now guy is acting strange and im quite convinced he is cheating on me i have proof im like 97% sure i wont go into why bt okay how do i confront him? I dnt want to lash out at him bt im the type to feel as if if i don't come off strong he wont take me seriously ..& that if that i just asked him hell lie to me which ive asked him one time before and he denied it then i really didnt have that much proof bt now i do so how do i do it and make him know i mean business?

    Please no rude comments you dont have to comment if your gonna say something rude

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • am i overly insecure or is he really cheating?

    Hey everyone!.. well i believe that my boyfriend of only 10 months is cheating on me😢 is why. Okay for starters he doesn't invite me over as much and i completely understand everyone needs space bt its rubbing me wrong. Then he always has his phone when before he would never touch it while i was around. Oh and when i am over the need morning he will say he has to do something or idk basically so i can go home when before he wouldn't me to leave..

    How do i confront him?

    I dont want an altercation if he is im just going to leave him i refuse to get cheated on again..and especially by him he knows what i went.through in my last relationship. Someone please help me im angry and hurting!

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • is he loosing interest in me? PLEASE ANSWER?

    I asked this question is because lately my bf of only 6 months is giving me this vibe and I'm so lost well up into about a week ago my bf would call me non stop I meant literally I couldn't get him off the phone I was with him every day BT when I would leave to go home he was calling me and we would b on the phone until I came back now we he barely calls we still text a lot BT he don't ask me to come over everyday and I'm scared what could this mean he said don't worry about it BT I just feel like something is up?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • pregnancy question PLEASE PLEASE HELP?

    hey everyone I am having bizarre symptoms I'm confused I need help. Since I have never been pregnant before I don't know what is what. Here is what's been going on

    1- I had been cramping for 3 weeks prior to my period

    2- frequent urination

    3-my breast are sore as ever my nipples are perky as ever now

    4-my period was 6 days late

    5- ?my period came and i had a greyish looking blood clot thing come out

    6 -went off in just 4 days that's weird cus I bleed 8-12days

    My breast still sore and I'm still urinating frequently please help I have also took a pregnancy text 2 days before my period came it was negative I'm lost?


    3 AnswersPregnancy7 years ago

    I think I'm miscarrying I don't know for sure BT I believe I am here is why well my period was late and I had all the symptoms of pregnancy since I never been pregnant before I didn't know whether it was PMS or pregnancy I had sore swollen boobs frequent urination mild cramping no blood for weeks I'm irregular also so I didn't take a test assuming my period was going to come well yesterday I woke up out my sleep cramping horribly very hard pressure and there the blood was it was a lot today I woke up to the same pain a bit worse and had several blood clots one of them was greyish like so I'm wondering was it fetal tissue please help no one is listening to me and I don't want to make a trip to the hospital and turns out its just a heavy period please help I'm in pain

    Another thing is that with my period I don't normally cramp so I don't know if these are just normal menstrual cramps


    1 AnswerWomen's Health7 years ago