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  • Math Help on Optimization Please!!?

    How do I do optimization problems in calculus when I don't have any numbers? An example problem is that I have a line L and I have to cut that into two pieces and make a square and a circle out of them and figure out how small they can be. How do I do something like that where I have absolutely no numbers to go on??

    1 AnswerHomework Help9 years ago
  • Camera Purchase Advice?

    Hey people :)

    I am looking into spending my Christmas money on a digital camera, and I really want to hit up the after Christmas sales so I can get a good deal :) I have $100, and I am willing to pull up to $50 out of my bank account so it is good quality. I don't want a camera that will break on me right away, but I don't need anything extrordinarily expensive. What would be the best camera to purchase for the money I have? Thanks :D

    3 AnswersCameras9 years ago
  • Help on Trig Equations Please?

    Ok, so I am in my schools 5th year/calc math class, however we are coverings some trig. I am NOT looking for answers or for somebody to do my homeowrk for me. I simply need help. We are solving equations such as sin(x)cot(x)-cot(2x)=0. Without giving me answers (please), can you please guide me as to what to do in the case of an equation like this? I have a full sheet of identities and what not, but I am just hopelessly confused (my teacher doens't explain it well even when I ask questions). Help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance!!

    1 AnswerMathematics10 years ago
  • Please Explain to me how this is possible :P?

    I have been eating healthy and exercising for weeks, and I've gained weight! UGH. I used to weigh 100 lbs, and now I am fluctuating between 102 and 103. I don't understand how this is possible. I am five feet tall, by the way. Anyways, I have been eating 5 small meals a day (such as turkey burgers, trail mix, granola bars etc fruits and veggies). My meals are usually around 200-250 calories each. I run 2 miles and I do a zillion sit ups/Pilate's. I should be getting slimmer, but instead I feel like I've put on weight! I don't feel like it, I have evidence! Why is this happening?

    6 AnswersDiet & Fitness10 years ago
  • At what age to people stop getting taller?

    I am 5 feet tall, 18 years old, and a girl. Am I done growing? My mom is short, and my dad is for a guy :P

    7 AnswersOther - Health10 years ago
  • Are all cheer teams like this?

    Ok, so today at my cheer practice I was working on a skill called an extension. Well, my bases were REALLY off (my back spot even said so) and I fell the 3 times I did it because they were so off. Imagine being put up in the air and all is good, but suddenly everything starts to shift under you and wobble horribly. I controlled it and fell back knowing that it wasn't going to end well if I stayed up (I never got fully extended) I am light, only 100 lbs, and I CAN do extensions, my coach watched me do a PERFECT one with another base group. But I got replaced after only trying three times and got yelled at for bailing even though I had no choice, it was going down either way. I went home crying because I was so mad. Are all teams like this, or am I just getting no chance at all to prove myself :P

    3 AnswersOther - Sports10 years ago
  • College Cheer Tryouts Help?

    Soo I am a senior in high school, and I am going to try out in April (I know, a LONG way away) for college cheerleading. Today, I talked to a few of the cheerleaders and asked them about try outs and they said that they were looking forward to next spring because they want a lot of girls and guys to try out so they can compete. Does this increase my chances?? They want as many people as possible. They explained to me that they stunt, dance, cheer and tumble (like most teams) but haven't competed yet. They also said if I don't tumble they will help me learn. I am working on a standing back handspring right now. It sounds to me like I have an AWESOME chance of making this team! Are there any tips (I'm a flyer) for stunting, especially with single base stunts? How about back tuck baskets? I am really looking forward to this and I want to put my best foot forward! I am also co-captain of my team, so I have great leadership skills and stuff. I really want this, so college cheerleaders/coaches any tips on tryouts?? Are they just like high school try outs? Its not like University of Kentucky or anything, just a small college. Thanks in advance!!

