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My future ?
Not really a question but it’s been on my mind lately and I have no one to vent to. I’m 26 and I have 3 more semesters left until I graduate with Bachelors in cyber security degree, I’m happy because it’s been a long ride but I I’m scared of what is going to happen after I grad. I feel like I didn’t learn enough about my major but I’m just starting my core classes so I guess that can be a factor. But I’m worried about that I might not be able to get a job in my field, worried I might not score high enough to pass my Security+ Cert. I’m just really worried about my future like what if I did all this for nothing ? People always tell me I’m too big to this soft spoken, worried about how will my interview will go. I have nobody so I can’t fail. I’m trying to network and reach out with others within my field and seek any advice I can. This is constantly on my mind and I’m getting closer to graduation and it’s killing me inside. I know the TECH field is broad and will always need people but being a black person in TECH is hard ( according to majority of the people I ask) I have a lot to talk about but I’ll end it here.
1 AnswerMental Health3 months agocan I graduate with 118 credits ?
After caculating my credits I came up to a total with 118 credits, I even asked my advisor about it and he don't know whhat to say. i.m waiting for a answer from my dean of students to see what he says but I thought I'd ask here and see what people have to say.
2 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education7 months agoBatteries in your carry one bag ?
I’m going Mexico and plan on carry my GoPro with one battery in it and two spare batteries. Also carrying my canon T7i with one battery in it and two spare. Would I be able to carry these in a carryon or its best to put them in my checked bag ? I’m asking because of the batteries. The go pro can go in the checked bag but I rather not.
1 AnswerPacking & Preparation1 year agoMaths in Cyber security? ?
Hello. I’m a cyber security major in college and I was wondering will use math when I get into the work field ? I plan on doing PenTesting. And I have to do algebra, pre call and physics and stats. Do we use any of these in the field ? I know they do use it for Cryptography. Also what are some other parts of cyber security, like other sub fields that uses minimal math
3 AnswersSecurity1 year agowhat does EFC mean in fafsa?
my EFC is 001792, what does this mean ?
will i get fafsa ? is that the amount of money I will receive ?
4 AnswersFinancial Aid2 years agowhen do you get back your refund check from your college ?
I have a balance of $6,501.00- only because my mom jobs pays for half my tuition. would I get back that money ? if so would I get back the full $6,501.00 or no ? and one more thing is that in the refund column there is $0.00 but the financial aid advisor said i should be getting a refund check but she doesn't know when. I attend barry university in miami shores and it says they take 2 weeks disburst
Financial Aid2 years agoI don’t know what to do anymore?
Why is it that every time something is going good in my life, something bad pop up ? I believe in god and I pray everyday. One side of me is thinking God is testing my faith and the other side is just like BLAHH.I’ve reach my point and idk what to do. I got accepted into a college and I’m very happy to go but last semester I had family in ashes going on which lead me to stop attending classes completely. Now that my gpa dropped, I think the college is going to rescind my letter, not sure because they didn’t say on the acceptance letter. I need to leave my Current household because it is toxic, I live with my dad, stepmom and their son..... I work 80+ Hours and go to school full time. I have no support whatsoever from no one. I’m tired and going away to college and dorm is literally my only way of getting out of this situation. I’ve reach my point and idk what to do. I have an over the phone meeting with a undergraduate admin advisor on Tuesday and I’m going to explain what happen on. If that does t work then that’s it for me
3 AnswersHigher Education (University +)2 years agoDorming at college at 25 years old?
I’ll be dorming at 25 and honestly I don’t know how to feel about it. I feel like I’m too old to be in college and to even be dorming because everybody there will mostly likely be way younger than me and then there’s me. sometimes I just wanna drop out of college and just look for a job but I only have two years left. I couldn’t start college right after high school and that’s like the ONE thing I regret, everybody I graduated HS with is already finished and there’s me. I had to work and stuff, I also traveled a lil. Life happens and I’m glad I only have two years left but I’m always feelings down about this
9 AnswersHigher Education (University +)2 years agoCan I run Linux and Kali Linux on Windows 10? I’m going to use VMWare as my virtual box?
Will my laptop to over heat ?? I bought a 6 fan cooling fan just Incase. Kali Linux and Linux will be used mostly for school
3 AnswersSoftware2 years agoI don’t feel hungry?
Now I’m 6’5 and weigh 240. After I eat breakfast I won’t or drink anything else for the day because I won’t get hungry. EX, yesterday for breakfast I ate a bowl of Frosted Flakes and that kept me full all day, I don’t know how and why. How can I fix this ?
2 AnswersDiet & Fitness2 years agoJoining the army at 25 yrs old?
Alright so I’m thinking about joining the army (Infantry) next year. I’m 6’4 and I turn 25 next year. I’m also graduating with a associate in CS. I was wondering, am I too tall for 11B? and can I join the infantry at 25? Is it a bad idea to join the army at this age ? Let along the infantry? With my height? Infantry is like a family tradition, my grandpa, dad, uncle and majority was in the army so it runs in the blood lol.
4 AnswersMilitary3 years agoWould you recommend a college class that meets once a week?
I'm looking at rearranging my schedule for the spring and I found an math class that meets once a week. Anyone have experience with 1x a week classes? and the weird thing is that the class is from 9am-9;50am, I thought it would be like 3 hrs long
2 AnswersHigher Education (University +)3 years agomajoring in computer science, but im bad at math?
I attend a CC and majoring in CS but I m not that good at math. I had a math class last semester and got a B+ but that s because I actually sat down and studied and stuff. I love computers so I don t see myself doing anything else. Everybody is telling me to change my major cause I Dont like math but Im willing to apply myself and learn and push thru it cause of my love for CS.. but I don t want to wait till it s too late and then end up having to switch major.. I don t know what to do
5 AnswersHigher Education (University +)4 years agoWhere and how to invest ?
Hey I'm 22 years old and I have $500 or $1200 to invest. I know it's not a lot but that's just what i saved up and it's just here in a shoe box. I don't really know how this investing stuff works but I'm currently learning. So what and where should I look into ? Or who should I talk to about it. I was planning on talking to a bank advisor but people where telling me no..
7 AnswersInvesting4 years agoInformation Security Analyst?
whats the entry level position for this career track ? how would someone advance ? and whats the difference between an entry level and a advanced position? what are the training required for this job ?
Im using the United stated department of labor for some of the info but I can t find some stuff. if you can answer those ques on top can you please give me a link please
2 AnswersLaw & Ethics4 years agostereotypes in white chicks ?
I need to write about three stereotypes in the movie white chicks. I posted a question yesterday about it but didn't get one. i can't watch it over, im at work and then school and by the time I get home it's 2am and then I got school at 7 again lol. I know one stereotypes is that they make it out to seem that
1: blonde woman are stupid
need two more please or 3 stereotypes form any movie
1 AnswerMovies4 years agowhat are the stereotypes in white chicks ?
I have to write and exemplification essay about that movie. I need 3 stereotypes from that movie and why are they harmful and untrue ?
4 AnswersMovies4 years agoIRS To Target Citizens Who Aren't Buying ObamaCare Insurance ?
I'm 22 and I'm still in college, I have 2 and a half yrs left. I just got an letter in the mail saying I have to purchased Obama care before jan 31st other wise there roll be a penalty. I don't know what to do. I leave for school tmr morning
3 AnswersPolitics4 years agogoing to college out of state?
im form NJ and im currently attending a CC and majoring in Computer IT. I would like to go to a college down in FL, doesn't really matter which one but it has to have my major which is Computer IT. i was looking at A&M in FL. I would also like to live there because I hate the cold. Im originally from AN Island, I came to america 4 years ago.. I know this might sound stupid but when you are going to college out of state what do you carry ? like after I by my ticket and fly to FL? I don't know anyone there so ovb i'll take a cab and have some of my stuff shipped to the college. what were your experiences like when/if you went out of state. Im 21 and i'll be 23 when i grad from my CC. or should I drive down there ? what are your thoughts
1 AnswerHigher Education (University +)5 years ago