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Lv 42,548 points

Isabella S

Favorite Answers11%
  • what's a good shot for a drinking game?

    i am looking for something not too girly for my husband but not tequila.he doesn't like tequila too much but i don't think he'd be too partial on watermelon schnapps either. any suggestions?

    6 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits1 decade ago
  • Will formla speed up the healing process for Jaundice?

    I am a 4x mom and for the life of me i still don't know this. I took my week old daughter to the doctor today because she did look a little yellow. they took blood, results won't be in til tomorrow. the doctor made some sort of comment that since i was breastfeeding, the jaundice would clear up slowly I have been sunbathing her from sunday with no difference. so i asked her why it took so long. well, the thought hit me, if i gave her formula, would it help her clear up faster? does any other mothers know about this?

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Roughhousing boys and custody consequences? goes. I am the CP. I regained custody as of June 07. NCP is way pissed off and trying to regain custody. we had a hearing yesterday, he ws trying to regain custody, he lost. so today he picked up the kids for his weekend. we had two kids together. he saw small bruises on my older son. he got those bruises from my husband during roughhousing. I asked my husband to calm it down, and i told my oldest to stop playing rough if he was going to complain about it. but hte oldest keeps jumping my husband anyway. they both get pretty banged up at times. i keep telling the oldest to stop complaining about me not intervening if he is the one instigating the rough housing.

    so the NCP finds the bruises, calls me all irate and wants to know why i let my husband beat him up, why i was there, stood by and did nothing. I asked him, if he asked our son about the whole story. he said "no, i'm asking you". so i told him to ask him the whole story, then call his attorney. What should i expect?

    5 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Does this qualify under harrassment, pertaining to Child Custody?

    my children's father (two boys) calls constantly while the children are in school. I have already clarified in a letter of the best times to call as the phones are turned off because i am taking a nap, the baby is taking a nap, or my father in law is sleeping. this morning he calls 12 times in a row with a 5 minute spacing in between. we have a court hearing in Dec. is this something the judge would tell him to stop doing? i communicate with him by letter because he is violent and irate on the phone. so speaking to him while my husband isn't here, isn't an option unless the courts allow me to record his calls.

    7 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • i have to have a discussion with my 9 year old son, what's a good thing to cover?

    i have physical custody of my 9 year old and my 5 year old sons. their father and i will never get along. he's very mad he lost custody this past June so he looks for all sorts of ways to be vindictive. ever since i moved on with my life he has always been trying to get even with me.

    the father sent the 9 year old to me instructing me to provide clothes for his weekend visitation. when he had custody, he felt it was my responsibility to pay a huge sum of child support and provide my own wardrobe for my weekend visitations. on top of that..i had picked up my children everyday after school. so i told my son that it was an adult matter and if his dad needed anything...his father had to talk to me about it. so, this weekend being the father's weekend son tells me i HAD to provide clothes. again i said his father had to talk to me about it. finally on the day of...he finally asks to talk to me. i told him no, and sent a letter with my son informing him why. to be continued....

    20 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • are there really guys out there that prefer more drama when it comes to fighting?

    i know this sounds stupid, but everytime my husband and i have a disagreement i get the silent treatment for days on end. i realize this isn't healthy. every little thing i do seems to make him angry. he has admitted to needing a little drama in his life once in awhile. are there guys out there that really want a pot thrown at their head once in a blue moon just for the sake of drama? or should i just let this silent treatment ride out? do we really have to have a screaming match? i hate arguing with him because no matter what i am always in the wrong and to me, it's pointless in arguing with someone when they could really care less about what your point of view is in the first place.

    i just came to the understanding of the whole always needing to be right. it's not about actually being right, it's about not caring what the other person says or feels about a subject. so it's pointless to get into a screaming match with him. do guys really crave this kind of attention?

    1 AnswerMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • 6 month old will not let me put him in his playpen without screaming his head off?

    this is my third son. i don't remember going through this with my first two. my baby won't let me put him down to go fix his breakfast, go to the bathroom, or even clean my room for 10 minutes without screaming his head off. i can't just put him on the floor since he crawls around and gets into everything. asre there any good reading books for this or methods i could use that have been useful to other parents out there?

    6 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Victim's does a victim collect?

    a few years back my car was stolen. the moron was caught. he was tried and sentenced. i was granted resititution reimbursment. how do i collect my money? was i supposed to file something? i had completely forgotten about this and had just come across some old paperwork.

    2 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago