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Ryan, 26, North Carolina, USA

  • Removing a mobile home.?

    My wife and I recently purchased a home with around 3 acres of land. At the lower end of the property there is a mobile home we believe to have been placed there in the early 70's. It's in bad shape and is an eye sore basically in our yard. We are trying to decide the best route to go as far as removal is concerned.

    Would a so called "scrapper" be willing to do the job if he was given the rights to any metal recovered? We have a dumpster on the property that can be used and if absolutely necessary have a small assortment of tools.(Hammers, pry bars, saws, etc.)

    Would it be possible and or profitable to just do it myself? I have never recycled metal but believe some of the piping to be copper, the outside is entirely aluminum siding and there are possibly other valuable metals inside. I believe some sweat and time could get most of the job done but the frame itself and brick foundation are my main concerns. Also I believe the unit has a separate septic tank/system and am concerned with how to cap this.

    4 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)7 years ago
  • 1998 Civic Rough Idle, Acceleration?

    My wife recently bough a 1998 Honda Civic LX. Automatic, with around 150k miles.

    The car has been running fine for the past 2500 miles since we bought it but last night it started bogging down and eventually died on my wife and would not restart. I had the car towed back home and started working on it today.

    I checked the plugs and they were done. The electrodes were worn down to nothing. I replaced the plugs and the car started right up. However now the car has a slight, random miss when it idles and seems to bog down or stutter upon acceleration. The car will idle fine for a few minutes but when it starts to warm up the miss shows up. Just every so often you will hear the engine miss. It also seems sluggish and stutters when accelerating from a stop. Once the car begins to gain speed the miss disappears.

    I checked the wires, distributor cap, air filter, etc. I am getting fuel at the rail. No Check Engine Light.

    I am guessing it could possibly be an 02 sensor, bad egr valve, or something similar. Just wondering if anyone else had any ideas or similar experiences.

    1 AnswerMaintenance & Repairs7 years ago
  • Do you think not tipping a waitress is a good way to get "justice"?

    Is not tipping a server depending on these tips to make it up to minimum wage a good way to get justice? Who are the "we" these folks were referring to? How do they know the server was not equally upset by the outcome? For people who were so attentive to the trial and events how could they not know the correct spelling despite it being pasted on every paper and television station.

    4 AnswersOther - Politics & Government8 years ago
  • Is this fair and equal?

    I had my hours cut to part time after 7 years of 40+ hour work weeks thanks to Obamacare. Instead of covering people the company did what many are doing and cut hours to part time for the majority of employees. They had to hire a few new part time employees to cover the hours but they get a tax credit for the new hires. Thanks to this I had to get a second job in the evenings delivering pizza. I really love taking orders to people who are living in Section 8 apartments and have a food stamp card in the middle of a wad of cash when they get ready to pay. So let me get this straight, these people can afford overpriced pizza and two liters but cant afford rent or groceries and need my tax dollars to make it? While Im working two jobs and paying these peoples rent or grocery bill they can somehow afford to sit at home? Someone please explain how this is fair and equal.

    5 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Kentucky the College Basketball Capitol?

    I saw on a blog that shall remain nameless Kentucky is the capital of College Basketball. With all due respect to Kentucky and Louisville they seem to have forgotten about a place called Tobacco Road. Carolina, Jordan, Worthy, Dean Smith. Duke, Coach K, Laettner, Hurley. NC State and Jimmy V. I would have to say North Carolina is the College Bball capital.

    4 AnswersBasketball8 years ago
  • Raleigh VS Charlotte?

    Can someone please tell me why state leaders in Raleigh insist on hurting and taking from Charlotte at every turn?

    Raleigh refuses to help Charlotte keep the Panthers through stadium upgrades and renovations but wants to take the 12 billion dollar charlotte airport and transfer it to a state run authority? Why so much is spent on roads in the eastern part of the state with less population and roads in Charlotte Metro are in horrible condition and incomplete? Is it just the fact that Triad natives hate that Charlotte is more successful despite not being the capitol.

    1 AnswerOther - Local Businesses8 years ago
  • Is this what Obama considers wise?

    The leading candidate to replace Lahood as transportation secretary is Charlotte mayor Anthony Foxx. The same Mayor Foxx that allowed the state of North Carolina to convert the Charlotte Douglas airport from a city owned airport to a state controlled regional authority.

    6 AnswersElections8 years ago
  • How can I be charged with a crime in this?!?

    My daughter and I were stopped at a red light at a busy intersection. There were 3 young guys behind us, as soon as the light went green they honked the horn, I couldnt move until the car in front of me did, they honk again and I can see them with arms waving out the windows. We get moving and get to the next light, as soon as we stop they honk again. Now I admit the next move wasnt smart on my part but I gave them the finger. Apparently the harassment on their end is ok but my finger crossed the line, two of the guys came to my window and the front of the car trying to get me out of the car to fight, I wouldnt budge, and at this point they bang my hood and window a few times and head back to the car, I saw one guy reach in and grab something, they come back and I see the one has a hammer and is headed towards my window. With traffic in front and around me I was unable to move and my daughter is in the backseat. I grabbed my gun, a s&w bodyguard and level it at hammer man, he continues his rants but goes back to the car. A few cars get between us and traffic starts moving. As I turn into my neighborhood I get pulled over and at gunpoint asked to step out of the car. After confirming I was legally armed and being told my side the officer asks if I can call my wife to pick up my daughter because im being arrested. I am now charged with assault by pointing a gun and had a 10k bond set. Im shocked this is happening. Im 28 and have an immaculate record, can I really be charged with this? I have pressed charges for injury to personal property against the man in question.

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • Will my computer run iRacing?

    Intel i3 2120

    1 TB hard drive

    6 GB RAM

    2 gb geforce 610 video card

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • Computer Gaming Questions?

    I want to purchase a setup for iRacing. What are my options for a pc to run it? Would a pre built gaming pc ordered online be best or should I try to get a local shop to build my own? Could I possibly buy an older desktop and upgrade it? This machine will be used for iRacing only and I dont need to max the game out but I would like it to run smoothly.

    2 AnswersDesktops8 years ago
  • Would you say police work in the US has become a for profit industry?

    Let me give an example. Over 70% of all crimes prosecuted in my state are non violent misdemeanor offenses. So it goes like this.

    The cops bust a guy for breaking and entering. Obviously he doesnt have any money because hes resorted to burglary. He waits in jail for trial. Fed and housed on the state or county. Then the officer has to spend half his day in court for the case, the state has to provide an attorney, and of course pay the judge, bailiff, stenographer, etc. wages. The guys gets sentenced and goes to prison where hes fed and housed on the state again.

    Now lets say the cops bust a 20 year old frat kid for underaged drinking. The parents are going to pay for bail, they are going to hire an attorney, they are going to pay fines and court costs, they are going pay supervision fees for probation and they are going to pay for a court ordered alcohol treatment plan. Its a win for everyone. This being said is this the reason that we see so many minor offenders prosecuted and continue to see violent crime rise?

    2 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police8 years ago
  • What do you make of N.Korea?

    What do you think of the announcement that they are working towards the ability to launch an all out nuclear attack on the U.S. or the statement that the U.S. is the sworn enemy of the Korean people? Is this grounds for an invasion? How will this affect current attitudes towards Korean immigrants in the U.S.? If we are the sworn enemy of the Korean people should I be going out to find and beat Koreans?

    4 AnswersMilitary8 years ago
  • Employee Rights Question?

    My little brother has been delivering Chinese food for a local dive for over a year. He was telling me how much he gets paid and I believe he may have grounds for a lawsuit. He works four twelve hour shifts per week for a daily flat rate of 50.57. He is given 1.35 per delivery. He uses his car, pays for gas and insurance. He is not taxed and receives no overtime. He is paid cash daily. He says the 1.35 covers gas and nothing else. Out of 34 deliveries he earned ten dollars in tips yesterday which is average. Hes barely paying his bills and if he loses his job there is no last check or unemployment. Is this grounds for suit? They pay him as an independent contractor but treat him as an employee.

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • Should anyone receiving public housing be able to own a pet.?

    If you cant afford rent how can you afford to feed a pit bull?

    2 AnswersOther - Politics & Government9 years ago
  • Is this how Obama is helping the middle class?

    I make or should say made around 42k a year working 40 hours/wk for a coffee distributor. Under Obamacare the company must cover anyone averaging more than 30 hours per week. Instead of taking a financial hit they simply hired several new people and cut everyone down to 27 or 28 hours per week. To make up for lost income im now working a second job delivering pizza, the public housing apartments are close by and they order ALOT of food and hardly ever tip so im stuck delivering and getting stiffed by the same people my tax dollars are housing, feeding, etc. So while Im stuck at work day and night away from my family these idiots are sitting in their government apartment spending their welfare checks on pizza and wings. Liberals wanna say its the company blah blah blah but get real, a company is founded for profit, not to be a great employer.

    8 AnswersOther - Politics & Government9 years ago
  • How to report welfare fraud?

    Is there a way to report it when you see fraud or misuse of government benefits?

    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics9 years ago
  • Where will the line be drawn on gay marriage?

    If I love a goat can I marry the goat. The goat loves me too, were in love so that makes it ok right? If I cant marry my goat isnt that discrimination? Shouldnt my goat be entitled to vet care since were married?

    What about a child? Its ok if the kid loves me right?

    When do you say enough is enough?

  • Thanks alot Obama for cutting my hours!?

    So my company found a good way to avoid providing coverage under Obamacare. It seems you only have to provide coverage to those who average 30 or more hours a week. The company found an ingenius way to get around this, they brought in a few new employees and cut everyones hours to below 30. So instead of the 35 or 40 hours a week I was getting Im not getting 28. Not only that but the company will receive a tax credit for the new employees they brought in. Great. This president is really doing wonders for my life.

    6 AnswersGovernment9 years ago
  • Is this what fair and equal means?

    I live in a suburb of Charlotte, North Carolina. I was looking through some online reports from my town and came across these numbers that show the breakdown of public housing and section 8 vouchers. 424 people live in 174 public housing units. Out of these residents 5 are hispanic, 31 are white and 388 are african american. They offer 534 housing vouchers which serve 1,482 people. Of the 1,482 there are 27 hispanics, 130 whites, and 1,316 african americans. The budget for both of these programs together is over 24,000,000 dollars. Should these units not be used equally? Is this racism? There are long waiting lines for both programs. The property taxes I pay go towards these programs, I feel like there is abuse going on here. You ride by these homes and see new cars, people outside during working hours. Its just sickening. I work and pay taxes to provide someone else with a lifestyle. The job market is the same for everyone. Heres the link, these numbers come straight from the housing department.

    4 AnswersOther - Politics & Government9 years ago
  • What does this election mean for the white race?

    What does this election mean for the white race.

    9 AnswersElections9 years ago