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Lv 44,025 points


Favorite Answers22%

All info on my 360...~N

  • What year did Pedro Martinez...?

    Say, "I just tip my hat, and call the Yankees my daddy"? Sorry if that's not verbatim but, I have a bet going on with someone. I believe it was after Game 7 in 2003 of the ALCS, but I'm not definite. If anyone has a link to an old interview, or can cite their source, that would be greatly appreciated!

    3 AnswersBaseball1 decade ago
  • I propose a horoscope switch!?

    Here we go:

    Libras, you go and be with Taurus, because you are BOTH really freaking lazy!

    Capricorns, you come be with us Geminis, because we are BOTH very selfish!

    How does THAT sound? :D

    Sorry, just sick of Libras and their indecisiveness! I think goats are wonderful suitors for us twins (especially that intellectual, philosophical side), because they help keep us focused. They also stand by your side no matter what. Bulls are just too stubborn! Any other switches you want to see? Let me know!

    4 AnswersHoroscopes1 decade ago
  • Anyone watching "The Twilight Zone"?

    Right now, "The Eye of the Beholder" is on...and I wish to God I could write HALF as well as Rod Serling! Absolute freaking genius.

    This is a great tradition in my family that my mom and I do every, single New Year's and Fourth of July. Go watch! ~N

    11 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Can I tell you something?

    Sad, but true...

    I could not find my "first class forever" stamps (you just KNOW that is a lawsuit waiting to happen) but anyway, I did manage to find some old-school 33-cent stamps. And penny stamps.

    LOL needless to say, I have an envelope with 8 penny stamps, and the aforementioned larger amount, as well. So this freaking thing is covered, to the nigh, and I hope the people at the post office (and you guys) get a kick out of something so ridiculous!

    Please star me if you think I am an unbelievably disorganized clutz, and I helped you smile, so you can feel better about yourselves! Take care, ~N

    Uh, it IS 41 cents.....right??? :)

    11 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • I thought this was funny.?

    Sad, but true...

    I could not find my "first class forever" stamps (you just KNOW that is a lawsuit waiting to happen) but anyway, I did manage to find some old-school 33-cent stamps. And penny stamps.

    LOL needless to say, I have an envelope with 8 penny stamps, and the aforementioned larger amount, as well. So this freaking thing is covered, to the nigh, and I hope the people at the post office (and you guys) get a kick out of something so ridiculous!

    Please star me if you think I am an unbelievably disorganized clutz, and I helped you smile, so you can feel better about yourselves! Take care, ~N

    Uh, it IS 41 cents.....right??? :)

    7 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • Tell me about So Cal!?

    I will be there in the beginning of August, and am truly excited to see the West Coast! I would appreciate some suggestions in and around the Burbank/Los Angeles/Santa Monica area! I love everything from nightclubs to museums and nature hikes. Can you also tell me weather-wise? Let me know, thanks! ~N

    9 AnswersLos Angeles1 decade ago
  • Do you see subliminal messages?

    Dear Dad,

    $chool i$ really great. I am making lot$ of friend$ and $tudying very hard. With all my $tuff, I $imply can't think of anything I need, $o if you would like, you can ju$t $end me a card, a$ I would love to hear from you.


    Your $on

    The Reply:

    Dear Son,

    I kNOw that astroNOmy, ecoNOmics, and oceaNOgraphy are eNOugh to keep even an hoNOr student busy. Do NOt forget that the pursuit of kNOwledge is a NOble task, and you can never study eNOugh.



    Those are some good parents! Please show appreciation with stars! :D

    9 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • Can you read in Hebrew???

    A team of archaeologists is excavating in Israel when they find a cave with the symbols of a woman, a donkey, a shovel, a fish, and a Star of David on the wall.

    The head archaeologist points to the first drawing. “This indicates that these people were family oriented and held women in high esteem.” he says. “The donkey shows they were smart enough to use animals to till the soil. The shovel means they were able to forge tools. Even further proof of high intelligence is the fish: If famine hit the earth, they would take to the sea for food. The last symbol is the Star of David, telling us they were Hebrews.”

    The second archaeologist shakes his head. “Hebrew is read from right to left,” he explains. “It says, ‘Holy Mackerel, Dig the A$s on that Chick!’”

    7 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • Can I borrow a hammer?

    A judge working a double-homicide case tells the defendant, “You’re charged with beating your wife to death with a hammer.”

    “You bastard!” yells a voice from the back of the courtroom.

    “You’re also charged with killing your mother-in-law with a hammer,” says the judge.

    “Bastard!” the same person yells.

    The judge addresses the man sitting in the back of the courtroom.“Sir, one more outburst and I’ll charge you with contempt.”

    “I’m sorry, Your Honor,” says the man. “But I’ve been this bastard’s neighbor for 10 years, and every time I asked to borrow a hammer, he said he didn’t have one.”

    Some funny websites as well:

    Enjoy, and star me please ;)

    10 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • Ever stand in the rain???

    I went outside in my backyard for a few moments today, and just let the raindrops fall on me. It was beautiful and relaxing. I love the sounds of thunder, and sights of lightning. Unfortunately, I had my clothes on, but trust me, I did not want to; it felt great on my skin. Anyone else fantasize about this?

    10 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • How amazing does Bruce look?

    Honestly, the man has aged with SUCH style and grace! He is the original badass, in my eyes. I loved him ever since I was a little girl (Kiefer Sutherland too), probably around the time of the original "Die Hard". I really could not care less that he is twice my age; look at the man! He freaking owns in every, single movie I watch. Who else saves the world time and time again? Any other fans out there? Anyway, like a fine wine...

