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Lv 44,750 points

Randy N

Favorite Answers13%
  • How is is that many of our school children cant get the swine flu vaccine but Muslim prisoners at GITMO can?

    It amazes me that many of our children can't get the swine flu vaccine because of a so called shortage, but Mr. Obama has personally seen to it that the Muslim prisoners at GITMO are to receive the vaccine. So why is it he takes care of his Muslim friends and denies natural born US children the same vaccine ? This is a fact . Typical Obama. Are your children less important than terrorists at GITMO ?

    Just another Obama disaster.

    13 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Can the movement start here to oust all dems from Congress in 2010?

    Libs have run Congress for 7 years and earned themselves a whopping 7% approval rating from the American people. That does not instill confidence and is a clear indicator that the people have no confidence in Pelosi and her fellow libs. They want healthcare reform without Tort Reform. They ave killed the F-22,F-35 and B-s bomber, all of which protect our Country. In fact, time after time they have voted the party line over what is in the best interest of this Country, violating their oath to defend the Constitution and the American people. Can we start a movement right her to see if we can remove all libs from Congress by 2012 ? The motto NO DEMS IN 2010 should ring out everywhere ! Put it at the end of all of your answers.Who's with me and why ?! Spread the word NO DEMS IN 2010 !

    7 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Is Congress guilty of treason?

    Every elected Congressperson and Senator takes an oath to uphold the Constitution and to protect and defend us from all enemies foreign and domestic. Is Congress itself an enemy if it enacts laws that are not supported by the Constitution ,and that weaken this Country ? Is Congress itself an enemy when it enacts laws that force Americans into socialist agendas (like healthcare) that are clearly not the intent of the US Constitution ? I say the answer to both is 'yes', and that any member of either House that votes for this plan is guilty of treason and should be prosecuted. What say you ?

    6 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Where is the military ?

    Our service members are required to take an oath to uphold the Constitution and protect us from all enemies foreign and domestic. Obama, pelosi and the entire gang are routinely passing bills that are not in the best interests of the American people, and do not conform with the Constitution. This is treason because their actions adversely affect the security of this Nation. Does anybody out there support a military coup to remove these American hating liberals and reinstall a govt based on the Constitution ?

    16 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Did Clinton Portis ever wear the throwback spear uniform?

    I thought he wore that throwback uniform in a game sometime during the past three years but am not certain. Does anybody out there know for sure ? Please give your source.

    4 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • Why, STILL, can we not see Obama's birth certificate?

    and why, since every other person who has ever run for the office of the Presidency has had to make their birth certificates public, doesn't Obama have to do the same ? This will not get swept under the rug. People want to know, so what are your thoughts ? Shouldn't Obama be held up to the same standards as everybody else ? Why does Hawaii have his bc sealed ?? The people have the right to know if he meets the qualifications to be our President dont they ? If he is a citizen, why not just show the bc and move on ?

    10 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • What was safety Ed Reeds high school number ?

    I know he went to destrehan high school in louisiana

    2 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • Do you believe there really isn't a cure ?

    Cancer research has been going on for more than 60 years and more than 2 trillion dollars has been raised/invested in this research worldwide. Do you really believe that after all of this they havent found cures for these cancers ? I don't believe it ! I fail to see how you can spend that much money on ANYTHING and not find a cure ! Met a nurse last year who used to work in a cancer research lab. She swears these research doctors are getting filthy rich on research grants, that they know the cures, that the cures are not expensive and that there is more money in continuing to "search" for a cure than there is in making the cures public. Same deal for AIDS. Cures are there, but not profitable, so they act like they havent found one yet and rake in the millions. I believe it. I think if you can spend that much money and not find cures, you need better doctors to do the research !!! So what do you think ?? I think its all a scam for these research scientists t get rich while innocent people die . Your thoughts ?

    14 AnswersCancer1 decade ago
  • Why haven't you left already ?

    We're still waiting for Barbra Streisand, James Brolin,Rosie O'Donell, Susan Sarandon, Madonna , Sean Penn and all the rest of you far lefters to leave the Country like you said you would if Bush was elected. What's taking so long ? Why haven't you packed those bags ? If this Country is so horrible, I'm sure there is somewhere else we conservatives could relocate you to, like Cuba or maybe Venezuela. Perhaps Russia or North Korea. So please, we need the room here for people who really care about our Country and you are taking up a lot of valuable space. When can we expect to see you leave ? We have numerous volunteers willing to pay your airfare via a one way ticket out if you'll just do us a small favor, get those bags packed and give the RNC a call. So why havent you left already ??.

    10 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • With his record,does Obama have the guts to debate Palin ?