    1 AnswerOther - Sports10 years ago
  • Fellow Cheerleaders: please help me!?

    I need to fix my full down. I just fell bad from one, and I really need to fix it. I'm not kidding, my shoulder is completly bruised up. I had one with one base group, but I am not used to my new base group. What are some tips for being super aggressive when pulling it without flipping over your bases (what I did). D:

    3 AnswersOther - Sports10 years ago
  • I am super confused about tumblr and how it works :P?

    I made a tumblr and I am SO confused. Blaaa. I know it sounds completely and utterly stupid, but can somebody please explain this all to me? Is it free (if its not I am deleting mine!) and how the heck to I work it!

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design10 years ago
  • How to get an aerial cartwheel?

    I have a really good cartwheel and a good round off. I am working drills to get an aerial, but I don't know how to go about actually doing it. I am working by myself in my yard doing this by the way. I don't have access to a trampoline, and my cheer coach doesn't know how to teach one. My school doesn't have any tumbling equipment (let alone cheer mats :P we practice on wrestling mats). So please don't tell me to go to a gym or anything cause I don't have any options other than my yard. Anyways, right now I am doing drills where I go to do a running cartwheel, I do a super high hurdle, then I go into it without my hands, then put them down late. That's working good, but I don't know how to eventually get the aerial out of it....UGH! Please please please help! I'm kind of afraid of busting a knee or breaking something if I do this wrong.

    4 AnswersOther - Sports10 years ago
  • I need an honest opinion?

    So basically I feel like an outcast. I am 18 years old, and I have never had a boyfriend :( I'm not a shy nerdy type...if I was this would all make sense. But here's the thing. I am:

    Cheerleading Co-Captain

    National Honor Society President

    Key Club Vice President

    Clarinet player

    Honor Student

    Prom Queen (didn't see that one coming at all!)

    I think I am decent looking...I am five feet tall (short I know) about 100 lbs (average weight for my height) and I have long brown hair with gold highlights. I have brown eyes and clear skin. I am petite, but I don't let that hold back my personality. I am kind to everybody, and I treat people with respect. I am bubbly and energetic, and I put my full effort into everything that I do. I know that PEOPLE like me as a person but why don't guys like me, like me, you know? How come I have never been asked out let alone told that I am pretty??? GAH so frusterated! :/

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • What are some healthy restaurant options?

    So, my family is going on vacation soon. We are nutorious for eating HORRIBLY on vacation. However, this year I do NOT want to gain weight over vacation becaue I have sports to get back into right when we get back, and I don't want to feel out of shape, and, well icky. Usually we go to places like Olive Garden, Chili's, a deep dish pizza resturaunt and P.F. Chang's. Sounds lame, but we serioulsy do not have any of those places anywhere near where we live. Anyways, what are some healthier options when going to places like this? I know even the salads have jacked up amounts of fat and calories :P Gah! Please help me figure out what I can eat so I can have a guilt free vacation!

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness10 years ago
  • Tumblers! Help me fix my round-off, please :)?

    Ok, so I can do a decent round-off. By itself. But I don't rebound NEARLY enough to get a back handspring or a tuck out of it. I know what I am doing wrong, but I have no idea how to fix it. I am not blocking off the ground. I try to, and I can do hand stand dips (I do like 50 a day) and I can do hand stand snap downs (like 20 a day) but I CANNOT do it when I round-off! Its so frusterating! Help meeeee! :P

    P.S. I can almost do a standing back handspring

    2 AnswersOther - Sports10 years ago
  • No help from an non-supportive family :P?

    I am trying so hard to eat healthy. I eat all whole grains, and I try to control my portion sizes and keep them healthy. I am succeeding, but my family won't give me any support. I'm not exaggerating. I get absolutely no support to eat healthy. In fact, they encourage me to eat junk food alllll the time. My dad will bring home ice cream and doughnuts for me even though he knows I am trying to only eat that kind of thing on special occasions. My entire family thinks I am becoming anorexic, but I am eating healthy portions (about 1500 calories a day give or take). I weigh 100 lbs at 5 feet and my family tells me I am too skinny constantly. I am so sick of my family harping on me to "eat more". Please help me figure out how to get them to stop!! :P Thanks!

    5 AnswersFamily10 years ago
  • Is this ok to do in a week for eating?

    Ok, so over the course of a week my daily diet varies enormously. One day I will barely eat anything, and the next day I will eat like a man. Like seriously, one day I will eat maybe 1000 calories, and then a few days later I eat upwards of 1800-2400. Its insane, but I really don't want to gain any weight :P Will I if I keep this up??

    4 AnswersDiet & Fitness10 years ago
  • Am I wrong for quitting my job?

    Today I quit my babysitting job. I am usually one to stay true to my word and stick out a job/task no matter how awful, but I just couldn't take it any longer. The woman I sat for was utterly disrespectful. She told me it would be a full summer job, but I have only worked 2 weeks since June 4th. I am getting paid 2.30 an hour for working 8 hours watching a 7 year old. She kept telling her daughter that I would take her to the beach or a park (I drive) without offering to pay for gas. The girl got upset when I said no. The girl often had 1 or more friends over when I watched her. I have had to text the woman and ask if I am sitting, and when to show up before. She never told me what time she would be back, she would just randomly show up....I was sooo tired of being treated like I wrong for quitting?? :P

    4 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment10 years ago
  • How do I connect two or more jumps in cheerleading?

    I want to be able to do double/triple toe touches, and maybe a pike, herkie, toe or something...but I always do one good jump and the rest aren't as good :( Any advise for connecting them?? I want one for homecoming in the fall, so I am willing to do workouts to help them :D Thanks!!

    1 AnswerOther - Sports10 years ago
  • Tips and Advise on Overeating?

    My favorite food in the entire world is trail mix. Its a weird food to love, but I LOVE it. When its around, I seriously cannot control myself, I eat way way way too much of it. Like 2-5 servings in a sitting. I know thats super bad for me because it is soooo high in calories. Any tips for control on not overeating it? I seriously have tried everything from putting a measuring cup in the bag to bagging it seperatly, and NOTHING works. I love it sooo much and I don't want to not buy it :/ Help!

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness10 years ago
  • What do you guys think of my health plan?

    I don't like to use the term diet, because I am not on a diet :) I never deprive myself of what I want to eat, but I like to eat healthy.

    So on a day to day basis, I usually run between 2-3 miles. Then I do about 15 minutes of pilates, and then I stretch. For pilates, I usually do things like v-ups, reverse cruches, planks, and all that good stuff. Sometimes I do some light weight lifting too. Like benching the bar (I'm a small person) and doing body-weight dips. I do lunges and squats with 10 lbs weights and try to do some pull ups sometimes too.

    As for eating, I usally eat between 1000-1800 calories a day, depending on how hungry I am feeling. I feel like when I get around 1800 that I am really over eating, but I am usally sooo hungry! I eat a lot of whole grains, and try to stick to veggies and fruits rather than stuff like trail mix because I know its sooo high in calories. I usually end up eating the trail mix though, cause its sooo yummy :D haha anyways, what do you guys think? I'm a small person, 5 feet and 100 lbs, but when I eat more I feel like I get really bloated, and I don't look like I weigh 100 lbs. Its frusterating :P And I gain alll my weight in my belly. I'm a cheerleader, and I have to wear a tight-ish skirt at games, but I feel like it gives me a belly pouch. Not a huge one, but its there, and I HATE it. Any tips for getting rid of it? Thanks so much, I know this was an adventure to read, lol :)

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness10 years ago
  • Am I underweight? Average?

    My parents think that I am underweight, but I have to disagree. I am 5 feet tall, and I weigh around 100 lbs. My waist is 25 inches around, my chest is 28 and my hips are like 30-ish. What do you guys think? I am pretty athletic, I run a lot and I have pretty strong abs (I also do cheer/tumbling/gymnastics). I eat around 1200 calories a day. I am a 17 year old girl, by the way lol. So, am I right, or are my parents?

    5 AnswersDiet & Fitness10 years ago