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scrotie mcboogerballs
What to do about my black neighbors ?
I bought a big plasma tv and need to get it in my house without my black neighbors seeing it cause they will try to steal it they are always outside since they don't work all they do is sit on the porch and sell drugs and drink 40s and chuck and jive to their bumper lip music I just gotta find a way to get it in without being seen
8 AnswersOther - Society & Culture9 years agoSo i just bought a 46" plasma tv ?
My problem is I have black neighbors and they are constantly outside all day selling drugs and hanging can I get this thing out of my car and into my house with out them seeing it because once they see me bringing in the big box I know they are gonna try to steal u think if I have my wife walk up and down the street carrying a watermelon that this would be enough of a distraction or should open up a bucket of KFC at the end of the block do u think the smell will draw them away down the street so I can quickly get it in the door
1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture9 years agoWould i get away with these traffic violations ?
I recently went to south Miami and noticed all the street signs in certian areas were all in Spanish if I were to run stop signs and speed and make illegal turns or illegally park and use the fact for my defense that's its America and the national language is English and I did not under stand the signs
3 AnswersLaw & Ethics9 years agoWhy cant blacks get over slavery already ?
It was over 150 years ago and they live a much better life here than the would have if they were all still in Africa plus its not like we went over there and stole them our selves they were sold to us by their own people.over 5 million Jews died in the holocaust that was only 60 yrs ago and they don't hold it against everyone every chance they get and throughout history at one point every race has been enslaved at one time or another.I am not a racist I am just asking a simple question out of curiousity
10 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups9 years agoNeed help what would be considered a hostile work place and can i be fired for complaining ?
I'm a asst manager at a corporate retail store and our new district manager is pretty bad.she basically forced my boss to quit due to being given 30 days notice of inadequate performance even though sales are down everywhere and because the added stress was causing health problems he quit before he was fired he worked for the company for over 30yrs.when he resigned he wrote a letter basically throwing her under the bus and complaining about her management and since I have worked with him for 5 years we became real good friends and now I think this lady is out to get me and is coming down on me hard and trying to find a reason to fire me because she could have possibly gotten in trouble.I do what I am told I'm never late or have been written up I usually am in the top of my district for sales and was in the 10% for the company and always do everything the way I'm supposed to.the big problem now is during a conference call with 10 other store managers she said in an evil voice"I know some people are talking bad about me and my family,you all better watch your backs cause I will find out who and you will be dealt with" and also "you better not call corporate and complain cause I will find out who you are and you will be dealt with" so basically if I tell on her I will either be fired or who knows what else she will do and unemployment is very high here so I can't afford to get fired or have to risk being denied unemployment.none of the other managers like her but they are all scared of her and lately I have been goin home crying cause every day I'm afraid of being fired or set up to be fired.what can I do can I be fired for filing a complaint I live in south Florida and its a right to work state
5 AnswersLaw & Ethics9 years agoHow is obama ahead in the polls ?
It seems everywhere I go and everyone I talk to seems to highly dislike Obama and disapprove of his job but somehow he seems to be ahead in the polls do they just take the surveys in liberal areas or something cause I'm stumped and have only met a few people that would actually vote for him
13 AnswersElections9 years agoIs red jacket firearms just a bunch of bs?
I was watching the finale on my dvr and started to think how much of a joke it was.why would rifle dynamics call red jacket to build a gun for them to show to the govt when I'm pretty sure they could have done it them selves and why would the govt have a small shop build a gun with off the shelf parts from other manifacturers when there are plenty of other companies that already make production gas piston m4 models like dpms,stag,pof,even Sig sauer what they did there is nothing special about and just about every other project they do is either stupid or 2 or more guns jerry rigged together that's just my $.02 it seems like a legitimate gun store but I don't think they do anything special,am I right or am I wrong
9 AnswersHunting9 years agoKeep my ruger lcp or......?
Thinkin on selling my lcp and goin with the Sig 238(mini 1911) I have shot both and can't decide its a carry gun and I usually don't keep it chambered so the ****** and locked is no big deal just can't decide I like the light weight and how the lcp is skinnier and the edges are rounded and smoother but love the 1911 and the beauty of the styling and design and the single action only what would you guys do
3 AnswersHunting9 years agoIs a company making me while on lunch allowed ?
So I work for a corporation doing retail sales and the new district manager is a total evil wench she is pretty much someone u can't get on her badside or u will get fired and it already happened to a manager that went over her head and complained about her changes she was making that were against company policy but my main problem is when I work a 6 or more hour day I am required to take a half hour lunch break but I end up working a lot of days alone and I am required to take a lunch break but since I am the only one working I will get fired if I were to lock up the store to take my break and while on my lunch I am expected to answer phones and help customers if one were to come walking in and I have many days when I have to pay good money to have food delivered since I can't leave and watch it sit and get cold while I get stuck working cause a customer came in while off the clock my main concern is tomorrow I am not going to clock out for lunch and when this evil lady calls what do I do and what if I get fired over this cause I can't afford to get fired and unemployment won't cover the bills and what if I get denied unemployment I live in Florida and the laws vary between states and its very difficult finding a diff job so I wanna be sure if I am fired I am gonna be in a good position I am a good employee with a excellent sales record never late and never been in any trouble
1 AnswerLaw & Legal10 years agoWaverunner sparkplug ques?
Its my first watercraft its a 99 gp800 2 stroke powervalve motor all stock I'm just wondering how often I will need to change the plugs do these motors eat through them more often how many hrs should I replace them after
1 AnswerBoats & Boating10 years agoHow do I eliminate that stupid squirter on the back of my waverunner?
Its a 99 gp800 waverunner the hose was removed but still has the nipple open at the pump can I ust jb weld it to plug it or do I have to buy a part looked all over online and can't find any info
2 AnswersBoats & Boating10 years agoWaverunner jet pump ques need help?
I have a 99 gp800 yamaha and it used to have that stream that shoots out the back into the air my ques is the guy I got it from eliminated it by just removing the hose I like it better without it too the prob is that the nipple is still open and points out the rear to the right side and I think this is makin it wanna slightly pull left at top speed can I just fill the hole with jb weld and make sure its smooth on the inside I'm pretty sure it being open prob slows it down anyway
1 AnswerEngineering10 years agoConverting waverunner to premix have a few ques ?
Do I need to change the jetting and what should I change it to and what do I mix it to I think at wide open throttle its 32:1 its a 99 gp800 yamaha what's the best way to get the first properly I was thinkin of turnin fuel off and runnin out the fuel and it has 1/4 tank and holds 13.6gal so ill dump the 56oz of oil in and then filling it up and either drivin over a bumpy road to help mix it or droppin an air hose in the tank blowin 10psi of air to mix it upthen fire it up will that work my main concern is what to do about the jetting
1 AnswerBoats & Boating10 years agoNeed to modify my ac but need an expert opinion?
I have a 02 sonoma 4.3v6 and I will be removing my clutch fan and instattlin a dual fan setup my question is since the clutch fan will be gone I will need to have the secondary ac fan configured to come on when needed my ques is that I'm unsure of what switch to use and where to put it I will need to have the line modified for one I don't wanna run the fan relay off the compressor because that would make the fan come on when ever the compressor is on and that is not needed when the vehicle is in motion and is just gonna wear out the fan motor faster and is an unnecessary draw on the electerical system so my main question is what switch should I use I imagine it'll be a 2 wire grounded on one side to use a negative to open the fan relay and engage the fan and ill cut the bung off for the switch off a line at the junkyard and have it tig welded to my line and where should I put it I imagine it will be on the high side since the high pressure getting too high is what will cycle it on and off I use my ac a lot so I want it to function properly I have guages so I can leave the car running for a while to make sure the pressures are proper and to make sure if the ac needs both fans to cool properly so I got that fig out just really need to know hoe to get the ac fan to cycle like it needs to
1 AnswerMaintenance & Repairs10 years agoWhat would cause my truck to take forever to start?
On my 02 s10 when I first start it up it takes up to 15 second to start I put a fuel pressure guage on it when I turn ignitoin on it goes to 60psi when running it slightly bounces around 52psi and when I shut it off the guage falls to 0psi fairly quickly and will not hold pressure in the system it has the cpi fuel system with the spider
4 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs10 years agoWhat's a good sounding muffler for a tpi 305?
I got a 89 305 iroc-z tuned port motor in my 83 silverado c10 lookin for something quiet with a nice subtle rumble when cruisin but I want a good tough sound when I step on it
2 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs10 years ago02 s10 4.3 starter issue?
I replaced my factory starter with a reman one and it seems to be louder and a lil bit rougher it almost seems like the starter gear to flywheel gears might be meshed a little too tight is it possible the rebuilder resurfaced the mating area where it sits on the motor and took too much off causing it to mesh too tight I know some starters require shims but I haven't seen this in years do u think this might be the problem and ii just need to shim it
1 AnswerChevrolet10 years ago02 s10 always getting stuck off road need tire recommendations?
Its a 2wd s10 with sport susp and factory 16x8 wheels zq8 option code my problem is the truck easily gets stuck on anything that isn't pavement something as stupid as wet grass or hard pack sand or dirt and both tires just dig and I go nowhere the factory size is 235 55 16 and I think that size looks perfect and would like to stay as close as possible to that and the main prob is every tire that size are perf tires and basically useless on a light truck .I'm not trying to go extreme off roading I live in florida and like to drive on the beach(hard packed sand)and I'm also scared about not gettin traction on the boat ramp when I use my jetski or if I pull over on the side of the highway in the grass I will be able to get out of the grass its got a locker in it but all that does is dig both tires getting me stuck even worse and it seems like I'm the only one that gets stuck while plenty of hondas that sit a lot lower than me just drive right by with ease only tire I can find is the nokian w3 which is offered in a 225 55 16 which is close enough but I can't afford $169 each and a winter tire aint easy to find or needed in florida I also thought about seein if a retreader can retread a 55 series tire with a more agressive pattern bu retreads are kinda dangerous lookin for a cost effective solution
3 AnswersChevrolet10 years ago02 s10 won't hold fuel pressure ?
I have a 02 s10 4.3 v6 and my prob is when the truck sits either overnight or for a few hours it takes forever to start I checked the service port for the fuel and its got no pressure at all after sitting and if I hold the key to run position before starting for a few seconds it'll build up pressure and when I crank it starts right up my ques where would this check valve gadget that keeps pressure in the line be located I know they stll the fuel pump parts only as a whole. Which comes with all this plastic crap for $500 and I aint got that kind of money to spend is there a universal valve I can add in along the fuel line right at the pump or is it built into the pump itself I'd rather just fix this valve since the guage unit its built into works fine
1 AnswerChevrolet10 years ago