    I suspect we could make that happen if Obama first has the b***s to accept. Would anybody else welcome that debate ?

    24 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Have any of you looked at the massive files the Chicago Tribune has on Obama ?

    If you have, what do think of what you found there. Do you think he deserves his title as the "Prince of Chicago Thug Politics" ?

    8 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • College students for Obama only please--why are you voting for him?

    I would like intelligent,concise answers, giving specifics, without McCain or Palin bashing.Consider the following internal observations and questions. Most of you don't own homes so you don't have to worry about capital gains or mortgages yet, but your parents do, and you eventually will too. Most of you dont work full time so you dont have to worry about taxes and tax credits yet, but your parents do. I suspect most of you have not read Barracks two books, but were you aware of his frequent racist use of the word "whitey" and his open profession of his socialistic/communist views? Why would you consider voting for a man who embraces communism/socialism, a value system that opposes everything that this Country was built on and made it great ? Are you aware of Barracks relationship with ACORN, an organization currently under indictment for voter fraud ? Are you aware of his association with long time friend, and terrorist bomber Bill Ayres, who to this day is unrepentent? Don't these things raise flags in your minds ? How can you vote against your Country ?Please explain and thank you.

    11 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Women--why are you not outraged ?

    Sarah Palin comes forward to serve her Country. First her daughter Bristol is savaged by the media. Then there are skits insinuating incest by her husband Todd and his daughters. She is viciously attacked as a woman, as a mother and even as a person with outright lies by Barrack Obama's campaign. Then there is the fact that Obama has voted 4 times in favor of live birth abortion. How can ANY woman support the killing of a live born baby by stabbing a surgical knife in the baby's neck and killing it ? That is pure barbarism by any measure. Why do moreof you not come forward against the man who stands for all of this---Barrack Obama. ???

    27 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Can you help name my business?

    Changing the name of my business. I am a professional autograph dealer. I deal in all types of autographs such as historical,military, presidential, celebrity, and sports. The biggest part of my business deals with sports, mainly football. I also have in my store a professional custom framing shop and I also sell high end display cases for helmets, footballs, jerseys etc.. My store is fairly large with extensive inventory. I would like the name to be anywhere from 1-3 words. What do you think? Free signed mini helmet to the winner!

    9 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • Democrats....what are your feelings about Harry Reid and the leadership lying ?

    Now that the transcripts have been released, it's clearly a fact that nothing that Harry Reid and the democrats have said today has been the truth. There was NO deal yesterday like they said there was, and so John McCain surely could not have broken a deal that didn't exist in the first place. It's also clear to see that Barrack Obama did not know how to handle the situation when the other democrats deferred to him to be the spokesperson for the democrats. He totally caved, and that is what got the discussion very heated at times. The transcripts prove everything and are there in black and white for all to see. So do you agree with Harry Reid and his associates saying things that they know are lies and deceiving the American people ?

    7 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Are we on the verge of another civil war-conservatives v liberals ?

    Hillary Clintons top fundraiser and a key person in the DNC has just announced that she is voting for, and campaigning for John MCCain and Sarah Palin. When asked why she answered that the party had gone way too far to the left and had become bad for this Country.

    Combine that with the lefts attempts to derail the Iraq war effort both in Congress and the Senate with outright treasonous diatribes by Pelosi, Reid, Murtha , Durbin and others; the far left's seizure and blatant bias of the media , and the violence displayed by groups like code pink and others at the RNC Convention .I believe we are on a dangerous path that could lead to outright conflict. I believe if that happens, the liberals will be eradicated like rats for two simple reasons. First, its a fact that over 90% of the people who are, or have been in the military, are conservative. Second, liberals by and large are great at running their mouths, but when it comes time to get dirty and do something about it, like fighting a war, they generally run the other way. In short, they'd rather let somebody else die to protect the freedom they enjoy. So will the dems wake up and realize how good they have it here in the USA or will it come to a point where the conservatives say enough is enough and turn their weapons on these ultra liberals ? Soldiers take an oath to protect and defend this Country from ALL enemies, foreign and domestic and I think a lot of these ultra liberals are really crossing the line.

    8 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Can someone PLEASE explain to me why all the libs and dems blame Bush for everything ?...?

    In light of the fact that Bush is President and can pretty much only do what the Congress passes into law, why do so many blinded liberals blame Bush for everything that they think is wrong, when in fact, it is a Nancy Pelosi, Democrat led congress, with its lowest in history 9% approval rating, that has REALLY dropped the ball. In fact, if you do the research, they killed over 72 measures proposed by Bush that the concensus of economists say would have actually helped the economy. Well ????

    14 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago