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Best Beach read?!?
Whats the best beach read book youve ever read? any good author suggestions?
6 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade agoFL residents! beach-y city near lake buena vista?!?
I'm planning a relocation with my boyfriend. He wants a city close to the beach, with an exotic/tropical feel.. lots of night life, moye a resort hotel for career oppertunities. My dream has always been to work for Disney. As much as I would LOVE a beach city, we're going to have to comprimise. A short commute for us both is fine.. We just need some ideas? Anyone know of a great affordable city thats central to these things?! Thanks!
5 AnswersOrlando1 decade agoacer laptop - screwed up firewall?! need help!!?
I am currently on my grandmother laptop bc mine crashed.. and theres some kind of glich in the system. The firwall is clicked OFF but in the security center it still says ON.. no matter what I do to fix it. The only option is gives me to turn it off is through the firewall tab, but it definately says off there... the firwall is blocking all messengers and won't let my cell connect to download music. It wonlt let me download anything at all.. I need it OFF!! and yes, I've tried the exceptions tab.. nothing works. anyone know why??
1 AnswerSecurity1 decade agoanxiety and depression.. at 22..?
I am having extreme money problems, emotional problems, and past relationship problems. I am stressed like I have nver been stressed in my life. When I talk to people I do everything I can to hide it because I'm too embarrassed to admit that there are problems or that I'll look vulnerable and dumb. Plus, some problems are just plain too personal to even say outloud. Any advice on how to cheer up? or what to do to stop having to fake such a happy attitude? its all so horrible and I dont know where to turn. I'm just SICK of crying.
2 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago"job Shadow" for FOH manager upscale restaurant?
I have finished a second interview of aposition with the Melting Pot as the front of the house manager. I was asked if I would be interested in shadowing for a night to really get a feel for the position before they pick between the last 3 of us interviewing. I accepting - partly bc I just thought it would be fun - but now its the night before and I dont have a clue what to expect and I'm really really nervous! What do you think it would be like? Will they expect me to "do" anything??? I'm not an employee, but I know theyll want to see what I can do.... What do you think?!
2 AnswersFood Service1 decade agomoney or happiness? Advice please!?
So I'm stuck between perm. jobs right now [just working a temp job to pay the bills].. I had an AMAZING job offer for a cruise line, then was postponed after being told it was ok to leave my fulltime resort-hotel position... so where to go now? working somewhere I'm not happy is getting me WAY depressed... Something inside me is screaming to leave my lease and scounge the money to A) work on a ship.. or B) move 14hrs away to be at Disney...
Money won't necessarilly allow these things and I cant find the hook-ups to get to actually GET the job.. but What do I do? work somewhere I'm misreable just for the money??? or be brooooke pursuing my dream?!?
3 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 decade agoInterview tips?
I consider myself to be very motivated, mature, dedicated. I have a huge interview in the next couple of days, and am currently trying to get ready for it.. I'm having a hard time thinking about my weaknesses.. I guess my main issue would be that i have a hard time leaving "the office" when I get home. It's always on my mind... how do you all answer this question with a positive spin? Thanks!
1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment1 decade agoCredit card choices?
I am 22 and have immaculate credit. I am very responsible with my money, and on the payment I have had in the past, I have always paid over the minimum and before the due date. Recently, I have had a friend screw me out of a decent amount of money [that's what I get for trying to help out and be supportive] and bc of that I am severly hurting for money right now. I work 3 jobs, but the bills are all due soon. What I'm getting at is I need some advice as to which credit card would be the best for me to apply to. I dont know much about them, but maybe what rates to look for? should I go for a chase? or what? THANKS!
4 AnswersCredit1 decade agoHelp sleeping!?
My roommate cant sleep. He's very hesitant about taking pills, but due to his career, he has become accustomed to only sleeping while on a moving bus. While he's not on tour, he cannot get to sleep... basically spends days on end without sleeping. And now its geting to be a major issue. He's realized that drinking helps him fall asleep, but now wants to quite drinking [for the obvious its-a-bad-idea reasons.] Does anyone know a natural remedy for sleeping that actually WORKS?! Help us please!
4 AnswersOther - Health1 decade agoLicense to cater?
I am a certified pastry chef/baker with numberous sanitation certifications. I am looking to start some catering, but dont know the best way to go about it when I am very low on money as it is. I can do a lot of my baking in a restaurant and bakery I work in, they dont mind, but I didnt know if I needed a special license to actually sell my baked goods myself. Anyone know?
2 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade agolicense to cater?
I am a certified pastry chef/baker with numberous sanitation certifications. I am looking to start some catering, but dont know the best way to go about it when I am very low on money as it is. I can do a lot of my baking in a restaurant and bakery I work in, they dont mind, but I didnt know if I needed a special license to actually sell my baked goods myself. Anyone know?
1 AnswerSmall Business1 decade agoCatchy flyer ideas?
Give me your most clever catchy heading for a flyer advertising baked goods, catered parties, wedding cakes, etc. I'm a certified pastry chef/baker looking for sell some items and work some small events.
6 AnswersOther - Advertising & Marketing1 decade agoBaker looking for Ideas?
I am a certified pastry chef/baker and I am looking for some ideas to make extra money. I was wondering what type of advertising you all would trust and take seriously if you saw. Like.. A flyer in a neighborhood, something on craigslist, etc? I would love to cater some birthdays or dinner parties, but I dont know how to get a jump start and find some clients. Any ideas?
8 AnswersEntertaining1 decade agoCreative Money Making?
What is the most unique/creative thing you have ever done to make money?
6 AnswersPersonal Finance1 decade ago