    2 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Just saw "V" for Vendetta...?

    Um wow, yeah. I had NO idea it would be so prolifically and politically satirical! And I find it funny that I just saw "Phantom" on Broadway, because that's all I could think about when they were together. Anyway, it reminded me of that, and lots of old Twilight Zones where the man of men would depict the ugliness of human nature. But, they said there was a quote from Boondock Saints in there-anyone know what that was? And I loved the "Shawshank" ripoff when what's-her-face stands outside in the rain with prison clothes. Regardless, a fine movie with delectable dialogue! I can see why it wasn't promoted very heavily, at least, not that I noticed. Ah, suppression reigns supreme. Go watch it already! ~N

    6 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Who treats their man right?

    It seems that women never practice anything loving nor sweet towards their men any longer. I am NOT saying bow down and be his slave, but goodness, stop nagging him for every little thing! What if he did the same thing to YOU? Not so appealing now...and please, do not use your period or any other ridiculous physical attribute for an excuse. DEAL WITH IT-THEY DO! Now, I know, on the flipside, exist men that are disgusting. Leave them out of this equation for right now. I am talking about loving, sweet, caring and quixotic men that want to treat a lady right and proper. This is now FROWNED UPON! And this does NOT translate to buying you crap. But, that is what happens. These wonderful guys get suckered into the clutched claws of these abusive, selfish gold-diggers. WHY!?!?? This must be stopped! So please, appreciate your wonderful man, or I shall gladly take him away because I understand, thanks!

    8 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • Women, please, get over yourselves!?

    I ask you to stop thinking you are the bane of every man's existence! Trust me, food, alcohol and sports take HIGH precedence over ANY of you! Why is that so hard to believe? And why is it SUCH a big deal? Honestly! He does not have to do everything for you-do it yourself! Aren't YOU the sole focus of your life? So, why can't he be just as selfish as you? No, I am not directing this towards EVERY woman, just the ones that secretly know exactly who they are...well girls, guys are done taking your crap. Sorry to say, but that are NOT stupid, and definitely waking up to your evil schemes. Later, ~N

    4 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Hot older vs. younger men???

    Plead your cases, for or against, and your preference. Girls and guys answer please!

    I've recently had it in for the younger guys. I am ALL about an older gent taking excellent care of himself! I see lots of 20-somethings (girls AND guys) that look disgusting! They are fat and just look worn-out, and do not even attempt to take care of themselves. Come on, that's just gross!

    Like a fine wine? Or do you go for "innocence", even though it is probably just a phase? Even at college, no, HIGH SCHOOL, I was more attracted to some teachers/professors. And that was not just on intelligence (nor some fantasy), but I was impressed on their maintenance and excellent genes. Anyway, let me know! Peace, ~N

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Hot older vs. younger men???

    Plead your cases, for or against, and your preference. Girls and guys answer please!

    I've recently had it in for the younger guys. I am ALL about an older gent taking excellent care of himself! I see lots of 20-somethings (girls AND guys) that look disgusting! They are fat and just look worn-out, and do not even attempt to take care of themselves. Come on, that's just gross!

    Like a fine wine? Or do you go for "innocence", even though it is probably just a phase? Even at college, no, HIGH SCHOOL, I was more attracted to some teachers/professors. And that was not just on intelligence (nor some fantasy), but I was impressed on their maintenance and excellent genes. Anyway, let me know! Peace, ~N

    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • I am a sucker for...??

    Oh, just answer! Thanks!!

    8 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Being with someone "differently-abled"?

    Is there something morally wrong with sleeping with someone that has messed-up legs? I mean, what if they are really understanding, loving, comforting, trusting and (let's face it) HOT!? I actually care about someone, or do I just have a strange fetish? Yeah, throw it right under my "immigrant" one.

    Anyway, if we both really like each other...I mean, mentally and emotionally he's "all there" (that's a LOT more than I can say for some others!) so, is there still some boundary or taboo I don't know about? I like breaking those rules. Well, only if it is still tasteful. Okay, thanks everyone!!!

    7 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Girls, if "Phantom" were real...?

    and you were Christine, what would you do? I mean, the guy is CRAZY about you! And he is so talented, with the coolest decorated place in town! Not to mention, he's a snazzy dresser and a complete romantic what, he's slightly deformed. I've seen worse! LOL

    Honestly, the guy worships the ground you walk on, taught you just about everything you know, brought out your talent, and it was your father's last wish to see you happy with such a knack for music. So, I would give him a chance. He was pretty hot with the mask on; it's the whole "paper bag" routine. And let's face it, you're both going to be hideous in about 30 years anyway... ;)

    Well, just my thoughts...~N

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Having excessive and "inappropriate" guilt???

    What does that exactly mean? And don't tell me, "just what it says". Is it not normal to feel guilty after losing your parent? Like, you could've spent more, or really, better time together instead of constantly arguing? Or, you should have moved when they did, because they're old and need help? How is that "inappropriate"? I normally feel guilty about things. And excessive? I mean, come on, I just went through a trauma! How would YOU feel? Honestly...

    Anyway, that's what I have to ponder for the next 3 months to try and motivate me. Does this really inhibit my ability to concentrate? I'm distracted normally, as well. Please, no suggestions on drugs! That's disgusting (prescription and illegal). Anyone else go through this? How did you snap out of your funk? Any SOUND and LOGICAL advice welcomed and appreciated, thanks!

    7 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago