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  • Good Grad gift for girl you like (Highschool)?

    So the girl I'm going with to our graduation I've had a thing for her for a long time and I'm going to be moving the first week after graduation so I want to leave her somthing to remember me, not looking to drop 300 dollers or anything but I want to get her somthing nice. just want some ideas from girls what they would like to recive for a grad gift, like braclets, necklace, earings just anything!

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • How to get girls to see you more than a possible friend.?

    I have the worst luck with girls haha, bad game or I never realize the girl has intrest until its to late. I've been told I'm in the top 5 hottest guys at my highschool, I'm poplular, have a pretty good body and yet I haven't had sex yet or had a girlfriend since middleschool. The thing is I think I have a good personality to, I'm kinda the nice/ funny guy. I just want to know what girls honestly look for to decide if a guy will just be a friend or somthing more.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • What's the best way to get girls attention?

    Like what's your weak spot, how will I know when you are trying to get my attention. And just what I'm general do girls look for in guys? I'm in high school to so kinda that age range like over 16 - 20 ish

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • How to get college chicks?

    So tonight I'm going to a huge college social with a few of my buddies, any ways I'm hopping to pick up some girls. I'm actually in high school but am of legal age to drink ( I live in canada were you only have to be 18, I've never failed a grade so don't think I'm 21) so just to clear that up, my problem is every girl I talk to I'm instantly in the friend zone so I need some tips or things I can do to get some intrest from girls and not just instantly being nothing more than a friend, I've been told I'm in top 5 hottest guys at my high school but I definatly got a baby face so that kinda sucks. And only 5' 11" at 140 pounds so I'm pretty small guy. (Small bone frame) but I'm tonned and look pretty jacked but I think I have a great personality, I'm funny, kind, social when I with friends but sometimes I get shy around girls I just met, and basically all the friend traits so I need some help to change that. This is the first big social I will be attending with around 700 people What do you think I can do for tonight to change my game. I need some tips how to get game with the ladies hahaha

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • What do college girls look for in guys?

    So tonight I'm going to a huge college social with a few of my buddies, any ways I'm hopping to pick up some girls. I'm actually in high school but am of legal age to drink so just to clear that up, my problem is every girl I talk to I'm instantly in the friend zone so I need some tips or things I can do to get some intrest from girls and not just instantly being nothing more than a friend, I've been told I'm in top 5 hottest guys at my high school but I definatly got a baby face so that kinda sucks. And only 5' 11" at 140 pounds so I'm pretty small guy. (Small bone frame) but I'm tonned and look pretty jacked but I think I have a great personality, I'm funny, kind, social when I with friends but sometimes I get shy around girls I just met, and basically all the friend traits so I need some help to change that. What do you think I can do for tonight?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • How to pick up girls at a college social?

    So tommorow night I'm going to a huge social with a few of my buddies, any ways I'm hopping to pick up some girls. I'm actually in high school but am of legal age to drink so just to clear that up, my problem is every girl I talk to I'm instantly in the friend zone so I need some tips or things I can do to get some intrest from girls, I've been told I'm in top 5 hottest guys at my high school but I definatly got a baby face so that kinda sucks. And only 5' 11" at 140 pounds so I'm pretty small guy. (Small bone frame) but I'm tonned and look pretty jacked but I think I have a great personality, I'm funny, kind, social when I with friends but sometimes I get shy around girls I just met, and basically all the friend traits so I need some help to change that. What do you think I can do for tommorow?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • How to get girls to see me as not a friend?

    I have a really bad problem with getting friendzoned. Every girl I go for It happens, girls don't see me as anything more and yet I've been told I'm in the top 5 hottest guys at my high school by a lot of people. People really like my personality and I'm funny, and toned body but yet I cant get girls to like me as more than a friend. I respect girls a lot so I'm never want to just use her like every other guy but that could be my problem. So I just want tips from girls what honestly makes you the most intrested in a guy or things I could change because its really starting to bother me and I'm in my last year of high school.

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Should i just lose my virginity already?

    alright so im 18 and a virgin kinda wanted to wait to lose it to someone i like but turns out no girl wants to be my first time or have sex with me untill after im not a virgin, im good looking and ive had hook ups and am totaly ready. pretty much there is this girl i used to like and she is really H(orny) all the time and she always wants to have sex. we almost had sex in the back of my car i had the condom on and everything but i just couldnt, i wasnt ready or expecting her to try to anyways she wants to hang out and chances are have sex but i just want your opinions, i mean i dont want to be bad in bed with a girl i actually really like, and it would probably give me a huge confidence boost what do you think? the worst part about this is yeah she is attractive but i dont really have feelings for her anymore, shes kinda a s(lut), and she is hard to get rid of but shes willing to take it and then i can just move on with other girls

    8 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Should i just lose my virginity?

    alright so im 18 and a virgin kinda wanted to wait to lose it to someone i like but turns out no girl wants to be my first time or have sex with me untill after im not a virgin, im good looking and ive had hook ups and am totaly ready. pretty much there is this girl i used to like and she is really H(orny) all the time and she always wants to have sex. we almost had sex in the back of my car i had the condom on and everything but i just couldnt, i wasnt ready or expecting her to try to anyways she wants to hang out and chances are have sex but i just want your opinions, i mean i dont want to be bad in bed with a girl i really like, and it would probably give me a huge confidence boost what do you think?

    9 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Not really sure which girl I should go for?

    So basically there is two girls I have a thing for. This may be long but I appreciate the help!

    Girl #1 pros

    I've liked since grade 9 (grade 12 now) but just started texting often

    She actually texts me first if I don't text her that week. And when ever we do text we talk for hours

    She's my grand march partner

    We have a lot in common

    We flirt and she sends a lot of signals

    When I used to see her at partys she used to give me the biggest hug and smile and we would talk the whole night


    We haven't talked in person for a long time

    She will say she misses me but never will do anything about it

    She has blown me off 3 times when we were supposed to hang out

    Never makes eye contact in the halls

    Girl #2

    Basically she just broke up with her 3 year boyfriend recently


    We are friends with the same people

    She always says I'm her favorite guy

    Told me awhile ago if she ever broke up with her bf we would most likley date

    A lot in common

    We talk often in person

    She breaks the touch barrier all the time


    We don't text often

    There will be a lot of guys chasing her now that she is single

    If we do date and break up we are friends with a lot of the same people so it might get weird

    I know this is reall long but I appreciate any opinions on which one I should try and date

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Girls: would you date a Virgin? (High school)?

    Honestly be as true as possible. I'm in grade 12, I'm 18 and a virgin also never been in a relationship longer than a month. I ended up liking one girl my whole high school and couldn't get past dating anyone else, but now I'm ready. The thing is im actually popular and have a lot of friends, I've been told I am in the top 5 most attractive guys in my whole school by multiple girls, I'm funny and have a toned body. I just have no game with girls, I get to soft to fast and Im also always clueless to girls intrest in me. and I have it in my mind I want to wait to have s(ex) with a girl I really like so I have passed up on a number of oppertunities to do it with just random girls mostly S(luts). I also want to date the girl because I'm nervouse about it, like how long I will last and if I will be good in bed. I'm not worried about size or anything I have a good unit haha but what would you think about dating a virgin.

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Would a girl date a virgin in highschool?

    Honestly be as true as possible. I'm in grade 12, I'm 18 and a virgin also never been in a relationship longer than a month. I ended up liking one girl my whole high school and couldn't get past dating anyone else, but now I'm ready. The thing is im actually popular and have a lot of friends, I've been told I am in the top 5 most attractive guys in my whole school by multiple girls, I'm funny and have a toned body. I just have no game with girls, I get to soft to fast and Im also always clueless to girls intrest in me. and I have it in my mind I want to wait to have s(ex) with a girl I really like so I have passed up on a number of oppertunities to do it with just random girls mostly S(luts). I also want to date the girl because I'm nervouse about it, like how long I will last and if I will be good in bed. I'm not worried about size or anything I have a good unit haha but what would you think about dating a virgin.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Do girls like vainy guys?

    Kind of a funny question but, since im a skinny guy and I work out 5 days a week my forearms and arms are getting bigger but the veins are also sticking out, is that somthing girls like or find it gorss, either way I'm going to contioue working out because I'm tired of being scronny and I find I look healthyer as I bulk up to a healthy weight

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • How do you actually get over nervouseness?

    Basically I'm in grade 12 and of course I want girls like every other high school guy but I always get shy. I've been told I'm in the top 5 for looks at my school and even if that's a lie I've found out really attractive girls liked me but I never made a move. Im really clueless to girls signs that there into me and even if I do take them on a date I become super shy. Its just recently, I have become even more shy, like even with friends I have trouble talking to. And I have been the funny guy in the class since grade 1 so I'm used to talking and socalizing alot. I'm thinking its my inexperiance with girls I just get to many what ifs in my head, so basically what are some signs girls are into me, and how do I get back to being outgoing and not super shy?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • When girls text you first?

    Just woundering if a girl text first if that means anything. I always text her first useally once or twice a week and if I don't talk to her at all that week she will text me. She intrested?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • When girls text first does that mean anything? girls answer!?

    I was always starting the texts and so I stopped and now she texts first sometimes. Like if I don't talk to her for a week she will text me before the week is over, and this has happened for about 2 months. Is that a sign that she likes me, the thing that is the weirdest is that she will never agree to make time and catch up. Like if I invite her to a party after she just told me she misses me she will always use " your friends wouldn't want me there". Idk I've tried lots of things to find if she is intrested but the texts just keep it mixed up. What do you think?

    7 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • How to get rid of a clingger?

    long story short we hooked up once and now she wont leave me alone. she told me she likes me and wanted to date. i like someone else and im not going to use this chick for sex and bjs i have morals, anyways she just texts me all the time wanting to hang out and hook up and she is super straight up about it and to be honest its getting annoying, ive tried pissing her off and had her say "f off i never want to talk to you again" then 2 days later send "hey cutie" she just does not take the hint i do not want to see her. any ideas haha i trying to date the girl i really like and see if that will send the message but i mean i cant rush that so any one else find a way to send the message nicely for her to basically f off haha?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Should i Just tell her?

    long story short ive like a girl all throughout highschool and im in my last semester before we both graduate and go our seperate ways, i got absolutly suprised when she asked me to be her grand march partner for the grad supper and of course i said yes. i just want opinions if you thinks its worth telling her i actually really like her if she hasnt already found out or caught on when we text. do you think if she said no it would be way to awkward? i just dont want to mess up getting to be her grand march partner but i just dont want to leave highschool regretting i never told her how i felt. what do you think?

    13 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Valentines gift idea for a girl i like?

    im not dating the girl but i feel like getting her somthing for valentines day coming up because im trying to give her the hint i like her. i dont want to leave a card or my name because im sure she will figure it out and i dont want to make like a scene or anything in the hallways or come to her class i was thinking leaving somthing by her car in parking lot? any ideas what would be a cute gift or somthing a girl would smile at. its also really cold out here so like flowers might not last in the temp for long. i just want your ideas

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Valentines gift ideas for her?

    im not dating the girl but i feel like getting her somthing for valentines day coming up because im trying to give her the hint i like her. i dont want to leave a card or my name because im sure she will figure it out and i dont want to make like a scene or anything in the hallways or come to her class i was thinking leaving somthing by her car in parking lot? any ideas what would be a cute gift or somthing a girl would smile at. its also really cold out here so like flowers might not last in the temp for long. i just want your ideas

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago