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  • Am I freaking out over nothing?

    This girl i like told me one of her closer friends liked her in the first semester of the year, liked her enough to tell her. She now likes me and I like her in return, we're not sure where it's heading and we're trying to not make it too much of a big deal to refrain from hurting the other in a sudden relationship with someone other than each other. But the closeness between her and her friend bothers me sometimes...I do trust her, but sometimes i feel as if they have a connection she and I just haven't developed yet. Her close friend plays with her hair a lot and asks her to go places when i just want to be with her. It makes me feel jealous and i don't want to make it out like it's a bigger deal than it really is. Apparently her close friend doesn't like her that way anymore, but sometimes it seems opposite. I can approach her with my issue, but i feel as if it might be all mental with me. I don't want to freak her out or seem controlling, either.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Is a first kiss generally just a peck on the lips?

    I'm not entirely sure how to kiss...It sounds so damn stupid, i know.

    Do you press your lips to the other persons and suck kind of?

    I really am unsure, and i feel stupid as everyone around me seems to have far more experience than I do. How does one give a first kiss? :L

  • Sister made a self harming joke about me?

    I've been self harming for about 4 years now, my Sister was present when i told my Mother about it out of spite and recently my Sister made a joke about the fact i cut myself as my Mum was right next to her and she didn't defend me? Why is this obvious joke so over looked?

    3 AnswersMental Health8 years ago
  • What's it like having fans?

    If there are any remotely or slightly famous people on here or even if you're not famous at all

    What is it like to have a group of people adoring the majority of things you do for a living?

    Does it get annoying?

    There days fans seem like a rather important element to success, take Porcelain Black as an example. Thank you for all answers :)

    1 AnswerCelebrities8 years ago
  • Do you think artists make better lovers?

    Musicians, painters and drawers. Any of the arts.

    In your opinion, do you think that they make better significant others and lovers?

    Examples or explanations are preferred, but whatever you give is fine. ;3

    5 AnswersOther - Visual Arts8 years ago


    Why do people freak out when they think at the slightest chance they might be gay, or have a different orientation to what they presumed previously to this new discovery of themselves?

    I realized for certain the other day that i'm Bi. It scared me somewhat, but when i really thought about it nothing about liking both genders actually threatened me in anyway whatsoever. It truly is the same Love. Is it uncertainty that people fear most?

  • Ever fallen in love with someone because they're good at something?

    The title sounds rather shallow, but i mean more like, you enjoy that they're passionate about something and in that respect you enjoy what they can do. Be it sports, science, or even Art.

    Something that used to be little about their personality that just intrigues you to love their mind?

    Or am i some daft romantic of a human being? :3

    All opinions are appreciated.

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Do adults intentionally avoid using the term 'like like' so they don't sound childish? :')?

    Do they? Do they substitute it for 'find interest in' or the other assorted, more educated AND mature things to say, when they do in fact grow a fondness to someone else- OR, in other words...Like like that person? :'D

    1 AnswerSociology8 years ago
  • If I'm sixteen and almost 70kg...should i be cautious about my food intake?

    5'10'' 16 y/o and almost hitting the 70kg mark... I've been gaining for whatever reason these days.

    Getting kind of chubby but not too much...should i be worried about this? Is it hormones or completely my fault? I used to be around 62-64kg but lately it's just stuck with me.

    1 AnswerWomen's Health8 years ago
  • How does collaborating for songwriting work?

    When artists have to all of a sudden write with other people, does that create complication?

    Is it like a meeting where they gather around a table and brainstorm?

    Is it difficult for them when they don't see eye to eye with other lyricists and have arguments been triggered by difference of opinion?

    Do they have to spend time with other songwriters to get more of an idea of what they're like?

    I think I'm really goddamn lost hahahaha :'3 Any answers or information are/is valued.

    1 AnswerLyrics8 years ago
  • If i were to starve myself?

    Alright. i get starving yourself is a god awful idea and i do realize where that takes people, to hospital. Anorexia isn't a joke, but tell me this. I'm 5'10'', almost 70kg but not looking very big...if i were to starve myself for 6 weeks with light snacking and maybe small meals occasionally, how much weight would i drop?

    7 AnswersOther - Society & Culture8 years ago
  • Is it the people in Detroit that give it a bad name?

    I'm not saying everyone that lives there is a arsonist and murderer or whatever, I'm just wondering if it's really as dangerous as people have said it to be. Can Detroit come back to being the wealthy place it used to be back in the day? What I've read about Detroit makes it sound/ seem like everyone that lives there is living in fear- Which, of course, like everywhere, some people DO live in fear of their surroundings which is a shame. I really Admire Detroit, I just want to get a better idea of what happens there and what everyone is like.

    7 AnswersDetroit8 years ago
  • Have you ever met a woman with an incredibly high level of sex appeal?

    Basically, a feature that she seems to be effortless at doing, and no, I'm not talking about exotic dancers or prostitutes either. :) Just a woman, or girl you have met that seems to make you want to see what she's like in bed (if that for you isn't all women) Do you think that sort of seductress is possible to learn, or an experience vibe? She's powerful and knows what she wants.

    Turn you into putty sort of woman, if i hadn't made that the clearest description. :D

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Bisexual friend has an interest in me?


    Well, basically the above title explains all and we're both girls and I would usually be fine with it.

    But i'm really confused about my own sexuality, like for a whole year i thought i was asexual and nothing really got me wanting to be in a romantic relationship with someone and before that i have had both gender crushes. I have liked a total of 3 girls so far and she, i think, is included in that number. I want to be with her, but i don't know if i should, as I'm really confused about my sexuality and i don't want her to feel rejected by me not returning her affection. I love her as a friend and maybe even more, but i'm not sure if i'm really the type of person to fall 'In Love' with someone.

    I just want to be with her all the time but I'm not sure when it comes to kissing and romantic, sexual stuff. I just am corrupt in my head at the moment...What would be something smart to do right now as I'm lacking direction?

  • Would you rather be in Physical pain, rather than mental pain?

    like instead of being told you were fat and unattractive everyday, being told you were stupid and made to feel dark on the inside, you were hit and beat up some? Sometimes i think i would prefer being beaten.

    5 AnswersPsychology8 years ago
  • Is something like this supposed to effect me like it does?

    There was this guy in the year above me who used to catch my bus, he seemed interesting and i always wanted to talk to him and become friends, i always wanted to and went to tap him on the back but chickened out which resulted in me not ever talking to him. He committed suicide later on that year and I didn't know him on a personal level so i feel like it shouldn't make me sad, but it has. I miss his presence on the bus, i can't believe i never spoke to him when he was alive, maybe i could have helped him in some way. His absence is so large and vacant it suffocates me. Not just this situation, but if something happened to a peer of mine, like death or something like that, is it normal to feel uncomfortable and uneasy about it, depressed even. Is it normal?

    He was a familiar stranger...

    1 AnswerMental Health8 years ago
  • How do you actually know when you're crushing on someone?

    Does the thought of them automatically make you smile? They make you laugh and just beam whenever they're around? Makes you feel overwhelmed and giddy in a sort of way, you can't really feel with anyone else...Can you maybe list somethings for me to understand what other people feel when they're starting to find romantic interest in another? All is appreciated. :3

  • How does a counselor react? Will they tell my parents?

    How does a counselor react to a student who likes to light things on fire and graffiti public property?

    If i admitted to these 'crimes' or strange activities I've been participating in (i haven't lit a house fire or anything massive like that on fire...) Are they legally obligated to call my parents and tell them about my misbehavior? I know counselors are legally obligated to speak to parents when their child is having Suicidal tendencies and thoughts...and in some cases cutting is something large enough to tell parents about. If anyone has any information about the topic, or has experiences in telling a counselor about something like Pyromania, please tell me about it. :D

    Would something like this be a major thing to tell the counselor before i get a psych evaluation test?

    All answers are greatly appreciated.

    1 AnswerTeen & Preteen8 years ago

    Do Pyromaniacs get a rush from seeing something burn when they're in the presence of it, the feeling of the fire, how it works etc... Like it's a drug almost and lighting the fire is the release and the euphoria that comes with it is so addictive because it's destructive...Am i right or am i completely wrong?

    I think i am a bit of a Pyromaniac. But I'm not sure if i should ever call myself that

    2 AnswersPsychology8 years ago