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  • How to use a destructor in C++?

    My book seems to be pretty terse on how to use destructors, and I haven't been able to make it work. I know when you want to call a destructor you need a tilde character and then the class name followed by parentheses. Do you also need to include the destructor as a prototype in the class interface? Do you need to define it in the implementation?

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design8 years ago
  • Maximum acceleration for simple harmonic motion?

    What is the maximum acceleration of a platform that oscillates at amplitude 2.50 cm and frequency 6.60 Hz?


    a = omega^2 * amplitude * cos(omega*t + phi), so at first I figured the acceleration amplitude would give me max a (a = omega^2 * amplitude), since the max that cos(omega*t + phi) is 1. Omega = 2*pi*f, so a = 4*pi^2*f^2*amplitude. I end up getting 43.0 m/s^2, but the book has 37.8 m/s^2. What am I doing wrong?

    1 AnswerPhysics9 years ago
  • Don't you think using "ACE" and "BCE" to date things is stupid?

    First of all, let me make it clear that I'm an atheist. But still, this political correctness bugs me. It reminds me in the Victorian era when you couldn't mention the word "legs" in reference to e.g. a chair. You had to cover up the true meaning of words so nobody became offended.


    The dating system is based on Jesus. Yes we know it may not be accurate or the best system to use. Yes not everyone who uses it is Christian. But that's what the system is. If you go to work at an engineering job, and you're used to metric units but the job uses English units, you know what happens? You adapt! That's how the real world works (I dunno, maybe it's different in the so-called "ivory tower"?). If you want, use metric units then convert later. But you don't expect your colleagues to go around saying "centimeters" when the real unit is "inches."


    So if you want to go back to the Olympiad system, fine. If you want to use the Muslim system, go ahead. But don't cloud reality in euphemisums and PC gobbilty-****.


    And perhaps a historian can enlighten me: What is the "common era" anyway? Seems like just a made up phrase to hide the Christianity. How do you define "before common era" as anything other than before Jesus? Were things less common before Jesus as opposed to after? Does it have to do with Jesus' multiplying the loafs of bread or something?

    5 AnswersHistory9 years ago
  • Why are White Male Democrats such perverts?

    I can understand why they're dipping into the minority pool. Edwards, Kennedy, Clinton, Wiener... And a little birdy told me that Harry Reid likes to be in orgies with Vegas prostitutes. Prove me wrong.

    8 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • What do you think Obama's transcripts look like!?

    Something like...

    Philosophy of Feminism: A-

    Anthropology: B

    Sociology of Blackness: A+

    World History: D

    Macroeconomics: F-

    11 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Which communist is you liberals favorite- Castro? Mao? Lenin? Stalin? Pol Pot? Ho Chi Minh? Lee Harvey Oswald?

    C'mon, you gotta have a favorite. I bet it's Lenin, huh? I bet you believe in that myth that he was just a nice guy who loved working people, as opposed to a bloodthirsty tyrant and genocidal maniac.

    26 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • How glad are we, fellow liberals, that Hurricane Sandy hit?

    Without Hurricane Sandy, the GREAT LEADER Obama mighta lost!! Then we'd have that n+ggard R-money in the White House, givin' tax breaks to the richers! How sh+tty would that've been - no more free stuff, available jobs. Who the hell goes to work these days? That would've severely cut into my Call of Duty time, ya'know? But now our GREAT LEADER is here to stay, take that stupid honkies! Go get on welfare while the gettin's good!


    4 AnswersOther - Politics & Government9 years ago
  • Why do liberals hate thanksgiving?

    Let me give you two examples.


    Last Thanksgiving on MSNBC's "The Rachel Maddow Show" there was a segment that basically spelled out that Americans (read: the Honkies) should be ashamed of Thanksgiving because of what our ancestors did hundreds of years ago to the Natives. If politics were a religion, the libs would be catholic - shame, shame, shame. I'm surpried they didn't follow it up with a documentary about the health effects of eating too much Turkey. Can't libs have ONE day where they are proud to be Americans and don't b tch about every last thing?


    Now the libs are pissed off in LAX. The union is striking the day before Thanksgiving because the members want more stuff. Something like 10.5% unemployment in the bluest state of the Union and they're b tching about HAVING a job! So anyone who wants to come to So Cal for a nice Thanksgiving dinner has wait A FEW HOURS LONGER to get out of the damn airport! What happened to empathy? The "greater good"? Helping your fellow man? Or is it just "screw you b tches, I'm gettin' mine!"


    But can't say I'm not surprised. The people in Red states give more to charity than people in Blue states (despite Blue states being more wealthy than Red states). Dems don't give thanks for the stuff they have, they demand MORE stuff! And then they have the nerve to talk about cons as being "greedy"!

    15 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Simple harmonic motion problem?

    Let's say it takes an object 0.25 s to travel 32 cm from one point of zero velocity to the next. What is the amplitude? At first I thought 32 cm, but I realized that was the entire motion from +x to -x and that amplitude would only be part of that. So then I figured 16 cm, or half... But the book has 18 cm. Whose right?

    1 AnswerPhysics9 years ago
  • Who can be Hilary - Jindal, Christie, West?

    Nowadays you gotta have a "thing" to be successful. Obama's thing was being Black, Romney's thing was being rich. Being Black beats being rich 9 times out of 10. So which "thing" can beat being a woman - being Indian? Being fat? Being Black?

    4 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • How many people have called Obama a war criminal?

    I count three: Noam Chomsky, Ralph Nader, Cindy Sheehan. Are there any more?

    11 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • What am I politically? Left, right, republican, democrat?

    I hate rich people. They are capitalist pigs and need to give their money to the State. We need to give our faith in a single Leader to move us Forward. Anyone who wants to obstruct the Leader is a reactionary who needs to get kicked out. Keynesianism is the greatest economic theory. Who cares about short-term debt? We also need stricter environmental laws. In foreign policy, the Jews are a bunch of warmongers. Islam is a religion of peace. Iran just wants the nukes for power, why do the Jews need to get their big noses in everything?

    7 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Did the Koch Brothers start Hurricane Sandy!?

    I was watching The Young Turks, and they said the Koch Brothers gave God 982 billion dollars to start Hurricane Sandy! God I hate teabaggers!

    4 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • So when Obama goes to war with Iran, where will the libs go: Communist Party or Peace & Freedom party?

    BARR-SHEEHEN 2016, right!? Stick it to the war criminal Obama! Or maybe you prefer forceful egalatarianism in the form of Communist dictatorship? Hey, the leader of the American Communist party is Black too! A seamless transition.

    6 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Pressure/force problem?

    Let's say you have a house with internal pressure 1.00 atm and external pressure 0.93 atm. What is the force on a window 3.4 m x 2.1 m? I know F = pA, so I tried using Fnet = p1A - p2A. I figured most of the forces would cancel and the remaining force would be what would push on the window. I keep getting 51 kN, while my book says the answer is 29 kN. So two questions: 1. What am I doing wrong (or is the book wrong), and 2. How on earth can you have 700 lbs. of force on a window and not have it shatter?

    1 AnswerPhysics9 years ago
  • Question about the conditional operator in C++?

    Here's what I have so far: cout << "Fat: " << (discrepancy(FAT) > 0 ? discrepancy(FAT) : "Within Acceptable Limits"); where discrepancy is an int array and FAT is enumerration type. What I want is to display discrepancy(FAT) (with brackets, but I use paranthesis because I don't have access to those characters right now) if it is greater than zero, and if not display the string after ":". The error message the compiler gives me is "have different types", which I'm guessing means the last two operands of the conditional operator need to be of the same type? Am I right in thinking that, and if so is there any "clever" way to pull this off without too much clutter?

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design9 years ago
  • Was that libber Bill Moyers p+ssing his pants when Romney said he'd cut PBS?

    Was he worried that his state-sponsered propaganda would be gotten rid-of? He had Hayden on once and it was disgusting. Hayden was trying to be incredibly objective and fair-minded in his analysis of liberals and conservatives, and Moyers argument was like, "But cons are evil and stupid, liberals are so much better! Stop being so fair to them, why can't you be a biased liberal like the rest of the academics!"

    3 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Is PBS so important we have to borrow money from China to pay for it?

    And for those of you saying "tax the rich", mind you that raising taxes to Clinton levels has been shown to not reduce the debt by any significant amount over the next ten years.

    13 AnswersPolitics9 years ago